Water Gardening

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  1. Gazania

    heron attacks !

    I hope the cat didnt mind , I have them on the river the family of Ravens hate them and have a right go at them , two houses ago the Magpie's used to get the little baby one's. Spruce
    I hope the cat didnt mind , I have them on the river the family of Ravens hate them and have a right go at them , two houses ago the Magpie's used to get the little baby one's. Spruce
    I hope the cat didnt mind , I have them on the river the family of Ravens hate them and have a right go at them , two houses ago the Magpie's used to get the little baby one's. Spruce
    I hope the cat didnt mind , I have them on the river the family of Ravens hate them and have a right go at them , two houses ago the Magpie's used to get the little baby one's. Spruce
  2. joolz68

    naughty pond fish

    Ya better get an early night then :heehee: pick a sunny day its easier to spot them:blue thumb:and i hope everything runs smooth on the move for your sister xx
    Ya better get an early night then :heehee: pick a sunny day its easier to spot them:blue thumb:and i hope everything runs smooth on the move for your sister xx
    Ya better get an early night then :heehee: pick a sunny day its easier to spot them:blue thumb:and i hope everything runs smooth on the move for your sister xx
    Ya better get an early night then :heehee: pick a sunny day its easier to spot them:blue thumb:and i hope everything runs smooth on the move for your sister xx
  3. joolz68

    pond plant I.D. please

    Yep it sure is; a lovely plant, I've grown it in the past. It also grows in the margins of our local canal round here....:blue thumb:
    Yep it sure is; a lovely plant, I've grown it in the past. It also grows in the margins of our local canal round here....:blue thumb:
    Yep it sure is; a lovely plant, I've grown it in the past. It also grows in the margins of our local canal round here....:blue thumb:
    Yep it sure is; a lovely plant, I've grown it in the past. It also grows in the margins of our local canal round here....:blue thumb:
  4. Steve R

    Water Barrow

    I've got one, works fine, bit tricky to fill (hose is OK-ish, but long wait!, from water butt not possible unless mounted very high up ...)
    I've got one, works fine, bit tricky to fill (hose is OK-ish, but long wait!, from water butt not possible unless mounted very high up ...)
    I've got one, works fine, bit tricky to fill (hose is OK-ish, but long wait!, from water butt not possible unless mounted very high up ...)
    I've got one, works fine, bit tricky to fill (hose is OK-ish, but long wait!, from water butt not possible unless mounted very high up ...)
  5. Gazania

    koi keepers ?

    Hi Gaz, yes I am following your progress. That's gonna be one heck of a nice pond. My second to last pond was 8000 gallons and your koi are gonna luv it :dancy: gazania
    Hi Gaz, yes I am following your progress. That's gonna be one heck of a nice pond. My second to last pond was 8000 gallons and your koi are gonna luv it :dancy: gazania
    Hi Gaz, yes I am following your progress. That's gonna be one heck of a nice pond. My second to last pond was 8000 gallons and your koi are gonna luv it :dancy: gazania
    Hi Gaz, yes I am following your progress. That's gonna be one heck of a nice pond. My second to last pond was 8000 gallons and your koi are gonna luv it :dancy: gazania
  6. dixy

    water gardening in a barrel

    Actually I need some advice regarding water plants in comtainers. I have a waterlily in a pot that is sitting in a large container full of water. Can I keep the lily in a pot, will it be okay...
    Actually I need some advice regarding water plants in comtainers. I have a waterlily in a pot that is sitting in a large container full of water. Can I keep the lily in a pot, will it be okay or does it have to be out of a pot and sunk in earth in the bottom of the container? I have noticed...
    Actually I need some advice regarding water plants in comtainers. I have a waterlily in a pot that is sitting in a large container full of water. Can I keep the lily in a pot, will it be okay or does it have to be out of a pot and sunk in...
    Actually I need some advice regarding water plants in comtainers. I have a waterlily in a pot that is sitting in a large container full of water. Can I keep the lily in a pot, will it be okay...
  7. stacym

    Wildlife Pond questions!

    Yeah, I'm not going to let my cat lick me face for a while. She obviously hadn't kissed it as it didn't look at all pleased!!:snork:
    Yeah, I'm not going to let my cat lick me face for a while. She obviously hadn't kissed it as it didn't look at all pleased!!:snork:
    Yeah, I'm not going to let my cat lick me face for a while. She obviously hadn't kissed it as it didn't look at all pleased!!:snork:
    Yeah, I'm not going to let my cat lick me face for a while. She obviously hadn't kissed it as it didn't look at all pleased!!:snork:
  8. Trunky
    Like x 3

    Pond Iris?

    water blue flag iris......stunning flower , shame they don`t last long :blue thumb:
    water blue flag iris......stunning flower , shame they don`t last long :blue thumb:
    water blue flag iris......stunning flower , shame they don`t last long :blue thumb:
    water blue flag iris......stunning flower , shame they don`t last long :blue thumb:
  9. Herb

    Water lily feed?

    Most aquarium shops have them or similar. They are nice because they work underneath so don't turn the water green.
    Most aquarium shops have them or similar. They are nice because they work underneath so don't turn the water green.
    Most aquarium shops have them or similar. They are nice because they work underneath so don't turn the water green.
    Most aquarium shops have them or similar. They are nice because they work underneath so don't turn the water green.
  10. Spotty

    Frogbit or Water Soldier? Floating plant help needed.

    I can`t say about the other two as I don`t have a pond, but I do have a 2m long aquarium and the Frogbit will devour any excess nitrates and help keep the algae down. Doesn`t need a huge amount of...
    I can`t say about the other two as I don`t have a pond, but I do have a 2m long aquarium and the Frogbit will devour any excess nitrates and help keep the algae down. Doesn`t need a huge amount of light to thrive. That is Amazon Frogbit I`m on about though but I guess they`ll work on the same...
    I can`t say about the other two as I don`t have a pond, but I do have a 2m long aquarium and the Frogbit will devour any excess nitrates and help keep the algae down. Doesn`t need a huge amount of light to thrive. That is Amazon Frogbit I`m on...
    I can`t say about the other two as I don`t have a pond, but I do have a 2m long aquarium and the Frogbit will devour any excess nitrates and help keep the algae down. Doesn`t need a huge amount of...
  11. Folly Mon

    New Pond Plants

    :wow: AS Ever Top Tips :ThankYou: Mission on ile have a Go at that :WINK1:
    :wow: AS Ever Top Tips :ThankYou: Mission on ile have a Go at that :WINK1:
    :wow: AS Ever Top Tips :ThankYou: Mission on ile have a Go at that :WINK1:
    :wow: AS Ever Top Tips :ThankYou: Mission on ile have a Go at that :WINK1:
  12. simon1967
    Like x 3

    My pond or table or is it both

    wow really nice idea , the idea is great and it can actually be improved as well , I would put a glass on the top , or plexiglass in case some heron decide to have a quick meal and it will stop...
    wow really nice idea , the idea is great and it can actually be improved as well , I would put a glass on the top , or plexiglass in case some heron decide to have a quick meal and it will stop the heavy frost in winter , plus a side glass to actually make it look like a fish tank........but...
    wow really nice idea , the idea is great and it can actually be improved as well , I would put a glass on the top , or plexiglass in case some heron decide to have a quick meal and it will stop the heavy frost in winter , plus a side glass to...
    wow really nice idea , the idea is great and it can actually be improved as well , I would put a glass on the top , or plexiglass in case some heron decide to have a quick meal and it will stop...
  13. Dean

    Pond advise and tips please.

    Hi Dean, I dug my pond in 1993 and used sand, about 3 inches deep, two layers of carpet, and I haven't had a problem so far. Watergarden is right in saying that the weight of the water pressing...
    Hi Dean, I dug my pond in 1993 and used sand, about 3 inches deep, two layers of carpet, and I haven't had a problem so far. Watergarden is right in saying that the weight of the water pressing down on the liner and the underlay is the problem. But if you've checked for any stones and removed...
    Hi Dean, I dug my pond in 1993 and used sand, about 3 inches deep, two layers of carpet, and I haven't had a problem so far. Watergarden is right in saying that the weight of the water pressing down on the liner and the underlay is the problem....
    Hi Dean, I dug my pond in 1993 and used sand, about 3 inches deep, two layers of carpet, and I haven't had a problem so far. Watergarden is right in saying that the weight of the water pressing...
  14. Walter Wallcarpet

    inherited a pond...

    Walter Wallcarpet, over the years I have found that there is no "wonder cure" neither is there a "100% this will work option" In more detail. Additives: Over the years there have been a whole...
    Walter Wallcarpet, over the years I have found that there is no "wonder cure" neither is there a "100% this will work option" In more detail. Additives: Over the years there have been a whole variety of "wonder cures" and derivatives, including straw, magnets, news paper. All have been...
    Walter Wallcarpet, over the years I have found that there is no "wonder cure" neither is there a "100% this will work option" In more detail. Additives: Over the years there have been a whole variety of "wonder cures" and derivatives,...
    Walter Wallcarpet, over the years I have found that there is no "wonder cure" neither is there a "100% this will work option" In more detail. Additives: Over the years there have been a whole...
  15. Lollyb

    Evergreen trailing plants for pond edge...recommendations please

    A mix of Ajuga and creeping jenny would look very effective around a pond.:blue thumb: I wonder what LollyB thinks ? She seems to have dropped off.
    A mix of Ajuga and creeping jenny would look very effective around a pond.:blue thumb: I wonder what LollyB thinks ? She seems to have dropped off.
    A mix of Ajuga and creeping jenny would look very effective around a pond.:blue thumb: I wonder what LollyB thinks ? She seems to have dropped off.
    A mix of Ajuga and creeping jenny would look very effective around a pond.:blue thumb: I wonder what LollyB thinks ? She seems to have dropped off.
  16. Rekusu

    Pond problem

    Roots are not an issue whatsoever.I do have a length of the brown, 4" underground drainage pipe laying around and thought of using that. The perforated would possibly be better, but since my...
    Roots are not an issue whatsoever.I do have a length of the brown, 4" underground drainage pipe laying around and thought of using that. The perforated would possibly be better, but since my aim is to drain the hole where the pond is rather than the surrounding area, a 4" pipe would...
    Roots are not an issue whatsoever.I do have a length of the brown, 4" underground drainage pipe laying around and thought of using that. The perforated would possibly be better, but since my aim is to drain the hole where the pond is rather...
    Roots are not an issue whatsoever.I do have a length of the brown, 4" underground drainage pipe laying around and thought of using that. The perforated would possibly be better, but since my...
  17. Tropical_Gaz
    Like x 6

    Pond update

    Finally got round to writing a part two on our pond build!
    Finally got round to writing a part two on our pond build!
    Finally got round to writing a part two on our pond build!
    Finally got round to writing a part two on our pond build!
  19. capney

    Roberts Pond (well its the fishes really)

    Blimey mate, you're not expecting to get it signed off today are you? I mean ... even getting someone out there with the reel of red tape this week is pretty doubtful. Then there is the fuel...
    Blimey mate, you're not expecting to get it signed off today are you? I mean ... even getting someone out there with the reel of red tape this week is pretty doubtful. Then there is the fuel strike, won't be able to come out then, and if that clashes with the Easter public holidays we'll have...
    Blimey mate, you're not expecting to get it signed off today are you? I mean ... even getting someone out there with the reel of red tape this week is pretty doubtful. Then there is the fuel strike, won't be able to come out then, and if that...
    Blimey mate, you're not expecting to get it signed off today are you? I mean ... even getting someone out there with the reel of red tape this week is pretty doubtful. Then there is the fuel...
  20. Bald_Matt

    Best ways to get rid of a fish pond?

    Whatever you do make sure you know where the electric supply is, ensure it's properly isolated before ripping up the pond. I'd attack it with a pick axe to break it up. Bag it up and take it to...
    Whatever you do make sure you know where the electric supply is, ensure it's properly isolated before ripping up the pond. I'd attack it with a pick axe to break it up. Bag it up and take it to the dump or hire a skip. Then fill in the holes with topsoil, or if the holes are very deep (over...
    Whatever you do make sure you know where the electric supply is, ensure it's properly isolated before ripping up the pond. I'd attack it with a pick axe to break it up. Bag it up and take it to the dump or hire a skip. Then fill in the holes...
    Whatever you do make sure you know where the electric supply is, ensure it's properly isolated before ripping up the pond. I'd attack it with a pick axe to break it up. Bag it up and take it to...

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