Water Gardening

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  1. Erin

    Dead Fish

    I think it is your pump! One hot day last year a friend turned off her pump and went away for a few days. When she returned all her fish had died and she was so upset.I think they need the...
    I think it is your pump! One hot day last year a friend turned off her pump and went away for a few days. When she returned all her fish had died and she was so upset.I think they need the pump/filter to oxygenate the water. When we first created a water garden with fish we didn't...
    I think it is your pump! One hot day last year a friend turned off her pump and went away for a few days. When she returned all her fish had died and she was so upset.I think they need the pump/filter to oxygenate the water. When we first...
    I think it is your pump! One hot day last year a friend turned off her pump and went away for a few days. When she returned all her fish had died and she was so upset.I think they need the...
  2. Gardening Paradise

    Water Gardening with Gardening Paradise

    We have a wealth of Information regarding Water Gardening. Please select Water Gardening from the categories on the left.Lots of ideas are available aswell as water Garden products.We cover...
    We have a wealth of Information regarding Water Gardening. Please select Water Gardening from the categories on the left.Lots of ideas are available aswell as water Garden products.We cover all things gardening and remember if you have any Information, Tips or Advice regarding Water...
    We have a wealth of Information regarding Water Gardening. Please select Water Gardening from the categories on the left.Lots of ideas are available aswell as water Garden products.We cover all things gardening and remember if you have any...
    We have a wealth of Information regarding Water Gardening. Please select Water Gardening from the categories on the left.Lots of ideas are available aswell as water Garden products.We cover...
  3. Gillypetunia


    mine died, so i recyled it
    mine died, so i recyled it
    mine died, so i recyled it
    mine died, so i recyled it
  4. Gillypetunia

    Gilly's Pond

    Hi Gilly,Yep, I'd have to place a rockery around it with nooks and crannies for the frogs etc and my main garden isn't ready for that yet.I think I'll wait as if I put the wine barrel on my...
    Hi Gilly,Yep, I'd have to place a rockery around it with nooks and crannies for the frogs etc and my main garden isn't ready for that yet.I think I'll wait as if I put the wine barrel on my patio with a couple of fish there really isn't much shelter from the sun (Ha Ha Ha the sun!!!!).TO
    Hi Gilly,Yep, I'd have to place a rockery around it with nooks and crannies for the frogs etc and my main garden isn't ready for that yet.I think I'll wait as if I put the wine barrel on my patio with a couple of fish there really isn't much...
    Hi Gilly,Yep, I'd have to place a rockery around it with nooks and crannies for the frogs etc and my main garden isn't ready for that yet.I think I'll wait as if I put the wine barrel on my...
  5. seeker of knowledge

    Fishy Tale

    I read about a snake in a pond in another topic on here (and saw the pic).... I have concluded that I would freak if I found one in my pond!
    I read about a snake in a pond in another topic on here (and saw the pic).... I have concluded that I would freak if I found one in my pond!
    I read about a snake in a pond in another topic on here (and saw the pic).... I have concluded that I would freak if I found one in my pond!
    I read about a snake in a pond in another topic on here (and saw the pic).... I have concluded that I would freak if I found one in my pond!
  6. Erin

    pond filter?

    I put in a decent filter just as you said and the fish and plants are happy. keeps the water clean too.thank you Walnut
    I put in a decent filter just as you said and the fish and plants are happy. keeps the water clean too.thank you Walnut
    I put in a decent filter just as you said and the fish and plants are happy. keeps the water clean too.thank you Walnut
    I put in a decent filter just as you said and the fish and plants are happy. keeps the water clean too.thank you Walnut
  7. fred1935

    Fish Gone.!!

    Hi Fred;I think your pond looks great! I am by no means knowlegable about this sort of thing but just wanted to put this forward.We have six fish in our back garden and over the course of the...
    Hi Fred;I think your pond looks great! I am by no means knowlegable about this sort of thing but just wanted to put this forward.We have six fish in our back garden and over the course of the winter and spring they were virtually non existant. For quiet awhile I thought they had been eaten,...
    Hi Fred;I think your pond looks great! I am by no means knowlegable about this sort of thing but just wanted to put this forward.We have six fish in our back garden and over the course of the winter and spring they were virtually non...
    Hi Fred;I think your pond looks great! I am by no means knowlegable about this sort of thing but just wanted to put this forward.We have six fish in our back garden and over the course of the...
  8. Honey Bee

    Weird Fishy goings on!!!!!!!......

    mmmmm.....Mulder........ he can come and solve my mysteries anyday!!! :D :D
    mmmmm.....Mulder........ he can come and solve my mysteries anyday!!! :D :D
    mmmmm.....Mulder........ he can come and solve my mysteries anyday!!! :D :D
    mmmmm.....Mulder........ he can come and solve my mysteries anyday!!! :D :D
  9. Claire75

    New pond...

    Great pic though!
    Great pic though!
    Great pic though!
    Great pic though!
  10. Mel

    building a pond!

    Ooh I'd love a pond!! Well done on getting it in and level....sounds like quite a job!! Can't wait to see piccies as it develops
    Ooh I'd love a pond!! Well done on getting it in and level....sounds like quite a job!! Can't wait to see piccies as it develops
    Ooh I'd love a pond!! Well done on getting it in and level....sounds like quite a job!! Can't wait to see piccies as it develops
    Ooh I'd love a pond!! Well done on getting it in and level....sounds like quite a job!! Can't wait to see piccies as it develops
  11. Garden sponge

    Update on the frogs that had croaked

    could an animal have got them?
    could an animal have got them?
    could an animal have got them?
    could an animal have got them?
  12. JarBax

    It's a pea souper!

    Many thanks Paladin I will get to it straight away
    Many thanks Paladin I will get to it straight away
    Many thanks Paladin I will get to it straight away
    Many thanks Paladin I will get to it straight away
  13. richardd2007

    plants that respond highly to water

    Thankyou all for your response. After looking into it i did find that there were far too many variables involved with growing a plant linked up to a variable water supply. The concept has been...
    Thankyou all for your response. After looking into it i did find that there were far too many variables involved with growing a plant linked up to a variable water supply. The concept has been developed as an online resource where users can download a dynamic wallpaper from their water company's...
    Thankyou all for your response. After looking into it i did find that there were far too many variables involved with growing a plant linked up to a variable water supply. The concept has been developed as an online resource where users can...
    Thankyou all for your response. After looking into it i did find that there were far too many variables involved with growing a plant linked up to a variable water supply. The concept has been...
  14. netty


    Thank you WG, thats something about the size of pump/flow I wouldn't have thought of.
    Thank you WG, thats something about the size of pump/flow I wouldn't have thought of.
    Thank you WG, thats something about the size of pump/flow I wouldn't have thought of.
    Thank you WG, thats something about the size of pump/flow I wouldn't have thought of.
  15. Hedgetrimmer

    Pond Plants

    I just bought some Stratiotes aloides (water soldiers) for my teeny tiny pond. I shall make sure I keep an eye on them having read this little lot!
    I just bought some Stratiotes aloides (water soldiers) for my teeny tiny pond. I shall make sure I keep an eye on them having read this little lot!
    I just bought some Stratiotes aloides (water soldiers) for my teeny tiny pond. I shall make sure I keep an eye on them having read this little lot!
    I just bought some Stratiotes aloides (water soldiers) for my teeny tiny pond. I shall make sure I keep an eye on them having read this little lot!
  16. seeker of knowledge

    pond sealing

    croeso Seeker of Knowledge from Sunny Rhyl
    croeso Seeker of Knowledge from Sunny Rhyl
    croeso Seeker of Knowledge from Sunny Rhyl
    croeso Seeker of Knowledge from Sunny Rhyl
  17. RYDALL

    Good water gardening books?

    Thanks Claire. I will look out for them in the shops. It is more the individual plants than pond designs, construction that I need so I will see which is best.
    Thanks Claire. I will look out for them in the shops. It is more the individual plants than pond designs, construction that I need so I will see which is best.
    Thanks Claire. I will look out for them in the shops. It is more the individual plants than pond designs, construction that I need so I will see which is best.
    Thanks Claire. I will look out for them in the shops. It is more the individual plants than pond designs, construction that I need so I will see which is best.
  18. windy miller

    Pond in a Pot

    This was mine last year - am about to empty and refill it! Im afraid I dont encourage frogs cos I have a prob with them :( but it works quite well! Have to buy a new pump for it this year...
    This was mine last year - am about to empty and refill it! Im afraid I dont encourage frogs cos I have a prob with them :( but it works quite well! Have to buy a new pump for it this year though. I bought the large pot very cheaply and varnished it inside and out, drilled a hole for the...
    This was mine last year - am about to empty and refill it! Im afraid I dont encourage frogs cos I have a prob with them :( but it works quite well! Have to buy a new pump for it this year though. I bought the large pot very cheaply and...
    This was mine last year - am about to empty and refill it! Im afraid I dont encourage frogs cos I have a prob with them :( but it works quite well! Have to buy a new pump for it this year...
  19. frogesque

    DIY Pond Feature

    Update:The goldfish were starting to take too much interest in the frogspawn so a small corner of the pond has been sectioned off with curtain net draped over a cane and weighted on the bottom...
    Update:The goldfish were starting to take too much interest in the frogspawn so a small corner of the pond has been sectioned off with curtain net draped over a cane and weighted on the bottom with some stones. A few taddies have hatched outI'm well pleased with the home made filtration...
    Update:The goldfish were starting to take too much interest in the frogspawn so a small corner of the pond has been sectioned off with curtain net draped over a cane and weighted on the bottom with some stones. A few taddies have hatched out ...
    Update:The goldfish were starting to take too much interest in the frogspawn so a small corner of the pond has been sectioned off with curtain net draped over a cane and weighted on the bottom...
  20. Claire75

    Plants to go around my pond - for frogs!

    Thanks Frogesque, that'll be very helpful - it's brilliant to have specific plants to look for when you're as indecisive in garden centres as I am! Alpine strawberries sound lovely and hostas...
    Thanks Frogesque, that'll be very helpful - it's brilliant to have specific plants to look for when you're as indecisive in garden centres as I am! Alpine strawberries sound lovely and hostas sound great - especially if they divert the slugs away from the veg patch, double bonus :D
    Thanks Frogesque, that'll be very helpful - it's brilliant to have specific plants to look for when you're as indecisive in garden centres as I am! Alpine strawberries sound lovely and hostas sound great - especially if they divert the slugs away...
    Thanks Frogesque, that'll be very helpful - it's brilliant to have specific plants to look for when you're as indecisive in garden centres as I am! Alpine strawberries sound lovely and hostas...

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