Tropical Gardening

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  1. Purple Streaks

    Anglian bulb comp a ny

    Yes I Highly recommend Anglian bulbs , all my best bulbs/tubers have come from them.
    Yes I Highly recommend Anglian bulbs , all my best bulbs/tubers have come from them.
    Yes I Highly recommend Anglian bulbs , all my best bulbs/tubers have come from them.
    Yes I Highly recommend Anglian bulbs , all my best bulbs/tubers have come from them.
  2. Mel03

    My mango tree is dying, is it too late??

    Hehehe! No, it was autocorrect getting carried away.... I typed “colder”, and autocorrect substituted “children”.
    Hehehe! No, it was autocorrect getting carried away.... I typed “colder”, and autocorrect substituted “children”.
    Hehehe! No, it was autocorrect getting carried away.... I typed “colder”, and autocorrect substituted “children”.
    Hehehe! No, it was autocorrect getting carried away.... I typed “colder”, and autocorrect substituted “children”.
  3. Jonny

    Tetrapanax Rex help please!

    Good to know. I’ll be keeping mine in pots for a while as expecting to have to move about for a few years.
    Good to know. I’ll be keeping mine in pots for a while as expecting to have to move about for a few years.
    Good to know. I’ll be keeping mine in pots for a while as expecting to have to move about for a few years.
    Good to know. I’ll be keeping mine in pots for a while as expecting to have to move about for a few years.
  4. Michael Hewat

    Areca palm scale?

    ok thats good to know, appreciated
    ok thats good to know, appreciated
    ok thats good to know, appreciated
    ok thats good to know, appreciated
  5. Michael Hewat

    Monstera geniculum or scale? Chlorosis?

    Hi, thanks your replies. Yeah i think its definitely nutrient deficient in some way and agree some watering inconsistencies. Also been giving it some nice humidity last couple days and given it...
    Hi, thanks your replies. Yeah i think its definitely nutrient deficient in some way and agree some watering inconsistencies. Also been giving it some nice humidity last couple days and given it prime location in the window. Ill wait and see what i've given it kicks it back.Cheers
    Hi, thanks your replies. Yeah i think its definitely nutrient deficient in some way and agree some watering inconsistencies. Also been giving it some nice humidity last couple days and given it prime location in the window. Ill wait and see what...
    Hi, thanks your replies. Yeah i think its definitely nutrient deficient in some way and agree some watering inconsistencies. Also been giving it some nice humidity last couple days and given it...
  6. PhilC

    Has my pineapple plant had it?

    I go along with @flounder , but only if the stem feels solid.Pineapples dont have a large root system, and the roots they do have are mostly for anchorage rather than feeding.Being Bromeliads...
    I go along with @flounder , but only if the stem feels solid.Pineapples dont have a large root system, and the roots they do have are mostly for anchorage rather than feeding.Being Bromeliads they absorb feed and water through their leaves, so misting a couple of times a day is good, along...
    I go along with @flounder , but only if the stem feels solid.Pineapples dont have a large root system, and the roots they do have are mostly for anchorage rather than feeding.Being Bromeliads they absorb feed and water through their leaves,...
    I go along with @flounder , but only if the stem feels solid.Pineapples dont have a large root system, and the roots they do have are mostly for anchorage rather than feeding.Being Bromeliads...
  7. JWK

    What's looking Exotic 2021

    I had to wrap all my newly planted exotic trees. Persimmon, fig and almonds don't really like it cold. And I just planted them last october. I hope my babies don't die in the harsh cold (up to...
    I had to wrap all my newly planted exotic trees. Persimmon, fig and almonds don't really like it cold. And I just planted them last october. I hope my babies don't die in the harsh cold (up to -15°C agree expected).
    I had to wrap all my newly planted exotic trees. Persimmon, fig and almonds don't really like it cold. And I just planted them last october. I hope my babies don't die in the harsh cold (up to -15°C agree expected).
    I had to wrap all my newly planted exotic trees. Persimmon, fig and almonds don't really like it cold. And I just planted them last october. I hope my babies don't die in the harsh cold (up to...
  8. Texas Pete

    Cordyline surface root question

    During the really bad frost which I believe we all had that stayed with us here in South Yorkshire my Cordylines and Phormiums turned to mush . I sadly cleared it all away.the following spring the...
    During the really bad frost which I believe we all had that stayed with us here in South Yorkshire my Cordylines and Phormiums turned to mush . I sadly cleared it all away.the following spring the phormiums 're sprutted. And the cordylines where one had been just the individual 7 started growing...
    During the really bad frost which I believe we all had that stayed with us here in South Yorkshire my Cordylines and Phormiums turned to mush . I sadly cleared it all away.the following spring the phormiums 're sprutted. And the cordylines where...
    During the really bad frost which I believe we all had that stayed with us here in South Yorkshire my Cordylines and Phormiums turned to mush . I sadly cleared it all away.the following spring the...
  9. PhilC

    Problems germinating gunnera seeds

    Give it a go @PhilC ....I always try the Ziploc baggie method first now, surprisingly good results on most things.If not then I return to traditional methods. Nothing ventured nothing
    Give it a go @PhilC ....I always try the Ziploc baggie method first now, surprisingly good results on most things.If not then I return to traditional methods. Nothing ventured nothing they say.:biggrin: :dbgrtmb:
    Give it a go @PhilC ....I always try the Ziploc baggie method first now, surprisingly good results on most things.If not then I return to traditional methods. Nothing ventured nothing they say.:biggrin: :dbgrtmb:
    Give it a go @PhilC ....I always try the Ziploc baggie method first now, surprisingly good results on most things.If not then I return to traditional methods. Nothing ventured nothing
  10. HarryS

    Hardy Palm Suggestion?

    Don't go for a massive one to start with, at £30 per foot you'll need at least a 3 footer for a decent show - a lot of money in my book.
    Don't go for a massive one to start with, at £30 per foot you'll need at least a 3 footer for a decent show - a lot of money in my book.
    Don't go for a massive one to start with, at £30 per foot you'll need at least a 3 footer for a decent show - a lot of money in my book.
    Don't go for a massive one to start with, at £30 per foot you'll need at least a 3 footer for a decent show - a lot of money in my book.
  11. john mackay
    Like x 6

    First thread ,few pics hopefully

    Thanks upsydasy . The next door neighbours have a young son . He'll be 3 soon . Did it for him .
    Thanks upsydasy . The next door neighbours have a young son . He'll be 3 soon . Did it for him .
    Thanks upsydasy . The next door neighbours have a young son . He'll be 3 soon . Did it for him .
    Thanks upsydasy . The next door neighbours have a young son . He'll be 3 soon . Did it for him .
  12. PhilC

    Musa Ensete Maurelli problems...Help!

    I think it's probably Ensete ventricosum the species plant and not the variety Maurelli.Unless of course it was red when you bought itIf you grow it from seed you just get the green...
    I think it's probably Ensete ventricosum the species plant and not the variety Maurelli.Unless of course it was red when you bought itIf you grow it from seed you just get the green plant. Musa is a different group of plants.
    I think it's probably Ensete ventricosum the species plant and not the variety Maurelli.Unless of course it was red when you bought itIf you grow it from seed you just get the green plant. Musa is a different group of plants.
    I think it's probably Ensete ventricosum the species plant and not the variety Maurelli.Unless of course it was red when you bought itIf you grow it from seed you just get the green...
  13. buddleia64

    Fig Tree

    I've got a brown turkey that grows in a pot outside - last week I went over it and removed anything bigger than a pea. Anything smaller should "pause" over winter and resume developing once the...
    I've got a brown turkey that grows in a pot outside - last week I went over it and removed anything bigger than a pea. Anything smaller should "pause" over winter and resume developing once the weather warms up next year; in previous years I've found about 50% of them go on to ripen properly,...
    I've got a brown turkey that grows in a pot outside - last week I went over it and removed anything bigger than a pea. Anything smaller should "pause" over winter and resume developing once the weather warms up next year; in previous years I've...
    I've got a brown turkey that grows in a pot outside - last week I went over it and removed anything bigger than a pea. Anything smaller should "pause" over winter and resume developing once the...
  14. Texas Pete

    Chamaerops planting and questions.

    Well it is definitely growing nicely, has thrown out loads of new growth on the top, and has been suckering since I posted this - although no doubt this will wind down as winter approaches! Cheers!
    Well it is definitely growing nicely, has thrown out loads of new growth on the top, and has been suckering since I posted this - although no doubt this will wind down as winter approaches! Cheers!
    Well it is definitely growing nicely, has thrown out loads of new growth on the top, and has been suckering since I posted this - although no doubt this will wind down as winter approaches! Cheers!
    Well it is definitely growing nicely, has thrown out loads of new growth on the top, and has been suckering since I posted this - although no doubt this will wind down as winter approaches! Cheers!
  15. Guy Greening

    Germinating bonsai

    Thank you so much mike and selleri I will look up both of them sites and thanks again for the information both of you it’s a massive help @Selleri @Mike Allen
    Thank you so much mike and selleri I will look up both of them sites and thanks again for the information both of you it’s a massive help @Selleri @Mike Allen
    Thank you so much mike and selleri I will look up both of them sites and thanks again for the information both of you it’s a massive help @Selleri @Mike Allen
    Thank you so much mike and selleri I will look up both of them sites and thanks again for the information both of you it’s a massive help @Selleri @Mike Allen
  16. buddleia64

    Lemon Tree Over Winter

    Mine comes into the conservatory each Winter, usually around the end of October. The Meyers Lemon (lemon/Mandarin cross) also comes in too. Because it is heated I keep them moist as the...
    Mine comes into the conservatory each Winter, usually around the end of October. The Meyers Lemon (lemon/Mandarin cross) also comes in too. Because it is heated I keep them moist as the temperature rarely drops below 8c even on the coldest nights.
    Mine comes into the conservatory each Winter, usually around the end of October. The Meyers Lemon (lemon/Mandarin cross) also comes in too. Because it is heated I keep them moist as the temperature rarely drops below 8c even on the coldest nights.
    Mine comes into the conservatory each Winter, usually around the end of October. The Meyers Lemon (lemon/Mandarin cross) also comes in too. Because it is heated I keep them moist as the...
  17. Black Orchid

    Help for tropical hibiscus wanted

    Thank you very much, Luis. I follow all these recommendations. The only thing which is different is that I treat my hibiscuses as houseplants.
    Thank you very much, Luis. I follow all these recommendations. The only thing which is different is that I treat my hibiscuses as houseplants.
    Thank you very much, Luis. I follow all these recommendations. The only thing which is different is that I treat my hibiscuses as houseplants.
    Thank you very much, Luis. I follow all these recommendations. The only thing which is different is that I treat my hibiscuses as houseplants.
  18. Purple Streaks

    Starting off with tropicals

    Update on tropical seedRooting through a forgotten box of seed I have found some p kts of seed from Chilterns seeds . I have Protea and Banksia.CId thought about soaking them for a few...
    Update on tropical seedRooting through a forgotten box of seed I have found some p kts of seed from Chilterns seeds . I have Protea and Banksia.CId thought about soaking them for a few hours in tepid water.or even overnight and planting in a seed tray, maybe using a propagators which goes...
    Update on tropical seedRooting through a forgotten box of seed I have found some p kts of seed from Chilterns seeds . I have Protea and Banksia.CId thought about soaking them for a few hours in tepid water.or even overnight and planting in...
    Update on tropical seedRooting through a forgotten box of seed I have found some p kts of seed from Chilterns seeds . I have Protea and Banksia.CId thought about soaking them for a few...
  19. momo1103

    Yellow spots on lemon plant

    Hi all, Does anyone know why my lemon plant has recently started getting small yellow spots on its leaves? If it is harmful how do I get rid of them/make sure it doesn't get any more?
    Hi all, Does anyone know why my lemon plant has recently started getting small yellow spots on its leaves? If it is harmful how do I get rid of them/make sure it doesn't get any more?
    Hi all, Does anyone know why my lemon plant has recently started getting small yellow spots on its leaves? If it is harmful how do I get rid of them/make sure it doesn't get any more?
    Hi all, Does anyone know why my lemon plant has recently started getting small yellow spots on its leaves? If it is harmful how do I get rid of them/make sure it doesn't get any more?
  20. Victoria

    Schinus molle (Peruvian pepper)

    Thanks Pete. The trunk is about two meters tall so not too small, plus in giant pot If T'other Hallf doesn't want to tackle it, I'll wait till Ben the Gardener comes in a week or two to trim...
    Thanks Pete. The trunk is about two meters tall so not too small, plus in giant pot If T'other Hallf doesn't want to tackle it, I'll wait till Ben the Gardener comes in a week or two to trim the shrubs (Tecomaria, Tecoma Stans, Oleanders) ... I don't 'do' ladders! :biggrin:
    Thanks Pete. The trunk is about two meters tall so not too small, plus in giant pot If T'other Hallf doesn't want to tackle it, I'll wait till Ben the Gardener comes in a week or two to trim the shrubs (Tecomaria, Tecoma Stans, Oleanders) ......
    Thanks Pete. The trunk is about two meters tall so not too small, plus in giant pot If T'other Hallf doesn't want to tackle it, I'll wait till Ben the Gardener comes in a week or two to trim...

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