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  1. Gogs

    Sunday night "Emergency"

    Just caught this gogs, i can imagine how you felt. well done for acting so promptly. glad to hear Jake is ok. Best wishes.
    Just caught this gogs, i can imagine how you felt. well done for acting so promptly. glad to hear Jake is ok. Best wishes.
    Just caught this gogs, i can imagine how you felt. well done for acting so promptly. glad to hear Jake is ok. Best wishes.
    Just caught this gogs, i can imagine how you felt. well done for acting so promptly. glad to hear Jake is ok. Best wishes.
  2. Whiley

    Goodbye beautiful Triss.

    Just caght up with this as well- so sorry Whiley, she was beautiful.
    Just caght up with this as well- so sorry Whiley, she was beautiful.
    Just caght up with this as well- so sorry Whiley, she was beautiful.
    Just caght up with this as well- so sorry Whiley, she was beautiful.
  3. walnut

    who runs the whitehouse

    And he wasn't the first Terrier in the White House, look here...
    And he wasn't the first Terrier in the White House, look here...
    And he wasn't the first Terrier in the White House, look here...
    And he wasn't the first Terrier in the White House, look here...
  4. strongylodon

    Fire Bellied Toads again.

    I'm not sure how low a tempetature they can take but the room temp upwards is advised. Their European relative (Yellow Bellied) is found in France, Germany to the Balkans and hibernates. Mine come...
    I'm not sure how low a tempetature they can take but the room temp upwards is advised. Their European relative (Yellow Bellied) is found in France, Germany to the Balkans and hibernates. Mine come from more temperate regions. I think he is Pete. :(
    I'm not sure how low a tempetature they can take but the room temp upwards is advised. Their European relative (Yellow Bellied) is found in France, Germany to the Balkans and hibernates. Mine come from more temperate regions. I think he is...
    I'm not sure how low a tempetature they can take but the room temp upwards is advised. Their European relative (Yellow Bellied) is found in France, Germany to the Balkans and hibernates. Mine come...
  5. UsedtobeDendy
  6. marge

    Gentle Giants

    Fantastic Marge I love to see them as well.There used to be two of them at the stables where I rode,Ivanhoe and Seawitch,and when I was young I was amazed at the size of their hoofs :eek: as...
    Fantastic Marge I love to see them as well.There used to be two of them at the stables where I rode,Ivanhoe and Seawitch,and when I was young I was amazed at the size of their hoofs :eek: as well as the height of them.Thankyou for sharing them with us
    Fantastic Marge I love to see them as well.There used to be two of them at the stables where I rode,Ivanhoe and Seawitch,and when I was young I was amazed at the size of their hoofs :eek: as well as the height of them.Thankyou for sharing them...
    Fantastic Marge I love to see them as well.There used to be two of them at the stables where I rode,Ivanhoe and Seawitch,and when I was young I was amazed at the size of their hoofs :eek: as...
  7. Whiley

    "There won't be rats in Africa this Christmas time..."

    So glad you all like them! :DNo rats are great with cameras. They love getting right there!Always interested and happt to make the most of anything, as the following pics/outtakes will show...
    So glad you all like them! :DNo rats are great with cameras. They love getting right there!Always interested and happt to make the most of anything, as the following pics/outtakes will show you!My beautiful Daisy and silly Doradoodles are right posers, they're brilliant. :D...
    So glad you all like them! :DNo rats are great with cameras. They love getting right there!Always interested and happt to make the most of anything, as the following pics/outtakes will show you!My beautiful Daisy and silly...
    So glad you all like them! :DNo rats are great with cameras. They love getting right there!Always interested and happt to make the most of anything, as the following pics/outtakes will show...
  8. miraflores


    will miss me turkey xmas day, i will be eating indian curries in goa, one less turkey needs to worry :D :eek:
    will miss me turkey xmas day, i will be eating indian curries in goa, one less turkey needs to worry :D :eek:
    will miss me turkey xmas day, i will be eating indian curries in goa, one less turkey needs to worry :D :eek:
    will miss me turkey xmas day, i will be eating indian curries in goa, one less turkey needs to worry :D :eek:
  9. miraflores

    little goats

    K-G,If you had to call all those cat's at the same time (we had a LOT) you would end up like me as well :eek: :D
    K-G,If you had to call all those cat's at the same time (we had a LOT) you would end up like me as well :eek: :D
    K-G,If you had to call all those cat's at the same time (we had a LOT) you would end up like me as well :eek: :D
    K-G,If you had to call all those cat's at the same time (we had a LOT) you would end up like me as well :eek: :D
  10. Gogs

    "Bobrat the cat"

    Hi Gogs,just looked back through all of this thread, what a lovely cat Bobby is. reminds me of my brothers many years ago, Barney was his name, but even he didn't have those spectacular eyes. ...
    Hi Gogs,just looked back through all of this thread, what a lovely cat Bobby is. reminds me of my brothers many years ago, Barney was his name, but even he didn't have those spectacular eyes. what a shape!Earlier i tried to look at some of your pics, and you said you had some of you going...
    Hi Gogs,just looked back through all of this thread, what a lovely cat Bobby is. reminds me of my brothers many years ago, Barney was his name, but even he didn't have those spectacular eyes. what a shape!Earlier i tried to look at some of...
    Hi Gogs,just looked back through all of this thread, what a lovely cat Bobby is. reminds me of my brothers many years ago, Barney was his name, but even he didn't have those spectacular eyes. ...
  11. Victoria

    It's all in the eyes ...

    Not sure, Sis ... which pic .. there are many?
    Not sure, Sis ... which pic .. there are many?
    Not sure, Sis ... which pic .. there are many?
    Not sure, Sis ... which pic .. there are many?
  12. borrowers

    test for photo's

    borrowers dont worry about the phone i will ask somneone, and dees right, you open up photobucket account and transfer them over from your album to pb, then copy and paste over to gc, I was...
    borrowers dont worry about the phone i will ask somneone, and dees right, you open up photobucket account and transfer them over from your album to pb, then copy and paste over to gc, I was hopeless over a year ago, once you learn its a doddle. I know shiremoor pass through there many times to...
    borrowers dont worry about the phone i will ask somneone, and dees right, you open up photobucket account and transfer them over from your album to pb, then copy and paste over to gc, I was hopeless over a year ago, once you learn its a doddle. I...
    borrowers dont worry about the phone i will ask somneone, and dees right, you open up photobucket account and transfer them over from your album to pb, then copy and paste over to gc, I was...
  13. accidentalgardener

    Arnies picture at last

    Memories, light the corners of my mind........of the way we were????????????????? you could be right :D
    Memories, light the corners of my mind........of the way we were????????????????? you could be right :D
    Memories, light the corners of my mind........of the way we were????????????????? you could be right :D
    Memories, light the corners of my mind........of the way we were????????????????? you could be right :D
  14. Palustris

    Kitten potty training.

    :D :D So pleased she may finally be getting the message.. Fingers crossed for you then Palustris... Give us an update in a month or so... ;) :D :DThat's OK Helen, I know...
    :D :D So pleased she may finally be getting the message.. Fingers crossed for you then Palustris... Give us an update in a month or so... ;) :D :DThat's OK Helen, I know what you are saying.. :D :D
    :D :D So pleased she may finally be getting the message.. Fingers crossed for you then Palustris... Give us an update in a month or so... ;) :D :DThat's OK Helen, I know what you are saying.. :D :D
    :D :D So pleased she may finally be getting the message.. Fingers crossed for you then Palustris... Give us an update in a month or so... ;) :D :DThat's OK Helen, I know...
  15. Whiley

    The mahoosive Redwall Rattery thread [plus the cat]

    Dixy,I read that book, and The Fog, in fact all the 'The' books :D Errr, The Fog and The Rats was written by James Herbert ;) ..... Excellent Author
    Dixy,I read that book, and The Fog, in fact all the 'The' books :D Errr, The Fog and The Rats was written by James Herbert ;) ..... Excellent Author
    Dixy,I read that book, and The Fog, in fact all the 'The' books :D Errr, The Fog and The Rats was written by James Herbert ;) ..... Excellent Author
    Dixy,I read that book, and The Fog, in fact all the 'The' books :D Errr, The Fog and The Rats was written by James Herbert ;) ..... Excellent Author
  16. youngdaisydee


    Thanks Kandy
    Thanks Kandy
    Thanks Kandy
    Thanks Kandy
  17. rosa

    Good Morning Pets

    Oops! Posted pic upside down, she was hanging from the ceiling.
    Oops! Posted pic upside down, she was hanging from the ceiling.
    Oops! Posted pic upside down, she was hanging from the ceiling.
    Oops! Posted pic upside down, she was hanging from the ceiling.
  18. accidentalgardener

    Advice for dog owners during fireworks

    Hi Linda,You can get them at your local vet, if they don't have them in stock you can ask them to be rodered. But shop around, many veyerinary websites do them too, may be cheaper.The general...
    Hi Linda,You can get them at your local vet, if they don't have them in stock you can ask them to be rodered. But shop around, many veyerinary websites do them too, may be cheaper.The general veterinary price is around �£11.95, obviously they add a little on top.PS Arnie says hi and the...
    Hi Linda,You can get them at your local vet, if they don't have them in stock you can ask them to be rodered. But shop around, many veyerinary websites do them too, may be cheaper.The general veterinary price is around �£11.95, obviously...
    Hi Linda,You can get them at your local vet, if they don't have them in stock you can ask them to be rodered. But shop around, many veyerinary websites do them too, may be cheaper.The general...
  19. intermiplants

    its my chair

    he is one beautiful dog,my neighbour has a choc,puppy she is called Holly what good dogs they are. by the way Intermiplants just love your aviator :D :D
    he is one beautiful dog,my neighbour has a choc,puppy she is called Holly what good dogs they are. by the way Intermiplants just love your aviator :D :D
    he is one beautiful dog,my neighbour has a choc,puppy she is called Holly what good dogs they are. by the way Intermiplants just love your aviator :D :D
    he is one beautiful dog,my neighbour has a choc,puppy she is called Holly what good dogs they are. by the way Intermiplants just love your aviator :D :D
  20. Helofadigger

    My two old ladies!

    haha Helen, he,s lovely :D
    haha Helen, he,s lovely :D
    haha Helen, he,s lovely :D
    haha Helen, he,s lovely :D

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