Wildlife Corner

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  1. Escarpment
    Like x 21

    Lunchtime Fox

    I've lived in this house for over 30 years but only started seeing foxes recently. And then generally as a quick glimpse as they crossed the garden. It's since I started putting calci-worms out...
    I've lived in this house for over 30 years but only started seeing foxes recently. And then generally as a quick glimpse as they crossed the garden. It's since I started putting calci-worms out for the birds that this fox has found my garden worth lingering in. I always used to have badgers, but...
    I've lived in this house for over 30 years but only started seeing foxes recently. And then generally as a quick glimpse as they crossed the garden. It's since I started putting calci-worms out for the birds that this fox has found my garden...
    I've lived in this house for over 30 years but only started seeing foxes recently. And then generally as a quick glimpse as they crossed the garden. It's since I started putting calci-worms out...
  2. Februarysgirl

    Bumblebees in Hedgehog House

    @AnniD My local hedgehog rescue went above and beyond in trying to save the last one I took. Gutted that he didn't make it but relieved he lived his last couple months warm and taken care of...
    @AnniD My local hedgehog rescue went above and beyond in trying to save the last one I took. Gutted that he didn't make it but relieved he lived his last couple months warm and taken care of rather than out in the cold winter with a serious injury.@fairygirl I hate the way they hover around...
    @AnniD My local hedgehog rescue went above and beyond in trying to save the last one I took. Gutted that he didn't make it but relieved he lived his last couple months warm and taken care of rather than out in the cold winter with a serious...
    @AnniD My local hedgehog rescue went above and beyond in trying to save the last one I took. Gutted that he didn't make it but relieved he lived his last couple months warm and taken care of...
  3. KT53

    It's been a buzzy afternoon.

    Fantastic Imagine someone asking you what your job is, and answering - 'yeh, I'm a swarm co ordinator'...:heehee:
    Fantastic Imagine someone asking you what your job is, and answering - 'yeh, I'm a swarm co ordinator'...:heehee:
    Fantastic Imagine someone asking you what your job is, and answering - 'yeh, I'm a swarm co ordinator'...:heehee:
    Fantastic Imagine someone asking you what your job is, and answering - 'yeh, I'm a swarm co ordinator'...:heehee:
  4. Bluejayway

    Frogspawn in strange places

    :wow: your very chosen ..Are you not familiar with toads customs :scratch: have you not heard of this before ? Its the French toads share and share alike ( french toadies tradition ...
    :wow: your very chosen ..Are you not familiar with toads customs :scratch: have you not heard of this before ? Its the French toads share and share alike ( french toadies tradition ...... ?:what: )this happens every 100 years or so as :scratch: in the toadies share and share...
    :wow: your very chosen ..Are you not familiar with toads customs :scratch: have you not heard of this before ? Its the French toads share and share alike ( french toadies tradition ...... ?:what: )this happens every 100...
    :wow: your very chosen ..Are you not familiar with toads customs :scratch: have you not heard of this before ? Its the French toads share and share alike ( french toadies tradition ...
  5. Baalmaiden
    Informative x 3

    A strange organism in my compost heap

    Slime mould is fascinating, it is not a fungus, but a collection of strange organisms, well worth reading about.
    Slime mould is fascinating, it is not a fungus, but a collection of strange organisms, well worth reading about.
    Slime mould is fascinating, it is not a fungus, but a collection of strange organisms, well worth reading about.
    Slime mould is fascinating, it is not a fungus, but a collection of strange organisms, well worth reading about.
  6. TheMadHedger

    Suet pellets for birds

    I use garden wildlife as well, i buy the premium one as you don't get to many bits but there cost more also it's the suet mealworm pellets
    I use garden wildlife as well, i buy the premium one as you don't get to many bits but there cost more also it's the suet mealworm pellets
    I use garden wildlife as well, i buy the premium one as you don't get to many bits but there cost more also it's the suet mealworm pellets
    I use garden wildlife as well, i buy the premium one as you don't get to many bits but there cost more also it's the suet mealworm pellets
  7. Fof

    Rooks and bird feeders

    Thanks guys I guess I'll buy a different mix once my current 25k runs out.
    Thanks guys I guess I'll buy a different mix once my current 25k runs out.
    Thanks guys I guess I'll buy a different mix once my current 25k runs out.
    Thanks guys I guess I'll buy a different mix once my current 25k runs out.
  8. trogre

    Trail/Wildlife Camera

    Yes thankyou - he's virtually back to normal now. But my wife's voyeuristic habits seem to have died hard!
    Yes thankyou - he's virtually back to normal now. But my wife's voyeuristic habits seem to have died hard!
    Yes thankyou - he's virtually back to normal now. But my wife's voyeuristic habits seem to have died hard!
    Yes thankyou - he's virtually back to normal now. But my wife's voyeuristic habits seem to have died hard!
  9. Weedstoo


    Talking of collective nouns, apparently, for those with green fingers, it's "a sprinkle of gardeners".So that's two new ones I've learnt today!!Edited to add: With this forum, maybe it should...
    Talking of collective nouns, apparently, for those with green fingers, it's "a sprinkle of gardeners".So that's two new ones I've learnt today!!Edited to add: With this forum, maybe it should be a flood of gardeners, or a glut of gardeners.
    Talking of collective nouns, apparently, for those with green fingers, it's "a sprinkle of gardeners".So that's two new ones I've learnt today!!Edited to add: With this forum, maybe it should be a flood of gardeners, or a glut of gardeners.
    Talking of collective nouns, apparently, for those with green fingers, it's "a sprinkle of gardeners".So that's two new ones I've learnt today!!Edited to add: With this forum, maybe it should...
  10. Mrs. B.

    Oh no..

    Let me add it would reduce the white poo on just washed cars :)
    Let me add it would reduce the white poo on just washed cars :)
    Let me add it would reduce the white poo on just washed cars :)
    Let me add it would reduce the white poo on just washed cars :)
  11. steephill
    Like x 7

    Slow worms

    I lifted an old roof tile at the weekend it took me a couple over minutes to work out the decapitated slow worm was actually a half buried piece of hose pipe.:redface:
    I lifted an old roof tile at the weekend it took me a couple over minutes to work out the decapitated slow worm was actually a half buried piece of hose pipe.:redface:
    I lifted an old roof tile at the weekend it took me a couple over minutes to work out the decapitated slow worm was actually a half buried piece of hose pipe.:redface:
    I lifted an old roof tile at the weekend it took me a couple over minutes to work out the decapitated slow worm was actually a half buried piece of hose pipe.:redface:
  12. Februarysgirl

    Butterfly/Moth ID

    @DiggersJo Thanks. Usually I need to take several different shots but I managed this in just one!
    @DiggersJo Thanks. Usually I need to take several different shots but I managed this in just one!
    @DiggersJo Thanks. Usually I need to take several different shots but I managed this in just one!
    @DiggersJo Thanks. Usually I need to take several different shots but I managed this in just one!
  13. Mrs. B.

    Any deer experts?

    Yeah, sort of bonded, like when different farm animals form connections.
    Yeah, sort of bonded, like when different farm animals form connections.
    Yeah, sort of bonded, like when different farm animals form connections.
    Yeah, sort of bonded, like when different farm animals form connections.
  14. Dropmore

    Blue Tits nesting in box ?

    I wouldn’t go too close but otherwise carry on as usual … if they start shouting at you maybe move right away for a while.We don’t spray here and have very little problem with caterpillars and...
    I wouldn’t go too close but otherwise carry on as usual … if they start shouting at you maybe move right away for a while.We don’t spray here and have very little problem with caterpillars and aphids etc. the bluetits are always busy in this garden.:)
    I wouldn’t go too close but otherwise carry on as usual … if they start shouting at you maybe move right away for a while.We don’t spray here and have very little problem with caterpillars and aphids etc. the bluetits are always busy in this...
    I wouldn’t go too close but otherwise carry on as usual … if they start shouting at you maybe move right away for a while.We don’t spray here and have very little problem with caterpillars and...
  15. On the Levels

    Old owl box

    It's probably a case of first come first served @On the Levels. :)
    It's probably a case of first come first served @On the Levels. :)
    It's probably a case of first come first served @On the Levels. :)
    It's probably a case of first come first served @On the Levels. :)
  16. Februarysgirl

    What are These and do I Need to Kill Them?

    I know what you mean @Februarysgirl - perhaps it's because they have a slightly prehistoric look about them! I always find hundreds of them when I separate stacks of pots that have been tucked in...
    I know what you mean @Februarysgirl - perhaps it's because they have a slightly prehistoric look about them! I always find hundreds of them when I separate stacks of pots that have been tucked in corners or near the house.
    I know what you mean @Februarysgirl - perhaps it's because they have a slightly prehistoric look about them! I always find hundreds of them when I separate stacks of pots that have been tucked in corners or near the house.
    I know what you mean @Februarysgirl - perhaps it's because they have a slightly prehistoric look about them! I always find hundreds of them when I separate stacks of pots that have been tucked in...
  17. berarde

    dead goldfinches

    I have the occasional pigeon flying into the windows and last year a young crow broke its neck on hitting the window. It was being pecked at by seagulls by the time I got outside to pick it up and...
    I have the occasional pigeon flying into the windows and last year a young crow broke its neck on hitting the window. It was being pecked at by seagulls by the time I got outside to pick it up and see if it had survived.
    I have the occasional pigeon flying into the windows and last year a young crow broke its neck on hitting the window. It was being pecked at by seagulls by the time I got outside to pick it up and see if it had survived.
    I have the occasional pigeon flying into the windows and last year a young crow broke its neck on hitting the window. It was being pecked at by seagulls by the time I got outside to pick it up and...
  18. Selleri

    ID please- bear, badger or boy?

    Vandals - the same as the rabbits biting the flowers off the cowslips and leaving them on the ground. They never do it to the Primroses. :scratch:
    Vandals - the same as the rabbits biting the flowers off the cowslips and leaving them on the ground. They never do it to the Primroses. :scratch:
    Vandals - the same as the rabbits biting the flowers off the cowslips and leaving them on the ground. They never do it to the Primroses. :scratch:
    Vandals - the same as the rabbits biting the flowers off the cowslips and leaving them on the ground. They never do it to the Primroses. :scratch:
  19. cactus_girl

    WildEarth on Freeview Channel 91

    Many thanks for letting us know @cactus_girl I will definitely have a look. I'm normally not in those figures on Freeview and missed that.
    Many thanks for letting us know @cactus_girl I will definitely have a look. I'm normally not in those figures on Freeview and missed that.
    Many thanks for letting us know @cactus_girl I will definitely have a look. I'm normally not in those figures on Freeview and missed that.
    Many thanks for letting us know @cactus_girl I will definitely have a look. I'm normally not in those figures on Freeview and missed that.
  20. Dovefromabove
    Like x 3

    Amazing Fungi

    I just read about this … absolutely fascinating …Rare fungus to be moved from Scotland to England in hopes to save species
    I just read about this … absolutely fascinating …Rare fungus to be moved from Scotland to England in hopes to save species
    I just read about this … absolutely fascinating …Rare fungus to be moved from Scotland to England in hopes to save species
    I just read about this … absolutely fascinating …Rare fungus to be moved from Scotland to England in hopes to save species

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