Tropical Gardening

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  1. HarryS

    Canna Selection Advice

    I know it's a bit late about starting seed but I start mine with boiling water I put them in a cup and pour over fresh boiled water till you hear a popping then pour out the water and put in cold...
    I know it's a bit late about starting seed but I start mine with boiling water I put them in a cup and pour over fresh boiled water till you hear a popping then pour out the water and put in cold water and get great germination rates
    I know it's a bit late about starting seed but I start mine with boiling water I put them in a cup and pour over fresh boiled water till you hear a popping then pour out the water and put in cold water and get great germination rates
    I know it's a bit late about starting seed but I start mine with boiling water I put them in a cup and pour over fresh boiled water till you hear a popping then pour out the water and put in cold...
  2. longk

    Senna/Cassia bicapsularis

    That's half the fun :heehee:
    That's half the fun :heehee:
    That's half the fun :heehee:
    That's half the fun :heehee:
  3. PeterS
    Like x 3

    What's looking exotic in January 2015

    Thanks Pete - I appreciate the photo. I have at least another flower stem looking like yours, which is probably close to flowering as its already taller than the open flower.I had been looking...
    Thanks Pete - I appreciate the photo. I have at least another flower stem looking like yours, which is probably close to flowering as its already taller than the open flower.I had been looking at intervals, but didn't know what I was looking for. I will have a closer look tomorrow.
    Thanks Pete - I appreciate the photo. I have at least another flower stem looking like yours, which is probably close to flowering as its already taller than the open flower.I had been looking at intervals, but didn't know what I was looking...
    Thanks Pete - I appreciate the photo. I have at least another flower stem looking like yours, which is probably close to flowering as its already taller than the open flower.I had been looking...
  4. sal73

    Rare Plants

    Ha ha ha!! You're beginning to see it as I do!
    Ha ha ha!! You're beginning to see it as I do!
    Ha ha ha!! You're beginning to see it as I do!
    Ha ha ha!! You're beginning to see it as I do!
  5. sal73

    Cannas Rhizomes

    I don't think they would collapse John. The worst they could do is get a bit leggy. It may be worth a try as an experiment.
    I don't think they would collapse John. The worst they could do is get a bit leggy. It may be worth a try as an experiment.
    I don't think they would collapse John. The worst they could do is get a bit leggy. It may be worth a try as an experiment.
    I don't think they would collapse John. The worst they could do is get a bit leggy. It may be worth a try as an experiment.
  6. longk
    Like x 6

    Winter surprises

    After the recent cold snap the Echium looks as if it is toast. The Iochroma have defoliated but I'm not worried as far as their prospects go. The Nicotiana are still looking okay too. @PeterS -...
    After the recent cold snap the Echium looks as if it is toast. The Iochroma have defoliated but I'm not worried as far as their prospects go. The Nicotiana are still looking okay too. @PeterS - amazingly the Caiophora is still looking ok. I haven't forgotten, just a bit housebound with my other...
    After the recent cold snap the Echium looks as if it is toast. The Iochroma have defoliated but I'm not worried as far as their prospects go. The Nicotiana are still looking okay too. @PeterS - amazingly the Caiophora is still looking ok. I...
    After the recent cold snap the Echium looks as if it is toast. The Iochroma have defoliated but I'm not worried as far as their prospects go. The Nicotiana are still looking okay too. @PeterS -...
  7. Kitty


    The white coating on some Broms, Vriesia, Aechmea, Neoregelia and Billbergias for example is called indumentum and helps them absorb moisture from the air. As we don't have a pic from Kitty we...
    The white coating on some Broms, Vriesia, Aechmea, Neoregelia and Billbergias for example is called indumentum and helps them absorb moisture from the air. As we don't have a pic from Kitty we can't ID it for her .
    The white coating on some Broms, Vriesia, Aechmea, Neoregelia and Billbergias for example is called indumentum and helps them absorb moisture from the air. As we don't have a pic from Kitty we can't ID it for her .
    The white coating on some Broms, Vriesia, Aechmea, Neoregelia and Billbergias for example is called indumentum and helps them absorb moisture from the air. As we don't have a pic from Kitty we...
  8. longk

    Help needed - one for the plant finders here

    I'm reliably informed by someone on another forum that one pod should feed the UK demand. Even so it's a bit of steep price for what will basically be an experiment so we are putting a...
    I'm reliably informed by someone on another forum that one pod should feed the UK demand. Even so it's a bit of steep price for what will basically be an experiment so we are putting a "consortium" together.
    I'm reliably informed by someone on another forum that one pod should feed the UK demand. Even so it's a bit of steep price for what will basically be an experiment so we are putting a "consortium" together.
    I'm reliably informed by someone on another forum that one pod should feed the UK demand. Even so it's a bit of steep price for what will basically be an experiment so we are putting a...
  9. John Harruison

    Gloriosa superba

    To me the top and bottom parts look like babies. The stump in the middle looks like this years spent tuber. So I would be hoping for two vines next year with three or four tubers for 2016 by the...
    To me the top and bottom parts look like babies. The stump in the middle looks like this years spent tuber. So I would be hoping for two vines next year with three or four tubers for 2016 by the end of the season.
    To me the top and bottom parts look like babies. The stump in the middle looks like this years spent tuber. So I would be hoping for two vines next year with three or four tubers for 2016 by the end of the season.
    To me the top and bottom parts look like babies. The stump in the middle looks like this years spent tuber. So I would be hoping for two vines next year with three or four tubers for 2016 by the...
  10. jono


    Also trying grapes from seed and cuttings. As I have seen both done on youtube....
    Also trying grapes from seed and cuttings. As I have seen both done on youtube....
    Also trying grapes from seed and cuttings. As I have seen both done on youtube....
    Also trying grapes from seed and cuttings. As I have seen both done on youtube....
  11. strongylodon
    Like x 7

    What's Looking Exotic in November

    I have to agree. It's a luscious blood red now with well defined veining as well.
    I have to agree. It's a luscious blood red now with well defined veining as well.
    I have to agree. It's a luscious blood red now with well defined veining as well.
    I have to agree. It's a luscious blood red now with well defined veining as well.
  12. PeterS

    Erythrina crista-galli

    I only kept one ginger in my garden room over the summer, and that was the only one that flowered. And yes, I am certain that it flowered on the previous years growth as it flowered on the tallest...
    I only kept one ginger in my garden room over the summer, and that was the only one that flowered. And yes, I am certain that it flowered on the previous years growth as it flowered on the tallest stems at about 8 feet.I bought it a couple of years ago, as a rhizome, at Harrogate Flower Show...
    I only kept one ginger in my garden room over the summer, and that was the only one that flowered. And yes, I am certain that it flowered on the previous years growth as it flowered on the tallest stems at about 8 feet.I bought it a couple of...
    I only kept one ginger in my garden room over the summer, and that was the only one that flowered. And yes, I am certain that it flowered on the previous years growth as it flowered on the tallest...
  13. PeterS

    Brugmansia cuttings

    That's really kind of you Pete:dbgrtmb:...
    That's really kind of you Pete:dbgrtmb:...
    That's really kind of you Pete:dbgrtmb:...
    That's really kind of you Pete:dbgrtmb:...
  14. aways987

    How to protect a banana pup

    Many thanks your help. Sorry for the late reply. :)
    Many thanks your help. Sorry for the late reply. :)
    Many thanks your help. Sorry for the late reply. :)
    Many thanks your help. Sorry for the late reply. :)
  15. PeterS

    Winter preparations

    That's what I do, although if planted deep enough and with a bark mulch they will come through most winters.
    That's what I do, although if planted deep enough and with a bark mulch they will come through most winters.
    That's what I do, although if planted deep enough and with a bark mulch they will come through most winters.
    That's what I do, although if planted deep enough and with a bark mulch they will come through most winters.
  16. joolz68
    Like x 5

    Canna 2014

    It was the Karchesky seed Jooz.
    It was the Karchesky seed Jooz.
    It was the Karchesky seed Jooz.
    It was the Karchesky seed Jooz.
  17. Kristen
    Useful x 3

    What's Looking Exotic In October 2014

    I received it as a wee cutting a few weeks ago. I was surprised when this flower bud started to emerge.Mine was doing well until I discovered what good bedding plants they make...................
    I received it as a wee cutting a few weeks ago. I was surprised when this flower bud started to emerge.Mine was doing well until I discovered what good bedding plants they make...................
    I received it as a wee cutting a few weeks ago. I was surprised when this flower bud started to emerge.Mine was doing well until I discovered what good bedding plants they make...................
    I received it as a wee cutting a few weeks ago. I was surprised when this flower bud started to emerge.Mine was doing well until I discovered what good bedding plants they make...................
  18. Bilbo675

    Musa Ornata 'Aurea' x sikkimensis banana

    Looks like a good idea to me @mowgley . Those stems dont look nearly strong enough, to me, to survive the winter even if wrapped.As its not that big, better to be safe than sorry.
    Looks like a good idea to me @mowgley . Those stems dont look nearly strong enough, to me, to survive the winter even if wrapped.As its not that big, better to be safe than sorry.
    Looks like a good idea to me @mowgley . Those stems dont look nearly strong enough, to me, to survive the winter even if wrapped.As its not that big, better to be safe than sorry.
    Looks like a good idea to me @mowgley . Those stems dont look nearly strong enough, to me, to survive the winter even if wrapped.As its not that big, better to be safe than sorry.
  19. Bournemouth Gardener

    Windy conditions

    They are awseome Longk you (all of you have really opened my mind. fantastic. I have only just moved into my new house and with moving and everything else all I have managed to do is clear the...
    They are awseome Longk you (all of you have really opened my mind. fantastic. I have only just moved into my new house and with moving and everything else all I have managed to do is clear the years of weeds and make way for improvement over this year. I will take some photos and put them (not...
    They are awseome Longk you (all of you have really opened my mind. fantastic. I have only just moved into my new house and with moving and everything else all I have managed to do is clear the years of weeds and make way for improvement over this...
    They are awseome Longk you (all of you have really opened my mind. fantastic. I have only just moved into my new house and with moving and everything else all I have managed to do is clear the...
  20. longk
    Like x 3

    Greyia sutherlandii

    Thanks! I appreciate it:blue thumb:How are you growing yours?
    Thanks! I appreciate it:blue thumb:How are you growing yours?
    Thanks! I appreciate it:blue thumb:How are you growing yours?
    Thanks! I appreciate it:blue thumb:How are you growing yours?

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