Tropical Gardening

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  1. sal73

    Madagascar plants

    Longk,Those Impatiens are really unusual!
    Longk,Those Impatiens are really unusual!
    Longk,Those Impatiens are really unusual!
    Longk,Those Impatiens are really unusual!
  2. JWK

    Exotic plants in Lidl - Musa Basjoo

    Bilbo I`m sure that your £2.50 musa will look great near the other musa you already have or even better near the bananas puppy that all the musa are producing after all this rain :dbgrtmb:. Now that I...
    Bilbo I`m sure that your £2.50 musa will look great near the other musa you already have or even better near the bananas puppy that all the musa are producing after all this rain :dbgrtmb:. Now that I remember i bough another musa just because I was thinking to plant in the soil and see how will it come...
    Bilbo I`m sure that your £2.50 musa will look great near the other musa you already have or even better near the bananas puppy that all the musa are producing after all this rain :dbgrtmb:. Now that I remember i bough another musa just because I was...
    Bilbo I`m sure that your £2.50 musa will look great near the other musa you already have or even better near the bananas puppy that all the musa are producing after all this rain :dbgrtmb:. Now that I...
  3. longk
    Like x 5

    Brugmansia sanguinea

    I'm only talking about B. sanguinea, I'm sure most of the large flowered ones we are growing would prefer more sunshine as long as they get plenty of moisture
    I'm only talking about B. sanguinea, I'm sure most of the large flowered ones we are growing would prefer more sunshine as long as they get plenty of moisture
    I'm only talking about B. sanguinea, I'm sure most of the large flowered ones we are growing would prefer more sunshine as long as they get plenty of moisture
    I'm only talking about B. sanguinea, I'm sure most of the large flowered ones we are growing would prefer more sunshine as long as they get plenty of moisture
  4. keithhampson

    Growing Phoenix canariensis

    I had one a few years ago, but it didn't do too well. They get very big, so ideally, should be in the ground. But our winters are too cold for them, so they should get some sort of protection.
    I had one a few years ago, but it didn't do too well. They get very big, so ideally, should be in the ground. But our winters are too cold for them, so they should get some sort of protection.
    I had one a few years ago, but it didn't do too well. They get very big, so ideally, should be in the ground. But our winters are too cold for them, so they should get some sort of protection.
    I had one a few years ago, but it didn't do too well. They get very big, so ideally, should be in the ground. But our winters are too cold for them, so they should get some sort of protection.
  5. averil
    Like x 4

    I'm really chuffed! ~Thanks

    We're all learning from each other!! Wayne
    We're all learning from each other!! Wayne
    We're all learning from each other!! Wayne
    We're all learning from each other!! Wayne
  6. pete
    Like x 4

    Strelitzia and friends.

    Thats my problem Pete, I am what i call a "fluffy" gardener.I have nearly everything in pots and a very small area for growing directly into the soil. I am never armed with a spade :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
    Thats my problem Pete, I am what i call a "fluffy" gardener.I have nearly everything in pots and a very small area for growing directly into the soil. I am never armed with a spade :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
    Thats my problem Pete, I am what i call a "fluffy" gardener.I have nearly everything in pots and a very small area for growing directly into the soil. I am never armed with a spade :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
    Thats my problem Pete, I am what i call a "fluffy" gardener.I have nearly everything in pots and a very small area for growing directly into the soil. I am never armed with a spade :lunapic 130165696578242 5:
  7. averil

    Brug worry ....again!

    Not really - if it doesn't flower you can just take cuttings and flog them on ebay for £13 a time. Simples!
    Not really - if it doesn't flower you can just take cuttings and flog them on ebay for £13 a time. Simples!
    Not really - if it doesn't flower you can just take cuttings and flog them on ebay for £13 a time. Simples!
    Not really - if it doesn't flower you can just take cuttings and flog them on ebay for £13 a time. Simples!
  8. Banana Man
    Like x 10

    Banana Man`s Hideout May 2012...

    Cor thats some garden. Kinda puts my geraniums in the shade :loll:
    Cor thats some garden. Kinda puts my geraniums in the shade :loll:
    Cor thats some garden. Kinda puts my geraniums in the shade :loll:
    Cor thats some garden. Kinda puts my geraniums in the shade :loll:
  9. pete
    Like x 12

    What's looking exotic in June.

    Oooops, sorry Kristen!! You are so politea proper gent sir, Jenny
    Oooops, sorry Kristen!! You are so politea proper gent sir, Jenny
    Oooops, sorry Kristen!! You are so politea proper gent sir, Jenny
    Oooops, sorry Kristen!! You are so politea proper gent sir, Jenny
  10. Victoria

    Brugmansia problem

    We all need bigger greenhouses:) Especially this year.
    We all need bigger greenhouses:) Especially this year.
    We all need bigger greenhouses:) Especially this year.
    We all need bigger greenhouses:) Especially this year.
  11. Wayne
    Like x 6

    Alan's Brugmansia Hurstwood Elinor

    It is so pretty. I guess those are the species that I only get to enjoy watching from far, far away. It is too hot here. Thanks for sharing.
    It is so pretty. I guess those are the species that I only get to enjoy watching from far, far away. It is too hot here. Thanks for sharing.
    It is so pretty. I guess those are the species that I only get to enjoy watching from far, far away. It is too hot here. Thanks for sharing.
    It is so pretty. I guess those are the species that I only get to enjoy watching from far, far away. It is too hot here. Thanks for sharing.
  12. averil

    brugmansia herrenhauser garten

    Tks Wayne, I shall give it my best shot
    Tks Wayne, I shall give it my best shot
    Tks Wayne, I shall give it my best shot
    Tks Wayne, I shall give it my best shot
  13. longk

    Phanaenopsis noids in bloom

    Quite a few of the houseplants have sulked since the move, especially the orchids. A couple have thrived though............. This is one of my favourites..............
    Quite a few of the houseplants have sulked since the move, especially the orchids. A couple have thrived though............. This is one of my favourites..............
    Quite a few of the houseplants have sulked since the move, especially the orchids. A couple have thrived though............. This is one of my favourites..............
    Quite a few of the houseplants have sulked since the move, especially the orchids. A couple have thrived though............. This is one of my favourites..............
  14. longk

    Tricyrtis lasiocarpa from seed

    I have been sent some seeds for Tricyrtis lasiocarpa and have two questions;1 - are these viable seeds? They look a little small to me............. and2 - what is the correct way to...
    I have been sent some seeds for Tricyrtis lasiocarpa and have two questions;1 - are these viable seeds? They look a little small to me............. and2 - what is the correct way to go about germinating them? I've grown Tricyrtis in the past and have always needed to give them a...
    I have been sent some seeds for Tricyrtis lasiocarpa and have two questions;1 - are these viable seeds? They look a little small to me............. and2 - what is the correct way to go about germinating them? I've grown Tricyrtis...
    I have been sent some seeds for Tricyrtis lasiocarpa and have two questions;1 - are these viable seeds? They look a little small to me............. and2 - what is the correct way to...
  15. longk
    Like x 4

    Ceropegia sandersonii

    It almost rewards you for neglect - mine seems to produce the aerial tubers over the winter when I withhold water.
    It almost rewards you for neglect - mine seems to produce the aerial tubers over the winter when I withhold water.
    It almost rewards you for neglect - mine seems to produce the aerial tubers over the winter when I withhold water.
    It almost rewards you for neglect - mine seems to produce the aerial tubers over the winter when I withhold water.
  16. Madahhlia

    Tropaeolum Speciosum

    Far better than I ever got!
    Far better than I ever got!
    Far better than I ever got!
    Far better than I ever got!
  17. rustyroots

    Hellebore Niger.

    Hi Rr I would leave the flowerheads on to self seed but you can cut away the old leaves from last year but leave the fresh new leaves that have grown this year. Spruce
    Hi Rr I would leave the flowerheads on to self seed but you can cut away the old leaves from last year but leave the fresh new leaves that have grown this year. Spruce
    Hi Rr I would leave the flowerheads on to self seed but you can cut away the old leaves from last year but leave the fresh new leaves that have grown this year. Spruce
    Hi Rr I would leave the flowerheads on to self seed but you can cut away the old leaves from last year but leave the fresh new leaves that have grown this year. Spruce
  18. sal73
    Like x 7

    My tropical garden so far

    excellent, love the way pic no 4 looks now from when you started :SUNsmile:
    excellent, love the way pic no 4 looks now from when you started :SUNsmile:
    excellent, love the way pic no 4 looks now from when you started :SUNsmile:
    excellent, love the way pic no 4 looks now from when you started :SUNsmile:
  19. averil


    Peter, Thanks for all that info. Bertie is definitely of the warm group and i have just germinated a sanguinea from the cold group. Oh dear Ive been googling a lot about these things but didnt...
    Peter, Thanks for all that info. Bertie is definitely of the warm group and i have just germinated a sanguinea from the cold group. Oh dear Ive been googling a lot about these things but didnt realise there was warm and cold groups :scratch:. Ive repotted him but into a mixture of multi with some john...
    Peter, Thanks for all that info. Bertie is definitely of the warm group and i have just germinated a sanguinea from the cold group. Oh dear Ive been googling a lot about these things but didnt realise there was warm and cold groups :scratch:. Ive repotted...
    Peter, Thanks for all that info. Bertie is definitely of the warm group and i have just germinated a sanguinea from the cold group. Oh dear Ive been googling a lot about these things but didnt...
  20. Wayne
    Like x 4

    Brugmansia's at Kew Gardens

    Absolutely gorgeous!!!... and heres little ole me so chuffed cos ive managed to germinate a sanguinea seed. No doubt it will be as huge as those, this time next year :snork:
    Absolutely gorgeous!!!... and heres little ole me so chuffed cos ive managed to germinate a sanguinea seed. No doubt it will be as huge as those, this time next year :snork:
    Absolutely gorgeous!!!... and heres little ole me so chuffed cos ive managed to germinate a sanguinea seed. No doubt it will be as huge as those, this time next year :snork:
    Absolutely gorgeous!!!... and heres little ole me so chuffed cos ive managed to germinate a sanguinea seed. No doubt it will be as huge as those, this time next year :snork:

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