Tropical Gardening

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  1. gardenlearner

    banana plant

    I tried to keep ensette ventricosm - probably spelt that wrong, but a lovely purple one through last winter. It looked fantastic in the heated greenhouse all winter, but despite not over watering...
    I tried to keep ensette ventricosm - probably spelt that wrong, but a lovely purple one through last winter. It looked fantastic in the heated greenhouse all winter, but despite not over watering it, in the spring it upped its leggs and dropped dead on me!
    I tried to keep ensette ventricosm - probably spelt that wrong, but a lovely purple one through last winter. It looked fantastic in the heated greenhouse all winter, but despite not over watering it, in the spring it upped its leggs and dropped...
    I tried to keep ensette ventricosm - probably spelt that wrong, but a lovely purple one through last winter. It looked fantastic in the heated greenhouse all winter, but despite not over watering...
  2. FANCY

    Banana tree

    You can`t do anymore than that, Dee. Best of luck.:thumb::D
    You can`t do anymore than that, Dee. Best of luck.:thumb::D
    You can`t do anymore than that, Dee. Best of luck.:thumb::D
    You can`t do anymore than that, Dee. Best of luck.:thumb::D
  3. seeker of knowledge

    My Canna Forest

    Thank you folks for all your different answers to my problem...I think I will try leaving a few out which are in a sheltered part of the garden.. the rest will have to be packed like sardines in...
    Thank you folks for all your different answers to my problem...I think I will try leaving a few out which are in a sheltered part of the garden.. the rest will have to be packed like sardines in my conservatory...
    Thank you folks for all your different answers to my problem...I think I will try leaving a few out which are in a sheltered part of the garden.. the rest will have to be packed like sardines in my conservatory...
    Thank you folks for all your different answers to my problem...I think I will try leaving a few out which are in a sheltered part of the garden.. the rest will have to be packed like sardines in...
  4. emilyhart

    suggestions for planning tropical garden?

    Nice list of plants Emily. In my opinion though you dont create a tropical looking garden and then try to tone it down.:)Just go for it.:)
    Nice list of plants Emily. In my opinion though you dont create a tropical looking garden and then try to tone it down.:)Just go for it.:)
    Nice list of plants Emily. In my opinion though you dont create a tropical looking garden and then try to tone it down.:)Just go for it.:)
    Nice list of plants Emily. In my opinion though you dont create a tropical looking garden and then try to tone it down.:)Just go for it.:)
  5. flowerpotty

    canna plants

    I don`t know Dee, I think you may be edging it.:thumb::D
    I don`t know Dee, I think you may be edging it.:thumb::D
    I don`t know Dee, I think you may be edging it.:thumb::D
    I don`t know Dee, I think you may be edging it.:thumb::D
  6. Aesculus

    Guess the canna?

    Looks like Durban. If you are planning on getting one be careful to get one free from virus - dont touch any of the B+Q ones as they were in a real state.
    Looks like Durban. If you are planning on getting one be careful to get one free from virus - dont touch any of the B+Q ones as they were in a real state.
    Looks like Durban. If you are planning on getting one be careful to get one free from virus - dont touch any of the B+Q ones as they were in a real state.
    Looks like Durban. If you are planning on getting one be careful to get one free from virus - dont touch any of the B+Q ones as they were in a real state.
  7. Tropical_Gaz

    My garden

    Theres plenty of tropical and tropical looking plants that can be just left out, I do try to only have plants that can stay out...... but there is always that 'special' plant!!!
    Theres plenty of tropical and tropical looking plants that can be just left out, I do try to only have plants that can stay out...... but there is always that 'special' plant!!!
    Theres plenty of tropical and tropical looking plants that can be just left out, I do try to only have plants that can stay out...... but there is always that 'special' plant!!!
    Theres plenty of tropical and tropical looking plants that can be just left out, I do try to only have plants that can stay out...... but there is always that 'special' plant!!!
  8. Freddy


    carolla 1 my canna lily is 3 years old but apart from when i first had it only leaves appear which look healthy. please help
    carolla 1 my canna lily is 3 years old but apart from when i first had it only leaves appear which look healthy. please help
    carolla 1 my canna lily is 3 years old but apart from when i first had it only leaves appear which look healthy. please help
    carolla 1 my canna lily is 3 years old but apart from when i first had it only leaves appear which look healthy. please help
  9. Banana Man

    Banana Man's May Hide-out....

    What a grey day ! :( Must be time to get the camera out and spend an hour on an update :D
    What a grey day ! :( Must be time to get the camera out and spend an hour on an update :D
    What a grey day ! :( Must be time to get the camera out and spend an hour on an update :D
    What a grey day ! :( Must be time to get the camera out and spend an hour on an update :D
  10. Banana Man

    Banana Man's April Hideout....

    Banana man do skunk cabbage spread?I'm thinking of planting it the other side of the stream.All the best mate...daz
    Banana man do skunk cabbage spread?I'm thinking of planting it the other side of the stream.All the best mate...daz
    Banana man do skunk cabbage spread?I'm thinking of planting it the other side of the stream.All the best mate...daz
    Banana man do skunk cabbage spread?I'm thinking of planting it the other side of the stream.All the best mate...daz
  11. gardenlearner

    hardy tropical plants

    Stink aside, they are wonderful plants! The leaves do need some support though.There are several different varieties or you could try arisaemas which also look quite weird! This year I am trying...
    Stink aside, they are wonderful plants! The leaves do need some support though.There are several different varieties or you could try arisaemas which also look quite weird! This year I am trying colocasia esculenta or elephant ears plant. They do love heat and moisture so I am going to plant...
    Stink aside, they are wonderful plants! The leaves do need some support though.There are several different varieties or you could try arisaemas which also look quite weird! This year I am trying colocasia esculenta or elephant ears plant. They...
    Stink aside, they are wonderful plants! The leaves do need some support though.There are several different varieties or you could try arisaemas which also look quite weird! This year I am trying...
  12. Victoria

    FAO ... pete ....

    Evening, pete. It's hit and miss frost hardy, down to zone 9. Apparently it's made it's way to the UK now and is naturalising in the southwest but doesn't bloom as profusely as here. :DYes,...
    Evening, pete. It's hit and miss frost hardy, down to zone 9. Apparently it's made it's way to the UK now and is naturalising in the southwest but doesn't bloom as profusely as here. :DYes, I've got tiny new growth on my flame trees also.
    Evening, pete. It's hit and miss frost hardy, down to zone 9. Apparently it's made it's way to the UK now and is naturalising in the southwest but doesn't bloom as profusely as here. :DYes, I've got tiny new growth on my flame trees also.
    Evening, pete. It's hit and miss frost hardy, down to zone 9. Apparently it's made it's way to the UK now and is naturalising in the southwest but doesn't bloom as profusely as here. :DYes,...
  13. Banana Man

    Banana Man's Hideout Jan 2008

    Looking good B M be careful with that over exposure this weather :eek:
    Looking good B M be careful with that over exposure this weather :eek:
    Looking good B M be careful with that over exposure this weather :eek:
    Looking good B M be careful with that over exposure this weather :eek:
  14. Banana Man

    Banana Man's Christmas Hideout...

    Sorry Sandra love to keep you waitingJohn no Bob's not from Yorkshire he's a 'Green man' from over the border in Nottinghamshire although he doesn't rob from the rich to give to poor he...
    Sorry Sandra love to keep you waitingJohn no Bob's not from Yorkshire he's a 'Green man' from over the border in Nottinghamshire although he doesn't rob from the rich to give to poor he keeps it for himself!I'm a 'Yellow belly' from Lincolnshire and I lived in the same village as Sir...
    Sorry Sandra love to keep you waitingJohn no Bob's not from Yorkshire he's a 'Green man' from over the border in Nottinghamshire although he doesn't rob from the rich to give to poor he keeps it for himself!I'm a 'Yellow belly' from...
    Sorry Sandra love to keep you waitingJohn no Bob's not from Yorkshire he's a 'Green man' from over the border in Nottinghamshire although he doesn't rob from the rich to give to poor he...
  15. Banana Man

    Banana Man in Winter Garden SHOCKER !!!

    Originally posted by BM:Not in this neck of the woods mate.
    Originally posted by BM:Not in this neck of the woods mate.
    Originally posted by BM:Not in this neck of the woods mate.
    Originally posted by BM:Not in this neck of the woods mate.
  16. intermiplants


    Hi Ste it seems you have a very maternal Cordy there 10 kids Wow, she seems to be a single mum too..... is she going put in for state benefits? :D
    Hi Ste it seems you have a very maternal Cordy there 10 kids Wow, she seems to be a single mum too..... is she going put in for state benefits? :D
    Hi Ste it seems you have a very maternal Cordy there 10 kids Wow, she seems to be a single mum too..... is she going put in for state benefits? :D
    Hi Ste it seems you have a very maternal Cordy there 10 kids Wow, she seems to be a single mum too..... is she going put in for state benefits? :D
  17. Keving

    Canna seed pods?

    Know how you feel Kev. I got some seed last year, narry a one germinated, even with my miracle propagator. I think I'll try again using Roders method (plus the strategic use of a lump hammer). ...
    Know how you feel Kev. I got some seed last year, narry a one germinated, even with my miracle propagator. I think I'll try again using Roders method (plus the strategic use of a lump hammer). :D
    Know how you feel Kev. I got some seed last year, narry a one germinated, even with my miracle propagator. I think I'll try again using Roders method (plus the strategic use of a lump hammer). :D
    Know how you feel Kev. I got some seed last year, narry a one germinated, even with my miracle propagator. I think I'll try again using Roders method (plus the strategic use of a lump hammer). ...
  18. Keving

    Cordyline Seeds

    Thanks TO, then thats what i shall try.
    Thanks TO, then thats what i shall try.
    Thanks TO, then thats what i shall try.
    Thanks TO, then thats what i shall try.
  19. pete


    Thanks Pete for your advice I'ave got a birthday coming up soon I'm 21 again so maybe I'll get lucky! :D
    Thanks Pete for your advice I'ave got a birthday coming up soon I'm 21 again so maybe I'll get lucky! :D
    Thanks Pete for your advice I'ave got a birthday coming up soon I'm 21 again so maybe I'll get lucky! :D
    Thanks Pete for your advice I'ave got a birthday coming up soon I'm 21 again so maybe I'll get lucky! :D
  20. dalbuie

    Red Abysinnian Banana.

    Thanks for the tips folks, I will keep it in the pot it is in just now and IF it survives I will put it into a bigger one in the spring. Fingers crossed !!
    Thanks for the tips folks, I will keep it in the pot it is in just now and IF it survives I will put it into a bigger one in the spring. Fingers crossed !!
    Thanks for the tips folks, I will keep it in the pot it is in just now and IF it survives I will put it into a bigger one in the spring. Fingers crossed !!
    Thanks for the tips folks, I will keep it in the pot it is in just now and IF it survives I will put it into a bigger one in the spring. Fingers crossed !!

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