Wildlife Corner

All Discussion Relating To Wildlife.

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  1. pamsdish
    Friendly x 3

    Another Mouth To Feed

    Love that tune.
    Love that tune.
    Love that tune.
    Love that tune.
  2. Phil A
    Like x 7

    Mr Foc today

    If he is limping, lets hope the hounds dont spot him.
    If he is limping, lets hope the hounds dont spot him.
    If he is limping, lets hope the hounds dont spot him.
    If he is limping, lets hope the hounds dont spot him.
  3. pete
    Like x 3

    Fox acting strangely

    Well thats good news then.!
    Well thats good news then.!
    Well thats good news then.!
    Well thats good news then.!
  4. Bilbo675

    Day of the Ladybird

    Spotted another ladybird today :) (Nov 1st :ouch1:)
    Spotted another ladybird today :) (Nov 1st :ouch1:)
    Spotted another ladybird today :) (Nov 1st :ouch1:)
    Spotted another ladybird today :) (Nov 1st :ouch1:)
  5. nFrost

    Vote for BOB

    I voted for Bob, even though I think Bob is fake. I've never known a squirrel to develop a website or using the English language before. I suspect someone might have done it in his name. I would...
    I voted for Bob, even though I think Bob is fake. I've never known a squirrel to develop a website or using the English language before. I suspect someone might have done it in his name. I would even go so far as to say that Bob doesn't even know about this. Bob is a victim of identity theft.
    I voted for Bob, even though I think Bob is fake. I've never known a squirrel to develop a website or using the English language before. I suspect someone might have done it in his name. I would even go so far as to say that Bob doesn't even know...
    I voted for Bob, even though I think Bob is fake. I've never known a squirrel to develop a website or using the English language before. I suspect someone might have done it in his name. I would...
  6. adamsh

    Spiders, Spiders....

    Found another tiny white Crab Spider, although it did stand out not exactly camouflaged against green Oleander leaves.
    Found another tiny white Crab Spider, although it did stand out not exactly camouflaged against green Oleander leaves.
    Found another tiny white Crab Spider, although it did stand out not exactly camouflaged against green Oleander leaves.
    Found another tiny white Crab Spider, although it did stand out not exactly camouflaged against green Oleander leaves.
  7. strongylodon
    Like x 7

    Brownsea Island Autumn visit

    Love those graceful Avocets Strongy, thanks for sharing your visit with us, Jenny
    Love those graceful Avocets Strongy, thanks for sharing your visit with us, Jenny
    Love those graceful Avocets Strongy, thanks for sharing your visit with us, Jenny
    Love those graceful Avocets Strongy, thanks for sharing your visit with us, Jenny
  8. JJ28

    ?out of water?

    As said above, Newts only need water to breed ( March /April) they will feed on small invertebrates for the rest of the year apart from during hibernation.
    As said above, Newts only need water to breed ( March /April) they will feed on small invertebrates for the rest of the year apart from during hibernation.
    As said above, Newts only need water to breed ( March /April) they will feed on small invertebrates for the rest of the year apart from during hibernation.
    As said above, Newts only need water to breed ( March /April) they will feed on small invertebrates for the rest of the year apart from during hibernation.
  9. andersonec

    Weirdo bug

    it does have different names across the UK
    it does have different names across the UK
    it does have different names across the UK
    it does have different names across the UK
  10. Lolimac
    Like x 5

    Spiders Webs

    Spiders are currently putting webs up across the full width of the garden, thats roughly 10ft! Very impressive, less so when I can't see them coming. :mad:
    Spiders are currently putting webs up across the full width of the garden, thats roughly 10ft! Very impressive, less so when I can't see them coming. :mad:
    Spiders are currently putting webs up across the full width of the garden, thats roughly 10ft! Very impressive, less so when I can't see them coming. :mad:
    Spiders are currently putting webs up across the full width of the garden, thats roughly 10ft! Very impressive, less so when I can't see them coming. :mad:
  11. Ilkley Gardeners

    Too Late

    Unlucky for the bee:(My son and I spent 20 minutes rescuing a bumblebee once, after it flew into the web of a gigantic spider in our outhouse. It took 20 minutes because we were keen for neither...
    Unlucky for the bee:(My son and I spent 20 minutes rescuing a bumblebee once, after it flew into the web of a gigantic spider in our outhouse. It took 20 minutes because we were keen for neither creature to be injured. I tried to knock the approaching spider away from the stricken bee with a...
    Unlucky for the bee:(My son and I spent 20 minutes rescuing a bumblebee once, after it flew into the web of a gigantic spider in our outhouse. It took 20 minutes because we were keen for neither creature to be injured. I tried to knock the...
    Unlucky for the bee:(My son and I spent 20 minutes rescuing a bumblebee once, after it flew into the web of a gigantic spider in our outhouse. It took 20 minutes because we were keen for neither...
  12. sk1pr@

    Hedgehogs eating my patio???!!!

    I 've just caught up with this thread,would you believe it... If you've got an old large cuddly toy you could sit that on the patio over night,I used to have one sat next to my pond:dbgrtmb:,charity shops...
    I 've just caught up with this thread,would you believe it... If you've got an old large cuddly toy you could sit that on the patio over night,I used to have one sat next to my pond:dbgrtmb:,charity shops are always selling them cheap too:blue thumb:
    I 've just caught up with this thread,would you believe it... If you've got an old large cuddly toy you could sit that on the patio over night,I used to have one sat next to my pond:dbgrtmb:,charity shops are always selling them cheap too:blue thumb:
    I 've just caught up with this thread,would you believe it... If you've got an old large cuddly toy you could sit that on the patio over night,I used to have one sat next to my pond:dbgrtmb:,charity shops...
  13. Ilkley Gardeners

    My Garden Pond isn't big enough!!

    That must have been a wonderful experience. :)
    That must have been a wonderful experience. :)
    That must have been a wonderful experience. :)
    That must have been a wonderful experience. :)
  14. andersonec
    Like x 3

    Second grass snake

    Disturbing the snake while it is trying to eat is bound to have an effect!Nigel, as you probably know, yours is about to slough so the colour is duller as the skin is loosening and the eyes have...
    Disturbing the snake while it is trying to eat is bound to have an effect!Nigel, as you probably know, yours is about to slough so the colour is duller as the skin is loosening and the eyes have clouded over.
    Disturbing the snake while it is trying to eat is bound to have an effect!Nigel, as you probably know, yours is about to slough so the colour is duller as the skin is loosening and the eyes have clouded over.
    Disturbing the snake while it is trying to eat is bound to have an effect!Nigel, as you probably know, yours is about to slough so the colour is duller as the skin is loosening and the eyes have...
  15. Ellen

    Baby bird PLEASE HELP!

    Ours has a bell, it drives us potty but doesn't seem to stop her! Admittedly she catches more mice & voles than she does birds, apparently they hunt birds differently to rodents
    Ours has a bell, it drives us potty but doesn't seem to stop her! Admittedly she catches more mice & voles than she does birds, apparently they hunt birds differently to rodents
    Ours has a bell, it drives us potty but doesn't seem to stop her! Admittedly she catches more mice & voles than she does birds, apparently they hunt birds differently to rodents
    Ours has a bell, it drives us potty but doesn't seem to stop her! Admittedly she catches more mice & voles than she does birds, apparently they hunt birds differently to rodents
  16. strongylodon
    Like x 7

    A few birds seen in Mallorca

    Great pictures Strongy! :dbgrtmb:
    Great pictures Strongy! :dbgrtmb:
    Great pictures Strongy! :dbgrtmb:
    Great pictures Strongy! :dbgrtmb:
  17. CharlieBot

    Tadpoles in wheelbarrow?

    Thanks all. No sign of mr frog today so decided to tip it out as I'm allergic to mosquito bites.
    Thanks all. No sign of mr frog today so decided to tip it out as I'm allergic to mosquito bites.
    Thanks all. No sign of mr frog today so decided to tip it out as I'm allergic to mosquito bites.
    Thanks all. No sign of mr frog today so decided to tip it out as I'm allergic to mosquito bites.
  18. Freddy


    The starlings are permanent around my garden all year round but as autumn creeps in - as of now, the numbers start to build usually around a hundred settling on the overhead cables that run...
    The starlings are permanent around my garden all year round but as autumn creeps in - as of now, the numbers start to build usually around a hundred settling on the overhead cables that run through my garden. They also make good use of my bird bath although I don't feed them or any birds because...
    The starlings are permanent around my garden all year round but as autumn creeps in - as of now, the numbers start to build usually around a hundred settling on the overhead cables that run through my garden. They also make good use of my bird...
    The starlings are permanent around my garden all year round but as autumn creeps in - as of now, the numbers start to build usually around a hundred settling on the overhead cables that run...
  19. Denton Dave


    Who won???:heehee::scratch:
    Who won???:heehee::scratch:
    Who won???:heehee::scratch:
    Who won???:heehee::scratch:
  20. colinn

    Bee House!

    They might be masonry beesDave
    They might be masonry beesDave
    They might be masonry beesDave
    They might be masonry beesDave

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