Tropical Gardening

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  1. sunset

    Growing Musa Bananarama in South London?

    I have a musa basjoo, and it came from a good friend of mine, in New Jersey, and he insists that i can grow them here, in Canada:thumb:....although i will obviously have to bring it in for the...
    I have a musa basjoo, and it came from a good friend of mine, in New Jersey, and he insists that i can grow them here, in Canada:thumb:....although i will obviously have to bring it in for the winter.:gnthb: Good luck with it, and keep us posted.
    I have a musa basjoo, and it came from a good friend of mine, in New Jersey, and he insists that i can grow them here, in Canada:thumb:....although i will obviously have to bring it in for the winter.:gnthb: Good luck with it, and keep us posted.
    I have a musa basjoo, and it came from a good friend of mine, in New Jersey, and he insists that i can grow them here, in Canada:thumb:....although i will obviously have to bring it in for the...
  2. Bob


    I don`t think its that one simply because its not very well along yet so must flower later, It is still in the same pot as last year and came through the winter o.k. :thmb:So if I do make...
    I don`t think its that one simply because its not very well along yet so must flower later, It is still in the same pot as last year and came through the winter o.k. :thmb:So if I do make some sort of bog garden area, I think I would try and bury them in pots so I can lift them in the...
    I don`t think its that one simply because its not very well along yet so must flower later, It is still in the same pot as last year and came through the winter o.k. :thmb:So if I do make some sort of bog garden area, I think I would try and...
    I don`t think its that one simply because its not very well along yet so must flower later, It is still in the same pot as last year and came through the winter o.k. :thmb:So if I do make...
  3. bananatree

    Is our banana tree dead? (pics included)

    Leave it alone until the beginning of may when it's got the sun on it again and can grow without interruption. I cut mine as the top stem fell but leave a rain cover of collateral as if it becomes...
    Leave it alone until the beginning of may when it's got the sun on it again and can grow without interruption. I cut mine as the top stem fell but leave a rain cover of collateral as if it becomes waterlogged around the remaining stem it will freeze and mush even more. Most likely you will start...
    Leave it alone until the beginning of may when it's got the sun on it again and can grow without interruption. I cut mine as the top stem fell but leave a rain cover of collateral as if it becomes waterlogged around the remaining stem it will...
    Leave it alone until the beginning of may when it's got the sun on it again and can grow without interruption. I cut mine as the top stem fell but leave a rain cover of collateral as if it becomes...
  4. wilroda

    Banana advice please!

    Hi All.No i dont live in New Zealand!!Christchurch on the south coast, close to the New Forest, thats me! ...... i dont think they use greenhouses in New Zealand in keep the...
    Hi All.No i dont live in New Zealand!!Christchurch on the south coast, close to the New Forest, thats me! ...... i dont think they use greenhouses in New Zealand in keep the frost off.........
    Hi All.No i dont live in New Zealand!!Christchurch on the south coast, close to the New Forest, thats me! ...... i dont think they use greenhouses in New Zealand in keep the frost off.........
    Hi All.No i dont live in New Zealand!!Christchurch on the south coast, close to the New Forest, thats me! ...... i dont think they use greenhouses in New Zealand in keep the...
  5. Beachlover

    Winter Banana

    If it is decorative, then just cut it off about 6" from the ground and cover with pine straw to protect from the ice and freezing. It will come back each year. If you want to eventually get...
    If it is decorative, then just cut it off about 6" from the ground and cover with pine straw to protect from the ice and freezing. It will come back each year. If you want to eventually get bananas from it, then it really needs to be transplanted into a greenhouse or something similar for the...
    If it is decorative, then just cut it off about 6" from the ground and cover with pine straw to protect from the ice and freezing. It will come back each year. If you want to eventually get bananas from it, then it really needs to be transplanted...
    If it is decorative, then just cut it off about 6" from the ground and cover with pine straw to protect from the ice and freezing. It will come back each year. If you want to eventually get...
  6. Freddy

    Ensete maurelii 'Red Abyssinian' Banana

    Ok Pete, thanks :)
    Ok Pete, thanks :)
    Ok Pete, thanks :)
    Ok Pete, thanks :)
  7. Beachlover

    Banana Plant

    Hi Beachlover, Welcome to GC.. Its natural for the bottom Leave's to Die off, youv'e done the right thing cutting them off..
    Hi Beachlover, Welcome to GC.. Its natural for the bottom Leave's to Die off, youv'e done the right thing cutting them off..
    Hi Beachlover, Welcome to GC.. Its natural for the bottom Leave's to Die off, youv'e done the right thing cutting them off..
    Hi Beachlover, Welcome to GC.. Its natural for the bottom Leave's to Die off, youv'e done the right thing cutting them off..
  8. walnut


    Walnut, thats a fabulous tree. Does that mean bananas all round then?With UK trees, they won't flower till they become adult - which in normally determined by years rather than size. Would...
    Walnut, thats a fabulous tree. Does that mean bananas all round then?With UK trees, they won't flower till they become adult - which in normally determined by years rather than size. Would that be the same for a banana?
    Walnut, thats a fabulous tree. Does that mean bananas all round then?With UK trees, they won't flower till they become adult - which in normally determined by years rather than size. Would that be the same for a banana?
    Walnut, thats a fabulous tree. Does that mean bananas all round then?With UK trees, they won't flower till they become adult - which in normally determined by years rather than size. Would...
  9. sage and onion

    Tropical beds - garden project

    That's my plan to stock up and pot on now til April and them hopefully have quite a few plants. Have been offered a pineapple plant/tree not sure what it looks like or if it will go with my...
    That's my plan to stock up and pot on now til April and them hopefully have quite a few plants. Have been offered a pineapple plant/tree not sure what it looks like or if it will go with my planting. I will be after advice alot as I live quite coastal and it gets a bit windy so am a bit worried...
    That's my plan to stock up and pot on now til April and them hopefully have quite a few plants. Have been offered a pineapple plant/tree not sure what it looks like or if it will go with my planting. I will be after advice alot as I live quite...
    That's my plan to stock up and pot on now til April and them hopefully have quite a few plants. Have been offered a pineapple plant/tree not sure what it looks like or if it will go with my...
  10. sezelene

    Tropical Back Garden

    Very well done Sezelene and no annoying grass too which of course gives you loads more time to enjoy your jungle! Yippee!:D
    Very well done Sezelene and no annoying grass too which of course gives you loads more time to enjoy your jungle! Yippee!:D
    Very well done Sezelene and no annoying grass too which of course gives you loads more time to enjoy your jungle! Yippee!:D
    Very well done Sezelene and no annoying grass too which of course gives you loads more time to enjoy your jungle! Yippee!:D
  11. coub

    abyssinian banana

    Thanks very much bananaman just wondered about the chicken pellets as I have noticed that there are brown marks appearing on the leaves,and some of them split.
    Thanks very much bananaman just wondered about the chicken pellets as I have noticed that there are brown marks appearing on the leaves,and some of them split.
    Thanks very much bananaman just wondered about the chicken pellets as I have noticed that there are brown marks appearing on the leaves,and some of them split.
    Thanks very much bananaman just wondered about the chicken pellets as I have noticed that there are brown marks appearing on the leaves,and some of them split.
  12. fleabag155

    New Raised terrace, planting tropicals???

    Hi FleabagYour terrace sounds like quite a challenge. I assume that it's in full sun as well as sharply drained? If so, I wouldn't worry about adding grit but I'd definitely add as much...
    Hi FleabagYour terrace sounds like quite a challenge. I assume that it's in full sun as well as sharply drained? If so, I wouldn't worry about adding grit but I'd definitely add as much compost, and water retaining material as I could. It's a bit late to add manure this year in my view but...
    Hi FleabagYour terrace sounds like quite a challenge. I assume that it's in full sun as well as sharply drained? If so, I wouldn't worry about adding grit but I'd definitely add as much compost, and water retaining material as I could. It's...
    Hi FleabagYour terrace sounds like quite a challenge. I assume that it's in full sun as well as sharply drained? If so, I wouldn't worry about adding grit but I'd definitely add as much...
  13. c_knights

    Canna/Agapanthus - killed by frost?

    :gnthb: Yes I am really pleased Vicky, I have had them for so long I would have been broken hearted if I had lost them all..... Some of mine went very squishy too & the smell....!:help: Horrid..!! I...
    :gnthb: Yes I am really pleased Vicky, I have had them for so long I would have been broken hearted if I had lost them all..... Some of mine went very squishy too & the smell....!:help: Horrid..!! I just cleared all that away & cut them back till I found hard flesh & so far most of them are slowly...
    :gnthb: Yes I am really pleased Vicky, I have had them for so long I would have been broken hearted if I had lost them all..... Some of mine went very squishy too & the smell....!:help: Horrid..!! I just cleared all that away & cut them back till I...
    :gnthb: Yes I am really pleased Vicky, I have had them for so long I would have been broken hearted if I had lost them all..... Some of mine went very squishy too & the smell....!:help: Horrid..!! I...
  14. garden_fiend

    Banana query

    The conservatory is quite tall ... but not heatedThe greenhouse is quite long ... but neither heated nor tall!
    The conservatory is quite tall ... but not heatedThe greenhouse is quite long ... but neither heated nor tall!
    The conservatory is quite tall ... but not heatedThe greenhouse is quite long ... but neither heated nor tall!
    The conservatory is quite tall ... but not heatedThe greenhouse is quite long ... but neither heated nor tall!
  15. Freddy


    Okey dokey :thumb:
    Okey dokey :thumb:
    Okey dokey :thumb:
    Okey dokey :thumb:
  16. Victoria

    Strelitzia reginae

    Obviously a larger plant with more flowering spikes extends the flowering season.But I would say roughly for me. one flower spike last two to three weeks, with the flowers opening in succession.
    Obviously a larger plant with more flowering spikes extends the flowering season.But I would say roughly for me. one flower spike last two to three weeks, with the flowers opening in succession.
    Obviously a larger plant with more flowering spikes extends the flowering season.But I would say roughly for me. one flower spike last two to three weeks, with the flowers opening in succession.
    Obviously a larger plant with more flowering spikes extends the flowering season.But I would say roughly for me. one flower spike last two to three weeks, with the flowers opening in succession.
  17. Aesculus


    Hi folks. I just opened my 3 packs of Canna's (one in each) and found that they were starting to shoot. Until now, they've been kept in my unheated greenhouse, and now I've potted them up, that's...
    Hi folks. I just opened my 3 packs of Canna's (one in each) and found that they were starting to shoot. Until now, they've been kept in my unheated greenhouse, and now I've potted them up, that's where they'll stay for now. I'm a bit concerned that they'll grow too fast if I keep them in heat....
    Hi folks. I just opened my 3 packs of Canna's (one in each) and found that they were starting to shoot. Until now, they've been kept in my unheated greenhouse, and now I've potted them up, that's where they'll stay for now. I'm a bit concerned...
    Hi folks. I just opened my 3 packs of Canna's (one in each) and found that they were starting to shoot. Until now, they've been kept in my unheated greenhouse, and now I've potted them up, that's...
  18. Banana Man

    Banana Man's July08 Hideout.....

    I thought I didn't succeed. Please let meknow
    I thought I didn't succeed. Please let meknow
    I thought I didn't succeed. Please let meknow
    I thought I didn't succeed. Please let meknow
  19. Banana Man

    Banana Man's Jan 2009 Hideout Thread...

    Eriobotrya japonica :flag:
    Eriobotrya japonica :flag:
    Eriobotrya japonica :flag:
    Eriobotrya japonica :flag:
  20. gardenlearner

    tropical looking garden

    Fatsia Japonica, easy, frost hardy, slowish growing, and covers a lot of ground.
    Fatsia Japonica, easy, frost hardy, slowish growing, and covers a lot of ground.
    Fatsia Japonica, easy, frost hardy, slowish growing, and covers a lot of ground.
    Fatsia Japonica, easy, frost hardy, slowish growing, and covers a lot of ground.

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