Wildlife Corner

All Discussion Relating To Wildlife.

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  1. Mike Allen

    Climate change and wildlife.

    Climate change is no doubt a problem but only two weeks ago i went to a spot where I used to go when I was in my early teens, so you can be talking 47 years ago, just short grass, no grazing or...
    Climate change is no doubt a problem but only two weeks ago i went to a spot where I used to go when I was in my early teens, so you can be talking 47 years ago, just short grass, no grazing or anything just short grass, I remember sitting watching skylarks miles and miles up in the sky singing,...
    Climate change is no doubt a problem but only two weeks ago i went to a spot where I used to go when I was in my early teens, so you can be talking 47 years ago, just short grass, no grazing or anything just short grass, I remember sitting...
    Climate change is no doubt a problem but only two weeks ago i went to a spot where I used to go when I was in my early teens, so you can be talking 47 years ago, just short grass, no grazing or...
  2. SimonZ

    Caterpillar identification?

    Coincidence, I saw one of these on the IOW last week.
    Coincidence, I saw one of these on the IOW last week.
    Coincidence, I saw one of these on the IOW last week.
    Coincidence, I saw one of these on the IOW last week.
  3. strongylodon
    Like x 5

    Some wildlife seen on our US trip

    So well captured Strongy (but what else would we expect) ... I particularly like the reflections in the squirrel and chipmunk eyes. :heehee: Thanks for sharing these and your scenery trips with us so...
    So well captured Strongy (but what else would we expect) ... I particularly like the reflections in the squirrel and chipmunk eyes. :heehee: Thanks for sharing these and your scenery trips with us so we could enjoy too. xx
    So well captured Strongy (but what else would we expect) ... I particularly like the reflections in the squirrel and chipmunk eyes. :heehee: Thanks for sharing these and your scenery trips with us so we could enjoy too. xx
    So well captured Strongy (but what else would we expect) ... I particularly like the reflections in the squirrel and chipmunk eyes. :heehee: Thanks for sharing these and your scenery trips with us so...
  4. strongylodon
    Like x 5

    Some birds seen on our US trip

    Great photos!
    Great photos!
    Great photos!
    Great photos!
  5. Loki


    We have 5 hogs must nights now, they even wait for me to bring out there food :pathd:
    We have 5 hogs must nights now, they even wait for me to bring out there food :pathd:
    We have 5 hogs must nights now, they even wait for me to bring out there food :pathd:
    We have 5 hogs must nights now, they even wait for me to bring out there food :pathd:
  6. Sienna's Blossom
    Like x 5

    The Gardener's Friend - Very Cute!

    Fabulous. It's so thrilling to see them, in fact I feel quite honoured when they venture into our garden. We were lucky enough to have a new Mr & Mrs Snuffles appear only last week. Mr scuttled...
    Fabulous. It's so thrilling to see them, in fact I feel quite honoured when they venture into our garden. We were lucky enough to have a new Mr & Mrs Snuffles appear only last week. Mr scuttled off when I put my camera torch on but Mrs stood her ground. Keeping fingers crossed that we may see...
    Fabulous. It's so thrilling to see them, in fact I feel quite honoured when they venture into our garden. We were lucky enough to have a new Mr & Mrs Snuffles appear only last week. Mr scuttled off when I put my camera torch on but Mrs stood her...
    Fabulous. It's so thrilling to see them, in fact I feel quite honoured when they venture into our garden. We were lucky enough to have a new Mr & Mrs Snuffles appear only last week. Mr scuttled...
  7. silu

    Anybody help me identify a bird I saw this morning.

    I went by your description of its movements @silu as this is how they always behave when we have seen them whilst out walking on our holidays and they usually flit along the tops of fence posts or...
    I went by your description of its movements @silu as this is how they always behave when we have seen them whilst out walking on our holidays and they usually flit along the tops of fence posts or they move along the footpaths just in front of where we are walking.The males always look like...
    I went by your description of its movements @silu as this is how they always behave when we have seen them whilst out walking on our holidays and they usually flit along the tops of fence posts or they move along the footpaths just in front of...
    I went by your description of its movements @silu as this is how they always behave when we have seen them whilst out walking on our holidays and they usually flit along the tops of fence posts or...
  8. Jiffy
    Like x 3

    Id Toad please

    I've seen them in the past at any hour but I am surprised like you they mainly take cover during the day but you took good snaps mate :thumbsup:
    I've seen them in the past at any hour but I am surprised like you they mainly take cover during the day but you took good snaps mate :thumbsup:
    I've seen them in the past at any hour but I am surprised like you they mainly take cover during the day but you took good snaps mate :thumbsup:
    I've seen them in the past at any hour but I am surprised like you they mainly take cover during the day but you took good snaps mate :thumbsup:
  9. Snorky85
    Like x 11

    So pleased to see this little tinker

    I was looking at hedgehog shots and just look at this little beauty...so cute :wub2:
    I was looking at hedgehog shots and just look at this little beauty...so cute :wub2:
    I was looking at hedgehog shots and just look at this little beauty...so cute :wub2:
    I was looking at hedgehog shots and just look at this little beauty...so cute :wub2:
  10. eddybaby
    Like x 3

    Bird Bath

    They do it in the bird seed trays too.
    They do it in the bird seed trays too.
    They do it in the bird seed trays too.
    They do it in the bird seed trays too.
  11. Whippet

    Another moth ID, please.

    Thank you so much, wiseowl. It really was a beautiful colour. This picture doesn't do it justice.
    Thank you so much, wiseowl. It really was a beautiful colour. This picture doesn't do it justice.
    Thank you so much, wiseowl. It really was a beautiful colour. This picture doesn't do it justice.
    Thank you so much, wiseowl. It really was a beautiful colour. This picture doesn't do it justice.
  12. jane0o0

    What is this

    Jane most likely the heats way to much because it gets to we all one way or another :)
    Jane most likely the heats way to much because it gets to we all one way or another :)
    Jane most likely the heats way to much because it gets to we all one way or another :)
    Jane most likely the heats way to much because it gets to we all one way or another :)
  13. luciusmaximus

    Hedgehog Info

    Rehabbers Area | Vale WildlifeI thought this may be of interest, particularly to those who feed hedgehogs. The information towards the bottom of the page along with the video is the relevant bit.
    Rehabbers Area | Vale WildlifeI thought this may be of interest, particularly to those who feed hedgehogs. The information towards the bottom of the page along with the video is the relevant bit.
    Rehabbers Area | Vale WildlifeI thought this may be of interest, particularly to those who feed hedgehogs. The information towards the bottom of the page along with the video is the relevant bit.
    Rehabbers Area | Vale WildlifeI thought this may be of interest, particularly to those who feed hedgehogs. The information towards the bottom of the page along with the video is the relevant bit.
    Like x 8


    Tap water will be a small part of the problem luci other issues will come into play, i top up with tap water and do have a certain amount of algae but its at a level i am happy with.
    Tap water will be a small part of the problem luci other issues will come into play, i top up with tap water and do have a certain amount of algae but its at a level i am happy with.
    Tap water will be a small part of the problem luci other issues will come into play, i top up with tap water and do have a certain amount of algae but its at a level i am happy with.
    Tap water will be a small part of the problem luci other issues will come into play, i top up with tap water and do have a certain amount of algae but its at a level i am happy with.
  15. Doghouse Riley
    Like x 4

    A New Visitor to Our Bird Feeder House

    Thanks for that, we have had some starlings and they had their young on the fence and were feeding them a couple of weeks back. This must have been one of them that's got bigger. Hasn't got its...
    Thanks for that, we have had some starlings and they had their young on the fence and were feeding them a couple of weeks back. This must have been one of them that's got bigger. Hasn't got its distinctive markings yet.
    Thanks for that, we have had some starlings and they had their young on the fence and were feeding them a couple of weeks back. This must have been one of them that's got bigger. Hasn't got its distinctive markings yet.
    Thanks for that, we have had some starlings and they had their young on the fence and were feeding them a couple of weeks back. This must have been one of them that's got bigger. Hasn't got its...
  16. karaman

    What makes holes like this?

    If it was a mole there would probably be a pile of soil above the hole. :)
    If it was a mole there would probably be a pile of soil above the hole. :)
    If it was a mole there would probably be a pile of soil above the hole. :)
    If it was a mole there would probably be a pile of soil above the hole. :)
  17. Scrungee
    Like x 10

    Exmoor Ponies

    Just been through my pics taken a few weeks ago, again on top of Dunkery Beacon, Exmoor, one of my favourite places to visit.
    Just been through my pics taken a few weeks ago, again on top of Dunkery Beacon, Exmoor, one of my favourite places to visit.
    Just been through my pics taken a few weeks ago, again on top of Dunkery Beacon, Exmoor, one of my favourite places to visit.
    Just been through my pics taken a few weeks ago, again on top of Dunkery Beacon, Exmoor, one of my favourite places to visit.
    exmoor foal.jpg Exmoor ponies.jpg
  18. Sheal

    What is it?

    Lovely view @Sheal - more spectacular when it`s frosted - and perfect for the Pine Marten.
    Lovely view @Sheal - more spectacular when it`s frosted - and perfect for the Pine Marten.
    Lovely view @Sheal - more spectacular when it`s frosted - and perfect for the Pine Marten.
    Lovely view @Sheal - more spectacular when it`s frosted - and perfect for the Pine Marten.
  19. BeeHappy
    Like x 7

    Bee Happy's Plants for Pollinator's- Page for friendly advice,suggestions & links

    @BeeHappy Just finished reading this book:A Sting in the Tale: Amazon.co.uk: Dave Goulson: 9780099575122: BooksExcellent somewhat academic book about Bumblebees. Have you read it? Now we are...
    @BeeHappy Just finished reading this book:A Sting in the Tale: Amazon.co.uk: Dave Goulson: 9780099575122: BooksExcellent somewhat academic book about Bumblebees. Have you read it? Now we are absolutely committed to plantings to encourage Bumblebees. What are your planting suggestions? ...
    @BeeHappy Just finished reading this book:A Sting in the Tale: Amazon.co.uk: Dave Goulson: 9780099575122: BooksExcellent somewhat academic book about Bumblebees. Have you read it? Now we are absolutely committed to plantings to encourage...
    @BeeHappy Just finished reading this book:A Sting in the Tale: Amazon.co.uk: Dave Goulson: 9780099575122: BooksExcellent somewhat academic book about Bumblebees. Have you read it? Now we are...
  20. luciusmaximus

    Anyone with injured bird experience please

    Hello @Sian in Belgium that's all any of us can do in life what ever we cross is try our best :thumbsup:
    Hello @Sian in Belgium that's all any of us can do in life what ever we cross is try our best :thumbsup:
    Hello @Sian in Belgium that's all any of us can do in life what ever we cross is try our best :thumbsup:
    Hello @Sian in Belgium that's all any of us can do in life what ever we cross is try our best :thumbsup:

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