Water Gardening

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  1. Doghouse Riley


    A visit to “World of Water” for some fish food, prompted me to post this. I noticed that a filter about a third of the size of mine was over £1,000. I can remember some discussions we had in a...
    A visit to “World of Water” for some fish food, prompted me to post this. I noticed that a filter about a third of the size of mine was over £1,000. I can remember some discussions we had in a koi society meeting twenty years ago when “new” filters were being commercially produced. A common...
    A visit to “World of Water” for some fish food, prompted me to post this. I noticed that a filter about a third of the size of mine was over £1,000. I can remember some discussions we had in a koi society meeting twenty years ago when “new”...
    A visit to “World of Water” for some fish food, prompted me to post this. I noticed that a filter about a third of the size of mine was over £1,000. I can remember some discussions we had in a...
  2. Little Miss Road Rage

    Pond Pump

    "WG I've only got the nozzles that came with it and they've got tiny holes. Where could I get a nozzle with bigger holes from and are they all the same fitment?"LMRR I've read this thread...
    "WG I've only got the nozzles that came with it and they've got tiny holes. Where could I get a nozzle with bigger holes from and are they all the same fitment?"LMRR I've read this thread assuming you have a low power pump, so it aint going to drive a bigger-holed nozzle (well, it will, but it...
    "WG I've only got the nozzles that came with it and they've got tiny holes. Where could I get a nozzle with bigger holes from and are they all the same fitment?"LMRR I've read this thread assuming you have a low power pump, so it aint going to...
    "WG I've only got the nozzles that came with it and they've got tiny holes. Where could I get a nozzle with bigger holes from and are they all the same fitment?"LMRR I've read this thread...
  3. deansplit

    Water feature

    I use these in my small wildlife pond with a small fountain and my water is quite clear
    I use these in my small wildlife pond with a small fountain and my water is quite clear
    I use these in my small wildlife pond with a small fountain and my water is quite clear
    I use these in my small wildlife pond with a small fountain and my water is quite clear
  4. Loofah

    Solar powered pump - how powerful?

    Oh ye of little faith! Its all planned in but yep, you'll have to wait! Too much to do! It's only going to be a small feature so don't get too excited lol
    Oh ye of little faith! Its all planned in but yep, you'll have to wait! Too much to do! It's only going to be a small feature so don't get too excited lol
    Oh ye of little faith! Its all planned in but yep, you'll have to wait! Too much to do! It's only going to be a small feature so don't get too excited lol
    Oh ye of little faith! Its all planned in but yep, you'll have to wait! Too much to do! It's only going to be a small feature so don't get too excited lol
  5. Horsham Del

    Crayfish info needed

    He's a Yank! Looks like diner will be served.
    He's a Yank! Looks like diner will be served.
    He's a Yank! Looks like diner will be served.
    He's a Yank! Looks like diner will be served.
  6. THEPARKS100

    Water iris.

    Hi Kandy, I am grateful for your advice and will tackle the Iris tomorrow ... weather permitting of course ! Many Thanks ...Denise.
    Hi Kandy, I am grateful for your advice and will tackle the Iris tomorrow ... weather permitting of course ! Many Thanks ...Denise.
    Hi Kandy, I am grateful for your advice and will tackle the Iris tomorrow ... weather permitting of course ! Many Thanks ...Denise.
    Hi Kandy, I am grateful for your advice and will tackle the Iris tomorrow ... weather permitting of course ! Many Thanks ...Denise.
  7. K1nS

    Best pond/stream plants

    Yeah its all fine, we phoned around a few places before we started to do anything with the stream and they said everything was fine as long as it was secure with some sort of netting, which we...
    Yeah its all fine, we phoned around a few places before we started to do anything with the stream and they said everything was fine as long as it was secure with some sort of netting, which we have done :) Thanks anyways
    Yeah its all fine, we phoned around a few places before we started to do anything with the stream and they said everything was fine as long as it was secure with some sort of netting, which we have done :) Thanks anyways
    Yeah its all fine, we phoned around a few places before we started to do anything with the stream and they said everything was fine as long as it was secure with some sort of netting, which we...
  8. Paladin

    Filter help!

    That's a promise!:)I always back up my actions with proof....:wink:
    That's a promise!:)I always back up my actions with proof....:wink:
    That's a promise!:)I always back up my actions with proof....:wink:
    That's a promise!:)I always back up my actions with proof....:wink:
  9. Victoria Plum

    Peony ponderings

    I was just so thrilled to find it - i'd hate to lose it!
    I was just so thrilled to find it - i'd hate to lose it!
    I was just so thrilled to find it - i'd hate to lose it!
    I was just so thrilled to find it - i'd hate to lose it!
  10. capney

    Peace Pond

    That is so lovely. The yellow flowers are lovely- we struggle to get much growing in ours. The grass plant is thriving.That's what it's all about, hard graft but look at the rewards :)
    That is so lovely. The yellow flowers are lovely- we struggle to get much growing in ours. The grass plant is thriving.That's what it's all about, hard graft but look at the rewards :)
    That is so lovely. The yellow flowers are lovely- we struggle to get much growing in ours. The grass plant is thriving.That's what it's all about, hard graft but look at the rewards :)
    That is so lovely. The yellow flowers are lovely- we struggle to get much growing in ours. The grass plant is thriving.That's what it's all about, hard graft but look at the rewards :)
  11. bowmanera

    Graf water barrel tap

    3 years ago I took up an offer through the local council and ordered a water barrel from Blackwater. After a long wait a Graf 200 litre barrel arrived, but the tap that came with it was a Sankey...
    3 years ago I took up an offer through the local council and ordered a water barrel from Blackwater. After a long wait a Graf 200 litre barrel arrived, but the tap that came with it was a Sankey type and would not fit. Eventually the right tap was received. (For information if you are unaware,...
    3 years ago I took up an offer through the local council and ordered a water barrel from Blackwater. After a long wait a Graf 200 litre barrel arrived, but the tap that came with it was a Sankey type and would not fit. Eventually the right tap...
    3 years ago I took up an offer through the local council and ordered a water barrel from Blackwater. After a long wait a Graf 200 litre barrel arrived, but the tap that came with it was a Sankey...
  12. weekend gardener

    waterfall advice

    Yes it's a constant problem with the leaks RR, and we a have a pre-formed plastic pond too. We were going to see to the leak last weekend but it poured down for the 2 days.
    Yes it's a constant problem with the leaks RR, and we a have a pre-formed plastic pond too. We were going to see to the leak last weekend but it poured down for the 2 days.
    Yes it's a constant problem with the leaks RR, and we a have a pre-formed plastic pond too. We were going to see to the leak last weekend but it poured down for the 2 days.
    Yes it's a constant problem with the leaks RR, and we a have a pre-formed plastic pond too. We were going to see to the leak last weekend but it poured down for the 2 days.
  13. grab

    Pond project - wet drystone walls etc

    Drystone wall, viewed from the frontDrystone wall viewed from the "side"My point being drystone walls need to be wide (or thick) to give any support, which would also take a lot of space...
    Drystone wall, viewed from the frontDrystone wall viewed from the "side"My point being drystone walls need to be wide (or thick) to give any support, which would also take a lot of space from any proposed pond. It will be pet proof, but look at all those little spaces for algae to...
    Drystone wall, viewed from the frontDrystone wall viewed from the "side"My point being drystone walls need to be wide (or thick) to give any support, which would also take a lot of space from any proposed pond. It will be pet proof, but...
    Drystone wall, viewed from the frontDrystone wall viewed from the "side"My point being drystone walls need to be wide (or thick) to give any support, which would also take a lot of space...
  14. avz10
  15. nickp

    Attracting Newts to my pond

    to check for newts , go out at night and look in the pond with a torch - you will be amazed at what you see
    to check for newts , go out at night and look in the pond with a torch - you will be amazed at what you see
    to check for newts , go out at night and look in the pond with a torch - you will be amazed at what you see
    to check for newts , go out at night and look in the pond with a torch - you will be amazed at what you see
  16. Maurice

    Frogs Spawn and Newts

    I seperate the frog spawn just leave a bit for the newts, I also net the spawn out of the koi pond where a lot of the frogs insist on going to spawn,it's placed in containers all over the garden...
    I seperate the frog spawn just leave a bit for the newts, I also net the spawn out of the koi pond where a lot of the frogs insist on going to spawn,it's placed in containers all over the garden were the tadpoles develope into frogs in relative safety.
    I seperate the frog spawn just leave a bit for the newts, I also net the spawn out of the koi pond where a lot of the frogs insist on going to spawn,it's placed in containers all over the garden were the tadpoles develope into frogs in relative...
    I seperate the frog spawn just leave a bit for the newts, I also net the spawn out of the koi pond where a lot of the frogs insist on going to spawn,it's placed in containers all over the garden...
  17. Maurice

    Bad colour Pond

    Try adding Barley straw. It's possible to buy it in pellet form,but I just stuffed an old pair of tights with it and weighted it to sink to the bottom...Excellent results too.
    Try adding Barley straw. It's possible to buy it in pellet form,but I just stuffed an old pair of tights with it and weighted it to sink to the bottom...Excellent results too.
    Try adding Barley straw. It's possible to buy it in pellet form,but I just stuffed an old pair of tights with it and weighted it to sink to the bottom...Excellent results too.
    Try adding Barley straw. It's possible to buy it in pellet form,but I just stuffed an old pair of tights with it and weighted it to sink to the bottom...Excellent results too.
  18. clueless1

    Suitable for a pond?

    Thanks. Next time I go up I'll do a bit of fishing with a jam jar and a bamboo cane:)
    Thanks. Next time I go up I'll do a bit of fishing with a jam jar and a bamboo cane:)
    Thanks. Next time I go up I'll do a bit of fishing with a jam jar and a bamboo cane:)
    Thanks. Next time I go up I'll do a bit of fishing with a jam jar and a bamboo cane:)
  19. lollipop

    Help for the first time water gardener.

    I suggest you look to see what your husband has done and do that. Seriously, some plants will look nice but that is all they will do, if you want to get rid of the green water you need a U.V and...
    I suggest you look to see what your husband has done and do that. Seriously, some plants will look nice but that is all they will do, if you want to get rid of the green water you need a U.V and filter, only it needs to be in proportion to your pool volume, not as big as you would find in a koi...
    I suggest you look to see what your husband has done and do that. Seriously, some plants will look nice but that is all they will do, if you want to get rid of the green water you need a U.V and filter, only it needs to be in proportion to your...
    I suggest you look to see what your husband has done and do that. Seriously, some plants will look nice but that is all they will do, if you want to get rid of the green water you need a U.V and...
  20. solaar

    Laburnum detritus in pond

    Trees can shed their leaves, pollen and berries into pond from a great distance especially if a pond is downwind from them. Laburnum and Yew have to be at the top of the danger list since every...
    Trees can shed their leaves, pollen and berries into pond from a great distance especially if a pond is downwind from them. Laburnum and Yew have to be at the top of the danger list since every part of these trees including the pollen is poisonous. Alder Buckthorn too has poisonous leaves, ...
    Trees can shed their leaves, pollen and berries into pond from a great distance especially if a pond is downwind from them. Laburnum and Yew have to be at the top of the danger list since every part of these trees including the pollen is...
    Trees can shed their leaves, pollen and berries into pond from a great distance especially if a pond is downwind from them. Laburnum and Yew have to be at the top of the danger list since every...

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