Wildlife Corner

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  1. shiney


    New thread for 2020 - WHAT'S BUZZING OR FLYING NEAR YOU 2020
    New thread for 2020 - WHAT'S BUZZING OR FLYING NEAR YOU 2020
    New thread for 2020 - WHAT'S BUZZING OR FLYING NEAR YOU 2020
    New thread for 2020 - WHAT'S BUZZING OR FLYING NEAR YOU 2020
  2. strongylodon
    Like x 7

    Birds seen in Tenerife

    Lovely birds. A few years ago I had a Hoopoe in my garden, here in South Devon; I've also seen them in Nepal while trekking.
    Lovely birds. A few years ago I had a Hoopoe in my garden, here in South Devon; I've also seen them in Nepal while trekking.
    Lovely birds. A few years ago I had a Hoopoe in my garden, here in South Devon; I've also seen them in Nepal while trekking.
    Lovely birds. A few years ago I had a Hoopoe in my garden, here in South Devon; I've also seen them in Nepal while trekking.
  3. BeeHappy

    Dragonfly photos,information links

    I found this dragonfly splitting atop my bamboo support. I couldn't believe it let me get close enough to take this pic!
    I found this dragonfly splitting atop my bamboo support. I couldn't believe it let me get close enough to take this pic!
    I found this dragonfly splitting atop my bamboo support. I couldn't believe it let me get close enough to take this pic!
    I found this dragonfly splitting atop my bamboo support. I couldn't believe it let me get close enough to take this pic!
    graphics-dragonfly-228486.gif Dragonflies-Luminous-.jpg dragon.JPG IMG_0299.JPG 20190827_124642.jpg
  4. Snorky85
    Like x 3

    Birdfeeders - how many and how often do you refill?

    Only if the lamb or Ewe is sick or not very well and the same for birds of prey and fox's even then the animal would be dead or on it's very last legs because they go for it or they are very very...
    Only if the lamb or Ewe is sick or not very well and the same for birds of prey and fox's even then the animal would be dead or on it's very last legs because they go for it or they are very very hungryBut you must not get mix up with a crow or magpie on the backs of Ewe's/lamb's when they are...
    Only if the lamb or Ewe is sick or not very well and the same for birds of prey and fox's even then the animal would be dead or on it's very last legs because they go for it or they are very very hungryBut you must not get mix up with a crow or...
    Only if the lamb or Ewe is sick or not very well and the same for birds of prey and fox's even then the animal would be dead or on it's very last legs because they go for it or they are very very...
  5. SimonZ

    bird id - tree sparrows or warblers?

    They look like house sparrows to me. There are around 20 or so in my garden, lovely little birds :wub2:. They fly to greet me when I return home, just to let me know they need feeding. Also peer through...
    They look like house sparrows to me. There are around 20 or so in my garden, lovely little birds :wub2:. They fly to greet me when I return home, just to let me know they need feeding. Also peer through the house windows to get my attention.
    They look like house sparrows to me. There are around 20 or so in my garden, lovely little birds :wub2:. They fly to greet me when I return home, just to let me know they need feeding. Also peer through the house windows to get my attention.
    They look like house sparrows to me. There are around 20 or so in my garden, lovely little birds :wub2:. They fly to greet me when I return home, just to let me know they need feeding. Also peer through...
  6. roders

    Is this a female Blackbird?

    Blackbird as mentioned but it looks like it's from a late brood.
    Blackbird as mentioned but it looks like it's from a late brood.
    Blackbird as mentioned but it looks like it's from a late brood.
    Blackbird as mentioned but it looks like it's from a late brood.
  7. mazambo

    Worn out bee?

    I only recently found out that active bees in the summer will actually have a sleep on a leaf during the day and also overnight.13 Things you Didn't Know About The Bumble Bee
    I only recently found out that active bees in the summer will actually have a sleep on a leaf during the day and also overnight.13 Things you Didn't Know About The Bumble Bee
    I only recently found out that active bees in the summer will actually have a sleep on a leaf during the day and also overnight.13 Things you Didn't Know About The Bumble Bee
    I only recently found out that active bees in the summer will actually have a sleep on a leaf during the day and also overnight.13 Things you Didn't Know About The Bumble Bee
  8. SimonZ
    Like x 3

    Sheep with back and white face

    On another thread I called them Panda Sheep :dbgrtmb:
    On another thread I called them Panda Sheep :dbgrtmb:
    On another thread I called them Panda Sheep :dbgrtmb:
    On another thread I called them Panda Sheep :dbgrtmb:
  9. Selleri

    Reducing food waste, what's good and what's not?

    No it's a feeding station to keep the food dry, the 2 bricks are about 5inc away from the opening to stop cats getting in to eat the food. Thinking of putting another one out in the spring just in...
    No it's a feeding station to keep the food dry, the 2 bricks are about 5inc away from the opening to stop cats getting in to eat the food. Thinking of putting another one out in the spring just in case they have some babies.
    No it's a feeding station to keep the food dry, the 2 bricks are about 5inc away from the opening to stop cats getting in to eat the food. Thinking of putting another one out in the spring just in case they have some babies.
    No it's a feeding station to keep the food dry, the 2 bricks are about 5inc away from the opening to stop cats getting in to eat the food. Thinking of putting another one out in the spring just in...
  10. shiney

    Helping Bees?

    and the B: Live Biomass , how would any one like to live with that at the bottom of the house , mine all had mesh floors so ny mess would easily fall through and help keep the hive warm and dry...
    and the B: Live Biomass , how would any one like to live with that at the bottom of the house , mine all had mesh floors so ny mess would easily fall through and help keep the hive warm and dry and ...... talk about rose tinted glasses ....
    and the B: Live Biomass , how would any one like to live with that at the bottom of the house , mine all had mesh floors so ny mess would easily fall through and help keep the hive warm and dry and ...... talk about rose tinted glasses ....
    and the B: Live Biomass , how would any one like to live with that at the bottom of the house , mine all had mesh floors so ny mess would easily fall through and help keep the hive warm and dry...
  11. mazambo

    Squirrel Feeder

    I don't mind 1 or 2 it's nice to see them having fun chasing the magpie's :biggrin: but here we have too many so i have to keep them under control or they're be back to high numbers and do alot of damage...
    I don't mind 1 or 2 it's nice to see them having fun chasing the magpie's :biggrin: but here we have too many so i have to keep them under control or they're be back to high numbers and do alot of damage to trees and one lady had them in her loft and chewed the wire's, not good
    I don't mind 1 or 2 it's nice to see them having fun chasing the magpie's :biggrin: but here we have too many so i have to keep them under control or they're be back to high numbers and do alot of damage to trees and one lady had them in her loft and...
    I don't mind 1 or 2 it's nice to see them having fun chasing the magpie's :biggrin: but here we have too many so i have to keep them under control or they're be back to high numbers and do alot of damage...
  12. Loki
    Like x 5

    Hedgehogs! I’m a grandma!!!

    My apologies @Loki I've just seen this. I've been on holiday and then catching up for a week on things. Your babies look so cute :wub2:. Are they still around? Difficult to be precise from the pics but...
    My apologies @Loki I've just seen this. I've been on holiday and then catching up for a week on things. Your babies look so cute :wub2:. Are they still around? Difficult to be precise from the pics but they look to be around 4 -6 weeks old. In two of the pics the baby looks slightly elongated, like a...
    My apologies @Loki I've just seen this. I've been on holiday and then catching up for a week on things. Your babies look so cute :wub2:. Are they still around? Difficult to be precise from the pics but they look to be around 4 -6 weeks old. In two of...
    My apologies @Loki I've just seen this. I've been on holiday and then catching up for a week on things. Your babies look so cute :wub2:. Are they still around? Difficult to be precise from the pics but...
  13. mazambo
    Like x 3

    Hummingbird moth

    Thanks, that's them I think, but I really wish I hadn't asked after reading that. :biggrin:Nick
    Thanks, that's them I think, but I really wish I hadn't asked after reading that. :biggrin:Nick
    Thanks, that's them I think, but I really wish I hadn't asked after reading that. :biggrin:Nick
    Thanks, that's them I think, but I really wish I hadn't asked after reading that. :biggrin:Nick
  14. ThePlantAssassin
    Like x 6

    Oh the simple things..........

    Isn't it lovely how sometimes the simplest things cause the most joy. This afternoon feasting on my white buddleia (that incidentally I was going to dig up a couple months ago but thankfully...
    Isn't it lovely how sometimes the simplest things cause the most joy. This afternoon feasting on my white buddleia (that incidentally I was going to dig up a couple months ago but thankfully changed my mind) sat 2 Red Admirals and 3 humongous round fat gorgeous bees and a blueish white butterfly...
    Isn't it lovely how sometimes the simplest things cause the most joy. This afternoon feasting on my white buddleia (that incidentally I was going to dig up a couple months ago but thankfully changed my mind) sat 2 Red Admirals and 3 humongous...
    Isn't it lovely how sometimes the simplest things cause the most joy. This afternoon feasting on my white buddleia (that incidentally I was going to dig up a couple months ago but thankfully...
  15. Jack Sparrow

    Creating small wildlife patches in my garden.

    If you want to screen the area, and provide a little wind-proof barrier to prevent the seeds spreading, you could use bamboos fencing rolls? I think they sell them in Aldi as one of their...
    If you want to screen the area, and provide a little wind-proof barrier to prevent the seeds spreading, you could use bamboos fencing rolls? I think they sell them in Aldi as one of their specials? It is soft, so will flex around any obstacles, and the hollow stems will also provide a little...
    If you want to screen the area, and provide a little wind-proof barrier to prevent the seeds spreading, you could use bamboos fencing rolls? I think they sell them in Aldi as one of their specials? It is soft, so will flex around any obstacles,...
    If you want to screen the area, and provide a little wind-proof barrier to prevent the seeds spreading, you could use bamboos fencing rolls? I think they sell them in Aldi as one of their...
  16. Marley Farley
    Like x 13


    @NigelJ it is quite amazing isn't it It is so cold there though,, Dedication to getting that best shot I suppose.!
    @NigelJ it is quite amazing isn't it It is so cold there though,, Dedication to getting that best shot I suppose.!
    @NigelJ it is quite amazing isn't it It is so cold there though,, Dedication to getting that best shot I suppose.!
    @NigelJ it is quite amazing isn't it It is so cold there though,, Dedication to getting that best shot I suppose.!
  17. ThePlantAssassin

    Ewww what is this?

    Horseflys are brown and can give you a nasty bite, you hardly ever find them in houses or urban town gardens.
    Horseflys are brown and can give you a nasty bite, you hardly ever find them in houses or urban town gardens.
    Horseflys are brown and can give you a nasty bite, you hardly ever find them in houses or urban town gardens.
    Horseflys are brown and can give you a nasty bite, you hardly ever find them in houses or urban town gardens.
  18. luciusmaximus

    Hedgehogs - please watch

    I know that this is a old thread but this video is unavailable.
    I know that this is a old thread but this video is unavailable.
    I know that this is a old thread but this video is unavailable.
    I know that this is a old thread but this video is unavailable.
  19. Jiffy

    Id flying bug please

    Thank you Pete and ScrungeeI was also thinking Shield bug but couldn't find anything in my books, was also thinking it could be a Bronze shield bug
    Thank you Pete and ScrungeeI was also thinking Shield bug but couldn't find anything in my books, was also thinking it could be a Bronze shield bug
    Thank you Pete and ScrungeeI was also thinking Shield bug but couldn't find anything in my books, was also thinking it could be a Bronze shield bug
    Thank you Pete and ScrungeeI was also thinking Shield bug but couldn't find anything in my books, was also thinking it could be a Bronze shield bug
  20. Joolz
    Like x 4

    Muntjac in my garden.

    I've got fallow deer, more than we really want. They look lovely but just wait til they start nibbling your plants. The worst though is the males rubbing their itchy antlers on the young trees,...
    I've got fallow deer, more than we really want. They look lovely but just wait til they start nibbling your plants. The worst though is the males rubbing their itchy antlers on the young trees, sometimes killing them.
    I've got fallow deer, more than we really want. They look lovely but just wait til they start nibbling your plants. The worst though is the males rubbing their itchy antlers on the young trees, sometimes killing them.
    I've got fallow deer, more than we really want. They look lovely but just wait til they start nibbling your plants. The worst though is the males rubbing their itchy antlers on the young trees,...

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