Tropical Gardening

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  1. longk
    Like x 3

    Alternative Alstros!

    I can believe it! One of my cats is a right clumsy sod! But he is catching the odd squirrel lately so I let him off!Bomarea is easy (if slow) from seed. Plant World Seeds is where I got mine.
    I can believe it! One of my cats is a right clumsy sod! But he is catching the odd squirrel lately so I let him off!Bomarea is easy (if slow) from seed. Plant World Seeds is where I got mine.
    I can believe it! One of my cats is a right clumsy sod! But he is catching the odd squirrel lately so I let him off!Bomarea is easy (if slow) from seed. Plant World Seeds is where I got mine.
    I can believe it! One of my cats is a right clumsy sod! But he is catching the odd squirrel lately so I let him off!Bomarea is easy (if slow) from seed. Plant World Seeds is where I got mine.
  2. strictlyorganic


    Cheers thank you! Lovely pic btw
    Cheers thank you! Lovely pic btw
    Cheers thank you! Lovely pic btw
    Cheers thank you! Lovely pic btw
  3. mowgley

    One day!

    I like it, but I can't ever see me spending 6 hours a day every day in the garden :wow:
    I like it, but I can't ever see me spending 6 hours a day every day in the garden :wow:
    I like it, but I can't ever see me spending 6 hours a day every day in the garden :wow:
    I like it, but I can't ever see me spending 6 hours a day every day in the garden :wow:
  4. sal73
    Like x 4


    coolsox , that was a new experiment and the spring didn`t help at all , no one know what would happen and so far I still don`t have a new bulb out yet .... but in case we can always try again
    coolsox , that was a new experiment and the spring didn`t help at all , no one know what would happen and so far I still don`t have a new bulb out yet .... but in case we can always try again
    coolsox , that was a new experiment and the spring didn`t help at all , no one know what would happen and so far I still don`t have a new bulb out yet .... but in case we can always try again
    coolsox , that was a new experiment and the spring didn`t help at all , no one know what would happen and so far I still don`t have a new bulb out yet .... but in case we can always try again
  5. Sirius

    Musa basjoo

    Seems that Musa has been slow this season because of the cold spring.
    Seems that Musa has been slow this season because of the cold spring.
    Seems that Musa has been slow this season because of the cold spring.
    Seems that Musa has been slow this season because of the cold spring.
  6. sal73


    One already flowered, I can't find the rest!
    One already flowered, I can't find the rest!
    One already flowered, I can't find the rest!
    One already flowered, I can't find the rest!
  7. Tropical_Gaz
    Like x 10


    Very nice report and little bit joules because I love to travel and swimming is my favorite hobby. I never go there but not it is in my list for my upcoming tour. I wish to swim in an infinity...
    Very nice report and little bit joules because I love to travel and swimming is my favorite hobby. I never go there but not it is in my list for my upcoming tour. I wish to swim in an infinity pool.Above Ground Pools
    Very nice report and little bit joules because I love to travel and swimming is my favorite hobby. I never go there but not it is in my list for my upcoming tour. I wish to swim in an infinity pool.Above Ground Pools
    Very nice report and little bit joules because I love to travel and swimming is my favorite hobby. I never go there but not it is in my list for my upcoming tour. I wish to swim in an infinity...
  8. sal73
    Like x 8

    Horror Plants

    I would love to be able to get hold of some of those Aristolochias. Have seen Hydnora in the wild. It is a parasite that attaches itself to the roots of plants - mainly Acacia trees. You don't...
    I would love to be able to get hold of some of those Aristolochias. Have seen Hydnora in the wild. It is a parasite that attaches itself to the roots of plants - mainly Acacia trees. You don't see the plant at all. Only the flower (if you can call it that :yikes:) emerges from the soil.
    I would love to be able to get hold of some of those Aristolochias. Have seen Hydnora in the wild. It is a parasite that attaches itself to the roots of plants - mainly Acacia trees. You don't see the plant at all. Only the flower (if you can...
    I would love to be able to get hold of some of those Aristolochias. Have seen Hydnora in the wild. It is a parasite that attaches itself to the roots of plants - mainly Acacia trees. You don't...
  9. sal73

    Ricinus seeds

    Joolz , wait.... to my expirience they tend to have roots rotting very easy in cold and wet .
    Joolz , wait.... to my expirience they tend to have roots rotting very easy in cold and wet .
    Joolz , wait.... to my expirience they tend to have roots rotting very easy in cold and wet .
    Joolz , wait.... to my expirience they tend to have roots rotting very easy in cold and wet .
  10. Richard360

    Any one own a coffee plant

    I have put mine outside - just been trying to empty the house. But it hates this cold weather, the top leaves have gone brown and are rotting - so its inside again.
    I have put mine outside - just been trying to empty the house. But it hates this cold weather, the top leaves have gone brown and are rotting - so its inside again.
    I have put mine outside - just been trying to empty the house. But it hates this cold weather, the top leaves have gone brown and are rotting - so its inside again.
    I have put mine outside - just been trying to empty the house. But it hates this cold weather, the top leaves have gone brown and are rotting - so its inside again.
  11. Happy54

    Any one in UK growing Moringa

    here are some info: -seeds germinate easily, to 98% after 15 days and the plant that reproduces well from cuttings, can be in any soil, even if it grows more quickly with rich soils and...
    here are some info: -seeds germinate easily, to 98% after 15 days and the plant that reproduces well from cuttings, can be in any soil, even if it grows more quickly with rich soils and limestone 2 - the plant can bloom and bear fruit already after 11 months from sowing 3 - comes from Africa...
    here are some info: -seeds germinate easily, to 98% after 15 days and the plant that reproduces well from cuttings, can be in any soil, even if it grows more quickly with rich soils and limestone 2 - the plant can bloom and bear fruit already...
    here are some info: -seeds germinate easily, to 98% after 15 days and the plant that reproduces well from cuttings, can be in any soil, even if it grows more quickly with rich soils and...
  12. longk

    Is it me or my Agave that is confused?

    Thanks Pete. I potted them up this afternoon in exactly that mix.
    Thanks Pete. I potted them up this afternoon in exactly that mix.
    Thanks Pete. I potted them up this afternoon in exactly that mix.
    Thanks Pete. I potted them up this afternoon in exactly that mix.
  13. al n

    Musa bajoo, slow to start

    :wow: I've gotta grow one!!!! :dancy: Val
    :wow: I've gotta grow one!!!! :dancy: Val
    :wow: I've gotta grow one!!!! :dancy: Val
    :wow: I've gotta grow one!!!! :dancy: Val
  14. sal73

    Orach red

    It is a bit of a bully but not so bad.. My friend grows it & this is what she says..
    It is a bit of a bully but not so bad.. My friend grows it & this is what she says..
    It is a bit of a bully but not so bad.. My friend grows it & this is what she says..
    It is a bit of a bully but not so bad.. My friend grows it & this is what she says..
  15. Wayne
    Like x 6

    For Sal, Brugmansia Mobisu

    Thanks Wayne , the one in the picture is not mine , the picture is from internet ...... I was about to buy one and they told me that mobisu can carry virus and it would have been to my risk .......
    Thanks Wayne , the one in the picture is not mine , the picture is from internet ...... I was about to buy one and they told me that mobisu can carry virus and it would have been to my risk .......
    Thanks Wayne , the one in the picture is not mine , the picture is from internet ...... I was about to buy one and they told me that mobisu can carry virus and it would have been to my risk .......
    Thanks Wayne , the one in the picture is not mine , the picture is from internet ...... I was about to buy one and they told me that mobisu can carry virus and it would have been to my risk .......
  16. miraflores

    some exotic plants

    Interesting Java - there are just so many plants that we ( well I) have never heard of.
    Interesting Java - there are just so many plants that we ( well I) have never heard of.
    Interesting Java - there are just so many plants that we ( well I) have never heard of.
    Interesting Java - there are just so many plants that we ( well I) have never heard of.
  17. miraflores

    new kiwi fruit on the market

    I had them in New Zealand and apparently a virus is killing all the plants , called golden kiwi , are actually really sweet . recently in Uk i bought some kiwi berry
    I had them in New Zealand and apparently a virus is killing all the plants , called golden kiwi , are actually really sweet . recently in Uk i bought some kiwi berry
    I had them in New Zealand and apparently a virus is killing all the plants , called golden kiwi , are actually really sweet . recently in Uk i bought some kiwi berry
    I had them in New Zealand and apparently a virus is killing all the plants , called golden kiwi , are actually really sweet . recently in Uk i bought some kiwi berry
  18. sal73

    Any one moved the bananas out yet?

    P.S. I put all my tender plants out a couple of days ago. Night Min. here forecast for 10C (well, probably 8C) all week, so they went out and will stay out - until we get another frost forecast. ...
    P.S. I put all my tender plants out a couple of days ago. Night Min. here forecast for 10C (well, probably 8C) all week, so they went out and will stay out - until we get another frost forecast. Much easier than out-and-back-in-again which is necessary if it is colder at night.
    P.S. I put all my tender plants out a couple of days ago. Night Min. here forecast for 10C (well, probably 8C) all week, so they went out and will stay out - until we get another frost forecast. Much easier than out-and-back-in-again which is...
    P.S. I put all my tender plants out a couple of days ago. Night Min. here forecast for 10C (well, probably 8C) all week, so they went out and will stay out - until we get another frost forecast. ...
  19. sal73


    Suttons sell wasaby roots no need to go to a Japanese restaurant
    Suttons sell wasaby roots no need to go to a Japanese restaurant
    Suttons sell wasaby roots no need to go to a Japanese restaurant
    Suttons sell wasaby roots no need to go to a Japanese restaurant
  20. Jungle Jane

    I've been very neglectful towards my Orchid.....

    Take the plant out of the soil and pour some water over all the roots. The ones that go green are alive. The ones that don't are dead and can be cut off.
    Take the plant out of the soil and pour some water over all the roots. The ones that go green are alive. The ones that don't are dead and can be cut off.
    Take the plant out of the soil and pour some water over all the roots. The ones that go green are alive. The ones that don't are dead and can be cut off.
    Take the plant out of the soil and pour some water over all the roots. The ones that go green are alive. The ones that don't are dead and can be cut off.

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