Water Gardening

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  1. Tangle

    Pond safety cover recommendations (with added duckweed...)

    I think I see what you're saying, but my reading of the sites was different - they both seemed to show a reasonable mix of installations both over and under the water. They don't seem to hide the...
    I think I see what you're saying, but my reading of the sites was different - they both seemed to show a reasonable mix of installations both over and under the water. They don't seem to hide the fact the above-water installations are possible or that they are safer. I'm also suprised that...
    I think I see what you're saying, but my reading of the sites was different - they both seemed to show a reasonable mix of installations both over and under the water. They don't seem to hide the fact the above-water installations are possible...
    I think I see what you're saying, but my reading of the sites was different - they both seemed to show a reasonable mix of installations both over and under the water. They don't seem to hide the...
  2. Bally

    pondless waterfall

    For a waterfall to work there are lots of things to be taken into consideration. Roughly it goes like this. Width of waterfall, depth of water required, height to actual fall from sump. ...
    For a waterfall to work there are lots of things to be taken into consideration. Roughly it goes like this. Width of waterfall, depth of water required, height to actual fall from sump. Width. The wider it is the more water will be required at the top. Water Depth For a...
    For a waterfall to work there are lots of things to be taken into consideration. Roughly it goes like this. Width of waterfall, depth of water required, height to actual fall from sump. Width. The wider it is the more water will...
    For a waterfall to work there are lots of things to be taken into consideration. Roughly it goes like this. Width of waterfall, depth of water required, height to actual fall from sump. ...
  3. Lyn

    Pond coming to life.

    I have the pond cleaning on my list for tomorrow. Weather permitting. No frogspawn yet but plenty of frogs about today.
    I have the pond cleaning on my list for tomorrow. Weather permitting. No frogspawn yet but plenty of frogs about today.
    I have the pond cleaning on my list for tomorrow. Weather permitting. No frogspawn yet but plenty of frogs about today.
    I have the pond cleaning on my list for tomorrow. Weather permitting. No frogspawn yet but plenty of frogs about today.
  4. danskitt

    removing ponds and water table advice

    I thought that would be the case. The only thing I can think of is filling the existing whole with rubble to maintain drainage then build a raised bed. Luckily the area effected is only a small...
    I thought that would be the case. The only thing I can think of is filling the existing whole with rubble to maintain drainage then build a raised bed. Luckily the area effected is only a small area of the garden.I am looking to turn the area into a vegatable patch, how deep would raised bed...
    I thought that would be the case. The only thing I can think of is filling the existing whole with rubble to maintain drainage then build a raised bed. Luckily the area effected is only a small area of the garden.I am looking to turn the area...
    I thought that would be the case. The only thing I can think of is filling the existing whole with rubble to maintain drainage then build a raised bed. Luckily the area effected is only a small...
  5. Vince

    Water Gardening!!!!!!

    I know we have a separate board for it BUT, can I grow rice in my paddy field allotment plot? :(I'm in the process of digging drainage channels, hindered by the previous occupants unrealistic...
    I know we have a separate board for it BUT, can I grow rice in my paddy field allotment plot? :(I'm in the process of digging drainage channels, hindered by the previous occupants unrealistic attempts to to grow carpets and timber board! :@I know the allotment bosses are frustrated at...
    I know we have a separate board for it BUT, can I grow rice in my paddy field allotment plot? :(I'm in the process of digging drainage channels, hindered by the previous occupants unrealistic attempts to to grow carpets and timber board! ...
    I know we have a separate board for it BUT, can I grow rice in my paddy field allotment plot? :(I'm in the process of digging drainage channels, hindered by the previous occupants unrealistic...
  6. timecharger

    Have you ever dug an unlined (puddled clay) pond?

    My dad and I between us have done several of these, as have neighbouring gardeners. The amount of work involved depends largely on the composition of the soil, and the general shape of the patch...
    My dad and I between us have done several of these, as have neighbouring gardeners. The amount of work involved depends largely on the composition of the soil, and the general shape of the patch of land.In every case that my dad and I have done, we have always worked with what's already...
    My dad and I between us have done several of these, as have neighbouring gardeners. The amount of work involved depends largely on the composition of the soil, and the general shape of the patch of land.In every case that my dad and I have...
    My dad and I between us have done several of these, as have neighbouring gardeners. The amount of work involved depends largely on the composition of the soil, and the general shape of the patch...
  7. fred1935

    Filter Pump and UV advice needed.

    Thanks Sydney. I have cleaned it before but not replaced the UV lamp untill now. Well the price of them puts me off, anything up to £15 a time but I did go to a local garden centre, would you...
    Thanks Sydney. I have cleaned it before but not replaced the UV lamp untill now. Well the price of them puts me off, anything up to £15 a time but I did go to a local garden centre, would you believe, £7.99. so I got two. I must have a closer look at the seal on the quartze sleeve, when...
    Thanks Sydney. I have cleaned it before but not replaced the UV lamp untill now. Well the price of them puts me off, anything up to £15 a time but I did go to a local garden centre, would you believe, £7.99. so I got two. I must have a...
    Thanks Sydney. I have cleaned it before but not replaced the UV lamp untill now. Well the price of them puts me off, anything up to £15 a time but I did go to a local garden centre, would you...
  8. Maurice

    Water a bad Colour.

    I have had ponds for years and have never had this problem at this time of the year, will get the water tested (if i can ) will let you know if we get a result.Maurice
    I have had ponds for years and have never had this problem at this time of the year, will get the water tested (if i can ) will let you know if we get a result.Maurice
    I have had ponds for years and have never had this problem at this time of the year, will get the water tested (if i can ) will let you know if we get a result.Maurice
    I have had ponds for years and have never had this problem at this time of the year, will get the water tested (if i can ) will let you know if we get a result.Maurice
  9. ~Jen~

    Question about ponds

    Thanks, everyone, for all the help and advice. I won't rush into anything, and if I do decide on the pond option I will wait till the weather warms up.Walnut - I will definitely need to make...
    Thanks, everyone, for all the help and advice. I won't rush into anything, and if I do decide on the pond option I will wait till the weather warms up.Walnut - I will definitely need to make sure the young cat in my av can't help herself to a free fish supper!!
    Thanks, everyone, for all the help and advice. I won't rush into anything, and if I do decide on the pond option I will wait till the weather warms up.Walnut - I will definitely need to make sure the young cat in my av can't help herself to a...
    Thanks, everyone, for all the help and advice. I won't rush into anything, and if I do decide on the pond option I will wait till the weather warms up.Walnut - I will definitely need to make...
  10. Clematis

    Natural pond

  11. Tangle

    Are my fish sulking?

    Tangle I have pea netting covering the whole pond (no little ones to worry about) certainly put a safety grid over if there are small children about,my fish actually follow me when I walk around...
    Tangle I have pea netting covering the whole pond (no little ones to worry about) certainly put a safety grid over if there are small children about,my fish actually follow me when I walk around the pond constantly wanting to be fed. Here's a diagram explaining the Nitrification cycle.
    Tangle I have pea netting covering the whole pond (no little ones to worry about) certainly put a safety grid over if there are small children about,my fish actually follow me when I walk around the pond constantly wanting to be fed. Here's a...
    Tangle I have pea netting covering the whole pond (no little ones to worry about) certainly put a safety grid over if there are small children about,my fish actually follow me when I walk around...
  12. RYDALL


    Thanks Walnut & Midnight Rose. Sorry for the long delay in replying. I carry out your suggestions for next year.
    Thanks Walnut & Midnight Rose. Sorry for the long delay in replying. I carry out your suggestions for next year.
    Thanks Walnut & Midnight Rose. Sorry for the long delay in replying. I carry out your suggestions for next year.
    Thanks Walnut & Midnight Rose. Sorry for the long delay in replying. I carry out your suggestions for next year.
  13. wiseowl


    Wow!.....what beautiful fish....worth a pretty penny I bet:)
    Wow!.....what beautiful fish....worth a pretty penny I bet:)
    Wow!.....what beautiful fish....worth a pretty penny I bet:)
    Wow!.....what beautiful fish....worth a pretty penny I bet:)
  14. Tropical_Gaz

    Raised pond under construction - a few tips please

    Trout taste nice.
    Trout taste nice.
    Trout taste nice.
    Trout taste nice.
  15. seeker of knowledge

    My Water Garden

    Hi lollypop..love the name by the way.. no I have never thought of showing my koi, actually catching them is a feat of art, I find, let alone the hassle that must be involved in showing them,...
    Hi lollypop..love the name by the way.. no I have never thought of showing my koi, actually catching them is a feat of art, I find, let alone the hassle that must be involved in showing them, and think if one died while on route somewhere. no mine are very happy, just being admired by me !!
    Hi lollypop..love the name by the way.. no I have never thought of showing my koi, actually catching them is a feat of art, I find, let alone the hassle that must be involved in showing them, and think if one died while on route somewhere. no...
    Hi lollypop..love the name by the way.. no I have never thought of showing my koi, actually catching them is a feat of art, I find, let alone the hassle that must be involved in showing them,...
  16. Gillypetunia

    Water Lillies - more!

    Very pretty, well done! Do you know the names of them? I might get a pink or red one to go with my white one (N. alba). I also quite fancied a colour changing one... I wonder if it matters...
    Very pretty, well done! Do you know the names of them? I might get a pink or red one to go with my white one (N. alba). I also quite fancied a colour changing one... I wonder if it matters too much if they aren't deadheaded cos I've got rather a large pond to be reaching across!
    Very pretty, well done! Do you know the names of them? I might get a pink or red one to go with my white one (N. alba). I also quite fancied a colour changing one... I wonder if it matters too much if they aren't deadheaded cos I've got...
    Very pretty, well done! Do you know the names of them? I might get a pink or red one to go with my white one (N. alba). I also quite fancied a colour changing one... I wonder if it matters...
  17. Maurice

    Water Lilies

    You could give some to your friends always nice to have something from another gardener. My garden is full of plants with a story attached. Some were cuttings but we won't go into that.
    You could give some to your friends always nice to have something from another gardener. My garden is full of plants with a story attached. Some were cuttings but we won't go into that.
    You could give some to your friends always nice to have something from another gardener. My garden is full of plants with a story attached. Some were cuttings but we won't go into that.
    You could give some to your friends always nice to have something from another gardener. My garden is full of plants with a story attached. Some were cuttings but we won't go into that.

    Canadian Pond weed (elodea) control

    Roundup is aproved for use on aquatic plants and is reasnably effective, however i tend to agree with wallnut.As with all pesticides and herbicides, you should follow the instructions as per...
    Roundup is aproved for use on aquatic plants and is reasnably effective, however i tend to agree with wallnut.As with all pesticides and herbicides, you should follow the instructions as per dose, The manufacture's carefully calculate the dose rate and doubling the dose is usually...
    Roundup is aproved for use on aquatic plants and is reasnably effective, however i tend to agree with wallnut.As with all pesticides and herbicides, you should follow the instructions as per dose, The manufacture's carefully calculate the...
    Roundup is aproved for use on aquatic plants and is reasnably effective, however i tend to agree with wallnut.As with all pesticides and herbicides, you should follow the instructions as per...
  19. Little Miss Road Rage

    Wildlife Pond

    Believe it or not ducks are the worst thing for a domestic wild lfe pond. They "dump" every where and with their feet going at ten to the dozen they can soon stir up a shallow pond.Been to a...
    Believe it or not ducks are the worst thing for a domestic wild lfe pond. They "dump" every where and with their feet going at ten to the dozen they can soon stir up a shallow pond.Been to a nice garden centre earlier this year, they sell duck food so you can feed the ducks, (they will take it...
    Believe it or not ducks are the worst thing for a domestic wild lfe pond. They "dump" every where and with their feet going at ten to the dozen they can soon stir up a shallow pond.Been to a nice garden centre earlier this year, they sell duck...
    Believe it or not ducks are the worst thing for a domestic wild lfe pond. They "dump" every where and with their feet going at ten to the dozen they can soon stir up a shallow pond.Been to a...
  20. fred1935

    Odd Goldfish

    Thank you, I can understand your concern re upkeep but mine was built with mainly recycled matterials. The tank I had to buy second hand and eventually after trying many small pumps I did buy...
    Thank you, I can understand your concern re upkeep but mine was built with mainly recycled matterials. The tank I had to buy second hand and eventually after trying many small pumps I did buy the smallest one I could find with a filter and uv light, it works a treat and keeps the pond lovely...
    Thank you, I can understand your concern re upkeep but mine was built with mainly recycled matterials. The tank I had to buy second hand and eventually after trying many small pumps I did buy the smallest one I could find with a filter and uv...
    Thank you, I can understand your concern re upkeep but mine was built with mainly recycled matterials. The tank I had to buy second hand and eventually after trying many small pumps I did buy...

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