Wildlife Corner

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  1. Nickoslesteros

    Red tailed bumble bee advice

    I don't have red tailed ones nesting, but the white tailed ones I have don't use the same nest, and because I'm rebuilding my shed just now, and they're nesting under it, I did a bit of googling...
    I don't have red tailed ones nesting, but the white tailed ones I have don't use the same nest, and because I'm rebuilding my shed just now, and they're nesting under it, I did a bit of googling to check the length of time they might be there, so that I can then sort the main bit they're using...
    I don't have red tailed ones nesting, but the white tailed ones I have don't use the same nest, and because I'm rebuilding my shed just now, and they're nesting under it, I did a bit of googling to check the length of time they might be there, so...
    I don't have red tailed ones nesting, but the white tailed ones I have don't use the same nest, and because I'm rebuilding my shed just now, and they're nesting under it, I did a bit of googling...
  2. Goldenlily26

    Song Bird

    Think this is the best site I've found for bird recordings xeno-canto.
    Think this is the best site I've found for bird recordings xeno-canto.
    Think this is the best site I've found for bird recordings xeno-canto.
    Think this is the best site I've found for bird recordings xeno-canto.
  3. JWK
    Like x 4

    Frog or Toad ?

    100% that's a common frog
    100% that's a common frog
    100% that's a common frog
    100% that's a common frog
  4. TheMadHedger
  5. Adam I

    Night Squeaker

    I have them here, it's a female Tawny Owl and yes, they squawk loudly. :biggrin:
    I have them here, it's a female Tawny Owl and yes, they squawk loudly. :biggrin:
    I have them here, it's a female Tawny Owl and yes, they squawk loudly. :biggrin:
    I have them here, it's a female Tawny Owl and yes, they squawk loudly. :biggrin:
  6. NoviceGardener2023

    What are these insects in my lawn?

    June is now the time I leave the slugs doing what they want as most plants have developed. They save a lot of my time in Spring, when there is almost everything eaten by them.
    June is now the time I leave the slugs doing what they want as most plants have developed. They save a lot of my time in Spring, when there is almost everything eaten by them.
    June is now the time I leave the slugs doing what they want as most plants have developed. They save a lot of my time in Spring, when there is almost everything eaten by them.
    June is now the time I leave the slugs doing what they want as most plants have developed. They save a lot of my time in Spring, when there is almost everything eaten by them.
  7. BB3

    Humongous ant farm on artichoke plant

    We also get black fly and ants on our artichokes but thankfully they don't seem to cause too much of a problem. When we cut them for eating I put them in a bowl of salted water outside so that any...
    We also get black fly and ants on our artichokes but thankfully they don't seem to cause too much of a problem. When we cut them for eating I put them in a bowl of salted water outside so that any ants that want to can crawl away but the blackfly have to take their chance I'm afraid.
    We also get black fly and ants on our artichokes but thankfully they don't seem to cause too much of a problem. When we cut them for eating I put them in a bowl of salted water outside so that any ants that want to can crawl away but the blackfly...
    We also get black fly and ants on our artichokes but thankfully they don't seem to cause too much of a problem. When we cut them for eating I put them in a bowl of salted water outside so that any...
  8. Chilled


    Probably, though not actually used one. Equally would not bother with poison / bait.As said Rats will go for an easy food source or somewhere they can get in to nest, so we would suggest you get...
    Probably, though not actually used one. Equally would not bother with poison / bait.As said Rats will go for an easy food source or somewhere they can get in to nest, so we would suggest you get some cheap bird cage mesh or small chicken wire and place it all around the shed base that is...
    Probably, though not actually used one. Equally would not bother with poison / bait.As said Rats will go for an easy food source or somewhere they can get in to nest, so we would suggest you get some cheap bird cage mesh or small chicken wire...
    Probably, though not actually used one. Equally would not bother with poison / bait.As said Rats will go for an easy food source or somewhere they can get in to nest, so we would suggest you get...
  9. Oliya

    Caterpillar ID

    Thank you Tinkerton. It does look very much like an Angle Shades moth caterpillar:)
    Thank you Tinkerton. It does look very much like an Angle Shades moth caterpillar:)
    Thank you Tinkerton. It does look very much like an Angle Shades moth caterpillar:)
    Thank you Tinkerton. It does look very much like an Angle Shades moth caterpillar:)
  10. Sheps
    Like x 18

    Sheps Wildflowers

    Thanks very much @On the Levels
    Thanks very much @On the Levels
    Thanks very much @On the Levels
    Thanks very much @On the Levels
  11. steephill
    Like x 6

    Pregnant roe deer in the garden

    Great video, thanks.
    Great video, thanks.
    Great video, thanks.
    Great video, thanks.
  12. Dave007

    Muntjac's & magnolia

  13. simone_in_wiltshire
    Like x 10

    Insects in my garden 2024

    So cute @Papi JoI had no time this week at work and the cold and rainy weather did its part, but hopefully I get more to see over the weekend.
    So cute @Papi JoI had no time this week at work and the cold and rainy weather did its part, but hopefully I get more to see over the weekend.
    So cute @Papi JoI had no time this week at work and the cold and rainy weather did its part, but hopefully I get more to see over the weekend.
    So cute @Papi JoI had no time this week at work and the cold and rainy weather did its part, but hopefully I get more to see over the weekend.
  14. Endless Pursuit


    Have 2 jack russels next door as well as a dog of my own, this rabbit doesn't seem to care, fully enclosed garden, loads of plants and it's own pond, what's not to like. Might have to look at...
    Have 2 jack russels next door as well as a dog of my own, this rabbit doesn't seem to care, fully enclosed garden, loads of plants and it's own pond, what's not to like. Might have to look at relocation as everything is getting destroyed apart from the two you mentioned plus a few others.
    Have 2 jack russels next door as well as a dog of my own, this rabbit doesn't seem to care, fully enclosed garden, loads of plants and it's own pond, what's not to like. Might have to look at relocation as everything is getting destroyed apart...
    Have 2 jack russels next door as well as a dog of my own, this rabbit doesn't seem to care, fully enclosed garden, loads of plants and it's own pond, what's not to like. Might have to look at...
  15. Penny_Forthem

    Cuckoo 2024

    I've heard lots this year. They've been calling all morning. They're in the woods up the hill. Yesterday there was one very near, sounded like it was in the trees around the field out the back
    I've heard lots this year. They've been calling all morning. They're in the woods up the hill. Yesterday there was one very near, sounded like it was in the trees around the field out the back
    I've heard lots this year. They've been calling all morning. They're in the woods up the hill. Yesterday there was one very near, sounded like it was in the trees around the field out the back
    I've heard lots this year. They've been calling all morning. They're in the woods up the hill. Yesterday there was one very near, sounded like it was in the trees around the field out the back
  16. Liam134

    What are these?

    Yes - they can be a real minefield @Liam134 . It's often poor quality soil/ground that gets compacted, and then they just chuck a wee bit of soil on top and lay turf. That's one of the most common...
    Yes - they can be a real minefield @Liam134 . It's often poor quality soil/ground that gets compacted, and then they just chuck a wee bit of soil on top and lay turf. That's one of the most common reasons for bare patches. Hopefully, with a bit of TLC, you can get it looking decent.
    Yes - they can be a real minefield @Liam134 . It's often poor quality soil/ground that gets compacted, and then they just chuck a wee bit of soil on top and lay turf. That's one of the most common reasons for bare patches. Hopefully, with a bit...
    Yes - they can be a real minefield @Liam134 . It's often poor quality soil/ground that gets compacted, and then they just chuck a wee bit of soil on top and lay turf. That's one of the most common...
  17. RowlandsCastle

    Magpies attack young blackbird

    Thanks goodness, our company was so smart to introduce WFH in 2015 and to save us lots of travelling (just remember the environmental impact, the M4 is empty since Covid, so we are not the only...
    Thanks goodness, our company was so smart to introduce WFH in 2015 and to save us lots of travelling (just remember the environmental impact, the M4 is empty since Covid, so we are not the only ones) for something that can be done from home, and prefers to save £1,5 million rental cost a year,...
    Thanks goodness, our company was so smart to introduce WFH in 2015 and to save us lots of travelling (just remember the environmental impact, the M4 is empty since Covid, so we are not the only ones) for something that can be done from home, and...
    Thanks goodness, our company was so smart to introduce WFH in 2015 and to save us lots of travelling (just remember the environmental impact, the M4 is empty since Covid, so we are not the only...
  18. pete

    Spider or Tick

    Nah!! It's too cheap to be an Axminster.
    Nah!! It's too cheap to be an Axminster.
    Nah!! It's too cheap to be an Axminster.
    Nah!! It's too cheap to be an Axminster.
  19. RowlandsCastle

    Daddy Long Legs

    I'll collect some and send them to you @pete ;)
    I'll collect some and send them to you @pete ;)
    I'll collect some and send them to you @pete ;)
    I'll collect some and send them to you @pete ;)
  20. Jenny_Aster

    Queasy Around Spiders

    It's fluttery things indoors that give me the heeby-jeebies - craneflies/daddy-long-legs, moths, butterflies, birds. Not a problem outside.
    It's fluttery things indoors that give me the heeby-jeebies - craneflies/daddy-long-legs, moths, butterflies, birds. Not a problem outside.
    It's fluttery things indoors that give me the heeby-jeebies - craneflies/daddy-long-legs, moths, butterflies, birds. Not a problem outside.
    It's fluttery things indoors that give me the heeby-jeebies - craneflies/daddy-long-legs, moths, butterflies, birds. Not a problem outside.

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