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  1. elliegreenwellie


    Thanks coub, you have to admire his naughtiness!People keep telling me he'll settle down in a couple of years
    Thanks coub, you have to admire his naughtiness!People keep telling me he'll settle down in a couple of years
    Thanks coub, you have to admire his naughtiness!People keep telling me he'll settle down in a couple of years
    Thanks coub, you have to admire his naughtiness!People keep telling me he'll settle down in a couple of years
  2. dalbuie

    Tia's slipped disc.

    Glad to hear Tia is on the mend,Dalbuie. We've had some scares over the years with all the animals but they all seem to bounce back to health, I just wish I was as tough as they are
    Glad to hear Tia is on the mend,Dalbuie. We've had some scares over the years with all the animals but they all seem to bounce back to health, I just wish I was as tough as they are
    Glad to hear Tia is on the mend,Dalbuie. We've had some scares over the years with all the animals but they all seem to bounce back to health, I just wish I was as tough as they are
    Glad to hear Tia is on the mend,Dalbuie. We've had some scares over the years with all the animals but they all seem to bounce back to health, I just wish I was as tough as they are
  3. Whiley

    Good morning, Citzens of Earth. Artiecat speaking!

    Its entirely possible that it is my homepage. >.>
    Its entirely possible that it is my homepage. >.>
    Its entirely possible that it is my homepage. >.>
    Its entirely possible that it is my homepage. >.>
  4. Kathy3

    Snowy Gizmo

    :D Yeah. Exactly.
    :D Yeah. Exactly.
    :D Yeah. Exactly.
    :D Yeah. Exactly.
  5. borrowers

    another youtube

    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Borrowers, there's something about puppies that just makes you melt.Shame thay don't stay like it.
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Borrowers, there's something about puppies that just makes you melt.Shame thay don't stay like it.
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Borrowers, there's something about puppies that just makes you melt.Shame thay don't stay like it.
    Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah Borrowers, there's something about puppies that just makes you melt.Shame thay don't stay like it.
  6. rosa

    Carn - German Shepherd

    Carn is an utterly beautiful German Shepherd.Love at first sight!Such nice white teeth! All the better to chomp away on the vet with!!!Although, we could never have a dog called Carn,...
    Carn is an utterly beautiful German Shepherd.Love at first sight!Such nice white teeth! All the better to chomp away on the vet with!!!Although, we could never have a dog called Carn, because my fella could never resist doing his William Shatner impression from Star Trek's, Wrath of Khan,...
    Carn is an utterly beautiful German Shepherd.Love at first sight!Such nice white teeth! All the better to chomp away on the vet with!!!Although, we could never have a dog called Carn, because my fella could never resist doing his William...
    Carn is an utterly beautiful German Shepherd.Love at first sight!Such nice white teeth! All the better to chomp away on the vet with!!!Although, we could never have a dog called Carn,...
  7. roders

    Is my cat to fat?

    Hi Kath Some interesting stuff there and yes it is winter and the coat is much thicker at the moment and they have less exercise as she loves to play in the garden and craves me to go out with...
    Hi Kath Some interesting stuff there and yes it is winter and the coat is much thicker at the moment and they have less exercise as she loves to play in the garden and craves me to go out with her. So all in all after reasessing the situation she is a bit over weight but will play some of it...
    Hi Kath Some interesting stuff there and yes it is winter and the coat is much thicker at the moment and they have less exercise as she loves to play in the garden and craves me to go out with her. So all in all after reasessing the situation...
    Hi Kath Some interesting stuff there and yes it is winter and the coat is much thicker at the moment and they have less exercise as she loves to play in the garden and craves me to go out with...
  8. borrowers

    Talking/singing dogs

    :D :D funny untill you see the dog shake, felt so sorry for him ..hope he bit one at the end ;)
    :D :D funny untill you see the dog shake, felt so sorry for him ..hope he bit one at the end ;)
    :D :D funny untill you see the dog shake, felt so sorry for him ..hope he bit one at the end ;)
    :D :D funny untill you see the dog shake, felt so sorry for him ..hope he bit one at the end ;)
  9. borrowers

    Old age in dogs

    Thanks YDDShe looks a beauty.
    Thanks YDDShe looks a beauty.
    Thanks YDDShe looks a beauty.
    Thanks YDDShe looks a beauty.
  10. miraflores

    dog hair...

    bm :D :D ;)
    bm :D :D ;)
    bm :D :D ;)
    bm :D :D ;)
  11. borrowers

    Nice one Joyce,

    She's seems fine Julia. Thanks for asking. She seems to hate any kind of messing indoors & usually asks to go out but i think this was just to quick for her. Obiously just a case of...
    She's seems fine Julia. Thanks for asking. She seems to hate any kind of messing indoors & usually asks to go out but i think this was just to quick for her. Obiously just a case of bolting!btw, that poem is on my pc now. it's lovely.cheers
    She's seems fine Julia. Thanks for asking. She seems to hate any kind of messing indoors & usually asks to go out but i think this was just to quick for her. Obiously just a case of bolting!btw, that poem is on my pc now. it's lovely.cheers
    She's seems fine Julia. Thanks for asking. She seems to hate any kind of messing indoors & usually asks to go out but i think this was just to quick for her. Obiously just a case of...
  12. borrowers

    Helen -Dudes page

    Sandra you are a such a lovely lady for doing this for me I'm sure I don't deserve such a lovely friend as you.....I'm crying like an old fool even now as I type this reply OMG will I ever learn?...
    Sandra you are a such a lovely lady for doing this for me I'm sure I don't deserve such a lovely friend as you.....I'm crying like an old fool even now as I type this reply OMG will I ever learn? Maybe not but then that's what makes us all human isn't it?In the pictures he looks well...
    Sandra you are a such a lovely lady for doing this for me I'm sure I don't deserve such a lovely friend as you.....I'm crying like an old fool even now as I type this reply OMG will I ever learn? Maybe not but then that's what makes us all human...
    Sandra you are a such a lovely lady for doing this for me I'm sure I don't deserve such a lovely friend as you.....I'm crying like an old fool even now as I type this reply OMG will I ever learn?...
  13. Whiley

    Madeline and Pia - Rosie mongrel replicas!

    their beautiful! i use to have a lab crossed with a mongrel actually, he was my best bud! sadly he died 2007 march 27th. He was aged 15
    their beautiful! i use to have a lab crossed with a mongrel actually, he was my best bud! sadly he died 2007 march 27th. He was aged 15
    their beautiful! i use to have a lab crossed with a mongrel actually, he was my best bud! sadly he died 2007 march 27th. He was aged 15
    their beautiful! i use to have a lab crossed with a mongrel actually, he was my best bud! sadly he died 2007 march 27th. He was aged 15
  14. jjordie

    Owning a cat is good for you!

    Funny this topic has been brought up, i was thinking about posting one. Anyway, I happen to love cats alot i own 1 beautiful ticked tabby and a grumpy old timer british short balck and white...
    Funny this topic has been brought up, i was thinking about posting one. Anyway, I happen to love cats alot i own 1 beautiful ticked tabby and a grumpy old timer british short balck and white hair.Whenever i am stressed, upset, angry, in pain or messed up! i funnily call my baby (jess the...
    Funny this topic has been brought up, i was thinking about posting one. Anyway, I happen to love cats alot i own 1 beautiful ticked tabby and a grumpy old timer british short balck and white hair.Whenever i am stressed, upset, angry, in pain or...
    Funny this topic has been brought up, i was thinking about posting one. Anyway, I happen to love cats alot i own 1 beautiful ticked tabby and a grumpy old timer british short balck and white...
  15. Tay

    Hermanns Tortoises (Pics)

    Thankyou very much, took some time getting on the right track but im on it now. I know their entire care, infact i study in Herpetology, so i know alot of different species of reptilians and...
    Thankyou very much, took some time getting on the right track but im on it now. I know their entire care, infact i study in Herpetology, so i know alot of different species of reptilians and amphibious creatures.Also, LOL funny you say that youngdaisydee, when we got daisy we thought he was...
    Thankyou very much, took some time getting on the right track but im on it now. I know their entire care, infact i study in Herpetology, so i know alot of different species of reptilians and amphibious creatures.Also, LOL funny you say that...
    Thankyou very much, took some time getting on the right track but im on it now. I know their entire care, infact i study in Herpetology, so i know alot of different species of reptilians and...
  16. cattwoman25

    staffy bull owners

    thanks Helofadigger and when i do manage to get one i will be sure to post a picture :D
    thanks Helofadigger and when i do manage to get one i will be sure to post a picture :D
    thanks Helofadigger and when i do manage to get one i will be sure to post a picture :D
    thanks Helofadigger and when i do manage to get one i will be sure to post a picture :D
  17. rosa

    Rosas Friends

    Aw, great pics Rosa. shame about Oscars mate. they all look lovely dogs.cheers
    Aw, great pics Rosa. shame about Oscars mate. they all look lovely dogs.cheers
    Aw, great pics Rosa. shame about Oscars mate. they all look lovely dogs.cheers
    Aw, great pics Rosa. shame about Oscars mate. they all look lovely dogs.cheers
  18. borrowers

    Joyce - some more pics

    Thanks Walnut, yes she is - how could you tell that from a photo?I wish we could get the photo's of when she was younger put up on here, she's 12 now, but think i would need a scanner for that. ...
    Thanks Walnut, yes she is - how could you tell that from a photo?I wish we could get the photo's of when she was younger put up on here, she's 12 now, but think i would need a scanner for that. As i have trouble working PC & digi camera i don't think i need any more 'equipment' at the moment ...
    Thanks Walnut, yes she is - how could you tell that from a photo?I wish we could get the photo's of when she was younger put up on here, she's 12 now, but think i would need a scanner for that. As i have trouble working PC & digi camera i...
    Thanks Walnut, yes she is - how could you tell that from a photo?I wish we could get the photo's of when she was younger put up on here, she's 12 now, but think i would need a scanner for that. ...
  19. Gogs


    what a shame, never mind charlie better luck next time, your still a handsome dog, that was a nice photo gogs.
    what a shame, never mind charlie better luck next time, your still a handsome dog, that was a nice photo gogs.
    what a shame, never mind charlie better luck next time, your still a handsome dog, that was a nice photo gogs.
    what a shame, never mind charlie better luck next time, your still a handsome dog, that was a nice photo gogs.
  20. Marley Farley

    Poor OLd Charleydog..!

    :D Thanks Gogs.. :D
    :D Thanks Gogs.. :D
    :D Thanks Gogs.. :D
    :D Thanks Gogs.. :D

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