Tropical Gardening

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  1. Resonate

    Hedychium ?

    Dont blame bilbo going down the seed route, I did the same with H. densiflorum. But if you buy roots you get the best flowering, often hybrids. Having said that, I've lost a few good ones...
    Dont blame bilbo going down the seed route, I did the same with H. densiflorum. But if you buy roots you get the best flowering, often hybrids. Having said that, I've lost a few good ones overwinter. I find many flower far too late in the season, so I would go for the ones that flower earliest.
    Dont blame bilbo going down the seed route, I did the same with H. densiflorum. But if you buy roots you get the best flowering, often hybrids. Having said that, I've lost a few good ones overwinter. I find many flower far too late in the...
    Dont blame bilbo going down the seed route, I did the same with H. densiflorum. But if you buy roots you get the best flowering, often hybrids. Having said that, I've lost a few good ones...
  2. longk
    Like x 3

    Eucomis leaf cuttings

    Probably duff bulbs!!
    Probably duff bulbs!!
    Probably duff bulbs!!
    Probably duff bulbs!!
  3. Passport1

    Is my Yucca Dead

    Thanks for all the replies and advise Ive had the Yucca sitting in the conservatory for the last week where it getting lots of light during the day time. I havent watered it at all either. It...
    Thanks for all the replies and advise Ive had the Yucca sitting in the conservatory for the last week where it getting lots of light during the day time. I havent watered it at all either. It still looking pretty much like the pics in the original post. Is it without saving and i should...
    Thanks for all the replies and advise Ive had the Yucca sitting in the conservatory for the last week where it getting lots of light during the day time. I havent watered it at all either. It still looking pretty much like the pics in the...
    Thanks for all the replies and advise Ive had the Yucca sitting in the conservatory for the last week where it getting lots of light during the day time. I havent watered it at all either. It...
  4. gcc3663

    Dipladenia Sundaville

    I think they are lovely, but lost two last winter. I tried to overwinter them in a frost free greenhouse, but have subsequently read that they need to be warmer than that. Though Victoria...
    I think they are lovely, but lost two last winter. I tried to overwinter them in a frost free greenhouse, but have subsequently read that they need to be warmer than that. Though Victoria experience doesn't support that idea.
    I think they are lovely, but lost two last winter. I tried to overwinter them in a frost free greenhouse, but have subsequently read that they need to be warmer than that. Though Victoria experience doesn't support that idea.
    I think they are lovely, but lost two last winter. I tried to overwinter them in a frost free greenhouse, but have subsequently read that they need to be warmer than that. Though Victoria...
  5. mowgley

    Phoenix canariensis Palm problem

    Gave it some warm water today. Was pretty warm today in the greenhouse. Still trying to persuade the other half to let me bring it inside :wub2: If not I think I'm going to repot it in a slightly...
    Gave it some warm water today. Was pretty warm today in the greenhouse. Still trying to persuade the other half to let me bring it inside :wub2: If not I think I'm going to repot it in a slightly bigger pot in april and then put it in the soil in its pot in may on the front garden
    Gave it some warm water today. Was pretty warm today in the greenhouse. Still trying to persuade the other half to let me bring it inside :wub2: If not I think I'm going to repot it in a slightly bigger pot in april and then put it in the soil in its...
    Gave it some warm water today. Was pretty warm today in the greenhouse. Still trying to persuade the other half to let me bring it inside :wub2: If not I think I'm going to repot it in a slightly...
  6. graham the gardener 1978

    diluter dilema

    thank you kristen
    thank you kristen
    thank you kristen
    thank you kristen
  7. HarryS

    Bougainvillea Info

    I took pics of the pink, I have them on C-D somewhere. Your Images are lovely Vicky and Harry.
    I took pics of the pink, I have them on C-D somewhere. Your Images are lovely Vicky and Harry.
    I took pics of the pink, I have them on C-D somewhere. Your Images are lovely Vicky and Harry.
    I took pics of the pink, I have them on C-D somewhere. Your Images are lovely Vicky and Harry.
  8. longk

    Chilean Glory Vine

    PeterS - I'm no longer surprised by it, but blooming by mid March is a bit of a record. Last year it was the 5th of April. Pete - it does self seed, but autumn seedlinmgs are not a problem and...
    PeterS - I'm no longer surprised by it, but blooming by mid March is a bit of a record. Last year it was the 5th of April. Pete - it does self seed, but autumn seedlinmgs are not a problem and the spring ones are easily taken care of. This one came through the winter of 2010/11 easily! JWK ...
    PeterS - I'm no longer surprised by it, but blooming by mid March is a bit of a record. Last year it was the 5th of April. Pete - it does self seed, but autumn seedlinmgs are not a problem and the spring ones are easily taken care of. This one...
    PeterS - I'm no longer surprised by it, but blooming by mid March is a bit of a record. Last year it was the 5th of April. Pete - it does self seed, but autumn seedlinmgs are not a problem and...
  9. Blackthorn

    Lotus Berthelotii

    Forget the GC's - find the smaller nurseries! These tend to be the places that have good deals on Fuchsia too..........:dbgrtmb::dbgrtmb:
    Forget the GC's - find the smaller nurseries! These tend to be the places that have good deals on Fuchsia too..........:dbgrtmb::dbgrtmb:
    Forget the GC's - find the smaller nurseries! These tend to be the places that have good deals on Fuchsia too..........:dbgrtmb::dbgrtmb:
    Forget the GC's - find the smaller nurseries! These tend to be the places that have good deals on Fuchsia too..........:dbgrtmb::dbgrtmb:
  10. Blackthorn

    Lotus Hirsutum

    I have seeds for Dorycnium hirsutum if anyone is interested...........
    I have seeds for Dorycnium hirsutum if anyone is interested...........
    I have seeds for Dorycnium hirsutum if anyone is interested...........
    I have seeds for Dorycnium hirsutum if anyone is interested...........
  11. Victoria

    Albiziia / Jacaranda

    How large are yours now Victoria? I have two one year old seedlings which are about 20cm tall..............
    How large are yours now Victoria? I have two one year old seedlings which are about 20cm tall..............
    How large are yours now Victoria? I have two one year old seedlings which are about 20cm tall..............
    How large are yours now Victoria? I have two one year old seedlings which are about 20cm tall..............
  12. pete


    The spike was spotted almost exactly seven years after the seed was sown!
    The spike was spotted almost exactly seven years after the seed was sown!
    The spike was spotted almost exactly seven years after the seed was sown!
    The spike was spotted almost exactly seven years after the seed was sown!
  13. Hornbeam


    T.mysorensis is a beauty, and as stated can make a nice conservatory or greenhouse specimen. On our visit to Hill House Nursery last year I convinced my better half that she really wanted this -...
    T.mysorensis is a beauty, and as stated can make a nice conservatory or greenhouse specimen. On our visit to Hill House Nursery last year I convinced my better half that she really wanted this - Thunbergia gregorii..............
    T.mysorensis is a beauty, and as stated can make a nice conservatory or greenhouse specimen. On our visit to Hill House Nursery last year I convinced my better half that she really wanted this - Thunbergia gregorii..............
    T.mysorensis is a beauty, and as stated can make a nice conservatory or greenhouse specimen. On our visit to Hill House Nursery last year I convinced my better half that she really wanted this -...
  14. Hurstwood brugs.

    Sphaerocarpium Brugmansia

    Hurstwood BowWayne Hurstwood Elinor is below this one.Here is Hurstwood Bow (H. Elinors pod sister) This one has also carried the strong fragrance from Arborea 'S' and the gorgeous...
    Hurstwood BowWayne Hurstwood Elinor is below this one.Here is Hurstwood Bow (H. Elinors pod sister) This one has also carried the strong fragrance from Arborea 'S' and the gorgeous colouration from Wildfire. Another positive of these two is that they have the hardiness of the Arborea. Hope...
    Hurstwood BowWayne Hurstwood Elinor is below this one.Here is Hurstwood Bow (H. Elinors pod sister) This one has also carried the strong fragrance from Arborea 'S' and the gorgeous colouration from Wildfire. Another positive of these two is...
    Hurstwood BowWayne Hurstwood Elinor is below this one.Here is Hurstwood Bow (H. Elinors pod sister) This one has also carried the strong fragrance from Arborea 'S' and the gorgeous...
    Hurstwood Bryony  Quality (Large).JPG insertimage.gif attach.gif Hurstwood Elinor Black BG with star (Large).jpg Hurstwood Bow Black BG PS (Large).jpg
  15. longk

    Brugmansia sanguinea

    Hi Victoria Wayne lured me from the 'Darkside' LOL Its nice to be here, Thanks for the Welcome.AlanHurstwood Brugmansia
    Hi Victoria Wayne lured me from the 'Darkside' LOL Its nice to be here, Thanks for the Welcome.AlanHurstwood Brugmansia
    Hi Victoria Wayne lured me from the 'Darkside' LOL Its nice to be here, Thanks for the Welcome.AlanHurstwood Brugmansia
    Hi Victoria Wayne lured me from the 'Darkside' LOL Its nice to be here, Thanks for the Welcome.AlanHurstwood Brugmansia
  16. Angelina

    Iresine from seed - any tips?

    Hi Angelina, Instructions on my packet of 10 Iresine herbstii seeds: "20-25 deg C and needs light to germinate". About half my seeds germinated within 4 days but it's been about a week now and...
    Hi Angelina, Instructions on my packet of 10 Iresine herbstii seeds: "20-25 deg C and needs light to germinate". About half my seeds germinated within 4 days but it's been about a week now and only one more has appeared today, so germination seems a little variable.:dbgrtmb:
    Hi Angelina, Instructions on my packet of 10 Iresine herbstii seeds: "20-25 deg C and needs light to germinate". About half my seeds germinated within 4 days but it's been about a week now and only one more has appeared today, so germination...
    Hi Angelina, Instructions on my packet of 10 Iresine herbstii seeds: "20-25 deg C and needs light to germinate". About half my seeds germinated within 4 days but it's been about a week now and...
  17. SiXpence

    When to Waken

    Nice one guys - joined a few minutes ago, and feel like I've learned something already! Follow the same sort of practice with bananas at home, but not Canna before. Maybe this ought to be the...
    Nice one guys - joined a few minutes ago, and feel like I've learned something already! Follow the same sort of practice with bananas at home, but not Canna before. Maybe this ought to be the year I start...
    Nice one guys - joined a few minutes ago, and feel like I've learned something already! Follow the same sort of practice with bananas at home, but not Canna before. Maybe this ought to be the year I start...
    Nice one guys - joined a few minutes ago, and feel like I've learned something already! Follow the same sort of practice with bananas at home, but not Canna before. Maybe this ought to be the...
  18. longk

    Acidanthera problems

    When I first "re-discovered" gardening I bought some Acidanthera corms and got great results! Year after year too. Then I moved and the blooming of this plant was a thing of the past:scratch: On the...
    When I first "re-discovered" gardening I bought some Acidanthera corms and got great results! Year after year too. Then I moved and the blooming of this plant was a thing of the past:scratch: On the face of it everything is the same - both gardens face south, plenty of sun etc. So what am I doing...
    When I first "re-discovered" gardening I bought some Acidanthera corms and got great results! Year after year too. Then I moved and the blooming of this plant was a thing of the past:scratch: On the face of it everything is the same - both gardens face...
    When I first "re-discovered" gardening I bought some Acidanthera corms and got great results! Year after year too. Then I moved and the blooming of this plant was a thing of the past:scratch: On the...
  19. sal73
    Like x 4

    My first tropical is in

    Hi Raman maan Lemon grass is used in thailand for making tea and currys , the oil is used to keep moskito away and apparently an infuse of lemon grass boiled in water is used an plants to keep...
    Hi Raman maan Lemon grass is used in thailand for making tea and currys , the oil is used to keep moskito away and apparently an infuse of lemon grass boiled in water is used an plants to keep pests away . You can buy it in any superstore like tesco or morrison , but it`s advised to get it from...
    Hi Raman maan Lemon grass is used in thailand for making tea and currys , the oil is used to keep moskito away and apparently an infuse of lemon grass boiled in water is used an plants to keep pests away . You can buy it in any superstore like...
    Hi Raman maan Lemon grass is used in thailand for making tea and currys , the oil is used to keep moskito away and apparently an infuse of lemon grass boiled in water is used an plants to keep...
  20. *dim*

    Some interesting plants

    stumbled accross a website selling unusual plants/shrubs in the UK Tropical Plants | Carreglefn Nurseries | Buy Online found these interesting: Avocado Bacon .... hardy to -5 degrees .......
    stumbled accross a website selling unusual plants/shrubs in the UK Tropical Plants | Carreglefn Nurseries | Buy Online found these interesting: Avocado Bacon .... hardy to -5 degrees .... have researched further, and many say it is hardier ... takes 3 years to start producing avos though,...
    stumbled accross a website selling unusual plants/shrubs in the UK Tropical Plants | Carreglefn Nurseries | Buy Online found these interesting: Avocado Bacon .... hardy to -5 degrees .... have researched further, and many say it is hardier...
    stumbled accross a website selling unusual plants/shrubs in the UK Tropical Plants | Carreglefn Nurseries | Buy Online found these interesting: Avocado Bacon .... hardy to -5 degrees .......

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