Wildlife Corner

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  1. Bilbo675
    Like x 6

    Welcome Sighting

    Doesn't the fur stick in your throat, Ziggy???:snork::heehee:
    Doesn't the fur stick in your throat, Ziggy???:snork::heehee:
    Doesn't the fur stick in your throat, Ziggy???:snork::heehee:
    Doesn't the fur stick in your throat, Ziggy???:snork::heehee:


    Hi, Furry Tail, the Daddy Longlegs over here are the Crane Flies. I'd not seen this type of one before though.:dunno:
    Hi, Furry Tail, the Daddy Longlegs over here are the Crane Flies. I'd not seen this type of one before though.:dunno:
    Hi, Furry Tail, the Daddy Longlegs over here are the Crane Flies. I'd not seen this type of one before though.:dunno:
    Hi, Furry Tail, the Daddy Longlegs over here are the Crane Flies. I'd not seen this type of one before though.:dunno:
  3. strongylodon
    Like x 9

    A few birds seen on our trip.

    Thanks Woo, the Panasonic fz150 was worth getting even though I struggled with focusing at times. Here's a couple more I haven't posted. White Headed Barbet, looks like a cross between a...
    Thanks Woo, the Panasonic fz150 was worth getting even though I struggled with focusing at times. Here's a couple more I haven't posted. White Headed Barbet, looks like a cross between a Woodpecker and a Kingfisher. Eastern Chanting Goshawk
    Thanks Woo, the Panasonic fz150 was worth getting even though I struggled with focusing at times. Here's a couple more I haven't posted. White Headed Barbet, looks like a cross between a Woodpecker and a Kingfisher. Eastern Chanting Goshawk
    Thanks Woo, the Panasonic fz150 was worth getting even though I struggled with focusing at times. Here's a couple more I haven't posted. White Headed Barbet, looks like a cross between a...
  4. Bilbo675
    Like x 7

    Strange But Welcome

    Thanks Mum; it's a nice compact digital, an Olympus sp350, I've had it for about 6 or 7 years now and never found a fault with it. For a non-SLR camera it has quite a fast shutter speed and is 8.2mp..:)
    Thanks Mum; it's a nice compact digital, an Olympus sp350, I've had it for about 6 or 7 years now and never found a fault with it. For a non-SLR camera it has quite a fast shutter speed and is 8.2mp..:)
    Thanks Mum; it's a nice compact digital, an Olympus sp350, I've had it for about 6 or 7 years now and never found a fault with it. For a non-SLR camera it has quite a fast shutter speed and is 8.2mp..:)
    Thanks Mum; it's a nice compact digital, an Olympus sp350, I've had it for about 6 or 7 years now and never found a fault with it. For a non-SLR camera it has quite a fast shutter speed and is 8.2mp..:)
  5. strongylodon

    Arne RSPB Poole

    Some amazing pictures and view there! Adore the Sika fawn, how very fortunate you were to have it come so close. Thanks for sharing :dbgrtmb:
    Some amazing pictures and view there! Adore the Sika fawn, how very fortunate you were to have it come so close. Thanks for sharing :dbgrtmb:
    Some amazing pictures and view there! Adore the Sika fawn, how very fortunate you were to have it come so close. Thanks for sharing :dbgrtmb:
    Some amazing pictures and view there! Adore the Sika fawn, how very fortunate you were to have it come so close. Thanks for sharing :dbgrtmb:
  6. Sian in Belgium

    correct bird-food for nuthatches?

    Yep, a Belgian nuthatch. Lovely, Jenny
    Yep, a Belgian nuthatch. Lovely, Jenny
    Yep, a Belgian nuthatch. Lovely, Jenny
    Yep, a Belgian nuthatch. Lovely, Jenny
  7. Spruce

    Gran Caneria

    I'm not sure whether the Blackbird is native to the Grand Canaria, it probably is but it is a little known fact that they sometimes migrate, Scandinavian Blackbirds do come to the UK in cold...
    I'm not sure whether the Blackbird is native to the Grand Canaria, it probably is but it is a little known fact that they sometimes migrate, Scandinavian Blackbirds do come to the UK in cold winters like Redwings and Fieldfares and some UK birds move to france in the winter so they can cover...
    I'm not sure whether the Blackbird is native to the Grand Canaria, it probably is but it is a little known fact that they sometimes migrate, Scandinavian Blackbirds do come to the UK in cold winters like Redwings and Fieldfares and some UK birds...
    I'm not sure whether the Blackbird is native to the Grand Canaria, it probably is but it is a little known fact that they sometimes migrate, Scandinavian Blackbirds do come to the UK in cold...
  8. mikiejack

    Enjoying the sun with the butterflies.

    After all that dull miserable weather, it's good to know they were just waiting patiently in the wings. Lovely bright colours in the piccies MJ, Jenny
    After all that dull miserable weather, it's good to know they were just waiting patiently in the wings. Lovely bright colours in the piccies MJ, Jenny
    After all that dull miserable weather, it's good to know they were just waiting patiently in the wings. Lovely bright colours in the piccies MJ, Jenny
    After all that dull miserable weather, it's good to know they were just waiting patiently in the wings. Lovely bright colours in the piccies MJ, Jenny
  9. roders
    Like x 3

    I saw a mouse.....where?

    holy cr@p!
    holy cr@p!
    holy cr@p!
    holy cr@p!
  10. Jenny namaste

    we have a little lodger

    This is the same thank you I got in Bucks from taking them out of the mouths of my cats .. who didn't want to eat them but bring them as presents. Their bite is actually quite nasty ... sharp! :ouch1:
    This is the same thank you I got in Bucks from taking them out of the mouths of my cats .. who didn't want to eat them but bring them as presents. Their bite is actually quite nasty ... sharp! :ouch1:
    This is the same thank you I got in Bucks from taking them out of the mouths of my cats .. who didn't want to eat them but bring them as presents. Their bite is actually quite nasty ... sharp! :ouch1:
    This is the same thank you I got in Bucks from taking them out of the mouths of my cats .. who didn't want to eat them but bring them as presents. Their bite is actually quite nasty ... sharp! :ouch1:
  11. Phil Burrows

    Birds hold 'funerals' for dead

    me too, thanks to both of you.
    me too, thanks to both of you.
    me too, thanks to both of you.
    me too, thanks to both of you.
  12. "M"

    Wildlife and .... rats!

    I wouldn't have a problem with the culling, although I would prefer to spend my time on other, more pleasant things in life. Loving the peanut butter/plaster of paris idea! :blue thumb: Thank you!
    I wouldn't have a problem with the culling, although I would prefer to spend my time on other, more pleasant things in life. Loving the peanut butter/plaster of paris idea! :blue thumb: Thank you!
    I wouldn't have a problem with the culling, although I would prefer to spend my time on other, more pleasant things in life. Loving the peanut butter/plaster of paris idea! :blue thumb: Thank you!
    I wouldn't have a problem with the culling, although I would prefer to spend my time on other, more pleasant things in life. Loving the peanut butter/plaster of paris idea! :blue thumb: Thank you!
  13. Bilbo675
    Like x 6

    Great Little Sighting

    ah cool!!!
    ah cool!!!
    ah cool!!!
    ah cool!!!
  14. wiseowl
    Like x 4

    Foxy Still around

    Oh I do understand the joys of watching wildlife; the previous people used to encourage foxes and at one point in time, there was a den in the back end of the garden. :snork:
    Oh I do understand the joys of watching wildlife; the previous people used to encourage foxes and at one point in time, there was a den in the back end of the garden. :snork:
    Oh I do understand the joys of watching wildlife; the previous people used to encourage foxes and at one point in time, there was a den in the back end of the garden. :snork:
    Oh I do understand the joys of watching wildlife; the previous people used to encourage foxes and at one point in time, there was a den in the back end of the garden. :snork:

    IN THE NIGHT.....

    And usually mutters "God, not again" before writing it. The staff have to stop him climbing on the chair and kicking it away after modifying his best tie.:snork:
    And usually mutters "God, not again" before writing it. The staff have to stop him climbing on the chair and kicking it away after modifying his best tie.:snork:
    And usually mutters "God, not again" before writing it. The staff have to stop him climbing on the chair and kicking it away after modifying his best tie.:snork:
    And usually mutters "God, not again" before writing it. The staff have to stop him climbing on the chair and kicking it away after modifying his best tie.:snork:
  16. Sheal

    Unusual insect

    Thanks but definitely not that Loli. I'm 99% certain it's not a moth. I wish I could draw better, at least then it would give a better idea. :)
    Thanks but definitely not that Loli. I'm 99% certain it's not a moth. I wish I could draw better, at least then it would give a better idea. :)
    Thanks but definitely not that Loli. I'm 99% certain it's not a moth. I wish I could draw better, at least then it would give a better idea. :)
    Thanks but definitely not that Loli. I'm 99% certain it's not a moth. I wish I could draw better, at least then it would give a better idea. :)
  17. RandyRos

    bird I.D. please?

    no, defo not a grey wagtail, i've seen them in my garden. I think it was a garden/willow warbler. maybe i'll see it again.
    no, defo not a grey wagtail, i've seen them in my garden. I think it was a garden/willow warbler. maybe i'll see it again.
    no, defo not a grey wagtail, i've seen them in my garden. I think it was a garden/willow warbler. maybe i'll see it again.
    no, defo not a grey wagtail, i've seen them in my garden. I think it was a garden/willow warbler. maybe i'll see it again.
  18. Spruce

    What to grow

    Water forget-me-nots:dbgrtmb:....they flower from may to....don't know how long but mine are still going strong and the bees love them:dbgrtmb:
    Water forget-me-nots:dbgrtmb:....they flower from may to....don't know how long but mine are still going strong and the bees love them:dbgrtmb:
    Water forget-me-nots:dbgrtmb:....they flower from may to....don't know how long but mine are still going strong and the bees love them:dbgrtmb:
    Water forget-me-nots:dbgrtmb:....they flower from may to....don't know how long but mine are still going strong and the bees love them:dbgrtmb:
    Like x 8


    Brilliant :dbgrtmb:
    Brilliant :dbgrtmb:
    Brilliant :dbgrtmb:
    Brilliant :dbgrtmb:
  20. strongylodon
    Like x 9

    Some Kenyan Widlife

    Oh, oh, oh ... that baby Baboon is a babe and a half ... can I have it please? I've named him Alfie although he may be a girl ... look at that crew cut, how cute is that?
    Oh, oh, oh ... that baby Baboon is a babe and a half ... can I have it please? I've named him Alfie although he may be a girl ... look at that crew cut, how cute is that?
    Oh, oh, oh ... that baby Baboon is a babe and a half ... can I have it please? I've named him Alfie although he may be a girl ... look at that crew cut, how cute is that?
    Oh, oh, oh ... that baby Baboon is a babe and a half ... can I have it please? I've named him Alfie although he may be a girl ... look at that crew cut, how cute is that?

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