Wildlife Corner

All Discussion Relating To Wildlife.

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  1. Dave W

    Flying insect but what?

    Thanks Kedi G and Strongy!
    Thanks Kedi G and Strongy!
    Thanks Kedi G and Strongy!
    Thanks Kedi G and Strongy!
  2. pip

    What sort of caterpillar is this?

    I am trying to catch up everywhere and have just come across your brilliant photo, pip. I've never seen one like that before, perhaps we have them too, but the camouflage is so good ...... ...
    I am trying to catch up everywhere and have just come across your brilliant photo, pip. I've never seen one like that before, perhaps we have them too, but the camouflage is so good ...... Your UK Moth link is great, Alfie, have added it to my Favourites.
    I am trying to catch up everywhere and have just come across your brilliant photo, pip. I've never seen one like that before, perhaps we have them too, but the camouflage is so good ...... Your UK Moth link is great, Alfie, have added it to...
    I am trying to catch up everywhere and have just come across your brilliant photo, pip. I've never seen one like that before, perhaps we have them too, but the camouflage is so good ...... ...
  3. Kedi-Gato


    He is a cutie!
    He is a cutie!
    He is a cutie!
    He is a cutie!
  4. Dorsetmike

    BBC2 Autumn Watch

    If you missed it last night don't forget iPlayer:http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00fb7fz/Autumnwatch_2008_Episode_3/
    If you missed it last night don't forget iPlayer:http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00fb7fz/Autumnwatch_2008_Episode_3/
    If you missed it last night don't forget iPlayer:http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00fb7fz/Autumnwatch_2008_Episode_3/
    If you missed it last night don't forget iPlayer:http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00fb7fz/Autumnwatch_2008_Episode_3/
  5. jjordie

    In my garden this morning

    We have a 'resident' sparrowhawk. Luckily with the number of sparrows around here, it doesn't make much impact on the population. It seems to enjoy eating pigeons too, usually on my lawn!
    We have a 'resident' sparrowhawk. Luckily with the number of sparrows around here, it doesn't make much impact on the population. It seems to enjoy eating pigeons too, usually on my lawn!
    We have a 'resident' sparrowhawk. Luckily with the number of sparrows around here, it doesn't make much impact on the population. It seems to enjoy eating pigeons too, usually on my lawn!
    We have a 'resident' sparrowhawk. Luckily with the number of sparrows around here, it doesn't make much impact on the population. It seems to enjoy eating pigeons too, usually on my lawn!
  6. strongylodon

    Early morning walk

    Love the bottoms up one.
    Love the bottoms up one.
    Love the bottoms up one.
    Love the bottoms up one.
  7. Little Miss Road Rage

    Frog House Name Poll

    Looks like it's Wartsen Hall :) Well done BM on naming my frog house :thumb:Thankyou
    Looks like it's Wartsen Hall :) Well done BM on naming my frog house :thumb:Thankyou
    Looks like it's Wartsen Hall :) Well done BM on naming my frog house :thumb:Thankyou
    Looks like it's Wartsen Hall :) Well done BM on naming my frog house :thumb:Thankyou
  8. jjdecay

    Whats this ?

    Marley has it, well done.
    Marley has it, well done.
    Marley has it, well done.
    Marley has it, well done.
  9. miraflores

    mind fallen branches....

    ohhhh it's beautiful tbh it's a good job he did approach it and discovered it wasnt actually a log, goodness knows how long it would have survived otherwise. I've always wanted one but my husband...
    ohhhh it's beautiful tbh it's a good job he did approach it and discovered it wasnt actually a log, goodness knows how long it would have survived otherwise. I've always wanted one but my husband is afriad of them :(
    ohhhh it's beautiful tbh it's a good job he did approach it and discovered it wasnt actually a log, goodness knows how long it would have survived otherwise. I've always wanted one but my husband is afriad of them :(
    ohhhh it's beautiful tbh it's a good job he did approach it and discovered it wasnt actually a log, goodness knows how long it would have survived otherwise. I've always wanted one but my husband...
  10. Clematis

    Birds and Red Squirrels

    I've found this great site - talk about wasting time - Loads of birds and red squirrels - very entertaining.
    I've found this great site - talk about wasting time - Loads of birds and red squirrels - very entertaining.
    I've found this great site - talk about wasting time - Loads of birds and red squirrels - very entertaining.
    I've found this great site - talk about wasting time - Loads of birds and red squirrels - very entertaining.
  11. riverside

    I found a hole....

    :DTell me about it Pete!!!! I've got a season ticket!!!....and I don't want one:dh::D
    :DTell me about it Pete!!!! I've got a season ticket!!!....and I don't want one:dh::D
    :DTell me about it Pete!!!! I've got a season ticket!!!....and I don't want one:dh::D
    :DTell me about it Pete!!!! I've got a season ticket!!!....and I don't want one:dh::D
  12. riverside

    centipedes - friend or foe?

    Riverside I think your getting your pedes mixed up the one correctly described by stongy is the brown fast one the other centipede is the snake or garden centipede the thin straw coloured one with...
    Riverside I think your getting your pedes mixed up the one correctly described by stongy is the brown fast one the other centipede is the snake or garden centipede the thin straw coloured one with tiny legs tends to wriggle Geophilus and Haplophilus which is probably the one I think you...
    Riverside I think your getting your pedes mixed up the one correctly described by stongy is the brown fast one the other centipede is the snake or garden centipede the thin straw coloured one with tiny legs tends to wriggle Geophilus and...
    Riverside I think your getting your pedes mixed up the one correctly described by stongy is the brown fast one the other centipede is the snake or garden centipede the thin straw coloured one with...
  13. borrowers

    Shark or dolphin? no photos

    Thanks everyone. I think it was a dolphin and yes I do feel lucky to have seen it just wish it would have popped up again within sight. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you Pal. cheers
    Thanks everyone. I think it was a dolphin and yes I do feel lucky to have seen it just wish it would have popped up again within sight. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you Pal. cheers
    Thanks everyone. I think it was a dolphin and yes I do feel lucky to have seen it just wish it would have popped up again within sight. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you Pal. cheers
    Thanks everyone. I think it was a dolphin and yes I do feel lucky to have seen it just wish it would have popped up again within sight. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you Pal. cheers
  14. Kedi-Gato

    Woburn Abbey Deer

    It is a wonderful experience to drive along and see herds of deer roaming freely and even crossing the road just in front of you!A couple of magnificent stags resting under a shady tree -...
    It is a wonderful experience to drive along and see herds of deer roaming freely and even crossing the road just in front of you!A couple of magnificent stags resting under a shady tree -Some of the younger stags have decided to cross the road - A grazing herd - ...
    It is a wonderful experience to drive along and see herds of deer roaming freely and even crossing the road just in front of you!A couple of magnificent stags resting under a shady tree -Some of the younger stags have decided to...
    It is a wonderful experience to drive along and see herds of deer roaming freely and even crossing the road just in front of you!A couple of magnificent stags resting under a shady tree -...
  15. strongylodon

    Keeping warm.

    :euw: i would love to see lady imp find one of them..you would hear her from hear:dh:
    :euw: i would love to see lady imp find one of them..you would hear her from hear:dh:
    :euw: i would love to see lady imp find one of them..you would hear her from hear:dh:
    :euw: i would love to see lady imp find one of them..you would hear her from hear:dh:
  16. Little Miss Road Rage

    Need another name

    Dun hopping
    Dun hopping
    Dun hopping
    Dun hopping
  17. justinlowe

    Owl Boxes

    You'll have to keep an eye out and see if u can get some pics. I took some pics of some lovely owls at the Dorset Show. They're in the gallery section.Now u just gotta get up that tree and fit...
    You'll have to keep an eye out and see if u can get some pics. I took some pics of some lovely owls at the Dorset Show. They're in the gallery section.Now u just gotta get up that tree and fit it lol
    You'll have to keep an eye out and see if u can get some pics. I took some pics of some lovely owls at the Dorset Show. They're in the gallery section.Now u just gotta get up that tree and fit it lol
    You'll have to keep an eye out and see if u can get some pics. I took some pics of some lovely owls at the Dorset Show. They're in the gallery section.Now u just gotta get up that tree and fit...
  18. suedobie


    Yes, I only eat the ones that I'm sure about, I've got a couple of books that I refer to.The one I found is a Field Mushroom, I also find quite a lot of Horse Mushrooms, they go yellow if they...
    Yes, I only eat the ones that I'm sure about, I've got a couple of books that I refer to.The one I found is a Field Mushroom, I also find quite a lot of Horse Mushrooms, they go yellow if they are bruised.All very tasty, you would not believe how different they taste compared to the shop...
    Yes, I only eat the ones that I'm sure about, I've got a couple of books that I refer to.The one I found is a Field Mushroom, I also find quite a lot of Horse Mushrooms, they go yellow if they are bruised.All very tasty, you would not...
    Yes, I only eat the ones that I'm sure about, I've got a couple of books that I refer to.The one I found is a Field Mushroom, I also find quite a lot of Horse Mushrooms, they go yellow if they...
  19. roders

    Butterflies Everywhere.

    Hi Roders Lovely Shots We have had so few here Your photos will remind me what they look like:thumb::)
    Hi Roders Lovely Shots We have had so few here Your photos will remind me what they look like:thumb::)
    Hi Roders Lovely Shots We have had so few here Your photos will remind me what they look like:thumb::)
    Hi Roders Lovely Shots We have had so few here Your photos will remind me what they look like:thumb::)
  20. Aesculus

    Say Hello to my New Friends

    The first time I came across gekos was in madeira, I fell in love with them. We sat on a wall feeding them bits of our sandwich. I was so tempted to bring some home with me. Good job Ive got more...
    The first time I came across gekos was in madeira, I fell in love with them. We sat on a wall feeding them bits of our sandwich. I was so tempted to bring some home with me. Good job Ive got more sense.:D 02
    The first time I came across gekos was in madeira, I fell in love with them. We sat on a wall feeding them bits of our sandwich. I was so tempted to bring some home with me. Good job Ive got more sense.:D 02
    The first time I came across gekos was in madeira, I fell in love with them. We sat on a wall feeding them bits of our sandwich. I was so tempted to bring some home with me. Good job Ive got more...

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