Wildlife Corner

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  1. Ariettyspaghetti

    What's this?

    Innocent until proven guilty! :heehee:
    Innocent until proven guilty! :heehee:
    Innocent until proven guilty! :heehee:
    Innocent until proven guilty! :heehee:
  2. "M"
    Like x 3

    Housemartins: 2016

    On this occasion I hope there wont be any pics as Ive only just painted the house and i really dont want to see a 7meter line of mud blobs along the front of the house again. :snork:Thought I`d add the...
    On this occasion I hope there wont be any pics as Ive only just painted the house and i really dont want to see a 7meter line of mud blobs along the front of the house again. :snork:Thought I`d add the swifts made it here about 7 days ago but theres no swallows here yet. Saw a magical sight 2 years...
    On this occasion I hope there wont be any pics as Ive only just painted the house and i really dont want to see a 7meter line of mud blobs along the front of the house again. :snork:Thought I`d add the swifts made it here about 7 days ago but theres...
    On this occasion I hope there wont be any pics as Ive only just painted the house and i really dont want to see a 7meter line of mud blobs along the front of the house again. :snork:Thought I`d add the...
  3. hydrogardener
    Like x 7

    Night visitors

    Monsieur Renard dropped by last night.
    Monsieur Renard dropped by last night.
    Monsieur Renard dropped by last night.
    Monsieur Renard dropped by last night.
    1216.jpg 1216a.jpg cat.jpg big cat.jpg STC_0020.JPG 1416.jpg
  4. honeybunny
    Like x 8

    Baby Robin Drama

    thanks guys it was wonderful to watch Mr and Mrs Robin going about their business in such close proximity to us:wub2: it felt like they barely left the garden in those 3 days, at least one was always...
    thanks guys it was wonderful to watch Mr and Mrs Robin going about their business in such close proximity to us:wub2: it felt like they barely left the garden in those 3 days, at least one was always present at any given moment :imphrt: i felt quite privileged to get to see into their little world for a few...
    thanks guys it was wonderful to watch Mr and Mrs Robin going about their business in such close proximity to us:wub2: it felt like they barely left the garden in those 3 days, at least one was always present at any given moment :imphrt: i felt quite privileged...
    thanks guys it was wonderful to watch Mr and Mrs Robin going about their business in such close proximity to us:wub2: it felt like they barely left the garden in those 3 days, at least one was always...
  5. Sian in Belgium
    Like x 10

    a visitor to our nut feeder this morning...

    Fab pictures (especially as they were taken via the patio doors!) :thumbsup::ThankYou:
    Fab pictures (especially as they were taken via the patio doors!) :thumbsup::ThankYou:
    Fab pictures (especially as they were taken via the patio doors!) :thumbsup::ThankYou:
    Fab pictures (especially as they were taken via the patio doors!) :thumbsup::ThankYou:
  6. Cookie Monster

    Millbrook Lake Cornwall - Cookie's Bird Watching

    Hi, Lovely pictures of the ducks and geese at millbrook lake :-) I live right near here and the Egyptian goose is still here and very well 8 years on :) Great info from you, as I was looking...
    Hi, Lovely pictures of the ducks and geese at millbrook lake :-) I live right near here and the Egyptian goose is still here and very well 8 years on :) Great info from you, as I was looking everywhere trying to find out what type of goose the Egyptian one was. Did you ever notice he has a very...
    Hi, Lovely pictures of the ducks and geese at millbrook lake :-) I live right near here and the Egyptian goose is still here and very well 8 years on :) Great info from you, as I was looking everywhere trying to find out what type of goose the...
    Hi, Lovely pictures of the ducks and geese at millbrook lake :-) I live right near here and the Egyptian goose is still here and very well 8 years on :) Great info from you, as I was looking...
  7. Everhopeful

    Leaking bird bath

    Thank you all very much for pointing me in the right direction. :blue thumb: I'll look into your suggestions and let you know how I get on. This photo of the birdbath is from the last garden.
    Thank you all very much for pointing me in the right direction. :blue thumb: I'll look into your suggestions and let you know how I get on. This photo of the birdbath is from the last garden.
    Thank you all very much for pointing me in the right direction. :blue thumb: I'll look into your suggestions and let you know how I get on. This photo of the birdbath is from the last garden.
    Thank you all very much for pointing me in the right direction. :blue thumb: I'll look into your suggestions and let you know how I get on. This photo of the birdbath is from the last garden.
  8. strongylodon
    Like x 7

    Hengistbury Head residents and Summer Visitors

    Lovely pics of the birds Strongy . ( The first lot of Swallows arrived back yesterday)
    Lovely pics of the birds Strongy . ( The first lot of Swallows arrived back yesterday)
    Lovely pics of the birds Strongy . ( The first lot of Swallows arrived back yesterday)
    Lovely pics of the birds Strongy . ( The first lot of Swallows arrived back yesterday)
  9. miraflores

    ID bird egg

    Been waiting for somebody else to post ...Turdus MerulaTheir nomenclature must be based upon what they do on washing left in the garden during the Elderberry season.
    Been waiting for somebody else to post ...Turdus MerulaTheir nomenclature must be based upon what they do on washing left in the garden during the Elderberry season.
    Been waiting for somebody else to post ...Turdus MerulaTheir nomenclature must be based upon what they do on washing left in the garden during the Elderberry season.
    Been waiting for somebody else to post ...Turdus MerulaTheir nomenclature must be based upon what they do on washing left in the garden during the Elderberry season.
  10. BeeHappy
    Like x 18

    Gardening for Wildlife

    Ooops.......best brush up on my ID skills.
    Ooops.......best brush up on my ID skills.
    Ooops.......best brush up on my ID skills.
    Ooops.......best brush up on my ID skills.
  11. MrsTea
    Like x 4

    Tawny Owl Webcam (Dutch)

    Sheffield Peregrines webcam here, looks like the female sitting the four eggs at the moment.
    Sheffield Peregrines webcam here, looks like the female sitting the four eggs at the moment.
    Sheffield Peregrines webcam here, looks like the female sitting the four eggs at the moment.
    Sheffield Peregrines webcam here, looks like the female sitting the four eggs at the moment.
  12. miraflores

    those eagle chicks have grown

    I can't see it at the moment as it's offline. I'll check it later. :)
    I can't see it at the moment as it's offline. I'll check it later. :)
    I can't see it at the moment as it's offline. I'll check it later. :)
    I can't see it at the moment as it's offline. I'll check it later. :)
  13. pete

    Frog problems

    They will come Pete,the last 2 days here ive seen loads! but last week was sparce even thou some spawn was there x
    They will come Pete,the last 2 days here ive seen loads! but last week was sparce even thou some spawn was there x
    They will come Pete,the last 2 days here ive seen loads! but last week was sparce even thou some spawn was there x
    They will come Pete,the last 2 days here ive seen loads! but last week was sparce even thou some spawn was there x
  14. hydrogardener
    Like x 11

    It is officially spring

    This is excellent news. So, the rats are visitors not deck dwellers. Maybe I'll start putting out offerings to Chippie and dig out the gardens again....then watch what happens....Thanks for thd...
    This is excellent news. So, the rats are visitors not deck dwellers. Maybe I'll start putting out offerings to Chippie and dig out the gardens again....then watch what happens....Thanks for thd heads up!
    This is excellent news. So, the rats are visitors not deck dwellers. Maybe I'll start putting out offerings to Chippie and dig out the gardens again....then watch what happens....Thanks for thd heads up!
    This is excellent news. So, the rats are visitors not deck dwellers. Maybe I'll start putting out offerings to Chippie and dig out the gardens again....then watch what happens....Thanks for thd...
  15. joolz68

    It must be spring :)

    I was a amazed yesterday when I saw my local Pond on Putney Heath, full of spawn. Have been at our other home along with dad for the last week in Eltham ( with my garden), so missed the annual...
    I was a amazed yesterday when I saw my local Pond on Putney Heath, full of spawn. Have been at our other home along with dad for the last week in Eltham ( with my garden), so missed the annual frog manoeuvre from nearby stream to pond. It usually happens over 3 to 4 days after heavy rain and...
    I was a amazed yesterday when I saw my local Pond on Putney Heath, full of spawn. Have been at our other home along with dad for the last week in Eltham ( with my garden), so missed the annual frog manoeuvre from nearby stream to pond. It...
    I was a amazed yesterday when I saw my local Pond on Putney Heath, full of spawn. Have been at our other home along with dad for the last week in Eltham ( with my garden), so missed the annual...
  16. "M"

    Which shrub for birds?

    Blueberries strawberries raspberries redcurrants and blackcurrants ? Not bushes granted but I couldnt get near mine last year for all the damned blackbirds in them so they must be good for the...
    Blueberries strawberries raspberries redcurrants and blackcurrants ? Not bushes granted but I couldnt get near mine last year for all the damned blackbirds in them so they must be good for the birdies right? :snorky: The wee devils just might even leave a few behind for you to eat M ;)
    Blueberries strawberries raspberries redcurrants and blackcurrants ? Not bushes granted but I couldnt get near mine last year for all the damned blackbirds in them so they must be good for the birdies right? :snorky: The wee devils just might even leave...
    Blueberries strawberries raspberries redcurrants and blackcurrants ? Not bushes granted but I couldnt get near mine last year for all the damned blackbirds in them so they must be good for the...
  17. Phil A
    Like x 10

    Dunster Bats

    Never mine Zigs, here's our one that was flying around the house for a few nights
    Never mine Zigs, here's our one that was flying around the house for a few nights
    Never mine Zigs, here's our one that was flying around the house for a few nights
    Never mine Zigs, here's our one that was flying around the house for a few nights
    20100523-IMG_3592 resized.JPG DSCF8292.JPG
  18. miraflores

    about crows

    just reading about peacocks so I remembered this post...They can fly quite high but they do come back after they had their flight...
    just reading about peacocks so I remembered this post...They can fly quite high but they do come back after they had their flight...
    just reading about peacocks so I remembered this post...They can fly quite high but they do come back after they had their flight...
    just reading about peacocks so I remembered this post...They can fly quite high but they do come back after they had their flight...
  19. rustyroots

    Bird boxes.

    The size of opening will determine which bird will (hopefully) use it. 25mm for Blue, Coal and Marsh Tits. 28mm for Great Tit, Tree Sparrows. 32 House Sparrows and Nuthatch. Unlike Sparrows the...
    The size of opening will determine which bird will (hopefully) use it. 25mm for Blue, Coal and Marsh Tits. 28mm for Great Tit, Tree Sparrows. 32 House Sparrows and Nuthatch. Unlike Sparrows the Tit family only have one brood, early in the year but they sometimes use a nest box to roost singly...
    The size of opening will determine which bird will (hopefully) use it. 25mm for Blue, Coal and Marsh Tits. 28mm for Great Tit, Tree Sparrows. 32 House Sparrows and Nuthatch. Unlike Sparrows the Tit family only have one brood, early in the year...
    The size of opening will determine which bird will (hopefully) use it. 25mm for Blue, Coal and Marsh Tits. 28mm for Great Tit, Tree Sparrows. 32 House Sparrows and Nuthatch. Unlike Sparrows the...
  20. Scrungee
    Like x 11

    Red Deer on Exmoor

    :wow: :love30:Stunning!
    :wow: :love30:Stunning!
    :wow: :love30:Stunning!
    :wow: :love30:Stunning!

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