Tropical Gardening

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  1. Sihitch

    Problems with Cannas

    I think its a lot to do with temperature. I have two pots of Canna altensteinii, which were overwintered together as rhizomes. One pot was put outside after the last frost and is now one foot...
    I think its a lot to do with temperature. I have two pots of Canna altensteinii, which were overwintered together as rhizomes. One pot was put outside after the last frost and is now one foot high, and the other has been inside my conservatory, where its a lot warmer. The inside one reached 8...
    I think its a lot to do with temperature. I have two pots of Canna altensteinii, which were overwintered together as rhizomes. One pot was put outside after the last frost and is now one foot high, and the other has been inside my conservatory,...
    I think its a lot to do with temperature. I have two pots of Canna altensteinii, which were overwintered together as rhizomes. One pot was put outside after the last frost and is now one foot...
  2. slugmuncher
    Like x 4

    My Yucca

    I did try to see which specimen we have but there are so many to trawl through I gave up. Anyhow my better half has now cut the flowering part right off as they had died, just hoping she has done...
    I did try to see which specimen we have but there are so many to trawl through I gave up. Anyhow my better half has now cut the flowering part right off as they had died, just hoping she has done the right thing :mute:. Time will tell!
    I did try to see which specimen we have but there are so many to trawl through I gave up. Anyhow my better half has now cut the flowering part right off as they had died, just hoping she has done the right thing :mute:. Time will tell!
    I did try to see which specimen we have but there are so many to trawl through I gave up. Anyhow my better half has now cut the flowering part right off as they had died, just hoping she has done...
  3. bigbore

    banana plan

    You say its only a plug plant at this stage? Grow it on up until about mid Oct outside, or in the greenhouse, from then on watch the weather, if we should get some hard frost it might just need...
    You say its only a plug plant at this stage? Grow it on up until about mid Oct outside, or in the greenhouse, from then on watch the weather, if we should get some hard frost it might just need to be taken indoors for a few days, aim to keep it ticking over through the winter. That way by next...
    You say its only a plug plant at this stage? Grow it on up until about mid Oct outside, or in the greenhouse, from then on watch the weather, if we should get some hard frost it might just need to be taken indoors for a few days, aim to keep it...
    You say its only a plug plant at this stage? Grow it on up until about mid Oct outside, or in the greenhouse, from then on watch the weather, if we should get some hard frost it might just need...
  4. r2oo

    Overwintering a banana plant?

    Sihitch. The problem is in getting them back into growth without them rotting. Its the same problem you get with many different types of tuber and rhizome, such as Colocasia, Amorphophallus,...
    Sihitch. The problem is in getting them back into growth without them rotting. Its the same problem you get with many different types of tuber and rhizome, such as Colocasia, Amorphophallus, Gloriosa etc.I am not that good at it myself. But I think the key is to have them in very very slightly...
    Sihitch. The problem is in getting them back into growth without them rotting. Its the same problem you get with many different types of tuber and rhizome, such as Colocasia, Amorphophallus, Gloriosa etc.I am not that good at it myself. But I...
    Sihitch. The problem is in getting them back into growth without them rotting. Its the same problem you get with many different types of tuber and rhizome, such as Colocasia, Amorphophallus,...
  5. liliana

    Fatsia Japonica

    I'll take some pics of the seedlings i've potted on, early days though.
    I'll take some pics of the seedlings i've potted on, early days though.
    I'll take some pics of the seedlings i've potted on, early days though.
    I'll take some pics of the seedlings i've potted on, early days though.
  6. froot

    Sick plumeria

    I tend to use ordinary compost with quite a bit of coarse grit added. I repotted one today and also put some slow release fertiliser.Well drained rich compost is usually suggested, I think...
    I tend to use ordinary compost with quite a bit of coarse grit added. I repotted one today and also put some slow release fertiliser.Well drained rich compost is usually suggested, I think cacti compost might be a bit to low in nutrients.But be careful of over potting.
    I tend to use ordinary compost with quite a bit of coarse grit added. I repotted one today and also put some slow release fertiliser.Well drained rich compost is usually suggested, I think cacti compost might be a bit to low in nutrients.But...
    I tend to use ordinary compost with quite a bit of coarse grit added. I repotted one today and also put some slow release fertiliser.Well drained rich compost is usually suggested, I think...
  7. stephenprudence
    Like x 3

    It's quite amusing..

    That's interesting Pete - because I thought that nearly everything was hardy in your garden. :love30:The phrase that Morrisons use for P. canariensis of "hardy palm" is really pushing it then. Perhaps...
    That's interesting Pete - because I thought that nearly everything was hardy in your garden. :love30:The phrase that Morrisons use for P. canariensis of "hardy palm" is really pushing it then. Perhaps its just the money that's hardy. The plant dies but the money lives on.:rolleyespink:
    That's interesting Pete - because I thought that nearly everything was hardy in your garden. :love30:The phrase that Morrisons use for P. canariensis of "hardy palm" is really pushing it then. Perhaps its just the money that's hardy. The plant dies but...
    That's interesting Pete - because I thought that nearly everything was hardy in your garden. :love30:The phrase that Morrisons use for P. canariensis of "hardy palm" is really pushing it then. Perhaps...
  8. Sirius

    Struggling Musa basjoo

    I suspect something at the base/roots too. Maybe dig it out and put it in a container until it recovers.
    I suspect something at the base/roots too. Maybe dig it out and put it in a container until it recovers.
    I suspect something at the base/roots too. Maybe dig it out and put it in a container until it recovers.
    I suspect something at the base/roots too. Maybe dig it out and put it in a container until it recovers.
  9. miraflores
    Like x 4

    Calathea warscewiczii

    Calathea is a strange plant. Looking at the big leaves you don't expect a flower like that - I gather its a member of the ginger family.
    Calathea is a strange plant. Looking at the big leaves you don't expect a flower like that - I gather its a member of the ginger family.
    Calathea is a strange plant. Looking at the big leaves you don't expect a flower like that - I gather its a member of the ginger family.
    Calathea is a strange plant. Looking at the big leaves you don't expect a flower like that - I gather its a member of the ginger family.
  10. mowgley

    Begonia luxurians

    Dibley's have a fantastic range of Begonias (and other plants too)
    Dibley's have a fantastic range of Begonias (and other plants too)
    Dibley's have a fantastic range of Begonias (and other plants too)
    Dibley's have a fantastic range of Begonias (and other plants too)
  11. Nash

    Tropical ??

    Bostin :biggrin:
    Bostin :biggrin:
    Bostin :biggrin:
    Bostin :biggrin:
  12. Coolsox

    Show me your Zantedeschias!

    Here's mine Coolsox - Zantedeschia elliottianaIt's one of the smaller ones so I grow it in a pot and allow it to die back over the winter. Seed grown it was just the two plants that I potted...
    Here's mine Coolsox - Zantedeschia elliottianaIt's one of the smaller ones so I grow it in a pot and allow it to die back over the winter. Seed grown it was just the two plants that I potted up and it is multiplying freely.
    Here's mine Coolsox - Zantedeschia elliottianaIt's one of the smaller ones so I grow it in a pot and allow it to die back over the winter. Seed grown it was just the two plants that I potted up and it is multiplying freely.
    Here's mine Coolsox - Zantedeschia elliottianaIt's one of the smaller ones so I grow it in a pot and allow it to die back over the winter. Seed grown it was just the two plants that I potted...
  13. vibrating_cake

    Cabbage Palm Pot size Plant size???

    What an incredibly moody looking picture!Thats my lonely cabbage palm out front, the lower leaves are starting to yellow and it's looking sad (like last time it was rootbound) but that pot is...
    What an incredibly moody looking picture!Thats my lonely cabbage palm out front, the lower leaves are starting to yellow and it's looking sad (like last time it was rootbound) but that pot is fairly large! Under the pot is a stump from the last owners tree that once grew in the same...
    What an incredibly moody looking picture!Thats my lonely cabbage palm out front, the lower leaves are starting to yellow and it's looking sad (like last time it was rootbound) but that pot is fairly large! Under the pot is a stump from the...
    What an incredibly moody looking picture!Thats my lonely cabbage palm out front, the lower leaves are starting to yellow and it's looking sad (like last time it was rootbound) but that pot is...
  14. Sirius

    Passiflora Seeds

    Sirius do you want seeds of parritae? ad the moment I`m growing an hybrid of it , less delicate , the only parritae seedling I`ve managed to germinate it`s really slow and not easy
    Sirius do you want seeds of parritae? ad the moment I`m growing an hybrid of it , less delicate , the only parritae seedling I`ve managed to germinate it`s really slow and not easy
    Sirius do you want seeds of parritae? ad the moment I`m growing an hybrid of it , less delicate , the only parritae seedling I`ve managed to germinate it`s really slow and not easy
    Sirius do you want seeds of parritae? ad the moment I`m growing an hybrid of it , less delicate , the only parritae seedling I`ve managed to germinate it`s really slow and not easy
  15. kindredspirit
    Like x 9

    Watch this space!

    :wow::love30:...Amazing Kindred:wub2:
    :wow::love30:...Amazing Kindred:wub2:
    :wow::love30:...Amazing Kindred:wub2:
    :wow::love30:...Amazing Kindred:wub2:
  16. PeterS
    Like x 9

    Wentworth Castle conservatory

    I'd forgotten that it was you who started me off on that one :blue thumb:
    I'd forgotten that it was you who started me off on that one :blue thumb:
    I'd forgotten that it was you who started me off on that one :blue thumb:
    I'd forgotten that it was you who started me off on that one :blue thumb:
  17. HarryS

    Canna Virus Woes !

    That's a shame Harry - fingers crossed for your others.
    That's a shame Harry - fingers crossed for your others.
    That's a shame Harry - fingers crossed for your others.
    That's a shame Harry - fingers crossed for your others.
  18. cosmichamster

    Trying to identify Palm and care advice

    Thanks jwk, appreciate the advice. Thankfully little care, although my wife did bump the car into one!
    Thanks jwk, appreciate the advice. Thankfully little care, although my wife did bump the car into one!
    Thanks jwk, appreciate the advice. Thankfully little care, although my wife did bump the car into one!
    Thanks jwk, appreciate the advice. Thankfully little care, although my wife did bump the car into one!
  19. Dips

    When can my Brug go out?

    Lol that would not be wanted
    Lol that would not be wanted
    Lol that would not be wanted
    Lol that would not be wanted
  20. kindredspirit

    Purple Yucca.

    Well it looks like its spineless? So that narrows it down a bit.
    Well it looks like its spineless? So that narrows it down a bit.
    Well it looks like its spineless? So that narrows it down a bit.
    Well it looks like its spineless? So that narrows it down a bit.

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