Water Gardening

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  1. Boveytracey

    Self sufficient pond

    Boveytracey any chance of a picture?
    Boveytracey any chance of a picture?
    Boveytracey any chance of a picture?
    Boveytracey any chance of a picture?
  2. rickyjim

    superb water features

    "Oh Dear!! You people are so cynical!"The original poster has ONE post : this free advertisementrickyjim joined yesterday, made one post at 08:48 PM and hasn't returned since ("Last Activity:...
    "Oh Dear!! You people are so cynical!"The original poster has ONE post : this free advertisementrickyjim joined yesterday, made one post at 08:48 PM and hasn't returned since ("Last Activity: Yesterday 08:48 PM")The following was posted on GardenBanter yesterday:hi everyone i was...
    "Oh Dear!! You people are so cynical!"The original poster has ONE post : this free advertisementrickyjim joined yesterday, made one post at 08:48 PM and hasn't returned since ("Last Activity: Yesterday 08:48 PM")The following was posted on...
    "Oh Dear!! You people are so cynical!"The original poster has ONE post : this free advertisementrickyjim joined yesterday, made one post at 08:48 PM and hasn't returned since ("Last Activity:...
  3. The Nut

    pump power

    in short, you should choose a pump that is capable of delivering a reasonable amount of water to the required height (4 feet in your case)most pumps have a flow graph on the boxas for how...
    in short, you should choose a pump that is capable of delivering a reasonable amount of water to the required height (4 feet in your case)most pumps have a flow graph on the boxas for how much water it depends on how wide the feature isusualy the left is height the bottom is LPM...
    in short, you should choose a pump that is capable of delivering a reasonable amount of water to the required height (4 feet in your case)most pumps have a flow graph on the boxas for how much water it depends on how wide the feature...
    in short, you should choose a pump that is capable of delivering a reasonable amount of water to the required height (4 feet in your case)most pumps have a flow graph on the boxas for how...
  4. borrowers

    Solar water feature

    mine has run dry loads of times and its still going strong and only tap water
    mine has run dry loads of times and its still going strong and only tap water
    mine has run dry loads of times and its still going strong and only tap water
    mine has run dry loads of times and its still going strong and only tap water
  5. evelyn

    water crystals?

    Are you sure they're water crystals? Maybe a slug left them behind after laying them.:eek:
    Are you sure they're water crystals? Maybe a slug left them behind after laying them.:eek:
    Are you sure they're water crystals? Maybe a slug left them behind after laying them.:eek:
    Are you sure they're water crystals? Maybe a slug left them behind after laying them.:eek:
  6. intermiplants

    fish at work

    :D:D dont be giving me ideas:thumb: dont know much about the price of fish apart from the chippy is gettin expensive but some of these must be worth a few bob....hel would love to get my fishing...
    :D:D dont be giving me ideas:thumb: dont know much about the price of fish apart from the chippy is gettin expensive but some of these must be worth a few bob....hel would love to get my fishing rod out think ill ask the gaffer this one is a monster ..watch this space im going to put my...
    :D:D dont be giving me ideas:thumb: dont know much about the price of fish apart from the chippy is gettin expensive but some of these must be worth a few bob....hel would love to get my fishing rod out think ill ask the gaffer this one is a...
    :D:D dont be giving me ideas:thumb: dont know much about the price of fish apart from the chippy is gettin expensive but some of these must be worth a few bob....hel would love to get my fishing...
  7. vikpole

    replacement solar pump

    Vik, check the Blagdon and Lotus websites, see what they advise.:)
    Vik, check the Blagdon and Lotus websites, see what they advise.:)
    Vik, check the Blagdon and Lotus websites, see what they advise.:)
    Vik, check the Blagdon and Lotus websites, see what they advise.:)
  8. roders

    My new pond plant..

    I was wondering where the leaves were :o
    I was wondering where the leaves were :o
    I was wondering where the leaves were :o
    I was wondering where the leaves were :o
  9. cliff1959

    Copper water feature at Chelsea Show

    Sounds interesting. Let us know if you find it online.
    Sounds interesting. Let us know if you find it online.
    Sounds interesting. Let us know if you find it online.
    Sounds interesting. Let us know if you find it online.
  10. men8ifr

    Cost of runnign a pump/filter - do they need to run24/7?

    would it not be easier / better to not link to the index page but the actual page you mean?and i have to disagree with the reasons of you theory.Yes, timing how long it takes to fill a...
    would it not be easier / better to not link to the index page but the actual page you mean?and i have to disagree with the reasons of you theory.Yes, timing how long it takes to fill a known container (say 1 litre) will give the flow rate of what ever (tap in your case) but that is of no...
    would it not be easier / better to not link to the index page but the actual page you mean?and i have to disagree with the reasons of you theory.Yes, timing how long it takes to fill a known container (say 1 litre) will give the flow rate...
    would it not be easier / better to not link to the index page but the actual page you mean?and i have to disagree with the reasons of you theory.Yes, timing how long it takes to fill a...
  11. men8ifr

    Where best to get photo ideas for a small water feature/pond

    :D:D:D Nope.. Have just spent hrs looking at the sight..!!!!:D:D
    :D:D:D Nope.. Have just spent hrs looking at the sight..!!!!:D:D
    :D:D:D Nope.. Have just spent hrs looking at the sight..!!!!:D:D
    :D:D:D Nope.. Have just spent hrs looking at the sight..!!!!:D:D
  12. hollyhock

    Where have all the tadpoles gone?

    We have some. Then again we don't have fish or frogs or anything to eat them!
    We have some. Then again we don't have fish or frogs or anything to eat them!
    We have some. Then again we don't have fish or frogs or anything to eat them!
    We have some. Then again we don't have fish or frogs or anything to eat them!
  13. FANCY

    Water Iris

    So there is hope for mine yet. I had one in the garden that flowered, it was almost hidden so I potted it up, put it in the pond and hey presto, no flowers last year. I have three seperate pots...
    So there is hope for mine yet. I had one in the garden that flowered, it was almost hidden so I potted it up, put it in the pond and hey presto, no flowers last year. I have three seperate pots of them now in different locations, one being in the pond, here's hoping.
    So there is hope for mine yet. I had one in the garden that flowered, it was almost hidden so I potted it up, put it in the pond and hey presto, no flowers last year. I have three seperate pots of them now in different locations, one being in...
    So there is hope for mine yet. I had one in the garden that flowered, it was almost hidden so I potted it up, put it in the pond and hey presto, no flowers last year. I have three seperate pots...
  14. Tangle

    Artificial Fish Shelter

    My pond has had a visit by a heron, we have put a terracotta plant pot in the bottom for the fish to hide. At the moment they are feeling very nervous and not coming up for feeding...Its all very...
    My pond has had a visit by a heron, we have put a terracotta plant pot in the bottom for the fish to hide. At the moment they are feeling very nervous and not coming up for feeding...Its all very sad !
    My pond has had a visit by a heron, we have put a terracotta plant pot in the bottom for the fish to hide. At the moment they are feeling very nervous and not coming up for feeding...Its all very sad !
    My pond has had a visit by a heron, we have put a terracotta plant pot in the bottom for the fish to hide. At the moment they are feeling very nervous and not coming up for feeding...Its all very...
  15. Lintama

    Making a pond

    A pond is a wonderful thing to have. I dug mine out to max depth of 35" concreted the bottom and 3 coat rendered the sides. I then purchased chopped straw mat, resin, hardener and some cheap...
    A pond is a wonderful thing to have. I dug mine out to max depth of 35" concreted the bottom and 3 coat rendered the sides. I then purchased chopped straw mat, resin, hardener and some cheap brushes. The method is the same as boat building. 1/ Mix a portion of resin and hardener, paint this...
    A pond is a wonderful thing to have. I dug mine out to max depth of 35" concreted the bottom and 3 coat rendered the sides. I then purchased chopped straw mat, resin, hardener and some cheap brushes. The method is the same as boat building. 1/...
    A pond is a wonderful thing to have. I dug mine out to max depth of 35" concreted the bottom and 3 coat rendered the sides. I then purchased chopped straw mat, resin, hardener and some cheap...
  16. B.J.J.

    Garden Watermills

    enlarged picture is too small. novel idea but only for the niche market, some people begrudge paying £40 for the filter. Also how long will yours last?
    enlarged picture is too small. novel idea but only for the niche market, some people begrudge paying £40 for the filter. Also how long will yours last?
    enlarged picture is too small. novel idea but only for the niche market, some people begrudge paying £40 for the filter. Also how long will yours last?
    enlarged picture is too small. novel idea but only for the niche market, some people begrudge paying £40 for the filter. Also how long will yours last?
  17. fmay

    My water garden

    :thumb:Stunning fmay....pretty unique I'd say:cool:
    :thumb:Stunning fmay....pretty unique I'd say:cool:
    :thumb:Stunning fmay....pretty unique I'd say:cool:
    :thumb:Stunning fmay....pretty unique I'd say:cool:
  18. Sezzle

    Pond plants in containers or planted out?

    We started off with our plants in containers but they still outgrew them at a stupid rate and were difficult to divide and separate so now they are loose and can be divided as necessary.
    We started off with our plants in containers but they still outgrew them at a stupid rate and were difficult to divide and separate so now they are loose and can be divided as necessary.
    We started off with our plants in containers but they still outgrew them at a stupid rate and were difficult to divide and separate so now they are loose and can be divided as necessary.
    We started off with our plants in containers but they still outgrew them at a stupid rate and were difficult to divide and separate so now they are loose and can be divided as necessary.
  19. Lyn

    Starting a new pond

    Thanks all. I am pleased with it. Not perfect but O.K for and old granny.:D I didn't want it to look to kept, if you no what I mean. I don't clean the moss off the rocks etc. I'm growing the...
    Thanks all. I am pleased with it. Not perfect but O.K for and old granny.:D I didn't want it to look to kept, if you no what I mean. I don't clean the moss off the rocks etc. I'm growing the acer and a few other plants for shade. Being south facing it can get very hot in the sun. I...
    Thanks all. I am pleased with it. Not perfect but O.K for and old granny.:D I didn't want it to look to kept, if you no what I mean. I don't clean the moss off the rocks etc. I'm growing the acer and a few other plants for shade. Being...
    Thanks all. I am pleased with it. Not perfect but O.K for and old granny.:D I didn't want it to look to kept, if you no what I mean. I don't clean the moss off the rocks etc. I'm growing the...
  20. Lyn

    My fish don't seem to well

    Lyn, how are your fish getting on? i do hope they are all ok & that the sick ones are now better. Sorry to hear that one died. cheers
    Lyn, how are your fish getting on? i do hope they are all ok & that the sick ones are now better. Sorry to hear that one died. cheers
    Lyn, how are your fish getting on? i do hope they are all ok & that the sick ones are now better. Sorry to hear that one died. cheers
    Lyn, how are your fish getting on? i do hope they are all ok & that the sick ones are now better. Sorry to hear that one died. cheers

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