Wildlife Corner

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  1. RandyRos

    Mullein Moth Caterpillars

    So pretty. shame the moth is a bit dull lol
    So pretty. shame the moth is a bit dull lol
    So pretty. shame the moth is a bit dull lol
    So pretty. shame the moth is a bit dull lol
  2. strongylodon

    Australian Birds

    Black Crowned Night Heron, Kowloon Gardens Hong Kong.Black Collared Starling.Red Whiskered Bulbul Kowloon gardens.Eastern Great White Egret, Hong Kong Harbour.
    Black Crowned Night Heron, Kowloon Gardens Hong Kong.Black Collared Starling.Red Whiskered Bulbul Kowloon gardens.Eastern Great White Egret, Hong Kong Harbour.
    Black Crowned Night Heron, Kowloon Gardens Hong Kong.Black Collared Starling.Red Whiskered Bulbul Kowloon gardens.Eastern Great White Egret, Hong Kong Harbour.
    Black Crowned Night Heron, Kowloon Gardens Hong Kong.Black Collared Starling.Red Whiskered Bulbul Kowloon gardens.Eastern Great White Egret, Hong Kong Harbour.
    Kookaburra 3.JPG Masked Lapwing -Manly.JPG Bush Stone Curlew 4.JPG White Cheeked Honey Eater 2.JPG Spinifex Pigeon 2.JPG Comb Crested Jacana5.JPG
  3. Loki

    Echinops and shield bugs

    Just wondered if anyone has come across this before? My echinops nitro is teaming with some sort of shield bug. I'm not concerned about them, just curious, I've never seen them in such numbers on...
    Just wondered if anyone has come across this before? My echinops nitro is teaming with some sort of shield bug. I'm not concerned about them, just curious, I've never seen them in such numbers on one plant before. :noidea:
    Just wondered if anyone has come across this before? My echinops nitro is teaming with some sort of shield bug. I'm not concerned about them, just curious, I've never seen them in such numbers on one plant before. :noidea:
    Just wondered if anyone has come across this before? My echinops nitro is teaming with some sort of shield bug. I'm not concerned about them, just curious, I've never seen them in such numbers on...
  4. roders
    Like x 12

    My Blackbirds.

    My Parson Jack Russells wouldn't agree with you:heehee: I have 4 pairs of blackbirds in the garden this year and every year
    My Parson Jack Russells wouldn't agree with you:heehee: I have 4 pairs of blackbirds in the garden this year and every year
    My Parson Jack Russells wouldn't agree with you:heehee: I have 4 pairs of blackbirds in the garden this year and every year
    My Parson Jack Russells wouldn't agree with you:heehee: I have 4 pairs of blackbirds in the garden this year and every year
  5. JWK
    Like x 8

    Slow worm

    It's not a snake, it's a legless lizard and has a gross trick if picking it up by it's tail as Pete says.
    It's not a snake, it's a legless lizard and has a gross trick if picking it up by it's tail as Pete says.
    It's not a snake, it's a legless lizard and has a gross trick if picking it up by it's tail as Pete says.
    It's not a snake, it's a legless lizard and has a gross trick if picking it up by it's tail as Pete says.
  6. Snorky85
    Like x 5

    Bee rescue

    A very commendable action you took there for our garden ally, Snorky85.I did something similar about a year ago, also using sugar solution. It was early in the season so there were not many...
    A very commendable action you took there for our garden ally, Snorky85.I did something similar about a year ago, also using sugar solution. It was early in the season so there were not many flowers around. Unfortunately, I did not take any pictures.As a cautionary note to other people...
    A very commendable action you took there for our garden ally, Snorky85.I did something similar about a year ago, also using sugar solution. It was early in the season so there were not many flowers around. Unfortunately, I did not take any...
    A very commendable action you took there for our garden ally, Snorky85.I did something similar about a year ago, also using sugar solution. It was early in the season so there were not many...
  7. roders
    Friendly x 3

    Where are all my small wild birds gone?

    Noticeable drop in the number of small birds around me this winter - mostly down to the Red Kites which appear to be taking over ! Putting the feeders near the prickly hedge seemed to be...
    Noticeable drop in the number of small birds around me this winter - mostly down to the Red Kites which appear to be taking over ! Putting the feeders near the prickly hedge seemed to be appreciated & I have at least three nests in there this year so things should settle down. Now I need to do...
    Noticeable drop in the number of small birds around me this winter - mostly down to the Red Kites which appear to be taking over ! Putting the feeders near the prickly hedge seemed to be appreciated & I have at least three nests in there this...
    Noticeable drop in the number of small birds around me this winter - mostly down to the Red Kites which appear to be taking over ! Putting the feeders near the prickly hedge seemed to be...
  8. Aldo

    Bees colonizing my garden sofa - Any way to convince them relocating?

    Thanks, if they do not vacate within a few weeks I might do just that, to minimize casualties.
    Thanks, if they do not vacate within a few weeks I might do just that, to minimize casualties.
    Thanks, if they do not vacate within a few weeks I might do just that, to minimize casualties.
    Thanks, if they do not vacate within a few weeks I might do just that, to minimize casualties.
  9. pete
    Like x 15

    Mrs Fox.

    She appeared in the garden this morning with two cubs both the size of the one in the picture. owt you, get off my onions.Where the bigger cub I saw the other day is, is a mystery.They both...
    She appeared in the garden this morning with two cubs both the size of the one in the picture. owt you, get off my onions.Where the bigger cub I saw the other day is, is a mystery.They both wandered around the garden, then I heard a plop, one had tried to walk across the pond, but it...
    She appeared in the garden this morning with two cubs both the size of the one in the picture. owt you, get off my onions.Where the bigger cub I saw the other day is, is a mystery.They both wandered around the garden, then I heard a plop,...
    She appeared in the garden this morning with two cubs both the size of the one in the picture. owt you, get off my onions.Where the bigger cub I saw the other day is, is a mystery.They both...
    DSC_0165.JPG DSC_0169.JPG DSC_0172.JPG P1000199.JPG P1000469.JPG P1000471.JPG
  10. wiseowl
    Agree x 4


    We had a really bad outbreak a few years back now and for some reason all the infected bunnies seemed to head for our garden from the surrounding woods, and fields. Such a horrid disease with a...
    We had a really bad outbreak a few years back now and for some reason all the infected bunnies seemed to head for our garden from the surrounding woods, and fields. Such a horrid disease with a lingering death. I ended up taking several to our local vet, just couldn't stand to see them suffering...
    We had a really bad outbreak a few years back now and for some reason all the infected bunnies seemed to head for our garden from the surrounding woods, and fields. Such a horrid disease with a lingering death. I ended up taking several to our...
    We had a really bad outbreak a few years back now and for some reason all the infected bunnies seemed to head for our garden from the surrounding woods, and fields. Such a horrid disease with a...
  11. Jenny namaste

    Red Kites

    We once had a lunch stop at the Chilterns Gateway visitor centre just off the M1 near Dunstable. It was raining. We couldn't see a thing and got very wet.G.
    We once had a lunch stop at the Chilterns Gateway visitor centre just off the M1 near Dunstable. It was raining. We couldn't see a thing and got very wet.G.
    We once had a lunch stop at the Chilterns Gateway visitor centre just off the M1 near Dunstable. It was raining. We couldn't see a thing and got very wet.G.
    We once had a lunch stop at the Chilterns Gateway visitor centre just off the M1 near Dunstable. It was raining. We couldn't see a thing and got very wet.G.
  12. pete

    Anyone for golf

    Not seen any teeth marks, but your right they could be picking them up from someone's garden, nearest golf course is at least 4 or 5 miles away.
    Not seen any teeth marks, but your right they could be picking them up from someone's garden, nearest golf course is at least 4 or 5 miles away.
    Not seen any teeth marks, but your right they could be picking them up from someone's garden, nearest golf course is at least 4 or 5 miles away.
    Not seen any teeth marks, but your right they could be picking them up from someone's garden, nearest golf course is at least 4 or 5 miles away.
  13. Mike77


    I haven't been in the garden of late due to health. I am constantly gathering up tiny baby Ladybugs that have hatched out in the seals of my double glazing.
    I haven't been in the garden of late due to health. I am constantly gathering up tiny baby Ladybugs that have hatched out in the seals of my double glazing.
    I haven't been in the garden of late due to health. I am constantly gathering up tiny baby Ladybugs that have hatched out in the seals of my double glazing.
    I haven't been in the garden of late due to health. I am constantly gathering up tiny baby Ladybugs that have hatched out in the seals of my double glazing.
  14. wavebuster

    Summer..Not yet!

    The Housemartins landed back with us early last week. We've had them nesting under the kitchen window for years and I love having them to stay. They keep building extensions to their home. I'll...
    The Housemartins landed back with us early last week. We've had them nesting under the kitchen window for years and I love having them to stay. They keep building extensions to their home. I'll have to put planning permission in for them if they extend it again this year. lol
    The Housemartins landed back with us early last week. We've had them nesting under the kitchen window for years and I love having them to stay. They keep building extensions to their home. I'll have to put planning permission in for them if they...
    The Housemartins landed back with us early last week. We've had them nesting under the kitchen window for years and I love having them to stay. They keep building extensions to their home. I'll...
  15. mazambo

    Rainy day project

    Hi everyone, got some pallet wood from work for a sparrow terrace, hopefully it will provide six nest boxes, I'll just do bits when we have any rainy weather, we're lucky to have quite a few house...
    Hi everyone, got some pallet wood from work for a sparrow terrace, hopefully it will provide six nest boxes, I'll just do bits when we have any rainy weather, we're lucky to have quite a few house sparrows nesting so I hope this will help that number to increase.
    Hi everyone, got some pallet wood from work for a sparrow terrace, hopefully it will provide six nest boxes, I'll just do bits when we have any rainy weather, we're lucky to have quite a few house sparrows nesting so I hope this will help that...
    Hi everyone, got some pallet wood from work for a sparrow terrace, hopefully it will provide six nest boxes, I'll just do bits when we have any rainy weather, we're lucky to have quite a few house...
  16. Fat Controller

    What is this buzzy, and is it a stinger?

    Oooh, interesting! I have never heard of a mourning bee before, off to do a bit more research. :)
    Oooh, interesting! I have never heard of a mourning bee before, off to do a bit more research. :)
    Oooh, interesting! I have never heard of a mourning bee before, off to do a bit more research. :)
    Oooh, interesting! I have never heard of a mourning bee before, off to do a bit more research. :)
  17. Spruce
    Friendly x 4

    Stung by a huge Queen bumble bee

    I think that slugs and snails just rasp with their radula and can't bite. Been bitten by the occasional spider and also a centipede between the fingers which did hurt as well as being a surprise.
    I think that slugs and snails just rasp with their radula and can't bite. Been bitten by the occasional spider and also a centipede between the fingers which did hurt as well as being a surprise.
    I think that slugs and snails just rasp with their radula and can't bite. Been bitten by the occasional spider and also a centipede between the fingers which did hurt as well as being a surprise.
    I think that slugs and snails just rasp with their radula and can't bite. Been bitten by the occasional spider and also a centipede between the fingers which did hurt as well as being a surprise.
  18. roders

    What about garden ponds?

    Exactly!Why worry?
    Exactly!Why worry?
    Exactly!Why worry?
    Exactly!Why worry?
  19. vbgr


    Many thanks for info stronglyloden, I will keep a look out and hope. Val
    Many thanks for info stronglyloden, I will keep a look out and hope. Val
    Many thanks for info stronglyloden, I will keep a look out and hope. Val
    Many thanks for info stronglyloden, I will keep a look out and hope. Val
  20. SimonZ

    Please identify this animal or bird by its voice. Fox? Parakeet?

    I knew that's what you meant Wee Tam but I was slow in working out the association. :biggrin:
    I knew that's what you meant Wee Tam but I was slow in working out the association. :biggrin:
    I knew that's what you meant Wee Tam but I was slow in working out the association. :biggrin:
    I knew that's what you meant Wee Tam but I was slow in working out the association. :biggrin:

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