Photography Talk

All Discussion And Questions Regarding Photography And Editing Of Pictues Etc.

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  1. wiseowl
    Like x 9

    My walk to day

    Yes lovely walk but still had my Summer plumage on:heehee:
    Yes lovely walk but still had my Summer plumage on:heehee:
    Yes lovely walk but still had my Summer plumage on:heehee:
    Yes lovely walk but still had my Summer plumage on:heehee:
  2. Dave W

    Canon Users - DPP v 3.11 released.

    Hi Dave, lovely shot that is mate, I just adore reflections! Adobe have updated their HDR capability in PS CS6, so I'm hoping to get into the lakes next week to grab a few sets of shots to test...
    Hi Dave, lovely shot that is mate, I just adore reflections! Adobe have updated their HDR capability in PS CS6, so I'm hoping to get into the lakes next week to grab a few sets of shots to test it out. Looks like DPP has done well, nice 'n clear, no gaudy colours and no haloing either. Cant...
    Hi Dave, lovely shot that is mate, I just adore reflections! Adobe have updated their HDR capability in PS CS6, so I'm hoping to get into the lakes next week to grab a few sets of shots to test it out. Looks like DPP has done well, nice 'n...
    Hi Dave, lovely shot that is mate, I just adore reflections! Adobe have updated their HDR capability in PS CS6, so I'm hoping to get into the lakes next week to grab a few sets of shots to test...
  3. Dave W
    Like x 8

    Wet week in Cairngorms

    :thud: Absobloominlutley stunning Dave. That final take is to DIE for:wub2: Jenny
    :thud: Absobloominlutley stunning Dave. That final take is to DIE for:wub2: Jenny
    :thud: Absobloominlutley stunning Dave. That final take is to DIE for:wub2: Jenny
    :thud: Absobloominlutley stunning Dave. That final take is to DIE for:wub2: Jenny
  4. Steve R
    Like x 3

    Editing Photo's and avoiding the pitfalls.

    Editing Photo's and avoiding the pitfalls.Editing photo's is a necessary part of digital photography (DP), DP has many shortcomings and does not (yet) capture as well as film used to but every...
    Editing Photo's and avoiding the pitfalls.Editing photo's is a necessary part of digital photography (DP), DP has many shortcomings and does not (yet) capture as well as film used to but every year its getting better as the DP sensor's improve. Sure, the overall look of a digi photo can look...
    Editing Photo's and avoiding the pitfalls.Editing photo's is a necessary part of digital photography (DP), DP has many shortcomings and does not (yet) capture as well as film used to but every year its getting better as the DP sensor's...
    Editing Photo's and avoiding the pitfalls.Editing photo's is a necessary part of digital photography (DP), DP has many shortcomings and does not (yet) capture as well as film used to but every...
  5. Sheal

    Camera cleaning

    I too had the old 5D and found it really bad for dust and I had it serviced and cleaned regularly at Lehmans of Stoke.
    I too had the old 5D and found it really bad for dust and I had it serviced and cleaned regularly at Lehmans of Stoke.
    I too had the old 5D and found it really bad for dust and I had it serviced and cleaned regularly at Lehmans of Stoke.
    I too had the old 5D and found it really bad for dust and I had it serviced and cleaned regularly at Lehmans of Stoke.
  6. Tez

    Camera prices....bonkers lol

    Ooooh., the good old "grey" market. But it is just the same gear priced differently. I'm surprised you sold your Canon 70-200 F2.8 IS though, did you buy into "L" glass or something? Steve...:)
    Ooooh., the good old "grey" market. But it is just the same gear priced differently. I'm surprised you sold your Canon 70-200 F2.8 IS though, did you buy into "L" glass or something? Steve...:)
    Ooooh., the good old "grey" market. But it is just the same gear priced differently. I'm surprised you sold your Canon 70-200 F2.8 IS though, did you buy into "L" glass or something? Steve...:)
    Ooooh., the good old "grey" market. But it is just the same gear priced differently. I'm surprised you sold your Canon 70-200 F2.8 IS though, did you buy into "L" glass or something? Steve...:)
  7. Steve R

    Camera Raw Tips

    Camera Raw TipsI prefer Camera RAW for most of my photo editing, here are a few tips I've picked up over the years that are not common knowledge.Open a jpeg in Camera raw.From photoshop,...
    Camera Raw TipsI prefer Camera RAW for most of my photo editing, here are a few tips I've picked up over the years that are not common knowledge.Open a jpeg in Camera raw.From photoshop, click "File/Open As"and then browse to the jpeg you want to open, and select it, in the drop down...
    Camera Raw TipsI prefer Camera RAW for most of my photo editing, here are a few tips I've picked up over the years that are not common knowledge.Open a jpeg in Camera raw.From photoshop, click "File/Open As"and then browse to the jpeg...
    Camera Raw TipsI prefer Camera RAW for most of my photo editing, here are a few tips I've picked up over the years that are not common knowledge.Open a jpeg in Camera raw.From photoshop,...
  8. Sheal

    Time discovery

    I hadn't thought of that either Jack, thanks I'll take a look. :)
    I hadn't thought of that either Jack, thanks I'll take a look. :)
    I hadn't thought of that either Jack, thanks I'll take a look. :)
    I hadn't thought of that either Jack, thanks I'll take a look. :)
  9. Steve R

    New Camera

    I did get confused with the dates there Scrungee, never mind it did force us to make a decision :dbgrtmb:
    I did get confused with the dates there Scrungee, never mind it did force us to make a decision :dbgrtmb:
    I did get confused with the dates there Scrungee, never mind it did force us to make a decision :dbgrtmb:
    I did get confused with the dates there Scrungee, never mind it did force us to make a decision :dbgrtmb:
  10. wiseowl

    New Bridge Camera

    I've never chanced that 'grey' stuff, not only for above reason but also heard of them being supplied with 'foreign' plugs on the chargers. I've (only once) had something defective from Homebase...
    I've never chanced that 'grey' stuff, not only for above reason but also heard of them being supplied with 'foreign' plugs on the chargers. I've (only once) had something defective from Homebase and they sent a courier to collect the defective item and deliver a replacement. P.S. I forgot to...
    I've never chanced that 'grey' stuff, not only for above reason but also heard of them being supplied with 'foreign' plugs on the chargers. I've (only once) had something defective from Homebase and they sent a courier to collect the defective...
    I've never chanced that 'grey' stuff, not only for above reason but also heard of them being supplied with 'foreign' plugs on the chargers. I've (only once) had something defective from Homebase...
  11. Steve R

    The germinids

    Yep, and Castor:biggrin: Only saw a couple myself, the whole experience being marred by next doors halogen constantly switching on and off.
    Yep, and Castor:biggrin: Only saw a couple myself, the whole experience being marred by next doors halogen constantly switching on and off.
    Yep, and Castor:biggrin: Only saw a couple myself, the whole experience being marred by next doors halogen constantly switching on and off.
    Yep, and Castor:biggrin: Only saw a couple myself, the whole experience being marred by next doors halogen constantly switching on and off.


    Hi Kevin, luckily with regard to CS6 I'm being tutored by friends who are Creative Directors at McCann's which is a global Advertising Agency. I worked there for some years and have been able to...
    Hi Kevin, luckily with regard to CS6 I'm being tutored by friends who are Creative Directors at McCann's which is a global Advertising Agency. I worked there for some years and have been able to keep contact with them. I think they'll educate me on Lightroom 4 as well:snork:
    Hi Kevin, luckily with regard to CS6 I'm being tutored by friends who are Creative Directors at McCann's which is a global Advertising Agency. I worked there for some years and have been able to keep contact with them. I think they'll educate...
    Hi Kevin, luckily with regard to CS6 I'm being tutored by friends who are Creative Directors at McCann's which is a global Advertising Agency. I worked there for some years and have been able to...
  13. JWK

    Digitising cine films, slide and 35mm photos

    John; my scanner is an Epson Perfection 1240U and probably now at least 8 years old, so I would think there's probably a newer model available now. I bought the Epson scanner mainly because it had...
    John; my scanner is an Epson Perfection 1240U and probably now at least 8 years old, so I would think there's probably a newer model available now. I bought the Epson scanner mainly because it had the facility to scan slides and negs by adding a cover that shines a light through them. I can crop...
    John; my scanner is an Epson Perfection 1240U and probably now at least 8 years old, so I would think there's probably a newer model available now. I bought the Epson scanner mainly because it had the facility to scan slides and negs by adding a...
    John; my scanner is an Epson Perfection 1240U and probably now at least 8 years old, so I would think there's probably a newer model available now. I bought the Epson scanner mainly because it had...
  14. kyleleonard

    Best FREE program to make DVDs?

    Hi Kyle. I'm in the same position as you in that I've a stack of short videos taken with my digital cameras that I wanted to join together and put on DVD. I've ended up buying "Magix Movie Edit...
    Hi Kyle. I'm in the same position as you in that I've a stack of short videos taken with my digital cameras that I wanted to join together and put on DVD. I've ended up buying "Magix Movie Edit Pro 17" from Amazon at £21.28. I looked for free stuff but wasn't sure that what I'd found would do...
    Hi Kyle. I'm in the same position as you in that I've a stack of short videos taken with my digital cameras that I wanted to join together and put on DVD. I've ended up buying "Magix Movie Edit Pro 17" from Amazon at £21.28. I looked for free...
    Hi Kyle. I'm in the same position as you in that I've a stack of short videos taken with my digital cameras that I wanted to join together and put on DVD. I've ended up buying "Magix Movie Edit...
  15. Jack McHammocklashing

    Crimbo disaster

    Sorry, to hear about your camera Jack, I'd be inclined to feel the same lack of confidence, but I agree with what Armandii has said 100%. :)
    Sorry, to hear about your camera Jack, I'd be inclined to feel the same lack of confidence, but I agree with what Armandii has said 100%. :)
    Sorry, to hear about your camera Jack, I'd be inclined to feel the same lack of confidence, but I agree with what Armandii has said 100%. :)
    Sorry, to hear about your camera Jack, I'd be inclined to feel the same lack of confidence, but I agree with what Armandii has said 100%. :)
  16. wiseowl
    Like x 4

    Your Advice Please

    Of course..please do. Good luck! Steve...:)
    Of course..please do. Good luck! Steve...:)
    Of course..please do. Good luck! Steve...:)
    Of course..please do. Good luck! Steve...:)
  17. Sheal


    Sounds like you've done okay there Jack. :dbgrtmb:
    Sounds like you've done okay there Jack. :dbgrtmb:
    Sounds like you've done okay there Jack. :dbgrtmb:
    Sounds like you've done okay there Jack. :dbgrtmb:
  18. kevinm
    Like x 9

    Galaxy S2

    I love my Galaxy ace, if only I could answer calls,:wallbanging: explained my problem to my stepson who called in tonight, showed him my phone ,he was looking at it ,"you don`t need this (bluetooth.) you don`t...
    I love my Galaxy ace, if only I could answer calls,:wallbanging: explained my problem to my stepson who called in tonight, showed him my phone ,he was looking at it ,"you don`t need this (bluetooth.) you don`t need this (GPS) etc etc,:cry3: he then rang from his mobile showed me how to "touch and swipe" when I got...
    I love my Galaxy ace, if only I could answer calls,:wallbanging: explained my problem to my stepson who called in tonight, showed him my phone ,he was looking at it ,"you don`t need this (bluetooth.) you don`t need this (GPS) etc etc,:cry3: he then rang from his...
    I love my Galaxy ace, if only I could answer calls,:wallbanging: explained my problem to my stepson who called in tonight, showed him my phone ,he was looking at it ,"you don`t need this (bluetooth.) you don`t...
  19. wiseowl

    Taking Images of Tropical Fish

    Another thing you might think about Woo is a polarising filter to reduce unwanted reflections.I've used one on a digital video camera and a DSLR to enable me to photograph fish and reduce sunlight...
    Another thing you might think about Woo is a polarising filter to reduce unwanted reflections.I've used one on a digital video camera and a DSLR to enable me to photograph fish and reduce sunlight reflections.
    Another thing you might think about Woo is a polarising filter to reduce unwanted reflections.I've used one on a digital video camera and a DSLR to enable me to photograph fish and reduce sunlight reflections.
    Another thing you might think about Woo is a polarising filter to reduce unwanted reflections.I've used one on a digital video camera and a DSLR to enable me to photograph fish and reduce sunlight...
  20. Dave W
    Like x 7

    Under water photos

    Good morning Dave incredible images and many thanks for your advice in a previous post,Its very frustrating but I haven't managed one decent shot yet,but will endeavor to get one:)
    Good morning Dave incredible images and many thanks for your advice in a previous post,Its very frustrating but I haven't managed one decent shot yet,but will endeavor to get one:)
    Good morning Dave incredible images and many thanks for your advice in a previous post,Its very frustrating but I haven't managed one decent shot yet,but will endeavor to get one:)
    Good morning Dave incredible images and many thanks for your advice in a previous post,Its very frustrating but I haven't managed one decent shot yet,but will endeavor to get one:)

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