Pets Corner

All Discussion About Your Pets.

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  1. accidentalgardener

    Tuna dog biscuits - for all you dog lovers

    Your wish is my command and i haven't forgotten about the doggie birthday cake recipe :thumb:
    Your wish is my command and i haven't forgotten about the doggie birthday cake recipe :thumb:
    Your wish is my command and i haven't forgotten about the doggie birthday cake recipe :thumb:
    Your wish is my command and i haven't forgotten about the doggie birthday cake recipe :thumb:
  2. forget-me-not

    Rescue pups

    Eleagnus---I am also a cat rescuer, up to 9 now. All are fixed. Most are feral. I live out in the country in a very safe area (re-traffic). I have a heated cat condo for them in the winter. Dry...
    Eleagnus---I am also a cat rescuer, up to 9 now. All are fixed. Most are feral. I live out in the country in a very safe area (re-traffic). I have a heated cat condo for them in the winter. Dry food is put out daily. They all hang out around our house. Four of them do come inside through a...
    Eleagnus---I am also a cat rescuer, up to 9 now. All are fixed. Most are feral. I live out in the country in a very safe area (re-traffic). I have a heated cat condo for them in the winter. Dry food is put out daily. They all hang out around...
    Eleagnus---I am also a cat rescuer, up to 9 now. All are fixed. Most are feral. I live out in the country in a very safe area (re-traffic). I have a heated cat condo for them in the winter. Dry...
  3. wiseowl


    lmao :D :D :D
    lmao :D :D :D
    lmao :D :D :D
    lmao :D :D :D
  4. wiseowl

    Mum and Daughter

    Hi Nut yes she to will be like a little ball of Barbed wire:D Thank you Marley,Walnut ,Lollipop and Tm02 for all your kind words:)
    Hi Nut yes she to will be like a little ball of Barbed wire:D Thank you Marley,Walnut ,Lollipop and Tm02 for all your kind words:)
    Hi Nut yes she to will be like a little ball of Barbed wire:D Thank you Marley,Walnut ,Lollipop and Tm02 for all your kind words:)
    Hi Nut yes she to will be like a little ball of Barbed wire:D Thank you Marley,Walnut ,Lollipop and Tm02 for all your kind words:)
  5. capney

    Cat and mouse

    Just pointed out your post to mo as he is sat beside me still... Got no response! Robert
    Just pointed out your post to mo as he is sat beside me still... Got no response! Robert
    Just pointed out your post to mo as he is sat beside me still... Got no response! Robert
    Just pointed out your post to mo as he is sat beside me still... Got no response! Robert
  6. lollipop

    My baby puss cat got it last night

    well, I think finally, my new little man has been accepted by the two older men. This morning in the garden room, three of my boys sleeping in the same room, first time in several days.I like...
    well, I think finally, my new little man has been accepted by the two older men. This morning in the garden room, three of my boys sleeping in the same room, first time in several days.I like that cat hotel. Yes, guess it is call a Pride of cats.
    well, I think finally, my new little man has been accepted by the two older men. This morning in the garden room, three of my boys sleeping in the same room, first time in several days.I like that cat hotel. Yes, guess it is call a Pride of cats.
    well, I think finally, my new little man has been accepted by the two older men. This morning in the garden room, three of my boys sleeping in the same room, first time in several days.I like...
  7. Slinky


    Lovely story FMN, and how sweet is he:) I love all these stories about the affection from our pets, no matter what they (the pets) are. cheers
    Lovely story FMN, and how sweet is he:) I love all these stories about the affection from our pets, no matter what they (the pets) are. cheers
    Lovely story FMN, and how sweet is he:) I love all these stories about the affection from our pets, no matter what they (the pets) are. cheers
    Lovely story FMN, and how sweet is he:) I love all these stories about the affection from our pets, no matter what they (the pets) are. cheers
  8. Little Miss Road Rage

    My babies

    Beautiful dogs lmrr candy looks very serious.
    Beautiful dogs lmrr candy looks very serious.
    Beautiful dogs lmrr candy looks very serious.
    Beautiful dogs lmrr candy looks very serious.
  9. wiseowl

    Penny at 9 Weeks

    :thumb: I hope the weather plays games & it is nice for little one's first expedition into the big wide world... :D Have a lovely time..!!:thumb::D
    :thumb: I hope the weather plays games & it is nice for little one's first expedition into the big wide world... :D Have a lovely time..!!:thumb::D
    :thumb: I hope the weather plays games & it is nice for little one's first expedition into the big wide world... :D Have a lovely time..!!:thumb::D
    :thumb: I hope the weather plays games & it is nice for little one's first expedition into the big wide world... :D Have a lovely time..!!:thumb::D
  10. accidentalgardener

    Tasty Training Treats

    Got these in the right section at last :DI make my own treats for the dogs and theylove these:TEMPTING TRAINING TREATS2 1/3. cup flour (all-purpose or whole wheat) 1/4 cup olive...
    Got these in the right section at last :DI make my own treats for the dogs and theylove these:TEMPTING TRAINING TREATS2 1/3. cup flour (all-purpose or whole wheat) 1/4 cup olive oil 1/4 cup applesauce 1/2 cup grated cheese (like parmesan) 1 large egg 1 tsp. garlic powder 1/4...
    Got these in the right section at last :DI make my own treats for the dogs and theylove these:TEMPTING TRAINING TREATS2 1/3. cup flour (all-purpose or whole wheat) 1/4 cup olive oil 1/4 cup applesauce 1/2 cup grated cheese (like...
    Got these in the right section at last :DI make my own treats for the dogs and theylove these:TEMPTING TRAINING TREATS2 1/3. cup flour (all-purpose or whole wheat) 1/4 cup olive...
  11. The Nut

    My 2 Oi's

    heres Chantall otherwise known as Tally....dont come any closerim warning you ....
    heres Chantall otherwise known as Tally....dont come any closerim warning you ....
    heres Chantall otherwise known as Tally....dont come any closerim warning you ....
    heres Chantall otherwise known as Tally....dont come any closerim warning you ....
  12. borrowers

    Rubbish photo's, lovely subject

    Hi Kandy & Woo, I will enjoy her & her us for as long as possible. 15 is a very good age Kandy. What is 'Cushions'? Woo, I know about Mrs Woos' name, I've noticed before and here's a secret...
    Hi Kandy & Woo, I will enjoy her & her us for as long as possible. 15 is a very good age Kandy. What is 'Cushions'? Woo, I know about Mrs Woos' name, I've noticed before and here's a secret for you both - my middle name is Joyce (after my dad's sister who died from TB at 21, well before I...
    Hi Kandy & Woo, I will enjoy her & her us for as long as possible. 15 is a very good age Kandy. What is 'Cushions'? Woo, I know about Mrs Woos' name, I've noticed before and here's a secret for you both - my middle name is Joyce (after my...
    Hi Kandy & Woo, I will enjoy her & her us for as long as possible. 15 is a very good age Kandy. What is 'Cushions'? Woo, I know about Mrs Woos' name, I've noticed before and here's a secret...
  13. borrowers


    will try again!!
    will try again!!
    will try again!!
    will try again!!
  14. capney

    Cat feeder?

    Ivory No room at the inn!
    Ivory No room at the inn!
    Ivory No room at the inn!
    Ivory No room at the inn!
  15. Kedi-Gato

    Cat trapped in glass

    I also thought it looked like he did it often, he was very easy about it, no paniking at all. Otherwise I wouldn't have posted it. Redstar, my walking cat is on the net somewhere. My Sis (Lady...
    I also thought it looked like he did it often, he was very easy about it, no paniking at all. Otherwise I wouldn't have posted it. Redstar, my walking cat is on the net somewhere. My Sis (Lady of Lesiure) found it and put it up for me.
    I also thought it looked like he did it often, he was very easy about it, no paniking at all. Otherwise I wouldn't have posted it. Redstar, my walking cat is on the net somewhere. My Sis (Lady of Lesiure) found it and put it up for me.
    I also thought it looked like he did it often, he was very easy about it, no paniking at all. Otherwise I wouldn't have posted it. Redstar, my walking cat is on the net somewhere. My Sis (Lady...
  16. suedobie

    Introducing Abbi

    Abbit was 21 weeks old on Tuesday, as you can see, she is nearly as big as Kira, very sweet natured Girl.
    Abbit was 21 weeks old on Tuesday, as you can see, she is nearly as big as Kira, very sweet natured Girl.
    Abbit was 21 weeks old on Tuesday, as you can see, she is nearly as big as Kira, very sweet natured Girl.
    Abbit was 21 weeks old on Tuesday, as you can see, she is nearly as big as Kira, very sweet natured Girl.
  17. Kandy


    Nice pics Kandy, Willow is a gorgeous colour.
    Nice pics Kandy, Willow is a gorgeous colour.
    Nice pics Kandy, Willow is a gorgeous colour.
    Nice pics Kandy, Willow is a gorgeous colour.
  18. wiseowl

    Gypsy and the Puppy,s

    Awwww lovely Woo. ;)
    Awwww lovely Woo. ;)
    Awwww lovely Woo. ;)
    Awwww lovely Woo. ;)
  19. Daisies

    TomTom had his first ever bath

    Nice story that, wish I could have seen them, heh,heh.
    Nice story that, wish I could have seen them, heh,heh.
    Nice story that, wish I could have seen them, heh,heh.
    Nice story that, wish I could have seen them, heh,heh.
  20. Victoria

    Cats at Home

    I would really love to have another cat - our Sophie died several years ago but as Mr JJordie is not too steady on his pins these days it would be fatal to have a cat winding round his legs, as...
    I would really love to have another cat - our Sophie died several years ago but as Mr JJordie is not too steady on his pins these days it would be fatal to have a cat winding round his legs, as they do, but I do miss having a cat around ...
    I would really love to have another cat - our Sophie died several years ago but as Mr JJordie is not too steady on his pins these days it would be fatal to have a cat winding round his legs, as they do, but I do miss having a cat around ...
    I would really love to have another cat - our Sophie died several years ago but as Mr JJordie is not too steady on his pins these days it would be fatal to have a cat winding round his legs, as...

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