Tropical Gardening

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  1. pete
    Like x 4

    Brugs 2017.

    Yep, I can see it now, good flush of flowers, believe it or not I often find they are at there best late summer early autumn even over here, when we start to get damper nights and cooler. The...
    Yep, I can see it now, good flush of flowers, believe it or not I often find they are at there best late summer early autumn even over here, when we start to get damper nights and cooler. The really do not seem to like it too warm.
    Yep, I can see it now, good flush of flowers, believe it or not I often find they are at there best late summer early autumn even over here, when we start to get damper nights and cooler. The really do not seem to like it too warm.
    Yep, I can see it now, good flush of flowers, believe it or not I often find they are at there best late summer early autumn even over here, when we start to get damper nights and cooler. The...
  2. Mike77

    Bamboo Fargesia Rufa

    I have a 10 year old rufa. It does get slightly taller year by year. But I would say it's prob around 2 meters max.
    I have a 10 year old rufa. It does get slightly taller year by year. But I would say it's prob around 2 meters max.
    I have a 10 year old rufa. It does get slightly taller year by year. But I would say it's prob around 2 meters max.
    I have a 10 year old rufa. It does get slightly taller year by year. But I would say it's prob around 2 meters max.
  3. PeterS
    Like x 3

    Jade Vines

    It was next to the house wall and had the added benefits of the eaves helping to keep it pretty much dry and being in a huddle with other plants. It actually stayed evergreen.
    It was next to the house wall and had the added benefits of the eaves helping to keep it pretty much dry and being in a huddle with other plants. It actually stayed evergreen.
    It was next to the house wall and had the added benefits of the eaves helping to keep it pretty much dry and being in a huddle with other plants. It actually stayed evergreen.
    It was next to the house wall and had the added benefits of the eaves helping to keep it pretty much dry and being in a huddle with other plants. It actually stayed evergreen.
  4. longk

    Cordyline, Phormium and Yucca

    And these :)
    And these :)
    And these :)
    And these :)
    CIMG0005.JPG IMG_1346.JPG
  5. PeterS
    Like x 3


    The basjoo on it's 2nd leaf, 1st one shredded 3rd roller coming now. The sikkimensis on its 2nd leaf, 2 the 3 ensetes died but the biggest survived and is now in the garden in a 50L pot
    The basjoo on it's 2nd leaf, 1st one shredded 3rd roller coming now. The sikkimensis on its 2nd leaf, 2 the 3 ensetes died but the biggest survived and is now in the garden in a 50L pot
    The basjoo on it's 2nd leaf, 1st one shredded 3rd roller coming now. The sikkimensis on its 2nd leaf, 2 the 3 ensetes died but the biggest survived and is now in the garden in a 50L pot
    The basjoo on it's 2nd leaf, 1st one shredded 3rd roller coming now. The sikkimensis on its 2nd leaf, 2 the 3 ensetes died but the biggest survived and is now in the garden in a 50L pot
  6. David Butler

    Help with large outdoor plant !!

    Cordyline australis.;)
    Cordyline australis.;)
    Cordyline australis.;)
    Cordyline australis.;)
  7. noisette47

    Propagating Hoya carnea

    Thanks, pete....:dbgrtmb:
    Thanks, pete....:dbgrtmb:
    Thanks, pete....:dbgrtmb:
    Thanks, pete....:dbgrtmb:
  8. PeterS
    Like x 6

    Recent purchases

    No its hasn't arrived yet. They did say on the site that there was a heavy backlog and there would be a 2 to 3 week delay before sending out. So I am not worried ......yet.:snork:
    No its hasn't arrived yet. They did say on the site that there was a heavy backlog and there would be a 2 to 3 week delay before sending out. So I am not worried ......yet.:snork:
    No its hasn't arrived yet. They did say on the site that there was a heavy backlog and there would be a 2 to 3 week delay before sending out. So I am not worried ......yet.:snork:
    No its hasn't arrived yet. They did say on the site that there was a heavy backlog and there would be a 2 to 3 week delay before sending out. So I am not worried ......yet.:snork:
    Like x 8


    There is a 2017 thread now
    There is a 2017 thread now
    There is a 2017 thread now
    There is a 2017 thread now
  10. PeterS
    Like x 14

    What's looking exotic in 2016

    As long as it remains frost free it stays undamaged. Plenty of buds coming (although they take longer to form fully) and the flowers are definitely better if I follow the "cool is better" regime.
    As long as it remains frost free it stays undamaged. Plenty of buds coming (although they take longer to form fully) and the flowers are definitely better if I follow the "cool is better" regime.
    As long as it remains frost free it stays undamaged. Plenty of buds coming (although they take longer to form fully) and the flowers are definitely better if I follow the "cool is better" regime.
    As long as it remains frost free it stays undamaged. Plenty of buds coming (although they take longer to form fully) and the flowers are definitely better if I follow the "cool is better" regime.
  11. mr c

    overgrown lime tree

    That rings several bells...oh dear:roflol: Seriously, limes aren't as prickly as some citrus, as long as it's not an Aussie finger lime! Get yourself some decent leather or rubber gardening gloves, a...
    That rings several bells...oh dear:roflol: Seriously, limes aren't as prickly as some citrus, as long as it's not an Aussie finger lime! Get yourself some decent leather or rubber gardening gloves, a pair of loppers and a telescopic 'parrot-beak' pruner and there'll be no looking back!
    That rings several bells...oh dear:roflol: Seriously, limes aren't as prickly as some citrus, as long as it's not an Aussie finger lime! Get yourself some decent leather or rubber gardening gloves, a pair of loppers and a telescopic 'parrot-beak' pruner...
    That rings several bells...oh dear:roflol: Seriously, limes aren't as prickly as some citrus, as long as it's not an Aussie finger lime! Get yourself some decent leather or rubber gardening gloves, a...
  12. miraflores


    If it is a rubber plant then I wouldn't leave it in water, they hate soggy compost and the roots will rot. What's the drainage like?They also need to be out of draughts, with plenty of sun - but...
    If it is a rubber plant then I wouldn't leave it in water, they hate soggy compost and the roots will rot. What's the drainage like?They also need to be out of draughts, with plenty of sun - but not direct, at this time of year I doubt thats the problem. Don't feed it until you can establish...
    If it is a rubber plant then I wouldn't leave it in water, they hate soggy compost and the roots will rot. What's the drainage like?They also need to be out of draughts, with plenty of sun - but not direct, at this time of year I doubt thats...
    If it is a rubber plant then I wouldn't leave it in water, they hate soggy compost and the roots will rot. What's the drainage like?They also need to be out of draughts, with plenty of sun - but...
  13. joolz68
    Like x 7

    Canna 2016

    Its droppin cold now :( i still have some flowers and a few ready to bud but arnt we usually due a frost 1 oct?
    Its droppin cold now :( i still have some flowers and a few ready to bud but arnt we usually due a frost 1 oct?
    Its droppin cold now :( i still have some flowers and a few ready to bud but arnt we usually due a frost 1 oct?
    Its droppin cold now :( i still have some flowers and a few ready to bud but arnt we usually due a frost 1 oct?
    aug 11th (1).JPG 20160424-P4240021.jpg canna.jpg DSC_0094.JPG DSC_0111.JPG DSC_0112.JPG
  14. youngalistai

    are salvias under tropicals?

    It is a member of the mint family as are Salvia. The threads title is a little confusing but we get there in the end.
    It is a member of the mint family as are Salvia. The threads title is a little confusing but we get there in the end.
    It is a member of the mint family as are Salvia. The threads title is a little confusing but we get there in the end.
    It is a member of the mint family as are Salvia. The threads title is a little confusing but we get there in the end.
  15. Tara100

    A couple of banana plant queries :)

    @Tara100Seems you can get it via Amazon or Bit pricey though may be cheaper via ebay
    @Tara100Seems you can get it via Amazon or Bit pricey though may be cheaper via ebay
    @Tara100Seems you can get it via Amazon or Bit pricey though may be cheaper via ebay
    @Tara100Seems you can get it via Amazon or Bit pricey though may be cheaper via ebay
  16. John Harruison
    Like x 3

    End of season garden update.

    Its not been a great summer, but its certainly not been horrendous and certainly nothing unusual. Just normal summer conditions we'd expect in the UK, some cool periods, some wet and some warm or...
    Its not been a great summer, but its certainly not been horrendous and certainly nothing unusual. Just normal summer conditions we'd expect in the UK, some cool periods, some wet and some warm or even hot days on a few occasions. Far too much whingeing about the weather, it is what it is. We'd...
    Its not been a great summer, but its certainly not been horrendous and certainly nothing unusual. Just normal summer conditions we'd expect in the UK, some cool periods, some wet and some warm or even hot days on a few occasions. Far too much...
    Its not been a great summer, but its certainly not been horrendous and certainly nothing unusual. Just normal summer conditions we'd expect in the UK, some cool periods, some wet and some warm or...
  17. Bilbo675
    Like x 4

    Cannas 2015

  18. TMAK

    Starting a tropical looking garden

    Out of curiosity what colour would ye suggest to paint the fence ?Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Out of curiosity what colour would ye suggest to paint the fence ?Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Out of curiosity what colour would ye suggest to paint the fence ?Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Out of curiosity what colour would ye suggest to paint the fence ?Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  19. Paul Blackburn

    How to prune a Solanum crispum 'Glasnevin' Potato Plant

    Spring is the best time to prune it and you can chop it back by a good third.Now it the time to take cuttings for propagating which, to my mind, means that you could cut back some of the soft...
    Spring is the best time to prune it and you can chop it back by a good third.Now it the time to take cuttings for propagating which, to my mind, means that you could cut back some of the soft growth to tidy it up a bit. Problem with that is, of course, you would lose out on their beautiful...
    Spring is the best time to prune it and you can chop it back by a good third.Now it the time to take cuttings for propagating which, to my mind, means that you could cut back some of the soft growth to tidy it up a bit. Problem with that is,...
    Spring is the best time to prune it and you can chop it back by a good third.Now it the time to take cuttings for propagating which, to my mind, means that you could cut back some of the soft...
  20. PeterS
    Like x 3

    Trailing plants

    Thanks Anthony - I don't know that one.Strongy, I have had a Columnea and Aeschynanthus, but I killed both of them (actually I still have one sick Aeschynanthus just hanging on. I suspect that...
    Thanks Anthony - I don't know that one.Strongy, I have had a Columnea and Aeschynanthus, but I killed both of them (actually I still have one sick Aeschynanthus just hanging on. I suspect that I have been overwatering things over winter.I try not to water too much, but I recently read a...
    Thanks Anthony - I don't know that one.Strongy, I have had a Columnea and Aeschynanthus, but I killed both of them (actually I still have one sick Aeschynanthus just hanging on. I suspect that I have been overwatering things over winter.I...
    Thanks Anthony - I don't know that one.Strongy, I have had a Columnea and Aeschynanthus, but I killed both of them (actually I still have one sick Aeschynanthus just hanging on. I suspect that...

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