Water Gardening

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  1. Paul Raybould

    Belfast Sink water feature

    That’s a very good point actually I think you are right if it was on all the time you wouldn’t notice it as much
    That’s a very good point actually I think you are right if it was on all the time you wouldn’t notice it as much
    That’s a very good point actually I think you are right if it was on all the time you wouldn’t notice it as much
    That’s a very good point actually I think you are right if it was on all the time you wouldn’t notice it as much
  2. luciusmaximus

    Pond Advice

    Not the best of pics, sorry, but you can see the brown spots. Water level has dropped, I need to top it up as predicted rain has not arrived :dunno:.
    Not the best of pics, sorry, but you can see the brown spots. Water level has dropped, I need to top it up as predicted rain has not arrived :dunno:.
    Not the best of pics, sorry, but you can see the brown spots. Water level has dropped, I need to top it up as predicted rain has not arrived :dunno:.
    Not the best of pics, sorry, but you can see the brown spots. Water level has dropped, I need to top it up as predicted rain has not arrived :dunno:.
    IMG_20190630_1701301_rewind.jpg IMG_20190717_1246355_rewind.jpg IMG_20190717_1246481_rewind.jpg
  3. DMM

    Small Solar Pump Recommendations?

    Dirty birdies!
    Dirty birdies!
    Dirty birdies!
    Dirty birdies!
  4. martin-f

    Small pond project

    I’ve never had a pond, but I used to keep marine fish.The one thing I always had on my set ups, which at the time not many others had. Was a ozoniser. It made the water crystal clear. Almost...
    I’ve never had a pond, but I used to keep marine fish.The one thing I always had on my set ups, which at the time not many others had. Was a ozoniser. It made the water crystal clear. Almost like it wasn’t there.Does anyone use ozone on their pond?
    I’ve never had a pond, but I used to keep marine fish.The one thing I always had on my set ups, which at the time not many others had. Was a ozoniser. It made the water crystal clear. Almost like it wasn’t there.Does anyone use ozone on...
    I’ve never had a pond, but I used to keep marine fish.The one thing I always had on my set ups, which at the time not many others had. Was a ozoniser. It made the water crystal clear. Almost...
  5. K78

    Solar powered water pump

    I've always considered that half the pleasure of a waterfall is the sound of the water. Also the effect of light shining on it on a warm summer evening.I've never been a fan of solar powered...
    I've always considered that half the pleasure of a waterfall is the sound of the water. Also the effect of light shining on it on a warm summer evening.I've never been a fan of solar powered anything in the garden other than lights.Before we filled in our koi pool this was our waterfall. It...
    I've always considered that half the pleasure of a waterfall is the sound of the water. Also the effect of light shining on it on a warm summer evening.I've never been a fan of solar powered anything in the garden other than lights.Before we...
    I've always considered that half the pleasure of a waterfall is the sound of the water. Also the effect of light shining on it on a warm summer evening.I've never been a fan of solar powered...
    404D95BD-D05C-495A-9A43-C0CB0B09ECFF.jpeg P1060035.JPG
  6. Jurassic Gardener

    Heron Proofing

    World of Water sell net in three different gauges. So a mesh with holes around 1 cm in diameter is ideal. Believe me it works. Herons won't want to get their beaks trapped in it. "They'll have see...
    World of Water sell net in three different gauges. So a mesh with holes around 1 cm in diameter is ideal. Believe me it works. Herons won't want to get their beaks trapped in it. "They'll have see it before, as they get around." There'll be plenty of more accessible ponds for them.
    World of Water sell net in three different gauges. So a mesh with holes around 1 cm in diameter is ideal. Believe me it works. Herons won't want to get their beaks trapped in it. "They'll have see it before, as they get around." There'll be...
    World of Water sell net in three different gauges. So a mesh with holes around 1 cm in diameter is ideal. Believe me it works. Herons won't want to get their beaks trapped in it. "They'll have see...
  7. Jurassic Gardener

    Fountain too strong?

    Fish prefer the surface of shallow water or some part of it to be still. If it's even a bit choppy all over, then they aren't able to see possible preditors.
    Fish prefer the surface of shallow water or some part of it to be still. If it's even a bit choppy all over, then they aren't able to see possible preditors.
    Fish prefer the surface of shallow water or some part of it to be still. If it's even a bit choppy all over, then they aren't able to see possible preditors.
    Fish prefer the surface of shallow water or some part of it to be still. If it's even a bit choppy all over, then they aren't able to see possible preditors.
  8. Brian L

    How long can Goldfish travel in a polythene bag ?

    Thanks all. We will be calling in on the way home, this Thursday. Cool box and towel is a good idea, hadn't thought of that ! Cheers for all the tips. Brian.
    Thanks all. We will be calling in on the way home, this Thursday. Cool box and towel is a good idea, hadn't thought of that ! Cheers for all the tips. Brian.
    Thanks all. We will be calling in on the way home, this Thursday. Cool box and towel is a good idea, hadn't thought of that ! Cheers for all the tips. Brian.
    Thanks all. We will be calling in on the way home, this Thursday. Cool box and towel is a good idea, hadn't thought of that ! Cheers for all the tips. Brian.
  9. Clare G

    Best oxygenating plants for a small garden pond?

    Thank you very much @Redwing; I have just ordered some hornwort and milfoil, plus some marestail as that looks so intriguing. And I'll do as you suggest and put all the Canadian pondweed in the...
    Thank you very much @Redwing; I have just ordered some hornwort and milfoil, plus some marestail as that looks so intriguing. And I'll do as you suggest and put all the Canadian pondweed in the compost bin!
    Thank you very much @Redwing; I have just ordered some hornwort and milfoil, plus some marestail as that looks so intriguing. And I'll do as you suggest and put all the Canadian pondweed in the compost bin!
    Thank you very much @Redwing; I have just ordered some hornwort and milfoil, plus some marestail as that looks so intriguing. And I'll do as you suggest and put all the Canadian pondweed in the...
  10. Spruce

    Privet leaf are they poisonous

    Tends to be evergreen here, only ever known privet drop its leaves once or twice here. I do know evergreens do drop leaves, but I'd be very surprised if you were getting enough to poison a pond.
    Tends to be evergreen here, only ever known privet drop its leaves once or twice here. I do know evergreens do drop leaves, but I'd be very surprised if you were getting enough to poison a pond.
    Tends to be evergreen here, only ever known privet drop its leaves once or twice here. I do know evergreens do drop leaves, but I'd be very surprised if you were getting enough to poison a pond.
    Tends to be evergreen here, only ever known privet drop its leaves once or twice here. I do know evergreens do drop leaves, but I'd be very surprised if you were getting enough to poison a pond.
  11. kindredspirit
    Like x 6

    Goodbye lawn. Hello pond!

    This thread needs to be closed due to database linking issues on the forum database, and the discussion carries on here - Goodbye Lawn, Hello Pond!.Apologies for the inconvenience.
    This thread needs to be closed due to database linking issues on the forum database, and the discussion carries on here - Goodbye Lawn, Hello Pond!.Apologies for the inconvenience.
    This thread needs to be closed due to database linking issues on the forum database, and the discussion carries on here - Goodbye Lawn, Hello Pond!.Apologies for the inconvenience.
    This thread needs to be closed due to database linking issues on the forum database, and the discussion carries on here - Goodbye Lawn, Hello Pond!.Apologies for the inconvenience.
  12. Spruce

    New water feature but need ......A reliable flowering dwarf waterlily

    Hi All, I have a new water feature trough, I have a waterlily but its far too large variety and was thinking any one could suggest a reliable dwarf water lily ?Spruce
    Hi All, I have a new water feature trough, I have a waterlily but its far too large variety and was thinking any one could suggest a reliable dwarf water lily ?Spruce
    Hi All, I have a new water feature trough, I have a waterlily but its far too large variety and was thinking any one could suggest a reliable dwarf water lily ?Spruce
    Hi All, I have a new water feature trough, I have a waterlily but its far too large variety and was thinking any one could suggest a reliable dwarf water lily ?Spruce
    DSCF1091.JPG DSCF1109.JPG
  13. CraigET

    Solar powered pond pumps anything fancy

    Thanks guys, it’s getting better that’s for sure! Rain water definitely helps, it is in quite an exposed position and obviously the majority of plants are young and or cut back for winter. It’ll...
    Thanks guys, it’s getting better that’s for sure! Rain water definitely helps, it is in quite an exposed position and obviously the majority of plants are young and or cut back for winter. It’ll be a case of wait and see and put a lot more plants in for the surface of the water. It’s getting...
    Thanks guys, it’s getting better that’s for sure! Rain water definitely helps, it is in quite an exposed position and obviously the majority of plants are young and or cut back for winter. It’ll be a case of wait and see and put a lot more plants...
    Thanks guys, it’s getting better that’s for sure! Rain water definitely helps, it is in quite an exposed position and obviously the majority of plants are young and or cut back for winter. It’ll...
  14. Snorky85

    Maintenance of iris surround pond

    Well, it's obviously a mature pond with masses of what looks like Flag Iris around it. Irises foliage will die back some during the Winter, but some will remain. It won't do any harm to the Iris...
    Well, it's obviously a mature pond with masses of what looks like Flag Iris around it. Irises foliage will die back some during the Winter, but some will remain. It won't do any harm to the Iris to thin it out but unless you really want to tidy the pond up I wouldn't cut back the foliage...
    Well, it's obviously a mature pond with masses of what looks like Flag Iris around it. Irises foliage will die back some during the Winter, but some will remain. It won't do any harm to the Iris to thin it out but unless you really want to tidy...
    Well, it's obviously a mature pond with masses of what looks like Flag Iris around it. Irises foliage will die back some during the Winter, but some will remain. It won't do any harm to the Iris...
  15. Mike Allen

    Water Lilies.

    I've been trying to get rid of water lilies for years.
    I've been trying to get rid of water lilies for years.
    I've been trying to get rid of water lilies for years.
    I've been trying to get rid of water lilies for years.
  16. Clare G

    Ideas to buck up my tired pond please

    As far as surface cover goes, I have a Water Chestnut which has grown a lot of roots but little leaf growth and Water Soldier which has remained mainly submerged, the dwarf Water Lily has such...
    As far as surface cover goes, I have a Water Chestnut which has grown a lot of roots but little leaf growth and Water Soldier which has remained mainly submerged, the dwarf Water Lily has such small leaves as to not give much cover.:frown:
    As far as surface cover goes, I have a Water Chestnut which has grown a lot of roots but little leaf growth and Water Soldier which has remained mainly submerged, the dwarf Water Lily has such small leaves as to not give much cover.:frown:
    As far as surface cover goes, I have a Water Chestnut which has grown a lot of roots but little leaf growth and Water Soldier which has remained mainly submerged, the dwarf Water Lily has such...
  17. Irmemac

    Barrel Pond Advice

    What are your plans for a pond/pool when it come time to upgrade....staying small or going large.
    What are your plans for a pond/pool when it come time to upgrade....staying small or going large.
    What are your plans for a pond/pool when it come time to upgrade....staying small or going large.
    What are your plans for a pond/pool when it come time to upgrade....staying small or going large.
  18. Clare G
    Like x 4

    How I made some aquatic plant bags

    Brilliant! They look super. Will have a go at your idea if I add more plants to my barrel pond. You could go into business....
    Brilliant! They look super. Will have a go at your idea if I add more plants to my barrel pond. You could go into business....
    Brilliant! They look super. Will have a go at your idea if I add more plants to my barrel pond. You could go into business....
    Brilliant! They look super. Will have a go at your idea if I add more plants to my barrel pond. You could go into business....
  19. BigC
    Like x 8

    Upcycle an old Tractor Tyre

    Oh bless darling how did you know
    Oh bless darling how did you know
    Oh bless darling how did you know
    Oh bless darling how did you know
  20. Howard Stone

    Raising lilies in a deep pond

    Well we had quite a job of it!! I was given a large Nymphaea Alba, the native one, by a friend. The root was about the size of a small beachball. We planted it in an old laundry basket. It was...
    Well we had quite a job of it!! I was given a large Nymphaea Alba, the native one, by a friend. The root was about the size of a small beachball. We planted it in an old laundry basket. It was heavy as you can imagine. Next day after spending the night in the shallow parts of the pond this...
    Well we had quite a job of it!! I was given a large Nymphaea Alba, the native one, by a friend. The root was about the size of a small beachball. We planted it in an old laundry basket. It was heavy as you can imagine. Next day after spending...
    Well we had quite a job of it!! I was given a large Nymphaea Alba, the native one, by a friend. The root was about the size of a small beachball. We planted it in an old laundry basket. It was...

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