Tropical Gardening

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  1. strongylodon

    "Palmyfying of Britain

    I've used the palm centre, and its worth a visit if you like palms of course :D But they also sell other plants, must say they are a bit pricey I thought, and some of their hardiness claims are...
    I've used the palm centre, and its worth a visit if you like palms of course :D But they also sell other plants, must say they are a bit pricey I thought, and some of their hardiness claims are a bit stretched. Well I think so, anyway. They tend to say that it will survive at a certain...
    I've used the palm centre, and its worth a visit if you like palms of course :D But they also sell other plants, must say they are a bit pricey I thought, and some of their hardiness claims are a bit stretched. Well I think so, anyway. They...
    I've used the palm centre, and its worth a visit if you like palms of course :D But they also sell other plants, must say they are a bit pricey I thought, and some of their hardiness claims are...
  2. geoff


    If you do decide to grow then in the ground geoff, dont plant them straight out into the garden, get them started with a bit of heat in the greenhouse, in pots first, then plant them out when its...
    If you do decide to grow then in the ground geoff, dont plant them straight out into the garden, get them started with a bit of heat in the greenhouse, in pots first, then plant them out when its normal time for bedding plants in your area. That way they flower much earlier. :D
    If you do decide to grow then in the ground geoff, dont plant them straight out into the garden, get them started with a bit of heat in the greenhouse, in pots first, then plant them out when its normal time for bedding plants in your area. That...
    If you do decide to grow then in the ground geoff, dont plant them straight out into the garden, get them started with a bit of heat in the greenhouse, in pots first, then plant them out when its...
  3. mayflower


    thank you pete2255 think we will leave them on till the summer then see what it looks like if we deside to take them of will we have to use rooting powder. thanks again...
    thank you pete2255 think we will leave them on till the summer then see what it looks like if we deside to take them of will we have to use rooting powder. thanks again...
    thank you pete2255 think we will leave them on till the summer then see what it looks like if we deside to take them of will we have to use rooting powder. thanks again...
    thank you pete2255 think we will leave them on till the summer then see what it looks like if we deside to take them of will we have to use rooting powder. thanks again...
  4. duckyjuk

    outsde yukka

    im moving house soon ab=nd want to take my outside yukka with me...Is it safe to dig it up now...January and replant?
    im moving house soon ab=nd want to take my outside yukka with me...Is it safe to dig it up now...January and replant?
    im moving house soon ab=nd want to take my outside yukka with me...Is it safe to dig it up now...January and replant?
    im moving house soon ab=nd want to take my outside yukka with me...Is it safe to dig it up now...January and replant?
  5. em

    kiwi plant??

    Try here folks, for a self fertile variety
    Try here folks, for a self fertile variety
    Try here folks, for a self fertile variety
    Try here folks, for a self fertile variety


    Or a little Gin, to er, cleanse the palate. :rolleyes:
    Or a little Gin, to er, cleanse the palate. :rolleyes:
    Or a little Gin, to er, cleanse the palate. :rolleyes:
    Or a little Gin, to er, cleanse the palate. :rolleyes:
  7. SteveW

    Overwintering Cannas

    To save me posting a new picture, just imagine the one above that I posted yesterday only with brown leaves instead of green! and thats how they look todayJack frost stopped a while overnight...
    To save me posting a new picture, just imagine the one above that I posted yesterday only with brown leaves instead of green! and thats how they look todayJack frost stopped a while overnight sround here :D :mad:
    To save me posting a new picture, just imagine the one above that I posted yesterday only with brown leaves instead of green! and thats how they look todayJack frost stopped a while overnight sround here :D :mad:
    To save me posting a new picture, just imagine the one above that I posted yesterday only with brown leaves instead of green! and thats how they look todayJack frost stopped a while overnight...
  8. tina

    rubber plant

    tina, cuttings do root but the usual method of air layering works well, although I find it a bit of a messy job. Really it is better if you can wait till spring though.
    tina, cuttings do root but the usual method of air layering works well, although I find it a bit of a messy job. Really it is better if you can wait till spring though.
    tina, cuttings do root but the usual method of air layering works well, although I find it a bit of a messy job. Really it is better if you can wait till spring though.
    tina, cuttings do root but the usual method of air layering works well, although I find it a bit of a messy job. Really it is better if you can wait till spring though.
  9. hans

    bananas again

    Up to 18 foot, well, that is a supprise, I will have to move it early spring [and change my name to jack.] It is for show and it looks absolutely great indoors. I will repost in the spring and...
    Up to 18 foot, well, that is a supprise, I will have to move it early spring [and change my name to jack.] It is for show and it looks absolutely great indoors. I will repost in the spring and you fellows can have a final check to see whether it is a Basjoo or sikkimiensis, I don't mind either...
    Up to 18 foot, well, that is a supprise, I will have to move it early spring [and change my name to jack.] It is for show and it looks absolutely great indoors. I will repost in the spring and you fellows can have a final check to see whether it...
    Up to 18 foot, well, that is a supprise, I will have to move it early spring [and change my name to jack.] It is for show and it looks absolutely great indoors. I will repost in the spring and...
  10. hollowaykid

    Yucca plant

    Is it a true Yucca?Dracaenas are often sold as conservatory plants and are similar in leaf shapeA yucca should stand pruning no probs...however if it a severe pruning i would cut back perhaps...
    Is it a true Yucca?Dracaenas are often sold as conservatory plants and are similar in leaf shapeA yucca should stand pruning no probs...however if it a severe pruning i would cut back perhaps just over half of the protruding leaves first time, wait to make sure its not adversely affected it...
    Is it a true Yucca?Dracaenas are often sold as conservatory plants and are similar in leaf shapeA yucca should stand pruning no probs...however if it a severe pruning i would cut back perhaps just over half of the protruding leaves first...
    Is it a true Yucca?Dracaenas are often sold as conservatory plants and are similar in leaf shapeA yucca should stand pruning no probs...however if it a severe pruning i would cut back perhaps...
  11. Nik

    Over Wintering Exotics

    I keep an aerosol of provado handy through the winter and spot treat any pests I see. The aerosol is much better than the ready mixed insectacide that drenches everything in water which doesn't...
    I keep an aerosol of provado handy through the winter and spot treat any pests I see. The aerosol is much better than the ready mixed insectacide that drenches everything in water which doesn't dry out in the winter.
    I keep an aerosol of provado handy through the winter and spot treat any pests I see. The aerosol is much better than the ready mixed insectacide that drenches everything in water which doesn't dry out in the winter.
    I keep an aerosol of provado handy through the winter and spot treat any pests I see. The aerosol is much better than the ready mixed insectacide that drenches everything in water which doesn't...
  12. carol00


    Not a good time of the year to be doing this carol. Spring would have been better,but,if you need to you can cut yucca stems up into pieces, and each piece can form a new plant. Rooting them...
    Not a good time of the year to be doing this carol. Spring would have been better,but,if you need to you can cut yucca stems up into pieces, and each piece can form a new plant. Rooting them could be difficult at this time of the year though. I cut mine with a fine toothed saw, let the cut...
    Not a good time of the year to be doing this carol. Spring would have been better,but,if you need to you can cut yucca stems up into pieces, and each piece can form a new plant. Rooting them could be difficult at this time of the year though. I...
    Not a good time of the year to be doing this carol. Spring would have been better,but,if you need to you can cut yucca stems up into pieces, and each piece can form a new plant. Rooting them...
  13. adie

    Rubber Plants (Ficus elasticus)

    Sounds as though you have a very healthy fiscus elastica there Adie. I have known people to cut a whole in their ceiling to allow it to continue to grow upwards! I think that is taking it too...
    Sounds as though you have a very healthy fiscus elastica there Adie. I have known people to cut a whole in their ceiling to allow it to continue to grow upwards! I think that is taking it too far. You can top it at any time as Pete says it is a tree. If you do not want to clean the leaves...
    Sounds as though you have a very healthy fiscus elastica there Adie. I have known people to cut a whole in their ceiling to allow it to continue to grow upwards! I think that is taking it too far. You can top it at any time as Pete says it is...
    Sounds as though you have a very healthy fiscus elastica there Adie. I have known people to cut a whole in their ceiling to allow it to continue to grow upwards! I think that is taking it too...
  14. betty boop

    Canna lilies

    Betty, I have known friends who have left theirs out and they have survived without attention, however, I lost mine. I think I would be tempted to cover them with a cloche or similar if you...
    Betty, I have known friends who have left theirs out and they have survived without attention, however, I lost mine. I think I would be tempted to cover them with a cloche or similar if you cannot lift them.
    Betty, I have known friends who have left theirs out and they have survived without attention, however, I lost mine. I think I would be tempted to cover them with a cloche or similar if you cannot lift them.
    Betty, I have known friends who have left theirs out and they have survived without attention, however, I lost mine. I think I would be tempted to cover them with a cloche or similar if you...
  15. Gardening Newbie

    Datura Pruning

    Helen If you put it in the extension it will keep growing and may even flower. Nik
    Helen If you put it in the extension it will keep growing and may even flower. Nik
    Helen If you put it in the extension it will keep growing and may even flower. Nik
    Helen If you put it in the extension it will keep growing and may even flower. Nik
  16. samsoph


    Hi Pete, i think i can just make it out on the little pic, i'd love to be able to do that its brilliant! i am going to plant the stalk this weekend, it had some roots already when i cut away the...
    Hi Pete, i think i can just make it out on the little pic, i'd love to be able to do that its brilliant! i am going to plant the stalk this weekend, it had some roots already when i cut away the bottom so hopefully it will take ok, i'll keep the seeds going if i can, my kids love watching...
    Hi Pete, i think i can just make it out on the little pic, i'd love to be able to do that its brilliant! i am going to plant the stalk this weekend, it had some roots already when i cut away the bottom so hopefully it will take ok, i'll keep the...
    Hi Pete, i think i can just make it out on the little pic, i'd love to be able to do that its brilliant! i am going to plant the stalk this weekend, it had some roots already when i cut away the...
  17. SteveW

    Cycad Seedlings

    def same leaf pattern
    def same leaf pattern
    def same leaf pattern
    def same leaf pattern
  18. maxine

    Rubber Plant
  19. blume

    dying yucca

    Well, you're slaving over a hot computer till the small wee hours. Thanks for the link - no, it's most definitely a yucca. I'm afraid I've only recently mastered the basics of the computer, so...
    Well, you're slaving over a hot computer till the small wee hours. Thanks for the link - no, it's most definitely a yucca. I'm afraid I've only recently mastered the basics of the computer, so taking and posting photos - well you may as well ask me to garble away in martian speak ( should...
    Well, you're slaving over a hot computer till the small wee hours. Thanks for the link - no, it's most definitely a yucca. I'm afraid I've only recently mastered the basics of the computer, so taking and posting photos - well you may as well...
    Well, you're slaving over a hot computer till the small wee hours. Thanks for the link - no, it's most definitely a yucca. I'm afraid I've only recently mastered the basics of the computer, so...
  20. suedobie

    Cannas - Overwintering

    Thanks Bayleaf & Gardenangel.The reason I took them outof the pots is because they started growing new shoots in the Winter, so I thought they should be dormant during the winter months. Will...
    Thanks Bayleaf & Gardenangel.The reason I took them outof the pots is because they started growing new shoots in the Winter, so I thought they should be dormant during the winter months. Will try again this year
    Thanks Bayleaf & Gardenangel.The reason I took them outof the pots is because they started growing new shoots in the Winter, so I thought they should be dormant during the winter months. Will try again this year
    Thanks Bayleaf & Gardenangel.The reason I took them outof the pots is because they started growing new shoots in the Winter, so I thought they should be dormant during the winter months. Will...

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