Wildlife Corner

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  1. roders

    Cheryl Cole,Rihanna and Rodney.

    Lovely Rodders :dbgrtmb:
    Lovely Rodders :dbgrtmb:
    Lovely Rodders :dbgrtmb:
    Lovely Rodders :dbgrtmb:
  2. bluequin

    Black Bumblebee

    Hi Sis ... what I have is the Carpenter Bees ... all over the place at the moment and making a nuisance of themselves eating into the beams in the shed roof ... They are absolutely...
    Hi Sis ... what I have is the Carpenter Bees ... all over the place at the moment and making a nuisance of themselves eating into the beams in the shed roof ... They are absolutely monsterous in size here and quite irridesecent .. not sure if it's the same bee ...
    Hi Sis ... what I have is the Carpenter Bees ... all over the place at the moment and making a nuisance of themselves eating into the beams in the shed roof ... They are absolutely monsterous in size here and quite irridesecent .. not sure...
    Hi Sis ... what I have is the Carpenter Bees ... all over the place at the moment and making a nuisance of themselves eating into the beams in the shed roof ... They are absolutely...
  3. wiseowl
    Like x 4


    Hi Woo. We had a lovely time, thank you, but nothing would pose for us! The skylarks put on a great aerial display - swooping to catch insects - but they never sat anywhere long enough for us...
    Hi Woo. We had a lovely time, thank you, but nothing would pose for us! The skylarks put on a great aerial display - swooping to catch insects - but they never sat anywhere long enough for us to get a shot! I'm sure you must have seen them at Cliffe - they're a bit larger than sparrows and...
    Hi Woo. We had a lovely time, thank you, but nothing would pose for us! The skylarks put on a great aerial display - swooping to catch insects - but they never sat anywhere long enough for us to get a shot! I'm sure you must have seen them...
    Hi Woo. We had a lovely time, thank you, but nothing would pose for us! The skylarks put on a great aerial display - swooping to catch insects - but they never sat anywhere long enough for us...
  4. Victoria

    Baby Bird ID

    What a pretty little darling, Sis, and glad you managed to rescue it from my nephew, bless his little heart. xx
    What a pretty little darling, Sis, and glad you managed to rescue it from my nephew, bless his little heart. xx
    What a pretty little darling, Sis, and glad you managed to rescue it from my nephew, bless his little heart. xx
    What a pretty little darling, Sis, and glad you managed to rescue it from my nephew, bless his little heart. xx
  5. Karl-D

    Traditional coppicing is a boost to bird species

    I am still using the "bean poles" which my father got in 1946, they're the steel rods used for airfield perimeter fencing during the war.
    I am still using the "bean poles" which my father got in 1946, they're the steel rods used for airfield perimeter fencing during the war.
    I am still using the "bean poles" which my father got in 1946, they're the steel rods used for airfield perimeter fencing during the war.
    I am still using the "bean poles" which my father got in 1946, they're the steel rods used for airfield perimeter fencing during the war.
  6. pip

    Bees in birdbox

    great news pip :) let us know how the blue tits get on and if they nest :thumbsup: :)
    great news pip :) let us know how the blue tits get on and if they nest :thumbsup: :)
    great news pip :) let us know how the blue tits get on and if they nest :thumbsup: :)
    great news pip :) let us know how the blue tits get on and if they nest :thumbsup: :)
  7. wiseowl

    Grey Squirrel

    Thanks WOO lol I have two but will post pics of the other in pets area for you too see. Will pass on to Eric he has a fan base in GC :DHappy Days GCQ :thumbsup:
    Thanks WOO lol I have two but will post pics of the other in pets area for you too see. Will pass on to Eric he has a fan base in GC :DHappy Days GCQ :thumbsup:
    Thanks WOO lol I have two but will post pics of the other in pets area for you too see. Will pass on to Eric he has a fan base in GC :DHappy Days GCQ :thumbsup:
    Thanks WOO lol I have two but will post pics of the other in pets area for you too see. Will pass on to Eric he has a fan base in GC :DHappy Days GCQ :thumbsup:
  8. capney


    I think I've only seen 2 or 3 so far and they're ones that have got into the kitchen area and were trying to get out through the closed window. I don't really have any issues with Wasps, but...
    I think I've only seen 2 or 3 so far and they're ones that have got into the kitchen area and were trying to get out through the closed window. I don't really have any issues with Wasps, but that may be because I don't usually get them in large numbers in the garden or house, the isolated one...
    I think I've only seen 2 or 3 so far and they're ones that have got into the kitchen area and were trying to get out through the closed window. I don't really have any issues with Wasps, but that may be because I don't usually get them in large...
    I think I've only seen 2 or 3 so far and they're ones that have got into the kitchen area and were trying to get out through the closed window. I don't really have any issues with Wasps, but...
  9. Victoria

    Dolphins ... and a cat ...

    Unfortunately, it is on Islamorada in the Florida Keys, about a 8 - 10 hour drive from us, Sis.Hello and welcome from me as well, Penny.
    Unfortunately, it is on Islamorada in the Florida Keys, about a 8 - 10 hour drive from us, Sis.Hello and welcome from me as well, Penny.
    Unfortunately, it is on Islamorada in the Florida Keys, about a 8 - 10 hour drive from us, Sis.Hello and welcome from me as well, Penny.
    Unfortunately, it is on Islamorada in the Florida Keys, about a 8 - 10 hour drive from us, Sis.Hello and welcome from me as well, Penny.
  10. capney

    Ospreys are back

    EJ and OdinMust admit it makes compelling viewing
    EJ and OdinMust admit it makes compelling viewing
    EJ and OdinMust admit it makes compelling viewing
    EJ and OdinMust admit it makes compelling viewing
  11. ClaraLou

    Virtuoso blackbird

    Ohh bless that little black bird. We had a bird that used to mimic the sound of one of our car alarms, and the bleep bleep that occurred when we pressed the key fob to unlock the car. I've not...
    Ohh bless that little black bird. We had a bird that used to mimic the sound of one of our car alarms, and the bleep bleep that occurred when we pressed the key fob to unlock the car. I've not heard it for a good while now.
    Ohh bless that little black bird. We had a bird that used to mimic the sound of one of our car alarms, and the bleep bleep that occurred when we pressed the key fob to unlock the car. I've not heard it for a good while now.
    Ohh bless that little black bird. We had a bird that used to mimic the sound of one of our car alarms, and the bleep bleep that occurred when we pressed the key fob to unlock the car. I've not...
  12. Phil A

    A Owl !

    Just tried it, working ok, Audubon Starr Ranch Barn Owl Webcam Try that one.
    Just tried it, working ok, Audubon Starr Ranch Barn Owl Webcam Try that one.
    Just tried it, working ok, Audubon Starr Ranch Barn Owl Webcam Try that one.
    Just tried it, working ok, Audubon Starr Ranch Barn Owl Webcam Try that one.
  13. Phil A
  14. Spruce

    First swallows of the year .......

    They must have used a strand of creeper held under the dorsal guiding feathers :loll:
    They must have used a strand of creeper held under the dorsal guiding feathers :loll:
    They must have used a strand of creeper held under the dorsal guiding feathers :loll:
    They must have used a strand of creeper held under the dorsal guiding feathers :loll:
  15. pip

    couple more from Spain

    I haven't been to Almeria (yet!) I'm wondering what I'll see in Morocco in August, not the best time for Birding and we won't be in one place for long, (Everybody back on the coach!!)
    I haven't been to Almeria (yet!) I'm wondering what I'll see in Morocco in August, not the best time for Birding and we won't be in one place for long, (Everybody back on the coach!!)
    I haven't been to Almeria (yet!) I'm wondering what I'll see in Morocco in August, not the best time for Birding and we won't be in one place for long, (Everybody back on the coach!!)
    I haven't been to Almeria (yet!) I'm wondering what I'll see in Morocco in August, not the best time for Birding and we won't be in one place for long, (Everybody back on the coach!!)
  16. pip

    Great spotted cuckoo, amongst others

    Great pics of the Cuckoo, Pip, as are all your bird pics . Thank you for them. Many years ago when I was living on the Isle of Mull a cuckoo took up perch on the telephone wires above my cottage....
    Great pics of the Cuckoo, Pip, as are all your bird pics . Thank you for them. Many years ago when I was living on the Isle of Mull a cuckoo took up perch on the telephone wires above my cottage. It cuckooed very loudly from dawn til dusk. I just wanted to kill that bird - nothing else deterred...
    Great pics of the Cuckoo, Pip, as are all your bird pics . Thank you for them. Many years ago when I was living on the Isle of Mull a cuckoo took up perch on the telephone wires above my cottage. It cuckooed very loudly from dawn til dusk. I just...
    Great pics of the Cuckoo, Pip, as are all your bird pics . Thank you for them. Many years ago when I was living on the Isle of Mull a cuckoo took up perch on the telephone wires above my cottage....
  17. Phil A

    Creeping up on a Tree Creeper

    He's really cute - i've seen them in the woods, but i've never had one in my garden only nuthatch's. Lovely pics!:)
    He's really cute - i've seen them in the woods, but i've never had one in my garden only nuthatch's. Lovely pics!:)
    He's really cute - i've seen them in the woods, but i've never had one in my garden only nuthatch's. Lovely pics!:)
    He's really cute - i've seen them in the woods, but i've never had one in my garden only nuthatch's. Lovely pics!:)
  18. ArcticFox1977

    Nest Boxes

    Hi Bluedun That's must be amazing to watch and hear their activities. :rolleyespink: Sally:)
    Hi Bluedun That's must be amazing to watch and hear their activities. :rolleyespink: Sally:)
    Hi Bluedun That's must be amazing to watch and hear their activities. :rolleyespink: Sally:)
    Hi Bluedun That's must be amazing to watch and hear their activities. :rolleyespink: Sally:)
  19. clueless1

    Bumblebee looking for nest site in my garden

    You could put a tarp over it. I've found bumble bees get confused if you move landmarks. Had some nesting in the corner of my house by the door last year. Everytime I left the door open they...
    You could put a tarp over it. I've found bumble bees get confused if you move landmarks. Had some nesting in the corner of my house by the door last year. Everytime I left the door open they couldn't find the hole, even though it wasn't blocked.
    You could put a tarp over it. I've found bumble bees get confused if you move landmarks. Had some nesting in the corner of my house by the door last year. Everytime I left the door open they couldn't find the hole, even though it wasn't blocked.
    You could put a tarp over it. I've found bumble bees get confused if you move landmarks. Had some nesting in the corner of my house by the door last year. Everytime I left the door open they...
  20. penny_lane

    First bumble bee

    Cool....no bees here yet, but the robins are back.
    Cool....no bees here yet, but the robins are back.
    Cool....no bees here yet, but the robins are back.
    Cool....no bees here yet, but the robins are back.

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