Tropical Gardening

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  1. adie

    Rubber Plants (Ficus elasticus)

    Sounds as though you have a very healthy fiscus elastica there Adie. I have known people to cut a whole in their ceiling to allow it to continue to grow upwards! I think that is taking it too...
    Sounds as though you have a very healthy fiscus elastica there Adie. I have known people to cut a whole in their ceiling to allow it to continue to grow upwards! I think that is taking it too far. You can top it at any time as Pete says it is a tree. If you do not want to clean the leaves...
    Sounds as though you have a very healthy fiscus elastica there Adie. I have known people to cut a whole in their ceiling to allow it to continue to grow upwards! I think that is taking it too far. You can top it at any time as Pete says it is...
    Sounds as though you have a very healthy fiscus elastica there Adie. I have known people to cut a whole in their ceiling to allow it to continue to grow upwards! I think that is taking it too...
  2. betty boop

    Canna lilies

    Betty, I have known friends who have left theirs out and they have survived without attention, however, I lost mine. I think I would be tempted to cover them with a cloche or similar if you...
    Betty, I have known friends who have left theirs out and they have survived without attention, however, I lost mine. I think I would be tempted to cover them with a cloche or similar if you cannot lift them.
    Betty, I have known friends who have left theirs out and they have survived without attention, however, I lost mine. I think I would be tempted to cover them with a cloche or similar if you cannot lift them.
    Betty, I have known friends who have left theirs out and they have survived without attention, however, I lost mine. I think I would be tempted to cover them with a cloche or similar if you...
  3. Gardening Newbie

    Datura Pruning

    Helen If you put it in the extension it will keep growing and may even flower. Nik
    Helen If you put it in the extension it will keep growing and may even flower. Nik
    Helen If you put it in the extension it will keep growing and may even flower. Nik
    Helen If you put it in the extension it will keep growing and may even flower. Nik
  4. samsoph


    Hi Pete, i think i can just make it out on the little pic, i'd love to be able to do that its brilliant! i am going to plant the stalk this weekend, it had some roots already when i cut away the...
    Hi Pete, i think i can just make it out on the little pic, i'd love to be able to do that its brilliant! i am going to plant the stalk this weekend, it had some roots already when i cut away the bottom so hopefully it will take ok, i'll keep the seeds going if i can, my kids love watching...
    Hi Pete, i think i can just make it out on the little pic, i'd love to be able to do that its brilliant! i am going to plant the stalk this weekend, it had some roots already when i cut away the bottom so hopefully it will take ok, i'll keep the...
    Hi Pete, i think i can just make it out on the little pic, i'd love to be able to do that its brilliant! i am going to plant the stalk this weekend, it had some roots already when i cut away the...
  5. SteveW

    Cycad Seedlings

    def same leaf pattern
    def same leaf pattern
    def same leaf pattern
    def same leaf pattern
  6. maxine

    Rubber Plant
  7. blume

    dying yucca

    Well, you're slaving over a hot computer till the small wee hours. Thanks for the link - no, it's most definitely a yucca. I'm afraid I've only recently mastered the basics of the computer, so...
    Well, you're slaving over a hot computer till the small wee hours. Thanks for the link - no, it's most definitely a yucca. I'm afraid I've only recently mastered the basics of the computer, so taking and posting photos - well you may as well ask me to garble away in martian speak ( should...
    Well, you're slaving over a hot computer till the small wee hours. Thanks for the link - no, it's most definitely a yucca. I'm afraid I've only recently mastered the basics of the computer, so taking and posting photos - well you may as well...
    Well, you're slaving over a hot computer till the small wee hours. Thanks for the link - no, it's most definitely a yucca. I'm afraid I've only recently mastered the basics of the computer, so...
  8. suedobie

    Cannas - Overwintering

    Thanks Bayleaf & Gardenangel.The reason I took them outof the pots is because they started growing new shoots in the Winter, so I thought they should be dormant during the winter months. Will...
    Thanks Bayleaf & Gardenangel.The reason I took them outof the pots is because they started growing new shoots in the Winter, so I thought they should be dormant during the winter months. Will try again this year
    Thanks Bayleaf & Gardenangel.The reason I took them outof the pots is because they started growing new shoots in the Winter, so I thought they should be dormant during the winter months. Will try again this year
    Thanks Bayleaf & Gardenangel.The reason I took them outof the pots is because they started growing new shoots in the Winter, so I thought they should be dormant during the winter months. Will...
  9. Webmaster

    Should I be concerned if these were on my Banana plant ?

    We have a brill Butterfly park up north near Stockton on tees, they have hundreds of butterflys, catapillars also they have grouse running around the floor (very funny little birds) and they used...
    We have a brill Butterfly park up north near Stockton on tees, they have hundreds of butterflys, catapillars also they have grouse running around the floor (very funny little birds) and they used to have Iguanas, but not sure if they still have them, i used to breed lizards and snake in my early...
    We have a brill Butterfly park up north near Stockton on tees, they have hundreds of butterflys, catapillars also they have grouse running around the floor (very funny little birds) and they used to have Iguanas, but not sure if they still have...
    We have a brill Butterfly park up north near Stockton on tees, they have hundreds of butterflys, catapillars also they have grouse running around the floor (very funny little birds) and they used...
  10. revin helen


    Reason I ask, about the flower, not the fence ( which looks great by the way), is that all I can see is stamens and no stigma. I hope I've got the right terms, in other words only the parts that...
    Reason I ask, about the flower, not the fence ( which looks great by the way), is that all I can see is stamens and no stigma. I hope I've got the right terms, in other words only the parts that carry the pollen. But then again I could be wrong. :D
    Reason I ask, about the flower, not the fence ( which looks great by the way), is that all I can see is stamens and no stigma. I hope I've got the right terms, in other words only the parts that carry the pollen. But then again I could be wrong. :D
    Reason I ask, about the flower, not the fence ( which looks great by the way), is that all I can see is stamens and no stigma. I hope I've got the right terms, in other words only the parts that...
  11. princessazlea

    Banana Palm need some advice please?

    Well if there's no sign of suckers coming from around the base of the plant it is unusual. That stem that is flowering I am certain will die afterwards, there is still a chance that it might put...
    Well if there's no sign of suckers coming from around the base of the plant it is unusual. That stem that is flowering I am certain will die afterwards, there is still a chance that it might put up a sucker or two yet. Any ideas of the variety, I take it, it is growing outside in the garden.
    Well if there's no sign of suckers coming from around the base of the plant it is unusual. That stem that is flowering I am certain will die afterwards, there is still a chance that it might put up a sucker or two yet. Any ideas of the variety,...
    Well if there's no sign of suckers coming from around the base of the plant it is unusual. That stem that is flowering I am certain will die afterwards, there is still a chance that it might put...
  12. nobby

    Rubber plant

    I've never tried ordinary cuttings from rubber plants, but I have done air layers and been sucsessfull. I think ordinary cuttings may well work as they do with other Ficus, probably with bottom...
    I've never tried ordinary cuttings from rubber plants, but I have done air layers and been sucsessfull. I think ordinary cuttings may well work as they do with other Ficus, probably with bottom heat. pete
    I've never tried ordinary cuttings from rubber plants, but I have done air layers and been sucsessfull. I think ordinary cuttings may well work as they do with other Ficus, probably with bottom heat. pete
    I've never tried ordinary cuttings from rubber plants, but I have done air layers and been sucsessfull. I think ordinary cuttings may well work as they do with other Ficus, probably with bottom...
  13. clarky

    Who's munching my Canna Lillies ?

    Hi Clarky D'you mean Canna's or Calla lilies?
    Hi Clarky D'you mean Canna's or Calla lilies?
    Hi Clarky D'you mean Canna's or Calla lilies?
    Hi Clarky D'you mean Canna's or Calla lilies?
  14. Paladin

    Over grown Yucca

    Great. Dont let the tax man find out. ;)
    Great. Dont let the tax man find out. ;)
    Great. Dont let the tax man find out. ;)
    Great. Dont let the tax man find out. ;)
  15. bonnie2000

    Banana plant query

    thanks a lot steve,very helpful cheers :cool:
    thanks a lot steve,very helpful cheers :cool:
    thanks a lot steve,very helpful cheers :cool:
    thanks a lot steve,very helpful cheers :cool:
  16. Oli

    Black Bamboo

    Thanks BayleafAt the moment the bamboo is in a large pot in our back yard surrounded by wall so is pretty sheltered. Where we live it is notoriously windy. I am worried about putting it out in...
    Thanks BayleafAt the moment the bamboo is in a large pot in our back yard surrounded by wall so is pretty sheltered. Where we live it is notoriously windy. I am worried about putting it out in the ground because our garden, although long is open plan and very open to the elements (almost...
    Thanks BayleafAt the moment the bamboo is in a large pot in our back yard surrounded by wall so is pretty sheltered. Where we live it is notoriously windy. I am worried about putting it out in the ground because our garden, although long is...
    Thanks BayleafAt the moment the bamboo is in a large pot in our back yard surrounded by wall so is pretty sheltered. Where we live it is notoriously windy. I am worried about putting it out in...
  17. LYNDY2


    A pleasure Lindy2 any time .... just shout lol
    A pleasure Lindy2 any time .... just shout lol
    A pleasure Lindy2 any time .... just shout lol
    A pleasure Lindy2 any time .... just shout lol
  18. ABILOU


    Yep I believe it is. ;)
    Yep I believe it is. ;)
    Yep I believe it is. ;)
    Yep I believe it is. ;)
  19. carol ann

    cordyline stems

    Its up to you really. how tall is it? Is it green leaved or coloured? Suddenly you say, could this be a flower stem maybe? If its sprung up all of a sudden I reckon it could be.
    Its up to you really. how tall is it? Is it green leaved or coloured? Suddenly you say, could this be a flower stem maybe? If its sprung up all of a sudden I reckon it could be.
    Its up to you really. how tall is it? Is it green leaved or coloured? Suddenly you say, could this be a flower stem maybe? If its sprung up all of a sudden I reckon it could be.
    Its up to you really. how tall is it? Is it green leaved or coloured? Suddenly you say, could this be a flower stem maybe? If its sprung up all of a sudden I reckon it could be.
  20. Webmaster

    Kiwi (again !!)

    I do remember that they can bleed when cut in a similar way to grape vines.
    I do remember that they can bleed when cut in a similar way to grape vines.
    I do remember that they can bleed when cut in a similar way to grape vines.
    I do remember that they can bleed when cut in a similar way to grape vines.

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