Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. windy miller

    Fed up

    I'm buying the pellets in bigger boxes, now the rain's gone they will get a treat tonight .... not. Cheers MIKE
    I'm buying the pellets in bigger boxes, now the rain's gone they will get a treat tonight .... not. Cheers MIKE
    I'm buying the pellets in bigger boxes, now the rain's gone they will get a treat tonight .... not. Cheers MIKE
    I'm buying the pellets in bigger boxes, now the rain's gone they will get a treat tonight .... not. Cheers MIKE
  2. Essexgardens

    Copper anti-slug tape

    I haven't got a Wilkinsons handy any more! :(
    I haven't got a Wilkinsons handy any more! :(
    I haven't got a Wilkinsons handy any more! :(
    I haven't got a Wilkinsons handy any more! :(
  3. paul walker

    snails & slugs

    ...garlic flavoured ones too!...
    ...garlic flavoured ones too!...
    ...garlic flavoured ones too!...
    ...garlic flavoured ones too!...
  4. linlin


    Hi linlin. Flies don't live in nests. What tree was it? I've noticed that flies seem to like Laurel for some obscure reason. All the best
    Hi linlin. Flies don't live in nests. What tree was it? I've noticed that flies seem to like Laurel for some obscure reason. All the best
    Hi linlin. Flies don't live in nests. What tree was it? I've noticed that flies seem to like Laurel for some obscure reason. All the best
    Hi linlin. Flies don't live in nests. What tree was it? I've noticed that flies seem to like Laurel for some obscure reason. All the best
  5. Stokesy

    Black fly ARRRRRR

    thankyou shall give it ago
    thankyou shall give it ago
    thankyou shall give it ago
    thankyou shall give it ago
  6. johnbinkley


    Hi, Gardening Which? answered a similar question recently by first recommending the squash 'em method, followed by sprays with bifenthrin, fatty acids or pyrethrum, but they only kill the ones...
    Hi, Gardening Which? answered a similar question recently by first recommending the squash 'em method, followed by sprays with bifenthrin, fatty acids or pyrethrum, but they only kill the ones they touch, so any under the leaves you miss will carry on sucking, they suggest instead a systemic...
    Hi, Gardening Which? answered a similar question recently by first recommending the squash 'em method, followed by sprays with bifenthrin, fatty acids or pyrethrum, but they only kill the ones they touch, so any under the leaves you miss will...
    Hi, Gardening Which? answered a similar question recently by first recommending the squash 'em method, followed by sprays with bifenthrin, fatty acids or pyrethrum, but they only kill the ones...
  7. lottielou


    :D lol :D
    :D lol :D
    :D lol :D
    :D lol :D
  8. Merroney

    Problems with my box plant

    Hi Merroney,We had a similar problem over the last year with two box cones. I cut all the dead wood out this spring and you can hardly tell now that there was any problem. The good thing is box...
    Hi Merroney,We had a similar problem over the last year with two box cones. I cut all the dead wood out this spring and you can hardly tell now that there was any problem. The good thing is box is great at regenerating itself.Good luck!
    Hi Merroney,We had a similar problem over the last year with two box cones. I cut all the dead wood out this spring and you can hardly tell now that there was any problem. The good thing is box is great at regenerating itself.Good luck!
    Hi Merroney,We had a similar problem over the last year with two box cones. I cut all the dead wood out this spring and you can hardly tell now that there was any problem. The good thing is box...
  9. Gem and Al

    march of the phantom pest, can u help?

    I am still waiting for mine to come through and I sowed them weeks ago in a pot in the greenhouse.My husband raed on the packet that spring onions{White Lisbon}should be sown at the start of...
    I am still waiting for mine to come through and I sowed them weeks ago in a pot in the greenhouse.My husband raed on the packet that spring onions{White Lisbon}should be sown at the start of winter,but perhaps someone else on here can help you
    I am still waiting for mine to come through and I sowed them weeks ago in a pot in the greenhouse.My husband raed on the packet that spring onions{White Lisbon}should be sown at the start of winter,but perhaps someone else on here can help you
    I am still waiting for mine to come through and I sowed them weeks ago in a pot in the greenhouse.My husband raed on the packet that spring onions{White Lisbon}should be sown at the start of...
  10. windy miller
  11. Chrysocolla

    Pigeon problems

    or alternatively ring up Tiscali, AOL etc and say you are considering the Internet. You will be inundated with useless CD roms for the rest of your life...except for putting off pigeons. Air...
    or alternatively ring up Tiscali, AOL etc and say you are considering the Internet. You will be inundated with useless CD roms for the rest of your life...except for putting off pigeons. Air rifle...though make sure its not a neighbours racing pigeons first. My vegetable patch is plagued by a...
    or alternatively ring up Tiscali, AOL etc and say you are considering the Internet. You will be inundated with useless CD roms for the rest of your life...except for putting off pigeons. Air rifle...though make sure its not a neighbours racing...
    or alternatively ring up Tiscali, AOL etc and say you are considering the Internet. You will be inundated with useless CD roms for the rest of your life...except for putting off pigeons. Air...
  12. dulux dog


    Couldn't they be a cream colour if they have just moulted their skin? Just a thought. Remember if they can't half shift then they are probably good guys. Wireworms are dead slow. Ground beetles...
    Couldn't they be a cream colour if they have just moulted their skin? Just a thought. Remember if they can't half shift then they are probably good guys. Wireworms are dead slow. Ground beetles move fast and they eat all sorts of pests like aphids etc.
    Couldn't they be a cream colour if they have just moulted their skin? Just a thought. Remember if they can't half shift then they are probably good guys. Wireworms are dead slow. Ground beetles move fast and they eat all sorts of pests like...
    Couldn't they be a cream colour if they have just moulted their skin? Just a thought. Remember if they can't half shift then they are probably good guys. Wireworms are dead slow. Ground beetles...
  13. paul walker

    please find snails

    Snails are like pigeons. They find their way back (probably via someone else's tennis raquet!
    Snails are like pigeons. They find their way back (probably via someone else's tennis raquet!
    Snails are like pigeons. They find their way back (probably via someone else's tennis raquet!
    Snails are like pigeons. They find their way back (probably via someone else's tennis raquet!
  14. seeker of knowledge

    Mole Power

    that would be 'incorrectly' not 'wrongly'!! :D
    that would be 'incorrectly' not 'wrongly'!! :D
    that would be 'incorrectly' not 'wrongly'!! :D
    that would be 'incorrectly' not 'wrongly'!! :D
  15. Jaycee


    Thanks guys I'm on their case!
    Thanks guys I'm on their case!
    Thanks guys I'm on their case!
    Thanks guys I'm on their case!
  16. Victoria

    Sticky Stuff on Leaves

    A nice reward for all that work
    A nice reward for all that work
    A nice reward for all that work
    A nice reward for all that work
  17. mc30b

    Brown patches

    Hi, it ceratainly is very 'brown'. Aboves reasons sound good. I'd probably give the whole lot a good raking and watering and sow loads of new grass seeds, and see if that helps any, but i'm not a...
    Hi, it ceratainly is very 'brown'. Aboves reasons sound good. I'd probably give the whole lot a good raking and watering and sow loads of new grass seeds, and see if that helps any, but i'm not a gardner, just what i'd probably do.
    Hi, it ceratainly is very 'brown'. Aboves reasons sound good. I'd probably give the whole lot a good raking and watering and sow loads of new grass seeds, and see if that helps any, but i'm not a gardner, just what i'd probably do.
    Hi, it ceratainly is very 'brown'. Aboves reasons sound good. I'd probably give the whole lot a good raking and watering and sow loads of new grass seeds, and see if that helps any, but i'm not a...
  18. Jack by the hedge


    Palustris speaking about Jaye's fluid,how i hate that stuff i wish it were neighbour uses it quite often to wash down his concrete garden,i have to close all windows and doors i have...
    Palustris speaking about Jaye's fluid,how i hate that stuff i wish it were neighbour uses it quite often to wash down his concrete garden,i have to close all windows and doors i have asked him nicely to try diluting it ,but no way he just chucks it down.after a while it smells like...
    Palustris speaking about Jaye's fluid,how i hate that stuff i wish it were neighbour uses it quite often to wash down his concrete garden,i have to close all windows and doors i have asked him nicely to try diluting it ,but no way he ...
    Palustris speaking about Jaye's fluid,how i hate that stuff i wish it were neighbour uses it quite often to wash down his concrete garden,i have to close all windows and doors i have...
  19. pip

    Gardenias gone yellow.

    I dont`t know what compost she has used but I am visiting next week and I will find out more, take some pictures also
    I dont`t know what compost she has used but I am visiting next week and I will find out more, take some pictures also
    I dont`t know what compost she has used but I am visiting next week and I will find out more, take some pictures also
    I dont`t know what compost she has used but I am visiting next week and I will find out more, take some pictures also
  20. windy miller

    Tiny white flies...

    I think they might have gone...well off that Lily anyway :rolleyes: I flushed them out with the hosepipe and there doesn't seem to be anymore....yet?????? Will keep watchI've got enough...
    I think they might have gone...well off that Lily anyway :rolleyes: I flushed them out with the hosepipe and there doesn't seem to be anymore....yet?????? Will keep watchI've got enough problems with slugs, I don't need flies aswell :mad:Do they hurt the plant Dai?? If so, how should I...
    I think they might have gone...well off that Lily anyway :rolleyes: I flushed them out with the hosepipe and there doesn't seem to be anymore....yet?????? Will keep watchI've got enough problems with slugs, I don't need flies aswell :mad: ...
    I think they might have gone...well off that Lily anyway :rolleyes: I flushed them out with the hosepipe and there doesn't seem to be anymore....yet?????? Will keep watchI've got enough...

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