Tropical Gardening

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  1. Fof

    Calceolaria pavoni

    I am in central Cornwall and this is new to me so I googled it. It is sold by Charlie Pridham at Roseland house in Chasewater so should be OK for you. Apparently it dies down in winter so would...
    I am in central Cornwall and this is new to me so I googled it. It is sold by Charlie Pridham at Roseland house in Chasewater so should be OK for you. Apparently it dies down in winter so would avoid the worst winds. I have a shrubby calceolaria grown from a cutting, now a 2 foot high shrub...
    I am in central Cornwall and this is new to me so I googled it. It is sold by Charlie Pridham at Roseland house in Chasewater so should be OK for you. Apparently it dies down in winter so would avoid the worst winds. I have a shrubby calceolaria...
    I am in central Cornwall and this is new to me so I googled it. It is sold by Charlie Pridham at Roseland house in Chasewater so should be OK for you. Apparently it dies down in winter so would...
  2. vbgr

    Grow lights. Can someone tell me what all this means.

    @NigelJ WOW! Thank you so much. That is so detailed. V
    @NigelJ WOW! Thank you so much. That is so detailed. V
    @NigelJ WOW! Thank you so much. That is so detailed. V
    @NigelJ WOW! Thank you so much. That is so detailed. V
  3. welshone

    Banana Musa Basjoo - Pups

    I've been growing musas for years now and still find them fascinating I've even had one of them produce 'fruit' . when it comes to pups I tend to leave them until their 1-2 feet then with the aid...
    I've been growing musas for years now and still find them fascinating I've even had one of them produce 'fruit' . when it comes to pups I tend to leave them until their 1-2 feet then with the aid of a hose pipe and a sharp knife I water around the pup enough to get my hand deep enough down in...
    I've been growing musas for years now and still find them fascinating I've even had one of them produce 'fruit' . when it comes to pups I tend to leave them until their 1-2 feet then with the aid of a hose pipe and a sharp knife I water around...
    I've been growing musas for years now and still find them fascinating I've even had one of them produce 'fruit' . when it comes to pups I tend to leave them until their 1-2 feet then with the aid...
  4. Victoria
    Like x 9

    PROTEA 'TANGO" Orange Pincushion (Leucospermum)

    I have always thought cold tea was good for plants, ;) I have even put J's coffee grounds on things. And milk that has gone off, watered down. I was brought up to use what is available.
    I have always thought cold tea was good for plants, ;) I have even put J's coffee grounds on things. And milk that has gone off, watered down. I was brought up to use what is available.
    I have always thought cold tea was good for plants, ;) I have even put J's coffee grounds on things. And milk that has gone off, watered down. I was brought up to use what is available.
    I have always thought cold tea was good for plants, ;) I have even put J's coffee grounds on things. And milk that has gone off, watered down. I was brought up to use what is available.
  5. JWK
  6. Loofah

    Cannas 2023

    New thread here : Canna 2024
    New thread here : Canna 2024
    New thread here : Canna 2024
    New thread here : Canna 2024
  7. JWK

    What's looking Exotic in 2023

    Link to new threadWhat's looking Exotic 2024
    Link to new threadWhat's looking Exotic 2024
    Link to new threadWhat's looking Exotic 2024
    Link to new threadWhat's looking Exotic 2024
  8. Fof

    Orchid feed question

    Just been watering the orchids and looking on the Vitax bottles of fertilisers they show rather different values to yours.Growth 100 - 30 - 50 Bloom 50 - 30 -100You could probably use...
    Just been watering the orchids and looking on the Vitax bottles of fertilisers they show rather different values to yours.Growth 100 - 30 - 50 Bloom 50 - 30 -100You could probably use any standard balanced fertiliser but at 1/4 strength, which some of the old hands seem to do to save...
    Just been watering the orchids and looking on the Vitax bottles of fertilisers they show rather different values to yours.Growth 100 - 30 - 50 Bloom 50 - 30 -100You could probably use any standard balanced fertiliser but at 1/4...
    Just been watering the orchids and looking on the Vitax bottles of fertilisers they show rather different values to yours.Growth 100 - 30 - 50 Bloom 50 - 30 -100You could probably use...
  9. Victoria


    Reading back, I saw this question I did not appear to answer. We do it twice a year, late Spring and Autumn.
    Reading back, I saw this question I did not appear to answer. We do it twice a year, late Spring and Autumn.
    Reading back, I saw this question I did not appear to answer. We do it twice a year, late Spring and Autumn.
    Reading back, I saw this question I did not appear to answer. We do it twice a year, late Spring and Autumn.
  10. Victoria
    Like x 3

    Jacaranda mimosifolia

    Here we are 2023 so time to get the Jacarandas pollarded.We left the one on the lane this year doing well up the lamp post ..But the one in the garden by the path to the house was cut back...
    Here we are 2023 so time to get the Jacarandas pollarded.We left the one on the lane this year doing well up the lamp post ..But the one in the garden by the path to the house was cut back ...
    Here we are 2023 so time to get the Jacarandas pollarded.We left the one on the lane this year doing well up the lamp post ..But the one in the garden by the path to the house was cut back ...
    Here we are 2023 so time to get the Jacarandas pollarded.We left the one on the lane this year doing well up the lamp post ..But the one in the garden by the path to the house was cut back...
    Jak Big Bloom 4 July.jpg Jak Big Bloom 22 Jun.jpg Jacaranda Van 26 Mar 22 (1).jpg Van in Jak3 26 Mar 22(1).jpg Jak1 12 Jun 22.jpg Jak2 12 Jun 22.jpg
  11. Victoria
    Like x 5


    The Melaleuca was leaning too much, on Friday ...... so Saturday I had it cut back drastically ...
    The Melaleuca was leaning too much, on Friday ...... so Saturday I had it cut back drastically ...
    The Melaleuca was leaning too much, on Friday ...... so Saturday I had it cut back drastically ...
    The Melaleuca was leaning too much, on Friday ...... so Saturday I had it cut back drastically ...
    Melaleuca3 30 Jul(1)(1).jpg Melaleuca2 30 Jul.jpg Melaleuca 4 Aug.jpg Melaleuca2 1 Nov 23.jpg Raised Patio3 5 Nov 23.jpg Melaleuca 5 Nov 23.jpg
  12. Kitte

    Orchid treatment.

    I would just like to draw the attention of you orchid lovers to some YouTube videos I have been finding very useful recently.They are called Happiness Garden and are from somewhere in the far...
    I would just like to draw the attention of you orchid lovers to some YouTube videos I have been finding very useful recently.They are called Happiness Garden and are from somewhere in the far east, all about orchids and how to treat them. Filmed with no narrative, just lovely music, with a...
    I would just like to draw the attention of you orchid lovers to some YouTube videos I have been finding very useful recently.They are called Happiness Garden and are from somewhere in the far east, all about orchids and how to treat them....
    I would just like to draw the attention of you orchid lovers to some YouTube videos I have been finding very useful recently.They are called Happiness Garden and are from somewhere in the far...
  13. Aly1234

    Lemon tree in pot

    My mission this winter is to keep this one alive! Need to make some more lemonchello haha. Thank you for your suggestions :)
    My mission this winter is to keep this one alive! Need to make some more lemonchello haha. Thank you for your suggestions :)
    My mission this winter is to keep this one alive! Need to make some more lemonchello haha. Thank you for your suggestions :)
    My mission this winter is to keep this one alive! Need to make some more lemonchello haha. Thank you for your suggestions :)
  14. Victoria

    ID Please

    @Victoria I think it is Pseuderanthemum carruthersii of which there are various colour forms. An attractive tender plant.
    @Victoria I think it is Pseuderanthemum carruthersii of which there are various colour forms. An attractive tender plant.
    @Victoria I think it is Pseuderanthemum carruthersii of which there are various colour forms. An attractive tender plant.
    @Victoria I think it is Pseuderanthemum carruthersii of which there are various colour forms. An attractive tender plant.
  15. Aly1234

    Olive tree help

    I think if it was mine I'd leave it for now and give it a tri to shape next April.
    I think if it was mine I'd leave it for now and give it a tri to shape next April.
    I think if it was mine I'd leave it for now and give it a tri to shape next April.
    I think if it was mine I'd leave it for now and give it a tri to shape next April.
  16. Marshallal

    Strelitzia reginae advice

    Many thanks Pete.
    Many thanks Pete.
    Many thanks Pete.
    Many thanks Pete.
  17. Victoria
    Like x 3


    Beaucarnea recurvata with two Beaucarnea guatemalensis in front ... there were three but one died ...
    Beaucarnea recurvata with two Beaucarnea guatemalensis in front ... there were three but one died ...
    Beaucarnea recurvata with two Beaucarnea guatemalensis in front ... there were three but one died ...
    Beaucarnea recurvata with two Beaucarnea guatemalensis in front ... there were three but one died ...
    Beaucarnea 2 Jul 23.jpg
  18. Surfer

    Avocado trees

    Depending whether different levels i.e. steps are involved, what about repotting them into half-barrels on wheels? All my citrus trees and a fair few tender shrubs and trees are grown in them so...
    Depending whether different levels i.e. steps are involved, what about repotting them into half-barrels on wheels? All my citrus trees and a fair few tender shrubs and trees are grown in them so they can be wheeled under cover for the winter, then wheeled out onto the terrace once frosts have...
    Depending whether different levels i.e. steps are involved, what about repotting them into half-barrels on wheels? All my citrus trees and a fair few tender shrubs and trees are grown in them so they can be wheeled under cover for the winter,...
    Depending whether different levels i.e. steps are involved, what about repotting them into half-barrels on wheels? All my citrus trees and a fair few tender shrubs and trees are grown in them so...
  19. DazzerLancs

    Poorly Kumquat

    I'm on the lookout for a decent sweet orange at a sensible price, but they always seem to be large plants at stupid prices.
    I'm on the lookout for a decent sweet orange at a sensible price, but they always seem to be large plants at stupid prices.
    I'm on the lookout for a decent sweet orange at a sensible price, but they always seem to be large plants at stupid prices.
    I'm on the lookout for a decent sweet orange at a sensible price, but they always seem to be large plants at stupid prices.
  20. DazzerLancs

    Olive tree

    Well if it's growing alright I'd leave well alone.
    Well if it's growing alright I'd leave well alone.
    Well if it's growing alright I'd leave well alone.
    Well if it's growing alright I'd leave well alone.

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