Tropical Gardening

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  1. sal73

    Passiflora trees

    Sirius as much as I would love to take the challenge , it`s lost from the beginning , the plants are for one of the world leading expert who has a greenhouse that will keep at 24c all year around...
    Sirius as much as I would love to take the challenge , it`s lost from the beginning , the plants are for one of the world leading expert who has a greenhouse that will keep at 24c all year around , drop down at night , fog in the morning , cool down in summer and artificial light for winter and...
    Sirius as much as I would love to take the challenge , it`s lost from the beginning , the plants are for one of the world leading expert who has a greenhouse that will keep at 24c all year around , drop down at night , fog in the morning , cool...
    Sirius as much as I would love to take the challenge , it`s lost from the beginning , the plants are for one of the world leading expert who has a greenhouse that will keep at 24c all year around...
  2. sal73

    Amulree is gone

    Well then I would rather get the one, rooted, and have a better chance of it getting going.My 2 footer I bought 2 years ago has done well so far. It was rooted, so I guess it had a head start.
    Well then I would rather get the one, rooted, and have a better chance of it getting going.My 2 footer I bought 2 years ago has done well so far. It was rooted, so I guess it had a head start.
    Well then I would rather get the one, rooted, and have a better chance of it getting going.My 2 footer I bought 2 years ago has done well so far. It was rooted, so I guess it had a head start.
    Well then I would rather get the one, rooted, and have a better chance of it getting going.My 2 footer I bought 2 years ago has done well so far. It was rooted, so I guess it had a head start.
  3. scott333
    Like x 3

    Musa Basjoo doing nicely..

    I wrapped mine, though might have got away with it last winter.Even so, I lost the biggest stem on a Musella lasiocarpa.
    I wrapped mine, though might have got away with it last winter.Even so, I lost the biggest stem on a Musella lasiocarpa.
    I wrapped mine, though might have got away with it last winter.Even so, I lost the biggest stem on a Musella lasiocarpa.
    I wrapped mine, though might have got away with it last winter.Even so, I lost the biggest stem on a Musella lasiocarpa.
  4. PeterS

    Acanthacea - the Acanthus family

    That is exactly where I found it! Coincidences abound! I used Top Tropicals as I was looking for better photos/info. Mauro Pixanto (Brazil Plants) has a good rep on another forum that I...
    That is exactly where I found it! Coincidences abound! I used Top Tropicals as I was looking for better photos/info. Mauro Pixanto (Brazil Plants) has a good rep on another forum that I frequent.He is also listing Lobelia excelsa, Lobelia fistulosa and Lobelia polyphylla.
    That is exactly where I found it! Coincidences abound! I used Top Tropicals as I was looking for better photos/info. Mauro Pixanto (Brazil Plants) has a good rep on another forum that I frequent.He is also listing Lobelia excelsa, Lobelia...
    That is exactly where I found it! Coincidences abound! I used Top Tropicals as I was looking for better photos/info. Mauro Pixanto (Brazil Plants) has a good rep on another forum that I...
  5. sal73
  6. sal73

    Aristolachia surprise

    Sal, could be. Hard to be sure without seeing flowers.
    Sal, could be. Hard to be sure without seeing flowers.
    Sal, could be. Hard to be sure without seeing flowers.
    Sal, could be. Hard to be sure without seeing flowers.
  7. sal73


    Agree with's just a 'publicity' name for Mandevilla syn. Dipladenia!
    Agree with's just a 'publicity' name for Mandevilla syn. Dipladenia!
    Agree with's just a 'publicity' name for Mandevilla syn. Dipladenia!
    Agree with's just a 'publicity' name for Mandevilla syn. Dipladenia!
  8. JWK
    Like x 5

    Giant Agave smashes through greenhouse

    If you land on the central spike its certain death.:biggrin:
    If you land on the central spike its certain death.:biggrin:
    If you land on the central spike its certain death.:biggrin:
    If you land on the central spike its certain death.:biggrin:
  9. Victoria

    Bougainvillea Sport

    Lovely Bougainvillea Pete - and what a healthy looking Strelitzia too. I still can't believe that its all growing outside for you.
    Lovely Bougainvillea Pete - and what a healthy looking Strelitzia too. I still can't believe that its all growing outside for you.
    Lovely Bougainvillea Pete - and what a healthy looking Strelitzia too. I still can't believe that its all growing outside for you.
    Lovely Bougainvillea Pete - and what a healthy looking Strelitzia too. I still can't believe that its all growing outside for you.
  10. Kristen
    Like x 5

    Plants with Large Leaves 2014

    Naw! It's a large leaf with a bird standing on it - specifically to illustrate the size of the leaf.As soon as I'd taken the picture I told him he could fly away :heehee:
    Naw! It's a large leaf with a bird standing on it - specifically to illustrate the size of the leaf.As soon as I'd taken the picture I told him he could fly away :heehee:
    Naw! It's a large leaf with a bird standing on it - specifically to illustrate the size of the leaf.As soon as I'd taken the picture I told him he could fly away :heehee:
    Naw! It's a large leaf with a bird standing on it - specifically to illustrate the size of the leaf.As soon as I'd taken the picture I told him he could fly away :heehee:
    DSC_0176.JPG DSC_0171.JPG DSC_0177.JPG DSC_0172.JPG DSC_0180.JPG 132_3205.JPG
  11. Richard360

    Colocasia Gigateae Elepant Ear Alocasia.

    :thumbsup: ta Longk , I think more to come as well :love30: I will take another photo September Lets hope I get it through another winter , wont be much space left in the greenhouse though :snork:
    :thumbsup: ta Longk , I think more to come as well :love30: I will take another photo September Lets hope I get it through another winter , wont be much space left in the greenhouse though :snork:
    :thumbsup: ta Longk , I think more to come as well :love30: I will take another photo September Lets hope I get it through another winter , wont be much space left in the greenhouse though :snork:
    :thumbsup: ta Longk , I think more to come as well :love30: I will take another photo September Lets hope I get it through another winter , wont be much space left in the greenhouse though :snork:
  12. IGraham

    Brugmansia safe pest control

    Hi An update on the use of Provado Ultimate Fruit & Vegetable Bug Killer on my Brug's I wont be using it again on my Brug's, I sprayed three of the four I have, the one I didn't spray continues to...
    Hi An update on the use of Provado Ultimate Fruit & Vegetable Bug Killer on my Brug's I wont be using it again on my Brug's, I sprayed three of the four I have, the one I didn't spray continues to grow and looks healthy. Unfortunately (comparing to the one I didn't spray) the three I sprayed...
    Hi An update on the use of Provado Ultimate Fruit & Vegetable Bug Killer on my Brug's I wont be using it again on my Brug's, I sprayed three of the four I have, the one I didn't spray continues to grow and looks healthy. Unfortunately (comparing...
    Hi An update on the use of Provado Ultimate Fruit & Vegetable Bug Killer on my Brug's I wont be using it again on my Brug's, I sprayed three of the four I have, the one I didn't spray continues to...
  13. Monty33

    Can anyone diagnose my Cordylline ?

    Firstly, take it out the pot, wash off the roots and cut away all the dead ones, if the stem seems soft at the bottom you will need to keep cutting upwards until you find good tissue with no blac...
    Firstly, take it out the pot, wash off the roots and cut away all the dead ones, if the stem seems soft at the bottom you will need to keep cutting upwards until you find good tissue with no blac rot or soft bits. You then let it dry for a day and pot into gritty compost in the smallest pot...
    Firstly, take it out the pot, wash off the roots and cut away all the dead ones, if the stem seems soft at the bottom you will need to keep cutting upwards until you find good tissue with no blac rot or soft bits. You then let it dry for a day...
    Firstly, take it out the pot, wash off the roots and cut away all the dead ones, if the stem seems soft at the bottom you will need to keep cutting upwards until you find good tissue with no blac...
  14. JWK

    Tip broken off Cordyline - is it a gonner?

    Hahaha ... NOW I see the canes :) I think I was distracted by the bench before ... :)
    Hahaha ... NOW I see the canes :) I think I was distracted by the bench before ... :)
    Hahaha ... NOW I see the canes :) I think I was distracted by the bench before ... :)
    Hahaha ... NOW I see the canes :) I think I was distracted by the bench before ... :)
  15. John Harruison

    Belfast sink arid planters.

    On seeing your planters I thought you might be interested in this article ;
    On seeing your planters I thought you might be interested in this article ;
    On seeing your planters I thought you might be interested in this article ;
    On seeing your planters I thought you might be interested in this article ;
  16. John Harruison
    Like x 7

    Midsummer garden video update

    Thanks John - thats very helpful. It shows what can be done with a big plant.
    Thanks John - thats very helpful. It shows what can be done with a big plant.
    Thanks John - thats very helpful. It shows what can be done with a big plant.
    Thanks John - thats very helpful. It shows what can be done with a big plant.
  17. Ian Taylor

    Wollemia pine

    I've done a lot of research about them before I bought one. It came with full growing instructions and a certificate of authenticity. We're going to grow it in a large terracotta pot.
    I've done a lot of research about them before I bought one. It came with full growing instructions and a certificate of authenticity. We're going to grow it in a large terracotta pot.
    I've done a lot of research about them before I bought one. It came with full growing instructions and a certificate of authenticity. We're going to grow it in a large terracotta pot.
    I've done a lot of research about them before I bought one. It came with full growing instructions and a certificate of authenticity. We're going to grow it in a large terracotta pot.
  18. simon n

    I cut down my Cannas, don't know if i should have?

    I just pull off the individual flower (petals) that have finished, to "tidy it up a bit"
    I just pull off the individual flower (petals) that have finished, to "tidy it up a bit"
    I just pull off the individual flower (petals) that have finished, to "tidy it up a bit"
    I just pull off the individual flower (petals) that have finished, to "tidy it up a bit"
  19. John Harruison
    Like x 6

    June 2014 garden update

    They are Phoenix canariensis,
    They are Phoenix canariensis,
    They are Phoenix canariensis,
    They are Phoenix canariensis,
  20. Ian Taylor
    Like x 5

    Tropical Garden so far

    I've planted a Clematis otophora, its a species clematis, comes from western and central China, with bright yellow flowers.
    I've planted a Clematis otophora, its a species clematis, comes from western and central China, with bright yellow flowers.
    I've planted a Clematis otophora, its a species clematis, comes from western and central China, with bright yellow flowers.
    I've planted a Clematis otophora, its a species clematis, comes from western and central China, with bright yellow flowers.

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