Tropical Gardening

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  1. daz and debs

    its gone bananas lol

    Thanks for finding that Walnut.Its interesting, wether it would work here or not is the question. I dont think I could store them under my house, but maybe a shed would be as good. I do think...
    Thanks for finding that Walnut.Its interesting, wether it would work here or not is the question. I dont think I could store them under my house, but maybe a shed would be as good. I do think the secret of overwintering is in avoiding rot, I know many are really tender and stand no chance,...
    Thanks for finding that Walnut.Its interesting, wether it would work here or not is the question. I dont think I could store them under my house, but maybe a shed would be as good. I do think the secret of overwintering is in avoiding rot, I...
    Thanks for finding that Walnut.Its interesting, wether it would work here or not is the question. I dont think I could store them under my house, but maybe a shed would be as good. I do think...
  2. Helofadigger

    Tropical help

    Hi TO which of them are down to �£10? Chammies or the Trachies? And what size are they? �£10 for a C. humilis in a pot is quite a lot. I assume the trachies are fortunei? If they have started...
    Hi TO which of them are down to �£10? Chammies or the Trachies? And what size are they? �£10 for a C. humilis in a pot is quite a lot. I assume the trachies are fortunei? If they have started to trunk then it is VERY cheap. Or if they are anything other than fortunei then as long as they are...
    Hi TO which of them are down to �£10? Chammies or the Trachies? And what size are they? �£10 for a C. humilis in a pot is quite a lot. I assume the trachies are fortunei? If they have started to trunk then it is VERY cheap. Or if they are...
    Hi TO which of them are down to �£10? Chammies or the Trachies? And what size are they? �£10 for a C. humilis in a pot is quite a lot. I assume the trachies are fortunei? If they have started...
  3. Tropical Oasis

    My Tropical Oasis update

    T Oasis .... I will give you as many Stags Horn Sumoch as you want
    T Oasis .... I will give you as many Stags Horn Sumoch as you want
    T Oasis .... I will give you as many Stags Horn Sumoch as you want
    T Oasis .... I will give you as many Stags Horn Sumoch as you want
  4. Victoria


    Here's my latest Canna, a lovely rose colour ...I think that was supposed to be Cannas and not Callas in the posting above! :rolleyes:
    Here's my latest Canna, a lovely rose colour ...I think that was supposed to be Cannas and not Callas in the posting above! :rolleyes:
    Here's my latest Canna, a lovely rose colour ...I think that was supposed to be Cannas and not Callas in the posting above! :rolleyes:
    Here's my latest Canna, a lovely rose colour ...I think that was supposed to be Cannas and not Callas in the posting above! :rolleyes:
  5. Tropical Oasis

    My Tropical oasis

    Live North west (Cheshire) close to Dee estuary and Mersey estuary if thats how you spell it, just click on my profile. :D Also south facing and have 10ft conifers on left side of garden so I...
    Live North west (Cheshire) close to Dee estuary and Mersey estuary if thats how you spell it, just click on my profile. :D Also south facing and have 10ft conifers on left side of garden so I have my own little micro climate.
    Live North west (Cheshire) close to Dee estuary and Mersey estuary if thats how you spell it, just click on my profile. :D Also south facing and have 10ft conifers on left side of garden so I have my own little micro climate.
    Live North west (Cheshire) close to Dee estuary and Mersey estuary if thats how you spell it, just click on my profile. :D Also south facing and have 10ft conifers on left side of garden so I...
  6. blue

    Banana Plant

    That's the sad thing about Bananas, you nurture them for ages, they flower and then die!!! But the baby ones growing around the base usually take over.Our local newspaper did a huge spread on...
    That's the sad thing about Bananas, you nurture them for ages, they flower and then die!!! But the baby ones growing around the base usually take over.Our local newspaper did a huge spread on a lady recently whose outside Banana flowered - caused quite a stir !!!!
    That's the sad thing about Bananas, you nurture them for ages, they flower and then die!!! But the baby ones growing around the base usually take over.Our local newspaper did a huge spread on a lady recently whose outside Banana flowered -...
    That's the sad thing about Bananas, you nurture them for ages, they flower and then die!!! But the baby ones growing around the base usually take over.Our local newspaper did a huge spread on...
  7. Keving

    Whats wrong with my Banana plant

    Its not that warm here in the winter Fancy. Last winter was pretty mild, I think in most parts of the UK, but the year before was frosty.I tend to think that as long as the frost is...
    Its not that warm here in the winter Fancy. Last winter was pretty mild, I think in most parts of the UK, but the year before was frosty.I tend to think that as long as the frost is intermittant and the plant can thaw out each day then they usually are alright. Continuous frost is the big...
    Its not that warm here in the winter Fancy. Last winter was pretty mild, I think in most parts of the UK, but the year before was frosty.I tend to think that as long as the frost is intermittant and the plant can thaw out each day then they...
    Its not that warm here in the winter Fancy. Last winter was pretty mild, I think in most parts of the UK, but the year before was frosty.I tend to think that as long as the frost is...
  8. Madahhlia

    Spooky Tropical Tuber

    And finally:
    And finally:
    And finally:
    And finally:
  9. daz and debs

    banana problem

    Hi guys thank you for the feed back.Right here goes.I planted it in the ground about mmmmm late march it looked ok it was on about the third leaf indoors.planted it out it slowed down so i fed it...
    Hi guys thank you for the feed back.Right here goes.I planted it in the ground about mmmmm late march it looked ok it was on about the third leaf indoors.planted it out it slowed down so i fed it watered down chick poo. [dustbin full of water and a couple of pints of chicken pellets]Started...
    Hi guys thank you for the feed back.Right here goes.I planted it in the ground about mmmmm late march it looked ok it was on about the third leaf indoors.planted it out it slowed down so i fed it watered down chick poo. [dustbin full of water and...
    Hi guys thank you for the feed back.Right here goes.I planted it in the ground about mmmmm late march it looked ok it was on about the third leaf indoors.planted it out it slowed down so i fed it...
  10. Keving

    I want a banana plant

    Thanks all for advise, musa basjoo it is then. Fancy, nice plant and i will try the web site suggested.
    Thanks all for advise, musa basjoo it is then. Fancy, nice plant and i will try the web site suggested.
    Thanks all for advise, musa basjoo it is then. Fancy, nice plant and i will try the web site suggested.
    Thanks all for advise, musa basjoo it is then. Fancy, nice plant and i will try the web site suggested.
  11. daz and debs

    banana food

    One a week.Ok cool thanks.The reason i ask is cos im new to gardening so dont really know a lot. Unless you ask ya dont know lol.cherrs mate
    One a week.Ok cool thanks.The reason i ask is cos im new to gardening so dont really know a lot. Unless you ask ya dont know lol.cherrs mate
    One a week.Ok cool thanks.The reason i ask is cos im new to gardening so dont really know a lot. Unless you ask ya dont know lol.cherrs mate
    One a week.Ok cool thanks.The reason i ask is cos im new to gardening so dont really know a lot. Unless you ask ya dont know lol.cherrs mate
  12. daz and debs

    banana growers

    Ok thanks guys ill leave it then.Thanx again..daz
    Ok thanks guys ill leave it then.Thanx again..daz
    Ok thanks guys ill leave it then.Thanx again..daz
    Ok thanks guys ill leave it then.Thanx again..daz
  13. Keving

    Cordyline Propagation

    My Cordyline Purpurea self-seeded all over the garden, yours may do the same but sow some to make sure. I grow up to about fifty a year at work in spring and germinate in about 3/4 weeks...
    My Cordyline Purpurea self-seeded all over the garden, yours may do the same but sow some to make sure. I grow up to about fifty a year at work in spring and germinate in about 3/4 weeks depending on temperature usually around 22c.
    My Cordyline Purpurea self-seeded all over the garden, yours may do the same but sow some to make sure. I grow up to about fifty a year at work in spring and germinate in about 3/4 weeks depending on temperature usually around 22c.
    My Cordyline Purpurea self-seeded all over the garden, yours may do the same but sow some to make sure. I grow up to about fifty a year at work in spring and germinate in about 3/4 weeks...
  14. Banana Man
  15. daz and debs

    banana man

    Hi banana man yes they get a bit droopy in the summer some days, I just get the hose on them at night for a few mins and that revives them.
    Hi banana man yes they get a bit droopy in the summer some days, I just get the hose on them at night for a few mins and that revives them.
    Hi banana man yes they get a bit droopy in the summer some days, I just get the hose on them at night for a few mins and that revives them.
    Hi banana man yes they get a bit droopy in the summer some days, I just get the hose on them at night for a few mins and that revives them.
  16. nicsdad

    banana plant outside

    Hi pete thay look cracking mate.This is my first year growing nanas.I cant wait till my plant gets big.My basjoos about 5 ft at the moment...daz
    Hi pete thay look cracking mate.This is my first year growing nanas.I cant wait till my plant gets big.My basjoos about 5 ft at the moment...daz
    Hi pete thay look cracking mate.This is my first year growing nanas.I cant wait till my plant gets big.My basjoos about 5 ft at the moment...daz
    Hi pete thay look cracking mate.This is my first year growing nanas.I cant wait till my plant gets big.My basjoos about 5 ft at the moment...daz
  17. Madahhlia

    Growing tropical tubers

    Hi I grow colocasia esculenta, the taro, I've just put it straight in the garden with the top level with the soil, it soon sprouts and gets loads of leaves. Then in October I just dig it up cut...
    Hi I grow colocasia esculenta, the taro, I've just put it straight in the garden with the top level with the soil, it soon sprouts and gets loads of leaves. Then in October I just dig it up cut off the leaves and store in greenhouse. I also have the black magic one, that still in it's pot from...
    Hi I grow colocasia esculenta, the taro, I've just put it straight in the garden with the top level with the soil, it soon sprouts and gets loads of leaves. Then in October I just dig it up cut off the leaves and store in greenhouse. I also have...
    Hi I grow colocasia esculenta, the taro, I've just put it straight in the garden with the top level with the soil, it soon sprouts and gets loads of leaves. Then in October I just dig it up cut...
  18. daz and debs

    banana book?

    Hi can anyone tell me if there is a book on growing bananas please thank you ..daz
    Hi can anyone tell me if there is a book on growing bananas please thank you ..daz
    Hi can anyone tell me if there is a book on growing bananas please thank you ..daz
    Hi can anyone tell me if there is a book on growing bananas please thank you ..daz
  19. Waco

    Banana seeds

    8 weeks 2 daysHang in there!
    8 weeks 2 daysHang in there!
    8 weeks 2 daysHang in there!
    8 weeks 2 daysHang in there!
  20. daz and debs

    banana man

    Wow thanks alot bm cant wait it will look cool growing over stream..thanx..daz
    Wow thanks alot bm cant wait it will look cool growing over stream..thanx..daz
    Wow thanks alot bm cant wait it will look cool growing over stream..thanx..daz
    Wow thanks alot bm cant wait it will look cool growing over stream..thanx..daz

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