Tropical Gardening

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  1. Craig1987

    Hardy banana plant

    That's definitely F1 :heehee:
    That's definitely F1 :heehee:
    That's definitely F1 :heehee:
    That's definitely F1 :heehee:
  2. TiraMisuSH

    Can you plant succulents in a cast iron skillet?

    My husband does the drilling and tough work, he likes the fact I save money by recycling items in the house for my garden needs instead of spending money on new pots and gardening goodies. Its...
    My husband does the drilling and tough work, he likes the fact I save money by recycling items in the house for my garden needs instead of spending money on new pots and gardening goodies. Its probably his way of saying "Thanks for not spending tons of cash on your gardening whims and wants."...
    My husband does the drilling and tough work, he likes the fact I save money by recycling items in the house for my garden needs instead of spending money on new pots and gardening goodies. Its probably his way of saying "Thanks for not spending...
    My husband does the drilling and tough work, he likes the fact I save money by recycling items in the house for my garden needs instead of spending money on new pots and gardening goodies. Its...
  3. Resonate

    Orchid Pic

    It is a species Paph...Gratixianum :)
    It is a species Paph...Gratixianum :)
    It is a species Paph...Gratixianum :)
    It is a species Paph...Gratixianum :)
  4. sal73

    Palm grass setaria palmifolia

    While I was driving around New Zealnd , near by Christchurch (10/15 frost every year and -4c ) I saw this amazing plant that look like a young coconut tree , but then after a closer look I...
    While I was driving around New Zealnd , near by Christchurch (10/15 frost every year and -4c ) I saw this amazing plant that look like a young coconut tree , but then after a closer look I realised that it was setaria palmifolia never seen it before and i was quite surprice to see that actually...
    While I was driving around New Zealnd , near by Christchurch (10/15 frost every year and -4c ) I saw this amazing plant that look like a young coconut tree , but then after a closer look I realised that it was setaria palmifolia never seen it...
    While I was driving around New Zealnd , near by Christchurch (10/15 frost every year and -4c ) I saw this amazing plant that look like a young coconut tree , but then after a closer look I...
  5. thered

    Tree fern help is it dead?

    Steel rots, so not too sure as to the implications of that on a Tree Fern, but it can be bad for the human body (especially the blood stream).Quite possible that they have taken their toll...
    Steel rots, so not too sure as to the implications of that on a Tree Fern, but it can be bad for the human body (especially the blood stream).Quite possible that they have taken their toll on it to the extent that the struggle to survive was just too much this year.
    Steel rots, so not too sure as to the implications of that on a Tree Fern, but it can be bad for the human body (especially the blood stream).Quite possible that they have taken their toll on it to the extent that the struggle to survive...
    Steel rots, so not too sure as to the implications of that on a Tree Fern, but it can be bad for the human body (especially the blood stream).Quite possible that they have taken their toll...
  6. Sirius


    Very kind of you to offer, thank you. If you can get fresh seeds, try growing u. westonii (Polypompholyx). I grew these partially submerged and the bright pink flowers where amazing. The seeds...
    Very kind of you to offer, thank you. If you can get fresh seeds, try growing u. westonii (Polypompholyx). I grew these partially submerged and the bright pink flowers where amazing. The seeds need time, but are not too difficult to germinate.
    Very kind of you to offer, thank you. If you can get fresh seeds, try growing u. westonii (Polypompholyx). I grew these partially submerged and the bright pink flowers where amazing. The seeds need time, but are not too difficult to germinate.
    Very kind of you to offer, thank you. If you can get fresh seeds, try growing u. westonii (Polypompholyx). I grew these partially submerged and the bright pink flowers where amazing. The seeds...
  7. Stingo

    Ceropegia Woodii

    Just use a piece of the plant with a few nodes lay it on the mix in a seed tray and just lightly cover each nodal area with some of the mix & within about 8 weeks you should have roots & leaves...
    Just use a piece of the plant with a few nodes lay it on the mix in a seed tray and just lightly cover each nodal area with some of the mix & within about 8 weeks you should have roots & leaves from all the nodes,I then snip off the stems joining each rooted node and pot them up in a gritty...
    Just use a piece of the plant with a few nodes lay it on the mix in a seed tray and just lightly cover each nodal area with some of the mix & within about 8 weeks you should have roots & leaves from all the nodes,I then snip off the stems joining...
    Just use a piece of the plant with a few nodes lay it on the mix in a seed tray and just lightly cover each nodal area with some of the mix & within about 8 weeks you should have roots & leaves...
  8. longk

    Splitting an Agave?

    Hi I have got one outside but it is under cover, and so far, seems fine.It also has a lot of pups attached and I'm going to have a go at removing mine come May
    Hi I have got one outside but it is under cover, and so far, seems fine.It also has a lot of pups attached and I'm going to have a go at removing mine come May
    Hi I have got one outside but it is under cover, and so far, seems fine.It also has a lot of pups attached and I'm going to have a go at removing mine come May
    Hi I have got one outside but it is under cover, and so far, seems fine.It also has a lot of pups attached and I'm going to have a go at removing mine come May
  9. longk
    Like x 3

    Strelitzia juncea

    Pete - I have never had a flowering Strelitzia. Where exactly do the flower shoots come from. Is it from every leaf axil? and do you just get one flower per axil? Do you also get flowers from the...
    Pete - I have never had a flowering Strelitzia. Where exactly do the flower shoots come from. Is it from every leaf axil? and do you just get one flower per axil? Do you also get flowers from the outside axils which are younger, or just the central ones?
    Pete - I have never had a flowering Strelitzia. Where exactly do the flower shoots come from. Is it from every leaf axil? and do you just get one flower per axil? Do you also get flowers from the outside axils which are younger, or just the...
    Pete - I have never had a flowering Strelitzia. Where exactly do the flower shoots come from. Is it from every leaf axil? and do you just get one flower per axil? Do you also get flowers from the...
  10. Sirius
    Like x 3


    I think you are right with Brevifolia Sirius. It will be interesting to see how they have fared in a month or so.
    I think you are right with Brevifolia Sirius. It will be interesting to see how they have fared in a month or so.
    I think you are right with Brevifolia Sirius. It will be interesting to see how they have fared in a month or so.
    I think you are right with Brevifolia Sirius. It will be interesting to see how they have fared in a month or so.
  11. Nee354

    Please help! Bamboo issues (i think...)

    Thanks guys! That was a much quicker response than i was expecting. That`s what makes G.C. so great, good advice and proper answers to your questions, we have our mad times, just read the...
    Thanks guys! That was a much quicker response than i was expecting. That`s what makes G.C. so great, good advice and proper answers to your questions, we have our mad times, just read the threads from the last 2/3 months, but we all love our gardens, and share in the joy of a problem solved...
    Thanks guys! That was a much quicker response than i was expecting. That`s what makes G.C. so great, good advice and proper answers to your questions, we have our mad times, just read the threads from the last 2/3 months, but we all love our...
    Thanks guys! That was a much quicker response than i was expecting. That`s what makes G.C. so great, good advice and proper answers to your questions, we have our mad times, just read the...
  12. Jenny namaste
    Like x 5

    Mid France 2010 Wild orchids

    No I haven't. They are very special in numbers like that. A good find! I have seen carpets of wonderful orchids sp in France.. in of all places the rest areas. I wish we had similar in...
    No I haven't. They are very special in numbers like that. A good find! I have seen carpets of wonderful orchids sp in France.. in of all places the rest areas. I wish we had similar in Britain. Used to be early spotted orchids in forestry near here but sadly the numbers have dwindled
    No I haven't. They are very special in numbers like that. A good find! I have seen carpets of wonderful orchids sp in France.. in of all places the rest areas. I wish we had similar in Britain. Used to be early spotted orchids in forestry near...
    No I haven't. They are very special in numbers like that. A good find! I have seen carpets of wonderful orchids sp in France.. in of all places the rest areas. I wish we had similar in...

    Looking for aloe vera plants

    Thank you Jen! appreciate the welcome. And thanks to you too Val will check that out.
    Thank you Jen! appreciate the welcome. And thanks to you too Val will check that out.
    Thank you Jen! appreciate the welcome. And thanks to you too Val will check that out.
    Thank you Jen! appreciate the welcome. And thanks to you too Val will check that out.
  14. joolz68

    T-Rex(tetrapanax papyrifer) advise please

    It may try to grow somewhat, but in a 3L pot it won't do much (the leaves might be pretty big, for the greenhouse, but it will be fine ... once it gets outside it will be a different animal :) If...
    It may try to grow somewhat, but in a 3L pot it won't do much (the leaves might be pretty big, for the greenhouse, but it will be fine ... once it gets outside it will be a different animal :) If the leaves are too big, in the greenhouse, then just chop them off - bit drastic, but its the...
    It may try to grow somewhat, but in a 3L pot it won't do much (the leaves might be pretty big, for the greenhouse, but it will be fine ... once it gets outside it will be a different animal :) If the leaves are too big, in the greenhouse, then...
    It may try to grow somewhat, but in a 3L pot it won't do much (the leaves might be pretty big, for the greenhouse, but it will be fine ... once it gets outside it will be a different animal :) If...
  15. Phil A

    As Hot as any Hottentot

    It is related - both the Aizoaceae
    It is related - both the Aizoaceae
    It is related - both the Aizoaceae
    It is related - both the Aizoaceae
  16. Sirius


    I must admit I quite often am amazed by the size of the root system. But mine,(these days) survive on total neglect, so I think most of the fine roots are just annual, shrivelling back to just...
    I must admit I quite often am amazed by the size of the root system. But mine,(these days) survive on total neglect, so I think most of the fine roots are just annual, shrivelling back to just the main root when dry.
    I must admit I quite often am amazed by the size of the root system. But mine,(these days) survive on total neglect, so I think most of the fine roots are just annual, shrivelling back to just the main root when dry.
    I must admit I quite often am amazed by the size of the root system. But mine,(these days) survive on total neglect, so I think most of the fine roots are just annual, shrivelling back to just...
  17. Gooseh

    Olive Tree - Leaf tips gone brown and curling?

    Thankyou guys, much appreciated
    Thankyou guys, much appreciated
    Thankyou guys, much appreciated
    Thankyou guys, much appreciated
  18. catztail
    Like x 6

    extremely chuffed

    I used to have a huge plant (probably caused by growing in too much shade!) one thing I always remember is that the flowers leaked a huge amount of nectar. It used to leave sticky puddles on the...
    I used to have a huge plant (probably caused by growing in too much shade!) one thing I always remember is that the flowers leaked a huge amount of nectar. It used to leave sticky puddles on the floor so you may want to protect your surfaces before the flowers open.
    I used to have a huge plant (probably caused by growing in too much shade!) one thing I always remember is that the flowers leaked a huge amount of nectar. It used to leave sticky puddles on the floor so you may want to protect your surfaces...
    I used to have a huge plant (probably caused by growing in too much shade!) one thing I always remember is that the flowers leaked a huge amount of nectar. It used to leave sticky puddles on the...
  19. pete


    Sorry to drag up such an old thread, but I was doing a search as I ordered both Narajilla seeds and a young Tree tomato plant today.Pete, did the Tree tomato fruit set and ripen in one season...
    Sorry to drag up such an old thread, but I was doing a search as I ordered both Narajilla seeds and a young Tree tomato plant today.Pete, did the Tree tomato fruit set and ripen in one season or do they ripen over winter?
    Sorry to drag up such an old thread, but I was doing a search as I ordered both Narajilla seeds and a young Tree tomato plant today.Pete, did the Tree tomato fruit set and ripen in one season or do they ripen over winter?
    Sorry to drag up such an old thread, but I was doing a search as I ordered both Narajilla seeds and a young Tree tomato plant today.Pete, did the Tree tomato fruit set and ripen in one season...
  20. sal73
    Like x 5

    Aciphylla aurea

    Where was the photo taken Sal?
    Where was the photo taken Sal?
    Where was the photo taken Sal?
    Where was the photo taken Sal?

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