Tropical Gardening

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  1. John Harruison

    Garden videos on the last day of spring.

    Excellent John - some plants are already a good size.
    Excellent John - some plants are already a good size.
    Excellent John - some plants are already a good size.
    Excellent John - some plants are already a good size.
  2. dmg1969

    Help identifying plant

    Thank you very much, Victoria! I appreciate it.Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    Thank you very much, Victoria! I appreciate it.Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    Thank you very much, Victoria! I appreciate it.Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    Thank you very much, Victoria! I appreciate it.Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  3. mowgley


    Lol , Mogwley that`s a Shefflera arboricola , no frost resistend but will tollerate -4c , overall seen many of them all over London ..... I would love to buy a taiwanian for my new garden , finger...
    Lol , Mogwley that`s a Shefflera arboricola , no frost resistend but will tollerate -4c , overall seen many of them all over London ..... I would love to buy a taiwanian for my new garden , finger cross that should be a garden show near by and Crug farm shold be there
    Lol , Mogwley that`s a Shefflera arboricola , no frost resistend but will tollerate -4c , overall seen many of them all over London ..... I would love to buy a taiwanian for my new garden , finger cross that should be a garden show near by and...
    Lol , Mogwley that`s a Shefflera arboricola , no frost resistend but will tollerate -4c , overall seen many of them all over London ..... I would love to buy a taiwanian for my new garden , finger...
  4. Bilbo675
    Like x 4

    I Got Myself Another Banana

    We're lucky to have the market here as well as a couple of farm shops, a couple of florists that stock a lot of plants and one of my favourite shops is half a grocery type store and half gardening...
    We're lucky to have the market here as well as a couple of farm shops, a couple of florists that stock a lot of plants and one of my favourite shops is half a grocery type store and half gardening items with a fantastic array of plants outside which are added to every Tuesday and Thursday, his...
    We're lucky to have the market here as well as a couple of farm shops, a couple of florists that stock a lot of plants and one of my favourite shops is half a grocery type store and half gardening items with a fantastic array of plants outside...
    We're lucky to have the market here as well as a couple of farm shops, a couple of florists that stock a lot of plants and one of my favourite shops is half a grocery type store and half gardening...
  5. RocketDog

    Just took delivery...

    It's supposed to be a well behaved variety, clump forming, not too tall, copes with thinning out and trimming if required and suitable for small gardens. I did a fair bit of research before...
    It's supposed to be a well behaved variety, clump forming, not too tall, copes with thinning out and trimming if required and suitable for small gardens. I did a fair bit of research before choosing one because I know some grow and spread like mad!The mature ones in pictures do arch/flop over...
    It's supposed to be a well behaved variety, clump forming, not too tall, copes with thinning out and trimming if required and suitable for small gardens. I did a fair bit of research before choosing one because I know some grow and spread like...
    It's supposed to be a well behaved variety, clump forming, not too tall, copes with thinning out and trimming if required and suitable for small gardens. I did a fair bit of research before...
  6. flowerfairy

    Roebellenii palm

    Where is it situated ? It could be not enough or too much light, too dry? they should never dry out even in winter.
    Where is it situated ? It could be not enough or too much light, too dry? they should never dry out even in winter.
    Where is it situated ? It could be not enough or too much light, too dry? they should never dry out even in winter.
    Where is it situated ? It could be not enough or too much light, too dry? they should never dry out even in winter.
  7. stephenprudence
    Like x 7

    Tropical border (again)

    Stephen - I bought some small Celosia recently thinking they were annuals - but I love the colour and shape anyway. But I will keep them inside overwinter at a min of 10C and just see if they come...
    Stephen - I bought some small Celosia recently thinking they were annuals - but I love the colour and shape anyway. But I will keep them inside overwinter at a min of 10C and just see if they come back. I think I did read that they are annual/short lived perennials somewhere. Victoria - have...
    Stephen - I bought some small Celosia recently thinking they were annuals - but I love the colour and shape anyway. But I will keep them inside overwinter at a min of 10C and just see if they come back. I think I did read that they are...
    Stephen - I bought some small Celosia recently thinking they were annuals - but I love the colour and shape anyway. But I will keep them inside overwinter at a min of 10C and just see if they come...
  8. sal73
    Like x 13

    Moving my garden

    Excellent stuff Sal, you have the space you need to make use of all the plants.. it'll be interesting to see it when everything is grown up too :D
    Excellent stuff Sal, you have the space you need to make use of all the plants.. it'll be interesting to see it when everything is grown up too :D
    Excellent stuff Sal, you have the space you need to make use of all the plants.. it'll be interesting to see it when everything is grown up too :D
    Excellent stuff Sal, you have the space you need to make use of all the plants.. it'll be interesting to see it when everything is grown up too :D
  9. Ian Taylor

    Thinking of doing a Tropical Garden

    :sad:Take over your neighbour's garden(s)?!!
    :sad:Take over your neighbour's garden(s)?!!
    :sad:Take over your neighbour's garden(s)?!!
    :sad:Take over your neighbour's garden(s)?!!
  10. aways987

    Building a tropical garden in Essex

    Looking good aways! :dbgrtmb:
    Looking good aways! :dbgrtmb:
    Looking good aways! :dbgrtmb:
    Looking good aways! :dbgrtmb:
  11. Madahhlia

    Delonix regia, Flamboyant

    Hi Kristen - will do
    Hi Kristen - will do
    Hi Kristen - will do
    Hi Kristen - will do
  12. sal73
    Like x 6

    Clianthus surprise

    I got seeds from mine last year. I'll start them off in the next week as I recall Kristen wanted one too.
    I got seeds from mine last year. I'll start them off in the next week as I recall Kristen wanted one too.
    I got seeds from mine last year. I'll start them off in the next week as I recall Kristen wanted one too.
    I got seeds from mine last year. I'll start them off in the next week as I recall Kristen wanted one too.
  13. Ian Taylor

    Arrow Bamboo

    Have a look here:I have bought quite a few bamboo from them. Good quality and the owner always gives good advice, and is very helpful.
    Have a look here:I have bought quite a few bamboo from them. Good quality and the owner always gives good advice, and is very helpful.
    Have a look here:I have bought quite a few bamboo from them. Good quality and the owner always gives good advice, and is very helpful.
    Have a look here:I have bought quite a few bamboo from them. Good quality and the owner always gives good advice, and is very helpful.
  14. Richard360

    Growing taro root

    Taro (or Colocasia esculenta) is said to be the oldest known cultivated crop. Wikipedia quotes it as being cultivated in India earlier than 5000 BC. I bought some of the larger variety from a...
    Taro (or Colocasia esculenta) is said to be the oldest known cultivated crop. Wikipedia quotes it as being cultivated in India earlier than 5000 BC. I bought some of the larger variety from a West Indian stall in Bradford market, and the lady there said that she shredded it and added it to...
    Taro (or Colocasia esculenta) is said to be the oldest known cultivated crop. Wikipedia quotes it as being cultivated in India earlier than 5000 BC. I bought some of the larger variety from a West Indian stall in Bradford market, and the lady...
    Taro (or Colocasia esculenta) is said to be the oldest known cultivated crop. Wikipedia quotes it as being cultivated in India earlier than 5000 BC. I bought some of the larger variety from a...
  15. mowgley

    Lycoris radiata (Red Spider Lily)

    Not so much grow as bake the bulbs. Plenty of water from above when you put the pot out too I think is your best chance of success.
    Not so much grow as bake the bulbs. Plenty of water from above when you put the pot out too I think is your best chance of success.
    Not so much grow as bake the bulbs. Plenty of water from above when you put the pot out too I think is your best chance of success.
    Not so much grow as bake the bulbs. Plenty of water from above when you put the pot out too I think is your best chance of success.
  16. daz and debs

    banana man

    Flippin' 'eck BM, long time no see!!
    Flippin' 'eck BM, long time no see!!
    Flippin' 'eck BM, long time no see!!
    Flippin' 'eck BM, long time no see!!
  17. Jenny namaste

    Caesalpinia pulcherrima Compton

    Thanks! We'll talk in a few weeks regarding Salvias (by way of return).
    Thanks! We'll talk in a few weeks regarding Salvias (by way of return).
    Thanks! We'll talk in a few weeks regarding Salvias (by way of return).
    Thanks! We'll talk in a few weeks regarding Salvias (by way of return).
  18. aways987

    Favorite hardy banana variety

    Kristen - very nice to see an objective appraisal from knowledge. My only experience so far is Ensete 'Murelii', which I love - especially its colour. Maurelii doesn't pup - but last autumn I...
    Kristen - very nice to see an objective appraisal from knowledge. My only experience so far is Ensete 'Murelii', which I love - especially its colour. Maurelii doesn't pup - but last autumn I cut one into 4 quarters. It now has lots of growing points and potential new plants.
    Kristen - very nice to see an objective appraisal from knowledge. My only experience so far is Ensete 'Murelii', which I love - especially its colour. Maurelii doesn't pup - but last autumn I cut one into 4 quarters. It now has lots of...
    Kristen - very nice to see an objective appraisal from knowledge. My only experience so far is Ensete 'Murelii', which I love - especially its colour. Maurelii doesn't pup - but last autumn I...
  19. HarryS

    Bamboo , Cutting back ?

    Thanks Sirius , I'll just keep tidying it up like last year. :blue thumb:
    Thanks Sirius , I'll just keep tidying it up like last year. :blue thumb:
    Thanks Sirius , I'll just keep tidying it up like last year. :blue thumb:
    Thanks Sirius , I'll just keep tidying it up like last year. :blue thumb:
  20. Ian Taylor

    Australian tree fern

    mine have kept all the fronds on this year so far, but getting a bit fed up of wrapping them up when I think frost is on the way , but doesn't take long to do.
    mine have kept all the fronds on this year so far, but getting a bit fed up of wrapping them up when I think frost is on the way , but doesn't take long to do.
    mine have kept all the fronds on this year so far, but getting a bit fed up of wrapping them up when I think frost is on the way , but doesn't take long to do.
    mine have kept all the fronds on this year so far, but getting a bit fed up of wrapping them up when I think frost is on the way , but doesn't take long to do.

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