Pests, Diseases and Cures

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  1. boygardener

    White fly

    We have white fly flying about in Kent. I also have loads of whitely in my compost. Do you think this will affect white fly in the rest of the garden? :(
    We have white fly flying about in Kent. I also have loads of whitely in my compost. Do you think this will affect white fly in the rest of the garden? :(
    We have white fly flying about in Kent. I also have loads of whitely in my compost. Do you think this will affect white fly in the rest of the garden? :(
    We have white fly flying about in Kent. I also have loads of whitely in my compost. Do you think this will affect white fly in the rest of the garden? :(
  2. lapod


    Wow thanks everyone I am going to try all of those. Will let you know how i get on. I odnt wan tto start using pellets again as htre are a lot of nice robins attached to the garden.
    Wow thanks everyone I am going to try all of those. Will let you know how i get on. I odnt wan tto start using pellets again as htre are a lot of nice robins attached to the garden.
    Wow thanks everyone I am going to try all of those. Will let you know how i get on. I odnt wan tto start using pellets again as htre are a lot of nice robins attached to the garden.
    Wow thanks everyone I am going to try all of those. Will let you know how i get on. I odnt wan tto start using pellets again as htre are a lot of nice robins attached to the garden.
  3. weyms

    little white flies

    I have a massive amount of white flies in my compost heap and have had all through the winter. I do find that they love the kitchen waste and don't like lawn cuttings and news paper/cardboard etc....
    I have a massive amount of white flies in my compost heap and have had all through the winter. I do find that they love the kitchen waste and don't like lawn cuttings and news paper/cardboard etc. So probabley covering the kitchen waste with some of the other might do it. But everyone tells me...
    I have a massive amount of white flies in my compost heap and have had all through the winter. I do find that they love the kitchen waste and don't like lawn cuttings and news paper/cardboard etc. So probabley covering the kitchen waste with some...
    I have a massive amount of white flies in my compost heap and have had all through the winter. I do find that they love the kitchen waste and don't like lawn cuttings and news paper/cardboard etc....
  4. Claire75

    Solar / other type of mosquito killer

    Yes Walnut, you are right. It is CO2. My memory is not what it used to be. Who am I, by the way?
    Yes Walnut, you are right. It is CO2. My memory is not what it used to be. Who am I, by the way?
    Yes Walnut, you are right. It is CO2. My memory is not what it used to be. Who am I, by the way?
    Yes Walnut, you are right. It is CO2. My memory is not what it used to be. Who am I, by the way?
  5. Kevin the Gardener

    Rabbit problem

    We have also had problems with rabbits! They loved one of my shrubs - I think it is called "Red Robin" ! Like you, I thought I would try herbs and I can tell you that they definitely do like the...
    We have also had problems with rabbits! They loved one of my shrubs - I think it is called "Red Robin" ! Like you, I thought I would try herbs and I can tell you that they definitely do like the curry plant! They also delighted in chives and parsley!
    We have also had problems with rabbits! They loved one of my shrubs - I think it is called "Red Robin" ! Like you, I thought I would try herbs and I can tell you that they definitely do like the curry plant! They also delighted in chives and...
    We have also had problems with rabbits! They loved one of my shrubs - I think it is called "Red Robin" ! Like you, I thought I would try herbs and I can tell you that they definitely do like the...
  6. mowgley

    Are these Vine weevil?

    Also Kaycee,they play dead like the Vine Weevil does :(
    Also Kaycee,they play dead like the Vine Weevil does :(
    Also Kaycee,they play dead like the Vine Weevil does :(
    Also Kaycee,they play dead like the Vine Weevil does :(
  7. SAS

    green bugs

    Ah, I did wonder if that would do! Thanks
    Ah, I did wonder if that would do! Thanks
    Ah, I did wonder if that would do! Thanks
    Ah, I did wonder if that would do! Thanks
  8. caromag


    Hi caromag I've just been talking to some friends from France. They have a 10 acre garden and a local farmer told them that you can keep rabbits away by making up a mixture of water and milk that...
    Hi caromag I've just been talking to some friends from France. They have a 10 acre garden and a local farmer told them that you can keep rabbits away by making up a mixture of water and milk that has gone off and spraying it around the circumference of the area you want to keep them away...
    Hi caromag I've just been talking to some friends from France. They have a 10 acre garden and a local farmer told them that you can keep rabbits away by making up a mixture of water and milk that has gone off and spraying it around the...
    Hi caromag I've just been talking to some friends from France. They have a 10 acre garden and a local farmer told them that you can keep rabbits away by making up a mixture of water and milk that...
  9. dragonlady

    More affected leaves !

    Interested to hear you had large red spot problems though unfortunately can't help. I have started getting them on my phormiums and wanted advice. I cut the leaves off and burn them but new ones...
    Interested to hear you had large red spot problems though unfortunately can't help. I have started getting them on my phormiums and wanted advice. I cut the leaves off and burn them but new ones arrive even though the plants look otherwise healthy. Wonder if it is the same problem?
    Interested to hear you had large red spot problems though unfortunately can't help. I have started getting them on my phormiums and wanted advice. I cut the leaves off and burn them but new ones arrive even though the plants look otherwise...
    Interested to hear you had large red spot problems though unfortunately can't help. I have started getting them on my phormiums and wanted advice. I cut the leaves off and burn them but new ones...
  10. Peter G

    White grubs in soil

    Many thanks for the ID, it would appear that it is indeed a Chafer grub and it seems that Nemasys produce a nematode to control it.At a particular time in summer we do get plagued by hundreds of...
    Many thanks for the ID, it would appear that it is indeed a Chafer grub and it seems that Nemasys produce a nematode to control it.At a particular time in summer we do get plagued by hundreds of beetles flying all over the lawn and it seems this is the cause, so I might lash out the cash for...
    Many thanks for the ID, it would appear that it is indeed a Chafer grub and it seems that Nemasys produce a nematode to control it.At a particular time in summer we do get plagued by hundreds of beetles flying all over the lawn and it seems...
    Many thanks for the ID, it would appear that it is indeed a Chafer grub and it seems that Nemasys produce a nematode to control it.At a particular time in summer we do get plagued by hundreds of...
  11. lazy-gardener

    giant slugs in my garden!!

    I only throw ones which are eating my plants. I'm hoping that the slug-eating slugs are dedicated carnivores.... :D
    I only throw ones which are eating my plants. I'm hoping that the slug-eating slugs are dedicated carnivores.... :D
    I only throw ones which are eating my plants. I'm hoping that the slug-eating slugs are dedicated carnivores.... :D
    I only throw ones which are eating my plants. I'm hoping that the slug-eating slugs are dedicated carnivores.... :D
  12. dizzzylizzzy

    creepy crawlies

    yes pete, these are salvia. they look really healthy and are growing well. 4 leaves on most of them. That last statement might sound a bit iffy to some of you. I'm really new to gardening.
    yes pete, these are salvia. they look really healthy and are growing well. 4 leaves on most of them. That last statement might sound a bit iffy to some of you. I'm really new to gardening.
    yes pete, these are salvia. they look really healthy and are growing well. 4 leaves on most of them. That last statement might sound a bit iffy to some of you. I'm really new to gardening.
    yes pete, these are salvia. they look really healthy and are growing well. 4 leaves on most of them. That last statement might sound a bit iffy to some of you. I'm really new to gardening.
  13. Dave W

    Vine Weevil on Begonia Corms

    Carolla - the adult beetles will not be killed by pravado - they may be the cause of your holey leaves - though there are many other culprits.Holes in leaves, I can live with roots being chewed...
    Carolla - the adult beetles will not be killed by pravado - they may be the cause of your holey leaves - though there are many other culprits.Holes in leaves, I can live with roots being chewed off I can not.
    Carolla - the adult beetles will not be killed by pravado - they may be the cause of your holey leaves - though there are many other culprits.Holes in leaves, I can live with roots being chewed off I can not.
    Carolla - the adult beetles will not be killed by pravado - they may be the cause of your holey leaves - though there are many other culprits.Holes in leaves, I can live with roots being chewed...
  14. jjordie

    Gooseberry Bush Sawflies

    How do you get rid of sawflies from gooseberry bushes? Is it best to spray early in the year and if so, what spray is it best to use? organic if possible
    How do you get rid of sawflies from gooseberry bushes? Is it best to spray early in the year and if so, what spray is it best to use? organic if possible
    How do you get rid of sawflies from gooseberry bushes? Is it best to spray early in the year and if so, what spray is it best to use? organic if possible
    How do you get rid of sawflies from gooseberry bushes? Is it best to spray early in the year and if so, what spray is it best to use? organic if possible
  15. asianmaze


    thought I'd do an update on this. All the leaves grew back and the worms didn't reappear, which was a great relief. We're waiting to see what happens next summer...Happy New Year to all
    thought I'd do an update on this. All the leaves grew back and the worms didn't reappear, which was a great relief. We're waiting to see what happens next summer...Happy New Year to all
    thought I'd do an update on this. All the leaves grew back and the worms didn't reappear, which was a great relief. We're waiting to see what happens next summer...Happy New Year to all
    thought I'd do an update on this. All the leaves grew back and the worms didn't reappear, which was a great relief. We're waiting to see what happens next summer...Happy New Year to all
  16. compostee
  17. tig

    sycamore/ fungal disease?

    My trees get it too Tig I have just ignored it
    My trees get it too Tig I have just ignored it
    My trees get it too Tig I have just ignored it
    My trees get it too Tig I have just ignored it
  18. Liz

    Pest or bulbs?

    Elaine, most of my lilies are in pots because we have squirrels round here, and they love lily bulbs. I thought I 'd try these in the border near to the house- I have dogs and cats and I hope they...
    Elaine, most of my lilies are in pots because we have squirrels round here, and they love lily bulbs. I thought I 'd try these in the border near to the house- I have dogs and cats and I hope they might keep them at bay!Geoff, I do have a problem with vine weevil larvae- I wondered where...
    Elaine, most of my lilies are in pots because we have squirrels round here, and they love lily bulbs. I thought I 'd try these in the border near to the house- I have dogs and cats and I hope they might keep them at bay!Geoff, I do have a...
    Elaine, most of my lilies are in pots because we have squirrels round here, and they love lily bulbs. I thought I 'd try these in the border near to the house- I have dogs and cats and I hope they...
  19. r2oo

    Leather Jacket Killer

    Kandy, I do try to feed the birds, but not off the lawn as we have 2 cats!
    Kandy, I do try to feed the birds, but not off the lawn as we have 2 cats!
    Kandy, I do try to feed the birds, but not off the lawn as we have 2 cats!
    Kandy, I do try to feed the birds, but not off the lawn as we have 2 cats!
  20. daisybelle

    Another worm problem? with pics

    Hi daisybell I have a lawn in partial shade in my wildlife part of the garden(same worm casts) I just leave it to nature ,its fine about Aptil/ may time. I sweep them over the lawn with a hard...
    Hi daisybell I have a lawn in partial shade in my wildlife part of the garden(same worm casts) I just leave it to nature ,its fine about Aptil/ may time. I sweep them over the lawn with a hard broom. once a month i ariate with a garden fork and just sprinkle some builders sharp sand where the...
    Hi daisybell I have a lawn in partial shade in my wildlife part of the garden(same worm casts) I just leave it to nature ,its fine about Aptil/ may time. I sweep them over the lawn with a hard broom. once a month i ariate with a garden fork and...
    Hi daisybell I have a lawn in partial shade in my wildlife part of the garden(same worm casts) I just leave it to nature ,its fine about Aptil/ may time. I sweep them over the lawn with a hard...

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