Wildlife Corner

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  1. wiseowl

    Grey Squirrel

    Thanks DAG, and yes, I did get up close and even used the macro. I made soft clicking noises and moved up slowing, step by step, until I could get these photos. I've done this several times with...
    Thanks DAG, and yes, I did get up close and even used the macro. I made soft clicking noises and moved up slowing, step by step, until I could get these photos. I've done this several times with other animals and got closer than they would normally permit a person to.
    Thanks DAG, and yes, I did get up close and even used the macro. I made soft clicking noises and moved up slowing, step by step, until I could get these photos. I've done this several times with other animals and got closer than they would...
    Thanks DAG, and yes, I did get up close and even used the macro. I made soft clicking noises and moved up slowing, step by step, until I could get these photos. I've done this several times with...
  2. roders


    miraflores,now that one i like a lot and the statue of Ceasar is very handsome beautiful country
    miraflores,now that one i like a lot and the statue of Ceasar is very handsome beautiful country
    miraflores,now that one i like a lot and the statue of Ceasar is very handsome beautiful country
    miraflores,now that one i like a lot and the statue of Ceasar is very handsome beautiful country
  3. Kedi-Gato

    Pink Dolphin

    rodders get back to the bottom of the class acting like that you wont get your prunes and custard :(
    rodders get back to the bottom of the class acting like that you wont get your prunes and custard :(
    rodders get back to the bottom of the class acting like that you wont get your prunes and custard :(
    rodders get back to the bottom of the class acting like that you wont get your prunes and custard :(
  4. rosa
  5. Victoria


    This little chappie was about 8cm long so I wonder how they are so invisible because we never see them. I know we always have them in the Jacarandas ... sometimes if you clap they shut up for a...
    This little chappie was about 8cm long so I wonder how they are so invisible because we never see them. I know we always have them in the Jacarandas ... sometimes if you clap they shut up for a while. :DI can't answer your question about coming out of the ground every seven years or so,...
    This little chappie was about 8cm long so I wonder how they are so invisible because we never see them. I know we always have them in the Jacarandas ... sometimes if you clap they shut up for a while. :DI can't answer your question about...
    This little chappie was about 8cm long so I wonder how they are so invisible because we never see them. I know we always have them in the Jacarandas ... sometimes if you clap they shut up for a...
  6. pip

    Asian hornet v Mole cricket

    Pip, I think they regenerate new limbs when the moult. I know spiders do. Great pics.
    Pip, I think they regenerate new limbs when the moult. I know spiders do. Great pics.
    Pip, I think they regenerate new limbs when the moult. I know spiders do. Great pics.
    Pip, I think they regenerate new limbs when the moult. I know spiders do. Great pics.
  7. rosa

    Spider On My Car

    definately pip, I just love taking photos werever i go, its with me, cant pop my fuji in my handbag mind its too big, so i just have my little sony with me
    definately pip, I just love taking photos werever i go, its with me, cant pop my fuji in my handbag mind its too big, so i just have my little sony with me
    definately pip, I just love taking photos werever i go, its with me, cant pop my fuji in my handbag mind its too big, so i just have my little sony with me
    definately pip, I just love taking photos werever i go, its with me, cant pop my fuji in my handbag mind its too big, so i just have my little sony with me
  8. strongylodon

    Local or migrant

    Could well be a resident Strongy, either way, you are lucky to see one, they`ve all dissappeared from up here. I also get long tailed tits appearing every now and then,like yours,they don`t stay long.
    Could well be a resident Strongy, either way, you are lucky to see one, they`ve all dissappeared from up here. I also get long tailed tits appearing every now and then,like yours,they don`t stay long.
    Could well be a resident Strongy, either way, you are lucky to see one, they`ve all dissappeared from up here. I also get long tailed tits appearing every now and then,like yours,they don`t stay long.
    Could well be a resident Strongy, either way, you are lucky to see one, they`ve all dissappeared from up here. I also get long tailed tits appearing every now and then,like yours,they don`t stay long.
  9. Lyn

    Will the Wrens return ?

    The cat took everything out of the nest. I have moved it higher and away from the clematis that it climbed to get to the nest. So I really hope they come back. I have 3 nest boxes in the garden 1...
    The cat took everything out of the nest. I have moved it higher and away from the clematis that it climbed to get to the nest. So I really hope they come back. I have 3 nest boxes in the garden 1 never used the other used by a cheeky squirrel to store nuts and this one that as only been used once.
    The cat took everything out of the nest. I have moved it higher and away from the clematis that it climbed to get to the nest. So I really hope they come back. I have 3 nest boxes in the garden 1 never used the other used by a cheeky squirrel to...
    The cat took everything out of the nest. I have moved it higher and away from the clematis that it climbed to get to the nest. So I really hope they come back. I have 3 nest boxes in the garden 1...
  10. pip

    Praying mantis

    Almost every day now, Cal is bringing into the house the most humongous locusts you've ever seen and we immediately retrieve them, some not with the success we would like.Boo doesn't seem to...
    Almost every day now, Cal is bringing into the house the most humongous locusts you've ever seen and we immediately retrieve them, some not with the success we would like.Boo doesn't seem to bother with them ... at age 12 he lived for the first half of his life in England and didn't encounter...
    Almost every day now, Cal is bringing into the house the most humongous locusts you've ever seen and we immediately retrieve them, some not with the success we would like.Boo doesn't seem to bother with them ... at age 12 he lived for the first...
    Almost every day now, Cal is bringing into the house the most humongous locusts you've ever seen and we immediately retrieve them, some not with the success we would like.Boo doesn't seem to...
  11. elliegreenwellie

    Very cheeky young Great Tit

    have you rubbed deap heat in his chest :D :D he a likkle belter
    have you rubbed deap heat in his chest :D :D he a likkle belter
    have you rubbed deap heat in his chest :D :D he a likkle belter
    have you rubbed deap heat in his chest :D :D he a likkle belter
  12. pip

    A couple of moths

    Quite right elainefiz :D Thanks for the ID on the second moth Strongy.
    Quite right elainefiz :D Thanks for the ID on the second moth Strongy.
    Quite right elainefiz :D Thanks for the ID on the second moth Strongy.
    Quite right elainefiz :D Thanks for the ID on the second moth Strongy.
  13. chengjing

    What is this spider

  14. Kandy

    Roe Deer Hind

    Kandy,Badgers are kind of like Meercats i understand, they look after each other but still sooooooo sad to see one killed :(
    Kandy,Badgers are kind of like Meercats i understand, they look after each other but still sooooooo sad to see one killed :(
    Kandy,Badgers are kind of like Meercats i understand, they look after each other but still sooooooo sad to see one killed :(
    Kandy,Badgers are kind of like Meercats i understand, they look after each other but still sooooooo sad to see one killed :(
  15. NewbieGreen

    Butterflies on holiday

    N G as far as I know Cithaerias haetera translates to clear or glass wings.
    N G as far as I know Cithaerias haetera translates to clear or glass wings.
    N G as far as I know Cithaerias haetera translates to clear or glass wings.
    N G as far as I know Cithaerias haetera translates to clear or glass wings.
  16. rosa

    Young Foal

    Now, rosa, Sweetie, that is a darling and a half ... I want one and I'm not a horse person ... are you going to do a painting?
    Now, rosa, Sweetie, that is a darling and a half ... I want one and I'm not a horse person ... are you going to do a painting?
    Now, rosa, Sweetie, that is a darling and a half ... I want one and I'm not a horse person ... are you going to do a painting?
    Now, rosa, Sweetie, that is a darling and a half ... I want one and I'm not a horse person ... are you going to do a painting?
  17. Sandy Loam

    Sparrowhawks in Hackney?

    We are plagued with them on our estate all the sparrows hide in our firethorn some are not quick enough, they take lots of blackbirds as well.
    We are plagued with them on our estate all the sparrows hide in our firethorn some are not quick enough, they take lots of blackbirds as well.
    We are plagued with them on our estate all the sparrows hide in our firethorn some are not quick enough, they take lots of blackbirds as well.
    We are plagued with them on our estate all the sparrows hide in our firethorn some are not quick enough, they take lots of blackbirds as well.
  18. chengjing

    Red admiral

    cheng thats very kind of you.. :clap:ive had 3 offers of plants tonight.. how great is that..hope to return the favours one day.. thanks again cheng.. and happy gardening, DEE.
    cheng thats very kind of you.. :clap:ive had 3 offers of plants tonight.. how great is that..hope to return the favours one day.. thanks again cheng.. and happy gardening, DEE.
    cheng thats very kind of you.. :clap:ive had 3 offers of plants tonight.. how great is that..hope to return the favours one day.. thanks again cheng.. and happy gardening, DEE.
    cheng thats very kind of you.. :clap:ive had 3 offers of plants tonight.. how great is that..hope to return the favours one day.. thanks again cheng.. and happy gardening, DEE.
  19. Flowerchild

    Hedgehog Babies

    Flowerchild,What wonderful work you do, and what gorgeous little critters. I love to hear of people who give of their own time to help our little friends in need, well done
    Flowerchild,What wonderful work you do, and what gorgeous little critters. I love to hear of people who give of their own time to help our little friends in need, well done
    Flowerchild,What wonderful work you do, and what gorgeous little critters. I love to hear of people who give of their own time to help our little friends in need, well done
    Flowerchild,What wonderful work you do, and what gorgeous little critters. I love to hear of people who give of their own time to help our little friends in need, well done
  20. Kedi-Gato

    The Cat & the Hedgehog

    KG,Gorgeous, i luv hedgehogs, used to see them every now and then but not for the last few years. Beautiful lickle creatures
    KG,Gorgeous, i luv hedgehogs, used to see them every now and then but not for the last few years. Beautiful lickle creatures
    KG,Gorgeous, i luv hedgehogs, used to see them every now and then but not for the last few years. Beautiful lickle creatures
    KG,Gorgeous, i luv hedgehogs, used to see them every now and then but not for the last few years. Beautiful lickle creatures

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