Tropical Gardening

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  1. longk
    Like x 4

    Cubanola domingensis

    Lovely pictures LongK.I remember very well seeing it in flower with you at the Oxford Botanic Gardens. I always understood that it was a very slow growing plant, which has rather put me off. I...
    Lovely pictures LongK.I remember very well seeing it in flower with you at the Oxford Botanic Gardens. I always understood that it was a very slow growing plant, which has rather put me off. I did germinate some seeds once - but they died.Very nice to see it. I have never seen it at Kew or...
    Lovely pictures LongK.I remember very well seeing it in flower with you at the Oxford Botanic Gardens. I always understood that it was a very slow growing plant, which has rather put me off. I did germinate some seeds once - but they...
    Lovely pictures LongK.I remember very well seeing it in flower with you at the Oxford Botanic Gardens. I always understood that it was a very slow growing plant, which has rather put me off. I...
  2. HarryS

    Chamaerops Humilis leaf mark cure ?

    Thanks for the answers , I'll get some rose blackspot spray today . I'll also try to improve my rather intermittent feeding regime . Would an application of palm feed every 2-3 weeks be about right ?
    Thanks for the answers , I'll get some rose blackspot spray today . I'll also try to improve my rather intermittent feeding regime . Would an application of palm feed every 2-3 weeks be about right ?
    Thanks for the answers , I'll get some rose blackspot spray today . I'll also try to improve my rather intermittent feeding regime . Would an application of palm feed every 2-3 weeks be about right ?
    Thanks for the answers , I'll get some rose blackspot spray today . I'll also try to improve my rather intermittent feeding regime . Would an application of palm feed every 2-3 weeks be about right ?
  3. andrews

    Seed Ideas Needed

    You mentioned Echeveria earlier. We have an Echeveria thread here..............Share your Echeveria photos and chat here
    You mentioned Echeveria earlier. We have an Echeveria thread here..............Share your Echeveria photos and chat here
    You mentioned Echeveria earlier. We have an Echeveria thread here..............Share your Echeveria photos and chat here
    You mentioned Echeveria earlier. We have an Echeveria thread here..............Share your Echeveria photos and chat here
  4. CanadianLori

    King Protea- growing for dummies..

    @CanadianLori I have started using hickory liquid smoke instead of the expensive Kirstenbosch smoke papers. According to an article in Australasian Plant Soc journal 'Pentachondra' studies have...
    @CanadianLori I have started using hickory liquid smoke instead of the expensive Kirstenbosch smoke papers. According to an article in Australasian Plant Soc journal 'Pentachondra' studies have shown it is a good substitute. I dilute the liquid to weak tea colour and soak seeds in it overnight....
    @CanadianLori I have started using hickory liquid smoke instead of the expensive Kirstenbosch smoke papers. According to an article in Australasian Plant Soc journal 'Pentachondra' studies have shown it is a good substitute. I dilute the liquid...
    @CanadianLori I have started using hickory liquid smoke instead of the expensive Kirstenbosch smoke papers. According to an article in Australasian Plant Soc journal 'Pentachondra' studies have...
  5. Tara100

    Do insecticides damage banana plants?

    I've never found Banana leaves to be particully susceptible to insecticide damage. That said, I agree, unless the pest becomes a total disaster, I'd either spray with water or just keep an eye on...
    I've never found Banana leaves to be particully susceptible to insecticide damage. That said, I agree, unless the pest becomes a total disaster, I'd either spray with water or just keep an eye on the problem, often nature sorts out this kind of thing. If the new leaves start to get distorted...
    I've never found Banana leaves to be particully susceptible to insecticide damage. That said, I agree, unless the pest becomes a total disaster, I'd either spray with water or just keep an eye on the problem, often nature sorts out this kind of...
    I've never found Banana leaves to be particully susceptible to insecticide damage. That said, I agree, unless the pest becomes a total disaster, I'd either spray with water or just keep an eye on...
  6. AbiJ

    Help needed, dying palm

    Know what you mean John, another plant that does the same thing is Fremontodendron, going slightly off track.:biggrin:I'm sure you understand why I asked if the neighbours like it. It's close to the...
    Know what you mean John, another plant that does the same thing is Fremontodendron, going slightly off track.:biggrin:I'm sure you understand why I asked if the neighbours like it. It's close to the fence, perhaps it strays over their side when in full leaf;) Hint hint, nudge nudge.
    Know what you mean John, another plant that does the same thing is Fremontodendron, going slightly off track.:biggrin:I'm sure you understand why I asked if the neighbours like it. It's close to the fence, perhaps it strays over their side when in...
    Know what you mean John, another plant that does the same thing is Fremontodendron, going slightly off track.:biggrin:I'm sure you understand why I asked if the neighbours like it. It's close to the...
  7. stephenprudence

    Question regarding Citrus

    Poncirus has trifoliate leaves, so is easily recognisable. I think it is quite often pretty late before citrus start to make new root, I find new top growth is very possible without new roots. I...
    Poncirus has trifoliate leaves, so is easily recognisable. I think it is quite often pretty late before citrus start to make new root, I find new top growth is very possible without new roots. I grew poncirus outside for many years and new growth was earlier than this, but if the calamondin is...
    Poncirus has trifoliate leaves, so is easily recognisable. I think it is quite often pretty late before citrus start to make new root, I find new top growth is very possible without new roots. I grew poncirus outside for many years and new...
    Poncirus has trifoliate leaves, so is easily recognisable. I think it is quite often pretty late before citrus start to make new root, I find new top growth is very possible without new roots. I...
  8. strongylodon
    Like x 3


    How cute. I see one in the middle, green and an old one lower right. I don't have any right not but I have had it and it had flowered allot...
    How cute. I see one in the middle, green and an old one lower right. I don't have any right not but I have had it and it had flowered allot...
    How cute. I see one in the middle, green and an old one lower right. I don't have any right not but I have had it and it had flowered allot...
    How cute. I see one in the middle, green and an old one lower right. I don't have any right not but I have had it and it had flowered allot...
  9. Selleri

    So I bought some cacti and succulent seeds. Any tips?

    I impulse bought a new hobby but am a bit unsure on how to get the best results from the seeds. I grow a few cacti and succulents as house plants with nice success, and have a monster of a dragon...
    I impulse bought a new hobby but am a bit unsure on how to get the best results from the seeds. I grow a few cacti and succulents as house plants with nice success, and have a monster of a dragon fruit grown from seeds, but otherwise it has been zillions of years since I grew them from seeds....
    I impulse bought a new hobby but am a bit unsure on how to get the best results from the seeds. I grow a few cacti and succulents as house plants with nice success, and have a monster of a dragon fruit grown from seeds, but otherwise it has been...
    I impulse bought a new hobby but am a bit unsure on how to get the best results from the seeds. I grow a few cacti and succulents as house plants with nice success, and have a monster of a dragon...
  10. Peter K


    Cor :):):):):):):)
    Cor :):):):):):):)
    Cor :):):):):):):)
    Cor :):):):):):):)
  11. pete
    Like x 15

    Palm Sunday

    I remember that John, not sure how you can get it going. One thing I do notice is Trachys seem to make a massive amount of root in very wet weather, I see it often, above ground even. Just a...
    I remember that John, not sure how you can get it going. One thing I do notice is Trachys seem to make a massive amount of root in very wet weather, I see it often, above ground even. Just a thought, but maybe a few months of soaking the stem might induce stronger rooting.This is at the base...
    I remember that John, not sure how you can get it going. One thing I do notice is Trachys seem to make a massive amount of root in very wet weather, I see it often, above ground even. Just a thought, but maybe a few months of soaking the stem...
    I remember that John, not sure how you can get it going. One thing I do notice is Trachys seem to make a massive amount of root in very wet weather, I see it often, above ground even. Just a...
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  12. Matt-tropical

    Colocasia Thailand giants coming out of dormancy

    Peter it reminds me of a small mammal sitting there but with a birds beak
    Peter it reminds me of a small mammal sitting there but with a birds beak
    Peter it reminds me of a small mammal sitting there but with a birds beak
    Peter it reminds me of a small mammal sitting there but with a birds beak
  13. PeterS
    Like x 8

    Costa Rica - plants and flowers

    Peter i think so myself mate as they're showing this end...just gets the mind boggling :scratch:
    Peter i think so myself mate as they're showing this end...just gets the mind boggling :scratch:
    Peter i think so myself mate as they're showing this end...just gets the mind boggling :scratch:
    Peter i think so myself mate as they're showing this end...just gets the mind boggling :scratch:
  14. BassFisher

    Olive Tree Problem

    Pete There are a few small shoots, but so pleased that this is normal, thank you
    Pete There are a few small shoots, but so pleased that this is normal, thank you
    Pete There are a few small shoots, but so pleased that this is normal, thank you
    Pete There are a few small shoots, but so pleased that this is normal, thank you
  15. longk
    Like x 5


    After the first winter I only move mine when it gets arctic, the rest of the time they're outdoors
    After the first winter I only move mine when it gets arctic, the rest of the time they're outdoors
    After the first winter I only move mine when it gets arctic, the rest of the time they're outdoors
    After the first winter I only move mine when it gets arctic, the rest of the time they're outdoors
  16. PeterS
    Like x 6

    Costa Rica - flower arrangements

    Hi @PeterS :thankyou: for sharing these stunning arrangments :wub2:...there's nothing like that over here :gaah:
    Hi @PeterS :thankyou: for sharing these stunning arrangments :wub2:...there's nothing like that over here :gaah:
    Hi @PeterS :thankyou: for sharing these stunning arrangments :wub2:...there's nothing like that over here :gaah:
    Hi @PeterS :thankyou: for sharing these stunning arrangments :wub2:...there's nothing like that over here :gaah:
  17. PeterS
    Like x 12

    Costa Rica - Heliconias

    Excellent John - I look forward to hearing how they do. I believe that, for us - without the right climate, it's quite difficult to get rhizomes back into growth. I certainly killed an H. bihai...
    Excellent John - I look forward to hearing how they do. I believe that, for us - without the right climate, it's quite difficult to get rhizomes back into growth. I certainly killed an H. bihai rhizome that I got from Thailand.Himalayan Gardens was not expensive, but other sources on the...
    Excellent John - I look forward to hearing how they do. I believe that, for us - without the right climate, it's quite difficult to get rhizomes back into growth. I certainly killed an H. bihai rhizome that I got from Thailand.Himalayan Gardens...
    Excellent John - I look forward to hearing how they do. I believe that, for us - without the right climate, it's quite difficult to get rhizomes back into growth. I certainly killed an H. bihai...
  18. xf8u39

    Palm id and advice requied

    Did some hacking back of the Chamaerops today, it was really overgrown and becoming infested with Ivy. Anyway, gave me a chance to have a close look, nothing suspicious was found, also revealed...
    Did some hacking back of the Chamaerops today, it was really overgrown and becoming infested with Ivy. Anyway, gave me a chance to have a close look, nothing suspicious was found, also revealed the trunk of the Waggie, not much chance of checking out the top, but the bottom of the trunk appears...
    Did some hacking back of the Chamaerops today, it was really overgrown and becoming infested with Ivy. Anyway, gave me a chance to have a close look, nothing suspicious was found, also revealed the trunk of the Waggie, not much chance of...
    Did some hacking back of the Chamaerops today, it was really overgrown and becoming infested with Ivy. Anyway, gave me a chance to have a close look, nothing suspicious was found, also revealed...
    IMG_20180325_164323.jpg IMG_20180325_164343.jpg IMG_20180325_164357.jpg DSC_0199.JPG
  19. GCHQ


    Old thread here :)
    Old thread here :)
    Old thread here :)
    Old thread here :)


    Yes, I tend to fall over in the dark! :snorky:
    Yes, I tend to fall over in the dark! :snorky:
    Yes, I tend to fall over in the dark! :snorky:
    Yes, I tend to fall over in the dark! :snorky:

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