Tropical Gardening

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    Yes,we have no banana's

    Just thought some people would like to know that of the 3 varieties of Banana seeds I planted on 6 January this year I have one that has germinated. It's a Musa Mannii, so hopefully, there may be...
    Just thought some people would like to know that of the 3 varieties of Banana seeds I planted on 6 January this year I have one that has germinated. It's a Musa Mannii, so hopefully, there may be more. To be honest, I didn't have really high hopes of any of the seeds germinating especially...
    Just thought some people would like to know that of the 3 varieties of Banana seeds I planted on 6 January this year I have one that has germinated. It's a Musa Mannii, so hopefully, there may be more. To be honest, I didn't have really high...
    Just thought some people would like to know that of the 3 varieties of Banana seeds I planted on 6 January this year I have one that has germinated. It's a Musa Mannii, so hopefully, there may be...
  2. sal73

    Tropical ground cover

    Maybe a form of Oxalis (not the rampant kind), or some ground cover type of Lysimachia such as L. lysii? Lysimachia plants are generally fairly hardy but not sure if they are evergreen.
    Maybe a form of Oxalis (not the rampant kind), or some ground cover type of Lysimachia such as L. lysii? Lysimachia plants are generally fairly hardy but not sure if they are evergreen.
    Maybe a form of Oxalis (not the rampant kind), or some ground cover type of Lysimachia such as L. lysii? Lysimachia plants are generally fairly hardy but not sure if they are evergreen.
    Maybe a form of Oxalis (not the rampant kind), or some ground cover type of Lysimachia such as L. lysii? Lysimachia plants are generally fairly hardy but not sure if they are evergreen.
  3. Resonate

    Canna Weeping

    I have to admit, they have never done it before until this year, and yes your right John, come the morning its gone, it only happens in the evening. Anyway thank goodness its nothing to worry...
    I have to admit, they have never done it before until this year, and yes your right John, come the morning its gone, it only happens in the evening. Anyway thank goodness its nothing to worry about, i love my Canna's and would hate it if anything happened to them, thank you all for replying. ...
    I have to admit, they have never done it before until this year, and yes your right John, come the morning its gone, it only happens in the evening. Anyway thank goodness its nothing to worry about, i love my Canna's and would hate it if...
    I have to admit, they have never done it before until this year, and yes your right John, come the morning its gone, it only happens in the evening. Anyway thank goodness its nothing to worry...
  4. longk
    Like x 3

    Datura wrightii

    Hiya Keith(?). TBH, I hadn't expected them to be in a hurry to germinate, my previous post was meant as an update. Anyway, I'll do as you suggest and move them if nothing happens in a week. ...
    Hiya Keith(?). TBH, I hadn't expected them to be in a hurry to germinate, my previous post was meant as an update. Anyway, I'll do as you suggest and move them if nothing happens in a week. Cheers...Freddy.
    Hiya Keith(?). TBH, I hadn't expected them to be in a hurry to germinate, my previous post was meant as an update. Anyway, I'll do as you suggest and move them if nothing happens in a week. Cheers...Freddy.
    Hiya Keith(?). TBH, I hadn't expected them to be in a hurry to germinate, my previous post was meant as an update. Anyway, I'll do as you suggest and move them if nothing happens in a week. ...
  5. longk

    First of the Pleiones!

    Still no signs of growth on mine, moved them into the greenhouse to see if the extra warmth will help.
    Still no signs of growth on mine, moved them into the greenhouse to see if the extra warmth will help.
    Still no signs of growth on mine, moved them into the greenhouse to see if the extra warmth will help.
    Still no signs of growth on mine, moved them into the greenhouse to see if the extra warmth will help.
  6. longk

    Bud on my sulking Hippeastrum

    I've done the same thing for five years now Sheal! I was told that this species require a cold spell to bloom reliably........
    I've done the same thing for five years now Sheal! I was told that this species require a cold spell to bloom reliably........
    I've done the same thing for five years now Sheal! I was told that this species require a cold spell to bloom reliably........
    I've done the same thing for five years now Sheal! I was told that this species require a cold spell to bloom reliably........
  7. Bilbo675

    Datura Germination Problems

    Firstly, the only wild D stramonium here are purple and they grow in dry river beds. I also find them too leafy and small flowered to have bothered to collect seed pods. Secondly, not only would...
    Firstly, the only wild D stramonium here are purple and they grow in dry river beds. I also find them too leafy and small flowered to have bothered to collect seed pods. Secondly, not only would you need a magnifying glass but tweezers to extricate the seed from a Datura outer shell ... :hate-shocked: My D...
    Firstly, the only wild D stramonium here are purple and they grow in dry river beds. I also find them too leafy and small flowered to have bothered to collect seed pods. Secondly, not only would you need a magnifying glass but tweezers to...
    Firstly, the only wild D stramonium here are purple and they grow in dry river beds. I also find them too leafy and small flowered to have bothered to collect seed pods. Secondly, not only would...
  8. Tropical_Gaz

    Planting a big Yucca

    Starting to get some outside no, and have the greenhouse doors open. Its always a tricky balance at this time of year. Pretty much everything we have in the greenhouses/large shed are hardy enough...
    Starting to get some outside no, and have the greenhouse doors open. Its always a tricky balance at this time of year. Pretty much everything we have in the greenhouses/large shed are hardy enough for the current temperatures but theres that risk of frost. Generally we like to get things out...
    Starting to get some outside no, and have the greenhouse doors open. Its always a tricky balance at this time of year. Pretty much everything we have in the greenhouses/large shed are hardy enough for the current temperatures but theres that risk...
    Starting to get some outside no, and have the greenhouse doors open. Its always a tricky balance at this time of year. Pretty much everything we have in the greenhouses/large shed are hardy enough...
  9. longk

    Potbound Cymbidiums

    As long as they're producing new pseudobulbs they're happy. And it looks as if this year there will be (was?) a lot of new growth. I've left the back bulbs on this time, but next time they'll see...
    As long as they're producing new pseudobulbs they're happy. And it looks as if this year there will be (was?) a lot of new growth. I've left the back bulbs on this time, but next time they'll see the "machette"! Next time should be two or three years away.
    As long as they're producing new pseudobulbs they're happy. And it looks as if this year there will be (was?) a lot of new growth. I've left the back bulbs on this time, but next time they'll see the "machette"! Next time should be two or three...
    As long as they're producing new pseudobulbs they're happy. And it looks as if this year there will be (was?) a lot of new growth. I've left the back bulbs on this time, but next time they'll see...
  10. sal73


    wow thanks, you are right I remember they where called cinese date as well , as much as they can handle frost really easy ....but I suppose that is one them fruit that no one wanted and...
    wow thanks, you are right I remember they where called cinese date as well , as much as they can handle frost really easy ....but I suppose that is one them fruit that no one wanted and it will be impossible to find it.
    wow thanks, you are right I remember they where called cinese date as well , as much as they can handle frost really easy ....but I suppose that is one them fruit that no one wanted and it will be impossible to find it.
    wow thanks, you are right I remember they where called cinese date as well , as much as they can handle frost really easy ....but I suppose that is one them fruit that no one wanted and...
  11. longk
    Like x 5

    New conservatory blooms

    Bit of a stretch here, as they're actually blooming in the cool spare bedroom. Anyway, the Phals are taking off. A nice "dwarf" white one............... This next one refused to bloom for two...
    Bit of a stretch here, as they're actually blooming in the cool spare bedroom. Anyway, the Phals are taking off. A nice "dwarf" white one............... This next one refused to bloom for two years, instead growing lots of very large leaves. Last year I stupidly snapped the flower spike...
    Bit of a stretch here, as they're actually blooming in the cool spare bedroom. Anyway, the Phals are taking off. A nice "dwarf" white one............... This next one refused to bloom for two years, instead growing lots of very large leaves....
    Bit of a stretch here, as they're actually blooming in the cool spare bedroom. Anyway, the Phals are taking off. A nice "dwarf" white one............... This next one refused to bloom for two...
    DSC_1698.jpg DSC_1699.jpg DSC_1702.jpg DSC_0924.jpg DSC_1717.jpg DSC_1718.jpg
  12. Resonate

    Hedychium ?

    Dont blame bilbo going down the seed route, I did the same with H. densiflorum. But if you buy roots you get the best flowering, often hybrids. Having said that, I've lost a few good ones...
    Dont blame bilbo going down the seed route, I did the same with H. densiflorum. But if you buy roots you get the best flowering, often hybrids. Having said that, I've lost a few good ones overwinter. I find many flower far too late in the season, so I would go for the ones that flower earliest.
    Dont blame bilbo going down the seed route, I did the same with H. densiflorum. But if you buy roots you get the best flowering, often hybrids. Having said that, I've lost a few good ones overwinter. I find many flower far too late in the...
    Dont blame bilbo going down the seed route, I did the same with H. densiflorum. But if you buy roots you get the best flowering, often hybrids. Having said that, I've lost a few good ones...
  13. longk
    Like x 3

    Eucomis leaf cuttings

    Probably duff bulbs!!
    Probably duff bulbs!!
    Probably duff bulbs!!
    Probably duff bulbs!!
  14. Passport1

    Is my Yucca Dead

    Thanks for all the replies and advise Ive had the Yucca sitting in the conservatory for the last week where it getting lots of light during the day time. I havent watered it at all either. It...
    Thanks for all the replies and advise Ive had the Yucca sitting in the conservatory for the last week where it getting lots of light during the day time. I havent watered it at all either. It still looking pretty much like the pics in the original post. Is it without saving and i should...
    Thanks for all the replies and advise Ive had the Yucca sitting in the conservatory for the last week where it getting lots of light during the day time. I havent watered it at all either. It still looking pretty much like the pics in the...
    Thanks for all the replies and advise Ive had the Yucca sitting in the conservatory for the last week where it getting lots of light during the day time. I havent watered it at all either. It...
  15. gcc3663

    Dipladenia Sundaville

    I think they are lovely, but lost two last winter. I tried to overwinter them in a frost free greenhouse, but have subsequently read that they need to be warmer than that. Though Victoria...
    I think they are lovely, but lost two last winter. I tried to overwinter them in a frost free greenhouse, but have subsequently read that they need to be warmer than that. Though Victoria experience doesn't support that idea.
    I think they are lovely, but lost two last winter. I tried to overwinter them in a frost free greenhouse, but have subsequently read that they need to be warmer than that. Though Victoria experience doesn't support that idea.
    I think they are lovely, but lost two last winter. I tried to overwinter them in a frost free greenhouse, but have subsequently read that they need to be warmer than that. Though Victoria...
  16. mowgley

    Phoenix canariensis Palm problem

    Gave it some warm water today. Was pretty warm today in the greenhouse. Still trying to persuade the other half to let me bring it inside :wub2: If not I think I'm going to repot it in a slightly...
    Gave it some warm water today. Was pretty warm today in the greenhouse. Still trying to persuade the other half to let me bring it inside :wub2: If not I think I'm going to repot it in a slightly bigger pot in april and then put it in the soil in its pot in may on the front garden
    Gave it some warm water today. Was pretty warm today in the greenhouse. Still trying to persuade the other half to let me bring it inside :wub2: If not I think I'm going to repot it in a slightly bigger pot in april and then put it in the soil in its...
    Gave it some warm water today. Was pretty warm today in the greenhouse. Still trying to persuade the other half to let me bring it inside :wub2: If not I think I'm going to repot it in a slightly...
  17. graham the gardener 1978

    diluter dilema

    thank you kristen
    thank you kristen
    thank you kristen
    thank you kristen
  18. HarryS

    Bougainvillea Info

    I took pics of the pink, I have them on C-D somewhere. Your Images are lovely Vicky and Harry.
    I took pics of the pink, I have them on C-D somewhere. Your Images are lovely Vicky and Harry.
    I took pics of the pink, I have them on C-D somewhere. Your Images are lovely Vicky and Harry.
    I took pics of the pink, I have them on C-D somewhere. Your Images are lovely Vicky and Harry.
  19. longk

    Chilean Glory Vine

    PeterS - I'm no longer surprised by it, but blooming by mid March is a bit of a record. Last year it was the 5th of April. Pete - it does self seed, but autumn seedlinmgs are not a problem and...
    PeterS - I'm no longer surprised by it, but blooming by mid March is a bit of a record. Last year it was the 5th of April. Pete - it does self seed, but autumn seedlinmgs are not a problem and the spring ones are easily taken care of. This one came through the winter of 2010/11 easily! JWK ...
    PeterS - I'm no longer surprised by it, but blooming by mid March is a bit of a record. Last year it was the 5th of April. Pete - it does self seed, but autumn seedlinmgs are not a problem and the spring ones are easily taken care of. This one...
    PeterS - I'm no longer surprised by it, but blooming by mid March is a bit of a record. Last year it was the 5th of April. Pete - it does self seed, but autumn seedlinmgs are not a problem and...
  20. Blackthorn

    Lotus Berthelotii

    Forget the GC's - find the smaller nurseries! These tend to be the places that have good deals on Fuchsia too..........:dbgrtmb::dbgrtmb:
    Forget the GC's - find the smaller nurseries! These tend to be the places that have good deals on Fuchsia too..........:dbgrtmb::dbgrtmb:
    Forget the GC's - find the smaller nurseries! These tend to be the places that have good deals on Fuchsia too..........:dbgrtmb::dbgrtmb:
    Forget the GC's - find the smaller nurseries! These tend to be the places that have good deals on Fuchsia too..........:dbgrtmb::dbgrtmb:

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