Tropical Gardening

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  1. welshone

    Banana Musa Basjoo - Pups

    I've been growing musas for years now and still find them fascinating I've even had one of them produce 'fruit' . when it comes to pups I tend to leave them until their 1-2 feet then with the aid...
    I've been growing musas for years now and still find them fascinating I've even had one of them produce 'fruit' . when it comes to pups I tend to leave them until their 1-2 feet then with the aid of a hose pipe and a sharp knife I water around the pup enough to get my hand deep enough down in...
    I've been growing musas for years now and still find them fascinating I've even had one of them produce 'fruit' . when it comes to pups I tend to leave them until their 1-2 feet then with the aid of a hose pipe and a sharp knife I water around...
    I've been growing musas for years now and still find them fascinating I've even had one of them produce 'fruit' . when it comes to pups I tend to leave them until their 1-2 feet then with the aid...
  2. vbgr

    Grow lights. Can someone tell me what all this means.

    @NigelJ WOW! Thank you so much. That is so detailed. V
    @NigelJ WOW! Thank you so much. That is so detailed. V
    @NigelJ WOW! Thank you so much. That is so detailed. V
    @NigelJ WOW! Thank you so much. That is so detailed. V
  3. Fof

    Calceolaria pavoni

    I am in central Cornwall and this is new to me so I googled it. It is sold by Charlie Pridham at Roseland house in Chasewater so should be OK for you. Apparently it dies down in winter so would...
    I am in central Cornwall and this is new to me so I googled it. It is sold by Charlie Pridham at Roseland house in Chasewater so should be OK for you. Apparently it dies down in winter so would avoid the worst winds. I have a shrubby calceolaria grown from a cutting, now a 2 foot high shrub...
    I am in central Cornwall and this is new to me so I googled it. It is sold by Charlie Pridham at Roseland house in Chasewater so should be OK for you. Apparently it dies down in winter so would avoid the worst winds. I have a shrubby calceolaria...
    I am in central Cornwall and this is new to me so I googled it. It is sold by Charlie Pridham at Roseland house in Chasewater so should be OK for you. Apparently it dies down in winter so would...
  4. Punkdoc

    Amicia zygomeris

    Hi @Punkdoc it grew well for me in rural Nottinghamshire in an open garden but needed a good year to flower well
    Hi @Punkdoc it grew well for me in rural Nottinghamshire in an open garden but needed a good year to flower well
    Hi @Punkdoc it grew well for me in rural Nottinghamshire in an open garden but needed a good year to flower well
    Hi @Punkdoc it grew well for me in rural Nottinghamshire in an open garden but needed a good year to flower well
  5. Annie206

    Rocking cordyline

    yours were about the same size of mine before the "Beast from the East" KILLED THEM mine flowers in the summer which it hadnt done before then fell over lolIf me I would use a saw cut off...
    yours were about the same size of mine before the "Beast from the East" KILLED THEM mine flowers in the summer which it hadnt done before then fell over lolIf me I would use a saw cut off cleanly to the height you want it at .. let it heal over for a couple of days .. pull of about 50% of the...
    yours were about the same size of mine before the "Beast from the East" KILLED THEM mine flowers in the summer which it hadnt done before then fell over lolIf me I would use a saw cut off cleanly to the height you want it at .. let it heal...
    yours were about the same size of mine before the "Beast from the East" KILLED THEM mine flowers in the summer which it hadnt done before then fell over lolIf me I would use a saw cut off...
  6. Butterfly6

    Tropical garden Novice

    Daylilys look quite tropical and so do Crocosmias and both are fully hardy.
    Daylilys look quite tropical and so do Crocosmias and both are fully hardy.
    Daylilys look quite tropical and so do Crocosmias and both are fully hardy.
    Daylilys look quite tropical and so do Crocosmias and both are fully hardy.
  7. Victoria

    Bamboo needs help ...

    Hiya Rod. I love Pandas. Hope you are all well. xxI read a post by Woo from years ago and he said he cut his back to a foot ... so I had J cut the above and one (can't remember name) which I...
    Hiya Rod. I love Pandas. Hope you are all well. xxI read a post by Woo from years ago and he said he cut his back to a foot ... so I had J cut the above and one (can't remember name) which I have had longer than yours.
    Hiya Rod. I love Pandas. Hope you are all well. xxI read a post by Woo from years ago and he said he cut his back to a foot ... so I had J cut the above and one (can't remember name) which I have had longer than yours.
    Hiya Rod. I love Pandas. Hope you are all well. xxI read a post by Woo from years ago and he said he cut his back to a foot ... so I had J cut the above and one (can't remember name) which I...
    Bamboo 17 Mar 24.jpg Bamboo Front1 Phyllostachys Aura 18 Mar 24.jpg Bamboo Courtyard 18 Mar 24 18 Mar 24.jpg
  8. Caz2024

    Poorly moth orchid

    It looks very dehydrated. You need to put the whole plant into a bucket of rain water and then allow all the water to drain through. Do not cut off the roots outside. Then put the plant on a...
    It looks very dehydrated. You need to put the whole plant into a bucket of rain water and then allow all the water to drain through. Do not cut off the roots outside. Then put the plant on a saucer of gravel and mist it to allow the humidity to increase.
    It looks very dehydrated. You need to put the whole plant into a bucket of rain water and then allow all the water to drain through. Do not cut off the roots outside. Then put the plant on a saucer of gravel and mist it to allow the humidity to...
    It looks very dehydrated. You need to put the whole plant into a bucket of rain water and then allow all the water to drain through. Do not cut off the roots outside. Then put the plant on a...
  9. ricky101
  10. strongylodon
    Like x 7


    Lovely. I bought a black velvet recently :blue thumb:
    Lovely. I bought a black velvet recently :blue thumb:
    Lovely. I bought a black velvet recently :blue thumb:
    Lovely. I bought a black velvet recently :blue thumb:
  11. Fof

    Orchid advice. please

    @ricky101 Yes they do give a good display. Some are from the same stem while others send up new stems and flower from those. We have one pure white one, variety unknown as we bought it from a...
    @ricky101 Yes they do give a good display. Some are from the same stem while others send up new stems and flower from those. We have one pure white one, variety unknown as we bought it from a florist who just wanted the flower spikes for s wedding. This has been in flower now for over 4 years...
    @ricky101 Yes they do give a good display. Some are from the same stem while others send up new stems and flower from those. We have one pure white one, variety unknown as we bought it from a florist who just wanted the flower spikes for s...
    @ricky101 Yes they do give a good display. Some are from the same stem while others send up new stems and flower from those. We have one pure white one, variety unknown as we bought it from a...
  12. Victoria

    Callistemon viminalis

    Thought this may be of interest ... I found pictures from when I bought it in 2008 ...... 2009 ... ... 2010 ... ... 2012 ...
    Thought this may be of interest ... I found pictures from when I bought it in 2008 ...... 2009 ... ... 2010 ... ... 2012 ...
    Thought this may be of interest ... I found pictures from when I bought it in 2008 ...... 2009 ... ... 2010 ... ... 2012 ...
    Thought this may be of interest ... I found pictures from when I bought it in 2008 ...... 2009 ... ... 2010 ... ... 2012 ...
    Callistemon3 22 Apr 24.jpg Callistemon2 22 Apr 24.jpg Callistemon 22 Apr 24.jpg Callistemon 28 Apr 24.jpg Callistemon Hanging 28 Apr 24.jpg Callistemoh.jpg
  13. Cjxblade

    Sago palms worth saving?

    Those pots do look good @Cjxblade but the tapering will restrict the root growth if you intend to keep them in pots long term. A pot with a wider base will also provide more stability as the...
    Those pots do look good @Cjxblade but the tapering will restrict the root growth if you intend to keep them in pots long term. A pot with a wider base will also provide more stability as the plants get taller. If you have a suitable location in the ground, as @pete says, they will be much...
    Those pots do look good @Cjxblade but the tapering will restrict the root growth if you intend to keep them in pots long term. A pot with a wider base will also provide more stability as the plants get taller. If you have a suitable location in...
    Those pots do look good @Cjxblade but the tapering will restrict the root growth if you intend to keep them in pots long term. A pot with a wider base will also provide more stability as the...
  14. Fof

    Bromeliad ID if possible

    Spotted yesterday, at Tremenheere Sculpture Garden, Cornwall. These are the only images I could get, as access to that spot was just impossible. any ideas, guys? TIA Fof
    Spotted yesterday, at Tremenheere Sculpture Garden, Cornwall. These are the only images I could get, as access to that spot was just impossible. any ideas, guys? TIA Fof
    Spotted yesterday, at Tremenheere Sculpture Garden, Cornwall. These are the only images I could get, as access to that spot was just impossible. any ideas, guys? TIA Fof
    Spotted yesterday, at Tremenheere Sculpture Garden, Cornwall. These are the only images I could get, as access to that spot was just impossible. any ideas, guys? TIA Fof
    AB  01 - small.jpg AB  02 - small.jpg
  15. Paceman

    Huge new zealand flax - can it be tamed?

    Hi @Paceman - I have two large Phormiums (half the height of yours but still big) and I’ve just done my first neat-up of the year on them. I agree with @Plantminded in the method. I find scissors...
    Hi @Paceman - I have two large Phormiums (half the height of yours but still big) and I’ve just done my first neat-up of the year on them. I agree with @Plantminded in the method. I find scissors the best tool for cutting leaves as they are super tough. I take out brown stuff and cut off any...
    Hi @Paceman - I have two large Phormiums (half the height of yours but still big) and I’ve just done my first neat-up of the year on them. I agree with @Plantminded in the method. I find scissors the best tool for cutting leaves as they are super...
    Hi @Paceman - I have two large Phormiums (half the height of yours but still big) and I’ve just done my first neat-up of the year on them. I agree with @Plantminded in the method. I find scissors...
  16. Victoria

    Pachira Aquatica

    My Pachira just keeps growing and growing and has quite a trunk now ...
    My Pachira just keeps growing and growing and has quite a trunk now ...
    My Pachira just keeps growing and growing and has quite a trunk now ...
    My Pachira just keeps growing and growing and has quite a trunk now ...
    Pachira Acquatica.jpg
  17. stephenprudence

    Beaucarnea recurvata

    If you look at the one in Victoria's picture it has a stem which divides into three stems. Its just a bigger chunkier plant probably due to a free root run and stronger light all year round.
    If you look at the one in Victoria's picture it has a stem which divides into three stems. Its just a bigger chunkier plant probably due to a free root run and stronger light all year round.
    If you look at the one in Victoria's picture it has a stem which divides into three stems. Its just a bigger chunkier plant probably due to a free root run and stronger light all year round.
    If you look at the one in Victoria's picture it has a stem which divides into three stems. Its just a bigger chunkier plant probably due to a free root run and stronger light all year round.
  18. Fof

    Dendrobium kingianum

    I think they flower next year - mine flowered after the drying off it got over winter. I suspect if your keikei has flowered, and has lots of roots, it's worth separating and planting up.
    I think they flower next year - mine flowered after the drying off it got over winter. I suspect if your keikei has flowered, and has lots of roots, it's worth separating and planting up.
    I think they flower next year - mine flowered after the drying off it got over winter. I suspect if your keikei has flowered, and has lots of roots, it's worth separating and planting up.
    I think they flower next year - mine flowered after the drying off it got over winter. I suspect if your keikei has flowered, and has lots of roots, it's worth separating and planting up.
  19. Victoria
    Like x 3


    I have given up with Plumerias now, lack of sunlight, tricky overwintering and RSM.
    I have given up with Plumerias now, lack of sunlight, tricky overwintering and RSM.
    I have given up with Plumerias now, lack of sunlight, tricky overwintering and RSM.
    I have given up with Plumerias now, lack of sunlight, tricky overwintering and RSM.
  20. Victoria
    Like x 9


    Off topic, but the more specialised (aka precious) my choices have been - especially bonsai and acers - the worst they have fared. For years now, my preferences have been Mediterranean and...
    Off topic, but the more specialised (aka precious) my choices have been - especially bonsai and acers - the worst they have fared. For years now, my preferences have been Mediterranean and prairie plants, which have done very well (in Berkshire). If I had to choose a favourite, it is red...
    Off topic, but the more specialised (aka precious) my choices have been - especially bonsai and acers - the worst they have fared. For years now, my preferences have been Mediterranean and prairie plants, which have done very well (in...
    Off topic, but the more specialised (aka precious) my choices have been - especially bonsai and acers - the worst they have fared. For years now, my preferences have been Mediterranean and...

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