Tropical Gardening

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  1. richardb

    Trouble with Cannas

    My Dad's got some which hadn't flowered before, he moved them to a very sunny spot in the garden last year and they flowered well - so it seems like position is important, as others have said!
    My Dad's got some which hadn't flowered before, he moved them to a very sunny spot in the garden last year and they flowered well - so it seems like position is important, as others have said!
    My Dad's got some which hadn't flowered before, he moved them to a very sunny spot in the garden last year and they flowered well - so it seems like position is important, as others have said!
    My Dad's got some which hadn't flowered before, he moved them to a very sunny spot in the garden last year and they flowered well - so it seems like position is important, as others have said!
  2. Banana Man

    Bananaman's Feb Hideout

    Lovely pics BM! I love the iris but unfortunately we never have much luck with them, they bloom one year and then that is the end of them. Have the same bad luck with several other flowering...
    Lovely pics BM! I love the iris but unfortunately we never have much luck with them, they bloom one year and then that is the end of them. Have the same bad luck with several other flowering plants. Soil not right, bugs, not enough care, I don't know, so I give up after a couple of years.
    Lovely pics BM! I love the iris but unfortunately we never have much luck with them, they bloom one year and then that is the end of them. Have the same bad luck with several other flowering plants. Soil not right, bugs, not enough care, I...
    Lovely pics BM! I love the iris but unfortunately we never have much luck with them, they bloom one year and then that is the end of them. Have the same bad luck with several other flowering...
  3. daz and debs

    banana food

    Great mate thay look verry healthy...daz
    Great mate thay look verry healthy...daz
    Great mate thay look verry healthy...daz
    Great mate thay look verry healthy...daz
  4. Waco

    I GOT BANANAS!!!!!

    I am already a neurotic parent
    I am already a neurotic parent
    I am already a neurotic parent
    I am already a neurotic parent
  5. daz and debs

    banana plant

    one day bm my garden will be just like yours mate [i wish] lol
    one day bm my garden will be just like yours mate [i wish] lol
    one day bm my garden will be just like yours mate [i wish] lol
    one day bm my garden will be just like yours mate [i wish] lol
  6. Banana Man a banana....

    BM I don't know, but from the workers' reactions I think they are nasty ones! :eek: :eek: :eek: :D-------------- shiney
    BM I don't know, but from the workers' reactions I think they are nasty ones! :eek: :eek: :eek: :D-------------- shiney
    BM I don't know, but from the workers' reactions I think they are nasty ones! :eek: :eek: :eek: :D-------------- shiney
    BM I don't know, but from the workers' reactions I think they are nasty ones! :eek: :eek: :eek: :D-------------- shiney
  7. rachelg

    Banana Advice

    I assumed as much I am trying some ensete seeds but would always buy basjoo from KobaKoba. Their plants are second to none owing to their expert seed selection.They really are good and have...
    I assumed as much I am trying some ensete seeds but would always buy basjoo from KobaKoba. Their plants are second to none owing to their expert seed selection.They really are good and have some amazing bananas of fanrtastic quality.Stu AKA Bananaman :cool: :D
    I assumed as much I am trying some ensete seeds but would always buy basjoo from KobaKoba. Their plants are second to none owing to their expert seed selection.They really are good and have some amazing bananas of fanrtastic quality.Stu...
    I assumed as much I am trying some ensete seeds but would always buy basjoo from KobaKoba. Their plants are second to none owing to their expert seed selection.They really are good and have...
  8. Waco

    Banana plant help!

    Yes - AND I managed to remember the number to the alarm which I nearly set off!Banana looked a bit thirsty, so I gave it about half a cup of water from bottom saucer and it was lapped up. House...
    Yes - AND I managed to remember the number to the alarm which I nearly set off!Banana looked a bit thirsty, so I gave it about half a cup of water from bottom saucer and it was lapped up. House felt cold, so I didn't over doo it.All this worry over the banana plant, we have booked two weeks...
    Yes - AND I managed to remember the number to the alarm which I nearly set off!Banana looked a bit thirsty, so I gave it about half a cup of water from bottom saucer and it was lapped up. House felt cold, so I didn't over doo it.All this...
    Yes - AND I managed to remember the number to the alarm which I nearly set off!Banana looked a bit thirsty, so I gave it about half a cup of water from bottom saucer and it was lapped up. House...
  9. Banana Man

    BM's Banana Crop

    Looking good BM are they basjoo?
    Looking good BM are they basjoo?
    Looking good BM are they basjoo?
    Looking good BM are they basjoo?
  10. jazid

    This ones for BananaMan!

    I took your advice, Jazid - and the catalogue arrived a week ago! I thought I was going to ahve to chase it up as it took ages, but it's here, and it's as good as you said! Throoughly recommend...
    I took your advice, Jazid - and the catalogue arrived a week ago! I thought I was going to ahve to chase it up as it took ages, but it's here, and it's as good as you said! Throoughly recommend it, everyone!
    I took your advice, Jazid - and the catalogue arrived a week ago! I thought I was going to ahve to chase it up as it took ages, but it's here, and it's as good as you said! Throoughly recommend it, everyone!
    I took your advice, Jazid - and the catalogue arrived a week ago! I thought I was going to ahve to chase it up as it took ages, but it's here, and it's as good as you said! Throoughly recommend...
  11. Waco

    Which Exotics?

    Hi dendy, First is Echinocereus as is the second and third, I'm not sure about the exact naming as they were grown from packets of mixed seed. Third is a lobivia and the last is notocactus...
    Hi dendy, First is Echinocereus as is the second and third, I'm not sure about the exact naming as they were grown from packets of mixed seed. Third is a lobivia and the last is notocactus ottonis. They are all easy to grow and flower, along with rebutia which really grows like a weed and...
    Hi dendy, First is Echinocereus as is the second and third, I'm not sure about the exact naming as they were grown from packets of mixed seed. Third is a lobivia and the last is notocactus ottonis. They are all easy to grow and flower, along...
    Hi dendy, First is Echinocereus as is the second and third, I'm not sure about the exact naming as they were grown from packets of mixed seed. Third is a lobivia and the last is notocactus...
  12. grinch

    brugmansia & bananas

    I leave my 6 banana plants outside all wrapped up in fleece. I have not lost a plant yet. I also put straw around the roots and plenty of it.
    I leave my 6 banana plants outside all wrapped up in fleece. I have not lost a plant yet. I also put straw around the roots and plenty of it.
    I leave my 6 banana plants outside all wrapped up in fleece. I have not lost a plant yet. I also put straw around the roots and plenty of it.
    I leave my 6 banana plants outside all wrapped up in fleece. I have not lost a plant yet. I also put straw around the roots and plenty of it.
  13. Banana Man

    Bananaman's November Hideout

    Its coming early 2007 I :D
    Its coming early 2007 I :D
    Its coming early 2007 I :D
    Its coming early 2007 I :D
  14. walnut


    It would be interesting to know how effective that method would be in the UK. Given our damp winters, and much cooler less humid summers, I somehow think that initial growth in spring could be...
    It would be interesting to know how effective that method would be in the UK. Given our damp winters, and much cooler less humid summers, I somehow think that initial growth in spring could be very slow to start, but as I say its interesting.
    It would be interesting to know how effective that method would be in the UK. Given our damp winters, and much cooler less humid summers, I somehow think that initial growth in spring could be very slow to start, but as I say its interesting.
    It would be interesting to know how effective that method would be in the UK. Given our damp winters, and much cooler less humid summers, I somehow think that initial growth in spring could be...
  15. dixy


    oops sorry bananaman..I'll just pop off & read it now...thanks
    oops sorry bananaman..I'll just pop off & read it now...thanks
    oops sorry bananaman..I'll just pop off & read it now...thanks
    oops sorry bananaman..I'll just pop off & read it now...thanks
  16. garden_fiend

    favourite tropical plants

    Bananas Bananas Bananas :DHave a look at my hideout threads there are loads of hardy tropicals to choose from in the UK. ...
    Bananas Bananas Bananas :DHave a look at my hideout threads there are loads of hardy tropicals to choose from in the UK. ...
    Bananas Bananas Bananas :DHave a look at my hideout threads there are loads of hardy tropicals to choose from in the UK. ...
    Bananas Bananas Bananas :DHave a look at my hideout threads there are loads of hardy tropicals to choose from in the UK. ...
  17. sparkle


    Thanks Ornata, I will give it a go and keep a close eye on them.
    Thanks Ornata, I will give it a go and keep a close eye on them.
    Thanks Ornata, I will give it a go and keep a close eye on them.
    Thanks Ornata, I will give it a go and keep a close eye on them.
  18. Liz

    Cannas again

    I'll take mine into the greenhouse to be on the safe side. I don't trust the weather in Wilts, and I definitely haven't got Pete's talents!
    I'll take mine into the greenhouse to be on the safe side. I don't trust the weather in Wilts, and I definitely haven't got Pete's talents!
    I'll take mine into the greenhouse to be on the safe side. I don't trust the weather in Wilts, and I definitely haven't got Pete's talents!
    I'll take mine into the greenhouse to be on the safe side. I don't trust the weather in Wilts, and I definitely haven't got Pete's talents!
  19. daz and debs


    thanx dave good advise
    thanx dave good advise
    thanx dave good advise
    thanx dave good advise
  20. Banana Man

    October Bananaman's Hide-Out

    :)Bananas by Christmas then BM.
    :)Bananas by Christmas then BM.
    :)Bananas by Christmas then BM.
    :)Bananas by Christmas then BM.

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