Tropical Gardening

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  1. stephenprudence

    Has anyone grown Coronilla glauca?

    Mine had a major prune last summer and seems to have sulked a bit. Think it'll pick up in the end, though.
    Mine had a major prune last summer and seems to have sulked a bit. Think it'll pick up in the end, though.
    Mine had a major prune last summer and seems to have sulked a bit. Think it'll pick up in the end, though.
    Mine had a major prune last summer and seems to have sulked a bit. Think it'll pick up in the end, though.
  2. Lantana

    Gardening in Mediterranean Turkey - help please

    Thanks MadahhiliaI sewed the seed in seed tays and good quality compost and kept the seed trays in the greenhouse but I think it was just too hot. Even in late February, daytime temp in the...
    Thanks MadahhiliaI sewed the seed in seed tays and good quality compost and kept the seed trays in the greenhouse but I think it was just too hot. Even in late February, daytime temp in the greenhouse was 30 . Night time temp fell to about 12 - the greenhouse is not heated, so I think the...
    Thanks MadahhiliaI sewed the seed in seed tays and good quality compost and kept the seed trays in the greenhouse but I think it was just too hot. Even in late February, daytime temp in the greenhouse was 30 . Night time temp fell to about 12...
    Thanks MadahhiliaI sewed the seed in seed tays and good quality compost and kept the seed trays in the greenhouse but I think it was just too hot. Even in late February, daytime temp in the...
  3. Coolsox

    Epiphyllum oxypetalum - Queen of the night!

    I seem to remember growing this a few years ago. I remember it making very long flat branches which started to take over my conservatory. Unfortunately, space being a problem I had to remove it,...
    I seem to remember growing this a few years ago. I remember it making very long flat branches which started to take over my conservatory. Unfortunately, space being a problem I had to remove it, it did have a few flowers, but not enough to warrant the space it was taking up.
    I seem to remember growing this a few years ago. I remember it making very long flat branches which started to take over my conservatory. Unfortunately, space being a problem I had to remove it, it did have a few flowers, but not enough to...
    I seem to remember growing this a few years ago. I remember it making very long flat branches which started to take over my conservatory. Unfortunately, space being a problem I had to remove it,...
  4. sal73

    Hibiscus Cannabinus

    Sal - I have no idea. Its not in my small book on Hibiscus - so I can only Google the same sites as you. It sounds similar to H. coccinea though it comes from Asia and not the USA. H. coccinea...
    Sal - I have no idea. Its not in my small book on Hibiscus - so I can only Google the same sites as you. It sounds similar to H. coccinea though it comes from Asia and not the USA. H. coccinea also grows to 6 foot, is sold as an annual but is really a perennial, and also has cannabis like...
    Sal - I have no idea. Its not in my small book on Hibiscus - so I can only Google the same sites as you. It sounds similar to H. coccinea though it comes from Asia and not the USA. H. coccinea also grows to 6 foot, is sold as an annual but is...
    Sal - I have no idea. Its not in my small book on Hibiscus - so I can only Google the same sites as you. It sounds similar to H. coccinea though it comes from Asia and not the USA. H. coccinea...
  5. Sirius

    Edithcolea grandis

    Btw, stapelia gigantea, a bit off topic. But keep warm not below 10*c, plenty of sunlight. And it can take a lot of water in the growing season (summer)
    Btw, stapelia gigantea, a bit off topic. But keep warm not below 10*c, plenty of sunlight. And it can take a lot of water in the growing season (summer)
    Btw, stapelia gigantea, a bit off topic. But keep warm not below 10*c, plenty of sunlight. And it can take a lot of water in the growing season (summer)
    Btw, stapelia gigantea, a bit off topic. But keep warm not below 10*c, plenty of sunlight. And it can take a lot of water in the growing season (summer)
  6. Sirius

    Orbea (Stapelia) variegata

    Just struck me as strange that it struck on plants indoors and on greenhouse plants. The growing conditions must be very different.
    Just struck me as strange that it struck on plants indoors and on greenhouse plants. The growing conditions must be very different.
    Just struck me as strange that it struck on plants indoors and on greenhouse plants. The growing conditions must be very different.
    Just struck me as strange that it struck on plants indoors and on greenhouse plants. The growing conditions must be very different.
  7. Scorpio1968
    Like x 6

    More Flora pictures from Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus

    Many thanks for all the ID's there. I've renamed most now and the numbers on the remaining ones have changed slightly so if i missed anything do let me know.
    Many thanks for all the ID's there. I've renamed most now and the numbers on the remaining ones have changed slightly so if i missed anything do let me know.
    Many thanks for all the ID's there. I've renamed most now and the numbers on the remaining ones have changed slightly so if i missed anything do let me know.
    Many thanks for all the ID's there. I've renamed most now and the numbers on the remaining ones have changed slightly so if i missed anything do let me know.
  8. al n
    Like x 6

    Went shopping today.........

    I saw those Emily Mac' Croc's in DeJaggers' catalogue last week. They're a must for this year in my garden me finks!
    I saw those Emily Mac' Croc's in DeJaggers' catalogue last week. They're a must for this year in my garden me finks!
    I saw those Emily Mac' Croc's in DeJaggers' catalogue last week. They're a must for this year in my garden me finks!
    I saw those Emily Mac' Croc's in DeJaggers' catalogue last week. They're a must for this year in my garden me finks!
  9. al n
    Like x 12

    My new acquisition

    Nice. I bet Santa struggled with that down the chimney - it won't need sweeping again for some time. :snork:
    Nice. I bet Santa struggled with that down the chimney - it won't need sweeping again for some time. :snork:
    Nice. I bet Santa struggled with that down the chimney - it won't need sweeping again for some time. :snork:
    Nice. I bet Santa struggled with that down the chimney - it won't need sweeping again for some time. :snork:
  10. longk
    Like x 4

    Aroid pictures

    One of my last plant I bought was a philodendron xanadu , apparently hardy to -6c and really expencive (£200 at amulree) untill Ikea start to sell them for £10
    One of my last plant I bought was a philodendron xanadu , apparently hardy to -6c and really expencive (£200 at amulree) untill Ikea start to sell them for £10
    One of my last plant I bought was a philodendron xanadu , apparently hardy to -6c and really expencive (£200 at amulree) untill Ikea start to sell them for £10
    One of my last plant I bought was a philodendron xanadu , apparently hardy to -6c and really expencive (£200 at amulree) untill Ikea start to sell them for £10
  11. al n
    Like x 12

    Lovely comments....

    My lawn aka short meadow! is completely choked with moss. With amount of "lawn" I have it's impractical really to do much to it. I did contemplate getting a commercial scarifier in and then...
    My lawn aka short meadow! is completely choked with moss. With amount of "lawn" I have it's impractical really to do much to it. I did contemplate getting a commercial scarifier in and then thought "OMG what would I do with all the stuff that was lifted out"? I'd need again commercial quantities...
    My lawn aka short meadow! is completely choked with moss. With amount of "lawn" I have it's impractical really to do much to it. I did contemplate getting a commercial scarifier in and then thought "OMG what would I do with all the stuff that was...
    My lawn aka short meadow! is completely choked with moss. With amount of "lawn" I have it's impractical really to do much to it. I did contemplate getting a commercial scarifier in and then...
  12. kazzie_SE

    Tree Fern

    It went down to around minus 15 degrees C there last winter, but they all seem to have survived OK, although I have noticed (when comparing the pics) that those that weren't protected last winter...
    It went down to around minus 15 degrees C there last winter, but they all seem to have survived OK, although I have noticed (when comparing the pics) that those that weren't protected last winter also don't seem any leaves on this autumn. Must check those out next summer. Sorry Scrunge, don`t...
    It went down to around minus 15 degrees C there last winter, but they all seem to have survived OK, although I have noticed (when comparing the pics) that those that weren't protected last winter also don't seem any leaves on this autumn. Must...
    It went down to around minus 15 degrees C there last winter, but they all seem to have survived OK, although I have noticed (when comparing the pics) that those that weren't protected last winter...
  13. Julie H
    Like x 6

    Nice Surprise

    Then the D.kingianium is ideal. Cyms are easy - just put 'em in a shady spot for the summer, let 'em take a light frost and then bring in to the warm. Flowers follow about six to eight weeks...
    Then the D.kingianium is ideal. Cyms are easy - just put 'em in a shady spot for the summer, let 'em take a light frost and then bring in to the warm. Flowers follow about six to eight weeks later. They only flower once from each pseudobulb, so if they produce no new p/bulbs rethink the summer...
    Then the D.kingianium is ideal. Cyms are easy - just put 'em in a shady spot for the summer, let 'em take a light frost and then bring in to the warm. Flowers follow about six to eight weeks later. They only flower once from each pseudobulb, so...
    Then the D.kingianium is ideal. Cyms are easy - just put 'em in a shady spot for the summer, let 'em take a light frost and then bring in to the warm. Flowers follow about six to eight weeks...
  14. sal73

    Black agapathus

    Like my Topiary Chess set ... or Aqueduct ... or gazebo you mean? :heehee: I definitely need my head examining ... particularly as I failed to win the lottery today ... mind you, buying a ticket would...
    Like my Topiary Chess set ... or Aqueduct ... or gazebo you mean? :heehee: I definitely need my head examining ... particularly as I failed to win the lottery today ... mind you, buying a ticket would be a start :)
    Like my Topiary Chess set ... or Aqueduct ... or gazebo you mean? :heehee: I definitely need my head examining ... particularly as I failed to win the lottery today ... mind you, buying a ticket would be a start :)
    Like my Topiary Chess set ... or Aqueduct ... or gazebo you mean? :heehee: I definitely need my head examining ... particularly as I failed to win the lottery today ... mind you, buying a ticket would...
  15. SimonZ

    Celosia deficiency?

    It is an annual as stated above, it is just dying off, not worth even trying to feed or over winter it.
    It is an annual as stated above, it is just dying off, not worth even trying to feed or over winter it.
    It is an annual as stated above, it is just dying off, not worth even trying to feed or over winter it.
    It is an annual as stated above, it is just dying off, not worth even trying to feed or over winter it.
  16. sal73

    Tradescantia Pallida variegata

    Is this the one Sal? Photo taken today of plant in the office, Jenny
    Is this the one Sal? Photo taken today of plant in the office, Jenny
    Is this the one Sal? Photo taken today of plant in the office, Jenny
    Is this the one Sal? Photo taken today of plant in the office, Jenny
    Billbergia nutans.jpg Tradascanthia 001.JPG
  17. Sirius
    Like x 6

    Australian Pitcher Plant-Cephalotus follicularis

    Sal, if it's in a greenhouse or indoors you could do a mini bog garden with Cephalotus, subtropical Drosera, subtropical Utricularia and some Mexican Pinguicula
    Sal, if it's in a greenhouse or indoors you could do a mini bog garden with Cephalotus, subtropical Drosera, subtropical Utricularia and some Mexican Pinguicula
    Sal, if it's in a greenhouse or indoors you could do a mini bog garden with Cephalotus, subtropical Drosera, subtropical Utricularia and some Mexican Pinguicula
    Sal, if it's in a greenhouse or indoors you could do a mini bog garden with Cephalotus, subtropical Drosera, subtropical Utricularia and some Mexican Pinguicula
  18. sal73
    Like x 3

    Giant alocasia

    Very interesting, thanks. Don't tell him you are an Exotic Plant Affectionado ... or his prices will go up 10x !!
    Very interesting, thanks. Don't tell him you are an Exotic Plant Affectionado ... or his prices will go up 10x !!
    Very interesting, thanks. Don't tell him you are an Exotic Plant Affectionado ... or his prices will go up 10x !!
    Very interesting, thanks. Don't tell him you are an Exotic Plant Affectionado ... or his prices will go up 10x !!
  19. longk
  20. OxfordNick
    Like x 6

    New Banana Germination

    Amazing seller , really need to save is web page , well done Nick , the seeds must be really fresh , but you have done a great job as well . finger cross that they will get bigger .
    Amazing seller , really need to save is web page , well done Nick , the seeds must be really fresh , but you have done a great job as well . finger cross that they will get bigger .
    Amazing seller , really need to save is web page , well done Nick , the seeds must be really fresh , but you have done a great job as well . finger cross that they will get bigger .
    Amazing seller , really need to save is web page , well done Nick , the seeds must be really fresh , but you have done a great job as well . finger cross that they will get bigger .

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