Photography Talk

All Discussion And Questions Regarding Photography And Editing Of Pictues Etc.

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  1. Jack Sparrow

    My First Photo

    @Loki I have no doubt. Thankfully that's not my problem. I just have to take them to school every now and then and feed them occasionally. The best thing about grandchildren is that you can always...
    @Loki I have no doubt. Thankfully that's not my problem. I just have to take them to school every now and then and feed them occasionally. The best thing about grandchildren is that you can always give them back. Oh the joy! :hapydancsmil:G.
    @Loki I have no doubt. Thankfully that's not my problem. I just have to take them to school every now and then and feed them occasionally. The best thing about grandchildren is that you can always give them back. Oh the joy! :hapydancsmil:G.
    @Loki I have no doubt. Thankfully that's not my problem. I just have to take them to school every now and then and feed them occasionally. The best thing about grandchildren is that you can always...
  2. Sheal

    Canvass Prints

    @Steve R my screen brightness on my laptop is set at only 45% because of the eye issues I have. Thank you for the information and I will check out the site over the weekend. :thumbsup:@JWK I'd started...
    @Steve R my screen brightness on my laptop is set at only 45% because of the eye issues I have. Thank you for the information and I will check out the site over the weekend. :thumbsup:@JWK I'd started to reduce images for GC but decided to carry on because larger images are cut off top and bottom on...
    @Steve R my screen brightness on my laptop is set at only 45% because of the eye issues I have. Thank you for the information and I will check out the site over the weekend. :thumbsup:@JWK I'd started to reduce images for GC but decided to carry on...
    @Steve R my screen brightness on my laptop is set at only 45% because of the eye issues I have. Thank you for the information and I will check out the site over the weekend. :thumbsup:@JWK I'd started...
  3. martin-f

    View finder

    The screen is attached by ribbon lead which is normally held tightly in place by a sliding retaining clip at the connection point, so I'd guess it's not something simple, as the clip would require...
    The screen is attached by ribbon lead which is normally held tightly in place by a sliding retaining clip at the connection point, so I'd guess it's not something simple, as the clip would require moving plus the lead then pulling out of the connection point to become disconnected.If you spent...
    The screen is attached by ribbon lead which is normally held tightly in place by a sliding retaining clip at the connection point, so I'd guess it's not something simple, as the clip would require moving plus the lead then pulling out of the...
    The screen is attached by ribbon lead which is normally held tightly in place by a sliding retaining clip at the connection point, so I'd guess it's not something simple, as the clip would require...
    Gc led.JPG
  4. wiseowl
    Like x 6

    The Moon Tonight

    If you looked at the Moon in wonder, silu, then nothing was lost on you as that is what Astronomy is all about.!!:love30::thumbsup::snorky:Me??? if I would:dunno::whistle::heehee: Actually things, so far, in the Observatory...
    If you looked at the Moon in wonder, silu, then nothing was lost on you as that is what Astronomy is all about.!!:love30::thumbsup::snorky:Me??? if I would:dunno::whistle::heehee: Actually things, so far, in the Observatory have been going really well as I've got some good images of different timed exposures of the Orion...
    If you looked at the Moon in wonder, silu, then nothing was lost on you as that is what Astronomy is all about.!!:love30::thumbsup::snorky:Me??? if I would:dunno::whistle::heehee: Actually things, so far, in the Observatory have been going really well as I've got some good...
    If you looked at the Moon in wonder, silu, then nothing was lost on you as that is what Astronomy is all about.!!:love30::thumbsup::snorky:Me??? if I would:dunno::whistle::heehee: Actually things, so far, in the Observatory...
  5. "M"
    Like x 9

    Photos of Gardiner's Corner 1963

    It used to be, full of traffic these days :sad:
    It used to be, full of traffic these days :sad:
    It used to be, full of traffic these days :sad:
    It used to be, full of traffic these days :sad:
  6. Sheal
    Like x 3


    :D never will just have to change it back it used to be annoying to have time being on prints cheers alison
    :D never will just have to change it back it used to be annoying to have time being on prints cheers alison
    :D never will just have to change it back it used to be annoying to have time being on prints cheers alison
    :D never will just have to change it back it used to be annoying to have time being on prints cheers alison
  7. Loofah

    Macro filters

    are those filters better than tubes? i may try one on my lumix G1 with kit lens 14-45 cheers alison
    are those filters better than tubes? i may try one on my lumix G1 with kit lens 14-45 cheers alison
    are those filters better than tubes? i may try one on my lumix G1 with kit lens 14-45 cheers alison
    are those filters better than tubes? i may try one on my lumix G1 with kit lens 14-45 cheers alison
  8. hydrogardener
    Like x 5

    Using trail cam for close-up.

    Nice shot mate :dbgrtmb:
    Nice shot mate :dbgrtmb:
    Nice shot mate :dbgrtmb:
    Nice shot mate :dbgrtmb:
  9. mowgley

    Which camera?

    I got slightly diverted as I attended an Olympus workshop last month and received a discount for £220 off plus a further 3 year's warranty for one of these so couldn't say no, as that also...
    I got slightly diverted as I attended an Olympus workshop last month and received a discount for £220 off plus a further 3 year's warranty for one of these so couldn't say no, as that also reduces the teleconvertor cost by about £100.Then yesterday I received an email notification of 10%...
    I got slightly diverted as I attended an Olympus workshop last month and received a discount for £220 off plus a further 3 year's warranty for one of these so couldn't say no, as that also reduces the teleconvertor cost by about £100.Then...
    I got slightly diverted as I attended an Olympus workshop last month and received a discount for £220 off plus a further 3 year's warranty for one of these so couldn't say no, as that also...
  10. kazzawazza


    No worries. There's also PS Express for iPad which is free so worth a look. I'd be interested in your thoughts on Affinity once you start using it
    No worries. There's also PS Express for iPad which is free so worth a look. I'd be interested in your thoughts on Affinity once you start using it
    No worries. There's also PS Express for iPad which is free so worth a look. I'd be interested in your thoughts on Affinity once you start using it
    No worries. There's also PS Express for iPad which is free so worth a look. I'd be interested in your thoughts on Affinity once you start using it
    Like x 5


    Phalaenopsis closeup.
    Phalaenopsis closeup.
    Phalaenopsis closeup.
    Phalaenopsis closeup.
    Hellebore close up.JPG P1300064.JPG P1300071.JPG 0220BB03-29E9-4B52-98D1-FCA92BE2BB7B.jpeg F0F3AF6C-E7B2-43B4-9FF8-651ED8B77E46.jpeg P1300079.JPG
  12. Redwing

    Nice Picture but......

    Thanks for the compliment @Redwing I am happy you liked the photo. The bird is actually a Black Capped Chickadee."Little flocks of Black-capped Chickadees enliven the winter woods with their...
    Thanks for the compliment @Redwing I am happy you liked the photo. The bird is actually a Black Capped Chickadee."Little flocks of Black-capped Chickadees enliven the winter woods with their active behavior and their cheery-sounding chick-a-dee callnotes as they fly from tree to tree, often...
    Thanks for the compliment @Redwing I am happy you liked the photo. The bird is actually a Black Capped Chickadee."Little flocks of Black-capped Chickadees enliven the winter woods with their active behavior and their cheery-sounding...
    Thanks for the compliment @Redwing I am happy you liked the photo. The bird is actually a Black Capped Chickadee."Little flocks of Black-capped Chickadees enliven the winter woods with their...
  13. Perki

    Best compact camera ?

    Prior to going on my trip to Alaska I did about 9 months of comparing and contrast of cameras. I finally settled on a Canon zoom. It fits a little shorter than the palm of my hand and as wide...
    Prior to going on my trip to Alaska I did about 9 months of comparing and contrast of cameras. I finally settled on a Canon zoom. It fits a little shorter than the palm of my hand and as wide as my hand. The zoom on it is amazing. When in Alaska I got picks of bears from far away that you...
    Prior to going on my trip to Alaska I did about 9 months of comparing and contrast of cameras. I finally settled on a Canon zoom. It fits a little shorter than the palm of my hand and as wide as my hand. The zoom on it is amazing. When in...
    Prior to going on my trip to Alaska I did about 9 months of comparing and contrast of cameras. I finally settled on a Canon zoom. It fits a little shorter than the palm of my hand and as wide...
  14. mazambo

    Sigma 150-500

    I have a Nikon D5300 DSLR with a 70/300mm lens but only find it of any use with subjects fairly close or birds in flight. I use my Canon sx60 far more due to the range.
    I have a Nikon D5300 DSLR with a 70/300mm lens but only find it of any use with subjects fairly close or birds in flight. I use my Canon sx60 far more due to the range.
    I have a Nikon D5300 DSLR with a 70/300mm lens but only find it of any use with subjects fairly close or birds in flight. I use my Canon sx60 far more due to the range.
    I have a Nikon D5300 DSLR with a 70/300mm lens but only find it of any use with subjects fairly close or birds in flight. I use my Canon sx60 far more due to the range.
  15. NorthantsGeezer
    Like x 3

    Just had to share this....

    Ebay had a Yongnuo 50mm 1.8 prime with a Nikon mount for about sixty dollars so out of curiosity, I bought one thinking that if it is junk I could get a refund if I returned it within thirty days....
    Ebay had a Yongnuo 50mm 1.8 prime with a Nikon mount for about sixty dollars so out of curiosity, I bought one thinking that if it is junk I could get a refund if I returned it within thirty days. For that price, I am definitely keeping the lens and I bought a 35mm of the same make to keep it...
    Ebay had a Yongnuo 50mm 1.8 prime with a Nikon mount for about sixty dollars so out of curiosity, I bought one thinking that if it is junk I could get a refund if I returned it within thirty days. For that price, I am definitely keeping the lens...
    Ebay had a Yongnuo 50mm 1.8 prime with a Nikon mount for about sixty dollars so out of curiosity, I bought one thinking that if it is junk I could get a refund if I returned it within thirty days....
    whoosh-over-yr-head.jpg Gardner Earl 72.jpg
  16. Marley Farley


    A new comp is running for all to join in here.. , ,30 DAY PHOTO CHALLENGE..! (JUNE)
    A new comp is running for all to join in here.. , ,30 DAY PHOTO CHALLENGE..! (JUNE)
    A new comp is running for all to join in here.. , ,30 DAY PHOTO CHALLENGE..! (JUNE)
    A new comp is running for all to join in here.. , ,30 DAY PHOTO CHALLENGE..! (JUNE)
  17. pip

    Sigma 150/500

    To view an lcd screen I need to remove my glasses, but to see what I'm photographing I need them on, so I occasionally when trying to get a quick shot I look through the EVF and wonder why...
    To view an lcd screen I need to remove my glasses, but to see what I'm photographing I need them on, so I occasionally when trying to get a quick shot I look through the EVF and wonder why autofocus isn't working, then check I haven't inadvertently moved the focus clutch on the lens and put it...
    To view an lcd screen I need to remove my glasses, but to see what I'm photographing I need them on, so I occasionally when trying to get a quick shot I look through the EVF and wonder why autofocus isn't working, then check I haven't...
    To view an lcd screen I need to remove my glasses, but to see what I'm photographing I need them on, so I occasionally when trying to get a quick shot I look through the EVF and wonder why...
  18. Scrungee
    Like x 6

    Tele Macro

    That’s a very good image. I still have an old 2x somewhere, that I used for air shows. The shots were just about acceptable, but having to use fast film with fast shutter speeds, very grainy.
    That’s a very good image. I still have an old 2x somewhere, that I used for air shows. The shots were just about acceptable, but having to use fast film with fast shutter speeds, very grainy.
    That’s a very good image. I still have an old 2x somewhere, that I used for air shows. The shots were just about acceptable, but having to use fast film with fast shutter speeds, very grainy.
    That’s a very good image. I still have an old 2x somewhere, that I used for air shows. The shots were just about acceptable, but having to use fast film with fast shutter speeds, very grainy.
  19. Loofah

    Sharp images

    Would have to agree with that
    Would have to agree with that
    Would have to agree with that
    Would have to agree with that
    Like x 3


    Can we 'send the boys round'?
    Can we 'send the boys round'?
    Can we 'send the boys round'?
    Can we 'send the boys round'?

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