Wildlife Corner

All Discussion Relating To Wildlife.

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  1. Dips

    Do you reckon this is fairly cat proof?

    No dead birds yet so :-) but im not sure if its had any visitors. First week was a write off anyway as i just out some pumpkin seeds mashed up in it. Now its got a fat ball in but as my living...
    No dead birds yet so :-) but im not sure if its had any visitors. First week was a write off anyway as i just out some pumpkin seeds mashed up in it. Now its got a fat ball in but as my living room is at the front of the house im not really watching it.i do recommend it for ease of putting...
    No dead birds yet so :-) but im not sure if its had any visitors. First week was a write off anyway as i just out some pumpkin seeds mashed up in it. Now its got a fat ball in but as my living room is at the front of the house im not really...
    No dead birds yet so :-) but im not sure if its had any visitors. First week was a write off anyway as i just out some pumpkin seeds mashed up in it. Now its got a fat ball in but as my living...
  2. Phil A

    What's Buzzing or Flying near you today... 2015

    2016 thread here...
    2016 thread here...
    2016 thread here...
    2016 thread here...
  3. Phil A
    Funny x 4

    The best laid plans...

    Christmouse leftover?:biggrin:
    Christmouse leftover?:biggrin:
    Christmouse leftover?:biggrin:
    Christmouse leftover?:biggrin:
  4. Beckie76

    Help Wasps Nest

    I agree with Palustris, we get a fair number every year, in our stables mainly. I'd doubt there will be any wasps in the nest but could be a good idea to spray it with foam before you move it just...
    I agree with Palustris, we get a fair number every year, in our stables mainly. I'd doubt there will be any wasps in the nest but could be a good idea to spray it with foam before you move it just in case.Let us know how you get on!
    I agree with Palustris, we get a fair number every year, in our stables mainly. I'd doubt there will be any wasps in the nest but could be a good idea to spray it with foam before you move it just in case.Let us know how you get on!
    I agree with Palustris, we get a fair number every year, in our stables mainly. I'd doubt there will be any wasps in the nest but could be a good idea to spray it with foam before you move it just...
  5. Pebo

    What duck is this?

    Quack Quack
    Quack Quack
    Quack Quack
    Quack Quack
  6. Agent Orange
    Friendly x 3

    Saddened today....

    Try using the opposite tactic. Plant some cat mint. You would need to protect it until it has grown into a fairly large bushy plant (chicken wire would do as long as it's firmly anchored). Then...
    Try using the opposite tactic. Plant some cat mint. You would need to protect it until it has grown into a fairly large bushy plant (chicken wire would do as long as it's firmly anchored). Then you wouldn't have to worry much about them digging up other plants as long as you have the catmint...
    Try using the opposite tactic. Plant some cat mint. You would need to protect it until it has grown into a fairly large bushy plant (chicken wire would do as long as it's firmly anchored). Then you wouldn't have to worry much about them...
    Try using the opposite tactic. Plant some cat mint. You would need to protect it until it has grown into a fairly large bushy plant (chicken wire would do as long as it's firmly anchored). Then...
  7. strongylodon
    Like x 6

    Butterfly And Caterpillar Corner

    Middlebere Channel, Poole Harbour this morning. Kingfisher, female (Ringtail) Hen Harrier and Avocets.
    Middlebere Channel, Poole Harbour this morning. Kingfisher, female (Ringtail) Hen Harrier and Avocets.
    Middlebere Channel, Poole Harbour this morning. Kingfisher, female (Ringtail) Hen Harrier and Avocets.
    Middlebere Channel, Poole Harbour this morning. Kingfisher, female (Ringtail) Hen Harrier and Avocets.
  8. strongylodon
    Like x 9

    Brownsea Island October visit

    @NorthantsGeezer, October is the best time as the Beech nuts were falling and they prefer them to acorns, we saw about 20 some in two's and three's.We went for a walk around Baiter Park by Poole...
    @NorthantsGeezer, October is the best time as the Beech nuts were falling and they prefer them to acorns, we saw about 20 some in two's and three's.We went for a walk around Baiter Park by Poole Quay this afternoon and Brownsea Island, opposite, was very misty and dark. Brent Geese by the...
    @NorthantsGeezer, October is the best time as the Beech nuts were falling and they prefer them to acorns, we saw about 20 some in two's and three's.We went for a walk around Baiter Park by Poole Quay this afternoon and Brownsea Island,...
    @NorthantsGeezer, October is the best time as the Beech nuts were falling and they prefer them to acorns, we saw about 20 some in two's and three's.We went for a walk around Baiter Park by Poole...
  9. Sheal
    Like x 4


    The lens wasn't that big @Agent Orange, :) a 250mm but it could have been my Bridge camera instead. Sorry, I can't check at the moment as my pictures are currently unavailable. :doh:I was in the middle...
    The lens wasn't that big @Agent Orange, :) a 250mm but it could have been my Bridge camera instead. Sorry, I can't check at the moment as my pictures are currently unavailable. :doh:I was in the middle of hedge trimming, tripods were not an option, I just grabbed the camera. :)
    The lens wasn't that big @Agent Orange, :) a 250mm but it could have been my Bridge camera instead. Sorry, I can't check at the moment as my pictures are currently unavailable. :doh:I was in the middle of hedge trimming, tripods were not an option, I...
    The lens wasn't that big @Agent Orange, :) a 250mm but it could have been my Bridge camera instead. Sorry, I can't check at the moment as my pictures are currently unavailable. :doh:I was in the middle...
  10. Sian in Belgium
    Like x 6

    Wildlife spotted on our daily walks...

    Seen our first Gold Crest of the year and a flock of Fieldfares :) then went for a walk across the fields on a foot path that has been blocked for many years which is now open :) and seen about 150...
    Seen our first Gold Crest of the year and a flock of Fieldfares :) then went for a walk across the fields on a foot path that has been blocked for many years which is now open :) and seen about 150 Bullocks in a few fields
    Seen our first Gold Crest of the year and a flock of Fieldfares :) then went for a walk across the fields on a foot path that has been blocked for many years which is now open :) and seen about 150 Bullocks in a few fields
    Seen our first Gold Crest of the year and a flock of Fieldfares :) then went for a walk across the fields on a foot path that has been blocked for many years which is now open :) and seen about 150...
  11. Beckie76
    Like x 13

    Baby Robin!

    I had never seen a baby robin until we moved to Eire, I was flumoxed by these little birds, Robin shaped, dun coloured with green flecks, they followed me round our smallholding, I would throw...
    I had never seen a baby robin until we moved to Eire, I was flumoxed by these little birds, Robin shaped, dun coloured with green flecks, they followed me round our smallholding, I would throw them some dog biscuits, as the time went on they developed the red breast, mystery solved. I was delighted.
    I had never seen a baby robin until we moved to Eire, I was flumoxed by these little birds, Robin shaped, dun coloured with green flecks, they followed me round our smallholding, I would throw them some dog biscuits, as the time went on they...
    I had never seen a baby robin until we moved to Eire, I was flumoxed by these little birds, Robin shaped, dun coloured with green flecks, they followed me round our smallholding, I would throw...
  12. whis4ey

    Grey squirrel

    Not sure that they eat them but they certainly are scaring the greys off (well .. they might eat one or two before the rest run away :) ) There are supposed to be Pine Martens in each of the...
    Not sure that they eat them but they certainly are scaring the greys off (well .. they might eat one or two before the rest run away :) ) There are supposed to be Pine Martens in each of the counties over here now. Haven't seen any though .....
    Not sure that they eat them but they certainly are scaring the greys off (well .. they might eat one or two before the rest run away :) ) There are supposed to be Pine Martens in each of the counties over here now. Haven't seen any though .....
    Not sure that they eat them but they certainly are scaring the greys off (well .. they might eat one or two before the rest run away :) ) There are supposed to be Pine Martens in each of the...
  13. Radiation91

    Any beekeepers on GC?

    Nice one! For the record, I did search for something like this but didn't find this thread. I'm upto page 11 now. Need a coffee break and will continue reading :blue thumb:
    Nice one! For the record, I did search for something like this but didn't find this thread. I'm upto page 11 now. Need a coffee break and will continue reading :blue thumb:
    Nice one! For the record, I did search for something like this but didn't find this thread. I'm upto page 11 now. Need a coffee break and will continue reading :blue thumb:
    Nice one! For the record, I did search for something like this but didn't find this thread. I'm upto page 11 now. Need a coffee break and will continue reading :blue thumb:
  14. hans
    Like x 4

    Toad in the grass

    Smashing photos...he must have been hungry. That's quite a meal! :blue thumb:
    Smashing photos...he must have been hungry. That's quite a meal! :blue thumb:
    Smashing photos...he must have been hungry. That's quite a meal! :blue thumb:
    Smashing photos...he must have been hungry. That's quite a meal! :blue thumb:
  15. strongylodon
    Like x 9

    Swiss Wildlife

    Beautiful photos. Enjoyed viewing.
    Beautiful photos. Enjoyed viewing.
    Beautiful photos. Enjoyed viewing.
    Beautiful photos. Enjoyed viewing.
  16. nFrost

    Neonicotinoid pesticide ban suspended

    I see this is old news now, but I missed that the ban was being lifted/not lifted. I used to work on bumblebees (hence my user name) and published a research article in Science in 2012 looking at...
    I see this is old news now, but I missed that the ban was being lifted/not lifted. I used to work on bumblebees (hence my user name) and published a research article in Science in 2012 looking at neonics. I don't necessarily think that banning them was/is the way forward to be honest; its maybe...
    I see this is old news now, but I missed that the ban was being lifted/not lifted. I used to work on bumblebees (hence my user name) and published a research article in Science in 2012 looking at neonics. I don't necessarily think that banning...
    I see this is old news now, but I missed that the ban was being lifted/not lifted. I used to work on bumblebees (hence my user name) and published a research article in Science in 2012 looking at...
  17. CreakyJoints
    Like x 4

    RSPB Big Wild Sleepout - This Weekend !

    Awww nevermind. I wish I was nearer as I'd come and join you. Sounds like fun. I love bats!
    Awww nevermind. I wish I was nearer as I'd come and join you. Sounds like fun. I love bats!
    Awww nevermind. I wish I was nearer as I'd come and join you. Sounds like fun. I love bats!
    Awww nevermind. I wish I was nearer as I'd come and join you. Sounds like fun. I love bats!
  18. "M"
    Like x 7

    Where do bees sleep?

    Good afternoon @"M" delightful photos and can imagine walking in the clover
    Good afternoon @"M" delightful photos and can imagine walking in the clover
    Good afternoon @"M" delightful photos and can imagine walking in the clover
    Good afternoon @"M" delightful photos and can imagine walking in the clover
  19. Jiffy
    Informative x 4


    @'M' trust you! :lunapic 130165696578242 5:Joking aside a man in thevillage actually did 'go' that way, he had a heart attack during & that was that!.....what a way to go, but imagine having to explain that to the in laws!:whistle:
    @'M' trust you! :lunapic 130165696578242 5:Joking aside a man in thevillage actually did 'go' that way, he had a heart attack during & that was that!.....what a way to go, but imagine having to explain that to the in laws!:whistle:
    @'M' trust you! :lunapic 130165696578242 5:Joking aside a man in thevillage actually did 'go' that way, he had a heart attack during & that was that!.....what a way to go, but imagine having to explain that to the in laws!:whistle:
    @'M' trust you! :lunapic 130165696578242 5:Joking aside a man in thevillage actually did 'go' that way, he had a heart attack during & that was that!.....what a way to go, but imagine having to explain that to the in laws!:whistle:
  20. Redwing

    Alliums for Pollinating Insects

    Allium Allium Moly. Common name is Golden Garlic.
    Allium Allium Moly. Common name is Golden Garlic.
    Allium Allium Moly. Common name is Golden Garlic.
    Allium Allium Moly. Common name is Golden Garlic.

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