Wildlife Corner

All Discussion Relating To Wildlife.

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  1. Ned
    Like x 4

    Tett`s day care service....

    Good afternoon @Tetters my friend and thanks for sharing with us:blue thumb:
    Good afternoon @Tetters my friend and thanks for sharing with us:blue thumb:
    Good afternoon @Tetters my friend and thanks for sharing with us:blue thumb:
    Good afternoon @Tetters my friend and thanks for sharing with us:blue thumb:
  2. Sheal

    Leveret (baby Hare) help needed.

    Aww shame..
    Aww shame..
    Aww shame..
    Aww shame..
  3. Snorky85

    Baby bird/fledgling

    No prob's :)
    No prob's :)
    No prob's :)
    No prob's :)
  4. luciusmaximus
    Like x 3

    Hedgehog Feeding Station

    I use a wild life camera with flash and capture ours every year, eats cat food alongside our cat no problem.
    I use a wild life camera with flash and capture ours every year, eats cat food alongside our cat no problem.
    I use a wild life camera with flash and capture ours every year, eats cat food alongside our cat no problem.
    I use a wild life camera with flash and capture ours every year, eats cat food alongside our cat no problem.
    Like x 4


    Crikey! All together now: "Who ate all the pies, who ate all the pies? ... :heehee: Nice work Our Mandy, aye! :thumbsup:
    Crikey! All together now: "Who ate all the pies, who ate all the pies? ... :heehee: Nice work Our Mandy, aye! :thumbsup:
    Crikey! All together now: "Who ate all the pies, who ate all the pies? ... :heehee: Nice work Our Mandy, aye! :thumbsup:
    Crikey! All together now: "Who ate all the pies, who ate all the pies? ... :heehee: Nice work Our Mandy, aye! :thumbsup:
  6. IDigPerfectSquareHoles

    Please advise: butterfly hatching kits

    As an alternative, she could enjoy a nice trip to KEW GARDENS, where they have a dedicated area to butterflies...
    As an alternative, she could enjoy a nice trip to KEW GARDENS, where they have a dedicated area to butterflies...
    As an alternative, she could enjoy a nice trip to KEW GARDENS, where they have a dedicated area to butterflies...
    As an alternative, she could enjoy a nice trip to KEW GARDENS, where they have a dedicated area to butterflies...
  7. Kandy
    Like x 4

    Courting Hedgehogs.....

    We still have a pair of hogs visiting each night so all is not lost if we don't get the others back:biggrin: They have this bowl out the front and then there is another bowl round the back for...
    We still have a pair of hogs visiting each night so all is not lost if we don't get the others back:biggrin: They have this bowl out the front and then there is another bowl round the back for afters.We can't put the front porch light on as they don't like the bright lights so I have to rely on the...
    We still have a pair of hogs visiting each night so all is not lost if we don't get the others back:biggrin: They have this bowl out the front and then there is another bowl round the back for afters.We can't put the front porch light on as they don't...
    We still have a pair of hogs visiting each night so all is not lost if we don't get the others back:biggrin: They have this bowl out the front and then there is another bowl round the back for...
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  8. alex-adam
    Like x 3

    Harlequin Ladybird Survey

    Boldly bumping this once more. The harlequin ladybirds have been a nightmare on my patch. Although we have hoovered up hundreds of them for disposal, there are still very many left to get rid of....
    Boldly bumping this once more. The harlequin ladybirds have been a nightmare on my patch. Although we have hoovered up hundreds of them for disposal, there are still very many left to get rid of. They exude a yellow sickly smelling mess when squashed which stains everything it touches. I`m...
    Boldly bumping this once more. The harlequin ladybirds have been a nightmare on my patch. Although we have hoovered up hundreds of them for disposal, there are still very many left to get rid of. They exude a yellow sickly smelling mess when...
    Boldly bumping this once more. The harlequin ladybirds have been a nightmare on my patch. Although we have hoovered up hundreds of them for disposal, there are still very many left to get rid of....
  9. roders
    Like x 11

    Me and Robbie.

    Oh Rodders i opted to leave that part out as...well, i wasn't sure you'd want others to know quite how Mr Robin proclaimed his undying love for you. my goodness the things he said would make a...
    Oh Rodders i opted to leave that part out as...well, i wasn't sure you'd want others to know quite how Mr Robin proclaimed his undying love for you. my goodness the things he said would make a sailor blush! :rasp:
    Oh Rodders i opted to leave that part out as...well, i wasn't sure you'd want others to know quite how Mr Robin proclaimed his undying love for you. my goodness the things he said would make a sailor blush! :rasp:
    Oh Rodders i opted to leave that part out as...well, i wasn't sure you'd want others to know quite how Mr Robin proclaimed his undying love for you. my goodness the things he said would make a...
  10. ricky101

    One lonely Frog ....?

    Frogs are on the up here, but they are being run over on the road
    Frogs are on the up here, but they are being run over on the road
    Frogs are on the up here, but they are being run over on the road
    Frogs are on the up here, but they are being run over on the road
  11. wavebuster


    I suspect they might be thinking about making little baby birds :heehee:. Although with all the rain we've had and continue to have I may well have to consider building an Ark.
    I suspect they might be thinking about making little baby birds :heehee:. Although with all the rain we've had and continue to have I may well have to consider building an Ark.
    I suspect they might be thinking about making little baby birds :heehee:. Although with all the rain we've had and continue to have I may well have to consider building an Ark.
    I suspect they might be thinking about making little baby birds :heehee:. Although with all the rain we've had and continue to have I may well have to consider building an Ark.
  12. FloraPie
    Like x 13

    Kangaroo Visits

    The view is AMAZING, fauna delightful and pots are fabulous.. still, Melbourne's autumn and winter are approaching and so it's nearly time to move into a warmer abode where there's more ground...
    The view is AMAZING, fauna delightful and pots are fabulous.. still, Melbourne's autumn and winter are approaching and so it's nearly time to move into a warmer abode where there's more ground dirt to dig in and the walls are brick with an inside wood fire. Six months at one place and then six...
    The view is AMAZING, fauna delightful and pots are fabulous.. still, Melbourne's autumn and winter are approaching and so it's nearly time to move into a warmer abode where there's more ground dirt to dig in and the walls are brick with an inside...
    The view is AMAZING, fauna delightful and pots are fabulous.. still, Melbourne's autumn and winter are approaching and so it's nearly time to move into a warmer abode where there's more ground...
  13. wiseowl
    Like x 13

    Butterfly And Caterpillar Corner

    No idea what it is, but it was on my chaenomeles on Monday (think it spied that juicy shoot further up the branch! :th scifD36: )
    No idea what it is, but it was on my chaenomeles on Monday (think it spied that juicy shoot further up the branch! :th scifD36: )
    No idea what it is, but it was on my chaenomeles on Monday (think it spied that juicy shoot further up the branch! :th scifD36: )
    No idea what it is, but it was on my chaenomeles on Monday (think it spied that juicy shoot further up the branch! :th scifD36: )
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  14. silu

    How to break up whole wheat seeds?

    If you soak or sprout the seed it will become more nutritious and beneficial to the birds :thumbsup: Its very easy to do. just pop some in a container with enough water to cover them and leave it somewhere...
    If you soak or sprout the seed it will become more nutritious and beneficial to the birds :thumbsup: Its very easy to do. just pop some in a container with enough water to cover them and leave it somewhere warm for 24/48 hours. Give them a good rince through a sieve and they're ready to go. :sparrow:
    If you soak or sprout the seed it will become more nutritious and beneficial to the birds :thumbsup: Its very easy to do. just pop some in a container with enough water to cover them and leave it somewhere warm for 24/48 hours. Give them a good rince...
    If you soak or sprout the seed it will become more nutritious and beneficial to the birds :thumbsup: Its very easy to do. just pop some in a container with enough water to cover them and leave it somewhere...
  15. martin-f

    (BBC One) - Spy in the Wild - Episode 1

    I caught a part of it (will watch the whole thing when I have time) and it was amazing filming. I first saw the robot animal cameras the night before featured on The One Show so I knew what to...
    I caught a part of it (will watch the whole thing when I have time) and it was amazing filming. I first saw the robot animal cameras the night before featured on The One Show so I knew what to expect.Captivating viewing :dbgrtmb:
    I caught a part of it (will watch the whole thing when I have time) and it was amazing filming. I first saw the robot animal cameras the night before featured on The One Show so I knew what to expect.Captivating viewing :dbgrtmb:
    I caught a part of it (will watch the whole thing when I have time) and it was amazing filming. I first saw the robot animal cameras the night before featured on The One Show so I knew what to...
  16. wiseowl
    Informative x 5

    Foxy's Back

    Yes ive been chased by this type myself in the past :snork:Pretended I had a bad leg :loll:
    Yes ive been chased by this type myself in the past :snork:Pretended I had a bad leg :loll:
    Yes ive been chased by this type myself in the past :snork:Pretended I had a bad leg :loll:
    Yes ive been chased by this type myself in the past :snork:Pretended I had a bad leg :loll:
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  17. shiney
    Like x 14

    What's Buzzing or Flying near you today......2016

    Poor focusing but a Jay came down to feed with the Stock Doves (left) and the Woodies (right) .Stock Dove.
    Poor focusing but a Jay came down to feed with the Stock Doves (left) and the Woodies (right) .Stock Dove.
    Poor focusing but a Jay came down to feed with the Stock Doves (left) and the Woodies (right) .Stock Dove.
    Poor focusing but a Jay came down to feed with the Stock Doves (left) and the Woodies (right) .Stock Dove.
  18. Kandy

    Breaking News,Bird Flu In Lincolnshire...

    There's a 3km exclusion zone and 10km surveillance zone around the farm.My usual piece of useless information:-Avian flu is officially known as Newcastle Disease.
    There's a 3km exclusion zone and 10km surveillance zone around the farm.My usual piece of useless information:-Avian flu is officially known as Newcastle Disease.
    There's a 3km exclusion zone and 10km surveillance zone around the farm.My usual piece of useless information:-Avian flu is officially known as Newcastle Disease.
    There's a 3km exclusion zone and 10km surveillance zone around the farm.My usual piece of useless information:-Avian flu is officially known as Newcastle Disease.
  19. nFrost
    Like x 7

    Funghi Seen Whilst Out Walking

    Massive Birch Polypores ():
    Massive Birch Polypores ():
    Massive Birch Polypores ():
    Massive Birch Polypores ():
    20141018_151108.jpg 20141018_151132.jpg 20141018_152619.jpg 20141018_152630.jpg IMG_20160312_121508.jpg IMG_20160403_140352.jpg
  20. joolz68

    Night vision binoculars for wildlife

    visit fleabay and search "ex mod night vision goggles"
    visit fleabay and search "ex mod night vision goggles"
    visit fleabay and search "ex mod night vision goggles"
    visit fleabay and search "ex mod night vision goggles"

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