Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. gloria


    Only on the wildife you are trying to see off Lottie. ;)
    Only on the wildife you are trying to see off Lottie. ;)
    Only on the wildife you are trying to see off Lottie. ;)
    Only on the wildife you are trying to see off Lottie. ;)
  2. Gillypetunia

    Slug pellets & pets

    Also a little sprinkle with table salt works a treat and quite rapid too.
    Also a little sprinkle with table salt works a treat and quite rapid too.
    Also a little sprinkle with table salt works a treat and quite rapid too.
    Also a little sprinkle with table salt works a treat and quite rapid too.
  3. roders

    Cuckoo Spit..

    Well, I for one have learnt loads today from you lot. Good job I'm at work or I wouldn't have the time to read all this. Keep 'em coming folks!
    Well, I for one have learnt loads today from you lot. Good job I'm at work or I wouldn't have the time to read all this. Keep 'em coming folks!
    Well, I for one have learnt loads today from you lot. Good job I'm at work or I wouldn't have the time to read all this. Keep 'em coming folks!
    Well, I for one have learnt loads today from you lot. Good job I'm at work or I wouldn't have the time to read all this. Keep 'em coming folks!
  4. Tam


    Thanks for your help..... busy little souls those ants...strange how they like some places better than others...thanks again.
    Thanks for your help..... busy little souls those ants...strange how they like some places better than others...thanks again.
    Thanks for your help..... busy little souls those ants...strange how they like some places better than others...thanks again.
    Thanks for your help..... busy little souls those ants...strange how they like some places better than others...thanks again.
  5. Becky24

    Advice needed Maggots in my bean plants

    Well I am fortunate in that I have never come across this problem of Becky's. I just looked up in the books I had and that was the only thing I could find. At least it is a useful way of using fags.
    Well I am fortunate in that I have never come across this problem of Becky's. I just looked up in the books I had and that was the only thing I could find. At least it is a useful way of using fags.
    Well I am fortunate in that I have never come across this problem of Becky's. I just looked up in the books I had and that was the only thing I could find. At least it is a useful way of using fags.
    Well I am fortunate in that I have never come across this problem of Becky's. I just looked up in the books I had and that was the only thing I could find. At least it is a useful way of using fags.
  6. Dorsetmike

    Deformed buds, any ideas of cause?

    I hope I am wrong but It looks like Rose Rosette,If It is they have to be destroyed as any other Roses will suffer the same fate.Or the other possibility is It could be Thrips which can suck the...
    I hope I am wrong but It looks like Rose Rosette,If It is they have to be destroyed as any other Roses will suffer the same fate.Or the other possibility is It could be Thrips which can suck the sap from the inside of the buds.Maybe someone else will have a different Idea .Hope this Is some help.
    I hope I am wrong but It looks like Rose Rosette,If It is they have to be destroyed as any other Roses will suffer the same fate.Or the other possibility is It could be Thrips which can suck the sap from the inside of the buds.Maybe someone else...
    I hope I am wrong but It looks like Rose Rosette,If It is they have to be destroyed as any other Roses will suffer the same fate.Or the other possibility is It could be Thrips which can suck the...
  7. pip

    Vine weevil grubs.

    Aren't they laying late summer as well? I found one single infestation last autumn. The deterrent only lasts 3 months and I had to water with a vine weevil killer. With primulas you think all the...
    Aren't they laying late summer as well? I found one single infestation last autumn. The deterrent only lasts 3 months and I had to water with a vine weevil killer. With primulas you think all the plants in pots are fine until you notice one wilts a bit earlier than the others. When you tug it it...
    Aren't they laying late summer as well? I found one single infestation last autumn. The deterrent only lasts 3 months and I had to water with a vine weevil killer. With primulas you think all the plants in pots are fine until you notice one wilts...
    Aren't they laying late summer as well? I found one single infestation last autumn. The deterrent only lasts 3 months and I had to water with a vine weevil killer. With primulas you think all the...
  8. gerkin50

    caterpillars on apple tree

    Looks like sawfly caterpillar, you can spray with a organic pesticide like liquid derris, if your tree is small take them off by hand and use those size nines of yours,prevention is better than...
    Looks like sawfly caterpillar, you can spray with a organic pesticide like liquid derris, if your tree is small take them off by hand and use those size nines of yours,prevention is better than cure treat fruit trees in winter/spring before the buds break with a winter wash you can no longer use...
    Looks like sawfly caterpillar, you can spray with a organic pesticide like liquid derris, if your tree is small take them off by hand and use those size nines of yours,prevention is better than cure treat fruit trees in winter/spring before the...
    Looks like sawfly caterpillar, you can spray with a organic pesticide like liquid derris, if your tree is small take them off by hand and use those size nines of yours,prevention is better than...
  9. Gem and Al

    Re: March of the...the phantom perists, please give us more help!

    Try copper circles, wire, or mats. These should keep any slugs out, then if your plants are still being eaten you can assume it's mice. As dai says you don't often see slugs in day time- put a...
    Try copper circles, wire, or mats. These should keep any slugs out, then if your plants are still being eaten you can assume it's mice. As dai says you don't often see slugs in day time- put a little shallow container upside down next to your plant, and upend it in the morning- you'll usually...
    Try copper circles, wire, or mats. These should keep any slugs out, then if your plants are still being eaten you can assume it's mice. As dai says you don't often see slugs in day time- put a little shallow container upside down next to your...
    Try copper circles, wire, or mats. These should keep any slugs out, then if your plants are still being eaten you can assume it's mice. As dai says you don't often see slugs in day time- put a...
  10. sharon

    Marks on spinach

    mine are more blobs, i just pull the affected leaves off and am pulling loads off to eat as it grows. Not sure how long the leaves will keep coming if i do this but there are loads on there today...
    mine are more blobs, i just pull the affected leaves off and am pulling loads off to eat as it grows. Not sure how long the leaves will keep coming if i do this but there are loads on there today again, so will continue as long as possible. I dont even know what a fully grown spinach looks like....
    mine are more blobs, i just pull the affected leaves off and am pulling loads off to eat as it grows. Not sure how long the leaves will keep coming if i do this but there are loads on there today again, so will continue as long as possible. I...
    mine are more blobs, i just pull the affected leaves off and am pulling loads off to eat as it grows. Not sure how long the leaves will keep coming if i do this but there are loads on there today...
  11. awizzbang

    leaves going yellow

    Mine bizzy lizzies are better and nice and green again. They are in full sun for a lot of the day but are not seeming to mind
    Mine bizzy lizzies are better and nice and green again. They are in full sun for a lot of the day but are not seeming to mind
    Mine bizzy lizzies are better and nice and green again. They are in full sun for a lot of the day but are not seeming to mind
    Mine bizzy lizzies are better and nice and green again. They are in full sun for a lot of the day but are not seeming to mind
  12. Sunshine2

    Verbascum's floppy leaves

    They might. I think some of the smaller Verbascums, like the ones i sowed, might flower first year if sown early.
    They might. I think some of the smaller Verbascums, like the ones i sowed, might flower first year if sown early.
    They might. I think some of the smaller Verbascums, like the ones i sowed, might flower first year if sown early.
    They might. I think some of the smaller Verbascums, like the ones i sowed, might flower first year if sown early.
  13. RYDALL

    Black Bamboo damage

    can anyone advise how many petunias to put into a windowbox 22cm by 58cm? Help will be most appreciated
    can anyone advise how many petunias to put into a windowbox 22cm by 58cm? Help will be most appreciated
    can anyone advise how many petunias to put into a windowbox 22cm by 58cm? Help will be most appreciated
    can anyone advise how many petunias to put into a windowbox 22cm by 58cm? Help will be most appreciated
  14. pip

    Verbena blackspot

    Spotted these blackspots on one of my verbenas today.The plant is one of 10 from the same tray,the others are not affected in any way.Any ideas as to what it is and a possible cause?
    Spotted these blackspots on one of my verbenas today.The plant is one of 10 from the same tray,the others are not affected in any way.Any ideas as to what it is and a possible cause?
    Spotted these blackspots on one of my verbenas today.The plant is one of 10 from the same tray,the others are not affected in any way.Any ideas as to what it is and a possible cause?
    Spotted these blackspots on one of my verbenas today.The plant is one of 10 from the same tray,the others are not affected in any way.Any ideas as to what it is and a possible cause?
  15. Sunshine2

    Red ants-Ouch

    Thanks for that info. I will try the Boric Acid and Icing sugar trick, as it seems the best for our lawn. I presum I get Boris Acid in Chemist.But if not, then some of the other ideas in that...
    Thanks for that info. I will try the Boric Acid and Icing sugar trick, as it seems the best for our lawn. I presum I get Boris Acid in Chemist.But if not, then some of the other ideas in that website may work for us. Thanks again
    Thanks for that info. I will try the Boric Acid and Icing sugar trick, as it seems the best for our lawn. I presum I get Boris Acid in Chemist.But if not, then some of the other ideas in that website may work for us. Thanks again
    Thanks for that info. I will try the Boric Acid and Icing sugar trick, as it seems the best for our lawn. I presum I get Boris Acid in Chemist.But if not, then some of the other ideas in that...
  16. lynne

    Peach leaf curl

    Then I dont think there is much you can do other than spray with a systemic fungicide and remove all affected leaves. Its never killed my trees and its not always as bad the following year, even...
    Then I dont think there is much you can do other than spray with a systemic fungicide and remove all affected leaves. Its never killed my trees and its not always as bad the following year, even though I dont spray against it, I find mildew the worst fungus on peaches. Dont think I would use...
    Then I dont think there is much you can do other than spray with a systemic fungicide and remove all affected leaves. Its never killed my trees and its not always as bad the following year, even though I dont spray against it, I find mildew the...
    Then I dont think there is much you can do other than spray with a systemic fungicide and remove all affected leaves. Its never killed my trees and its not always as bad the following year, even...
  17. RYDALL

    Pear leaf curling

    Thanks David. I will have a look tomorrrow.
    Thanks David. I will have a look tomorrrow.
    Thanks David. I will have a look tomorrrow.
    Thanks David. I will have a look tomorrrow.
  18. grubby mitts

    blight perhaps?

    Hi Grubby. I think it is too early for blight so is probably a form of blackspot, but the way our growing conditions are changing who knows? David.
    Hi Grubby. I think it is too early for blight so is probably a form of blackspot, but the way our growing conditions are changing who knows? David.
    Hi Grubby. I think it is too early for blight so is probably a form of blackspot, but the way our growing conditions are changing who knows? David.
    Hi Grubby. I think it is too early for blight so is probably a form of blackspot, but the way our growing conditions are changing who knows? David.
  19. Dorsetmike

    Yellow flies and the caterpillars that follow

    Hi, today I found the first few of theseThis is what they did to a rose last yearwhen the caterpillars have had enough they drop to the ground and pupate until next yearUsual bug...
    Hi, today I found the first few of theseThis is what they did to a rose last yearwhen the caterpillars have had enough they drop to the ground and pupate until next yearUsual bug killers seem to work but I squashed the flies as well just in case.Cheers MIKE
    Hi, today I found the first few of theseThis is what they did to a rose last yearwhen the caterpillars have had enough they drop to the ground and pupate until next yearUsual bug killers seem to work but I squashed the flies as...
    Hi, today I found the first few of theseThis is what they did to a rose last yearwhen the caterpillars have had enough they drop to the ground and pupate until next yearUsual bug...
  20. Sunshine2

    Lack of leaves

    In my experience some Cherry Trees suffer a little transplant shock and grow a little sparse the first few years (not all, but some do). I say give it a little time.
    In my experience some Cherry Trees suffer a little transplant shock and grow a little sparse the first few years (not all, but some do). I say give it a little time.
    In my experience some Cherry Trees suffer a little transplant shock and grow a little sparse the first few years (not all, but some do). I say give it a little time.
    In my experience some Cherry Trees suffer a little transplant shock and grow a little sparse the first few years (not all, but some do). I say give it a little time.

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