Wildlife Corner

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  1. NigelJ
    Funny x 6

    Slug gymnast

    Party pooper! :heehee:
    Party pooper! :heehee:
    Party pooper! :heehee:
    Party pooper! :heehee:
  2. NigelJ

    An insect horror story

    And not the only one! I found one of these in the swimming pool a couple of years ago... Poor crickets! They have a rough deal, don't they?:sad:
    And not the only one! I found one of these in the swimming pool a couple of years ago... Poor crickets! They have a rough deal, don't they?:sad:
    And not the only one! I found one of these in the swimming pool a couple of years ago... Poor crickets! They have a rough deal, don't they?:sad:
    And not the only one! I found one of these in the swimming pool a couple of years ago... Poor crickets! They have a rough deal, don't they?:sad:
  3. Giri
    Like x 5

    Andalucia calling Earth ...

    When's your book coming out? :roflol:
    When's your book coming out? :roflol:
    When's your book coming out? :roflol:
    When's your book coming out? :roflol:
  4. Michael Hewett
    Like x 3

    Two beetles

    Two beetles I found in my garden recently ...Black and yellow long horn beetle :-Thick legged flower beetle :-
    Two beetles I found in my garden recently ...Black and yellow long horn beetle :-Thick legged flower beetle :-
    Two beetles I found in my garden recently ...Black and yellow long horn beetle :-Thick legged flower beetle :-
    Two beetles I found in my garden recently ...Black and yellow long horn beetle :-Thick legged flower beetle :-
    Copy.JPG Another copy.JPG
  5. Victoria
    Like x 5


    And if you cant make Portugal to see them theres a flock 15 miles south of Edinburgh , no really there is. Mad :rolleyespink::rolleyespink::rolleyespink:
    And if you cant make Portugal to see them theres a flock 15 miles south of Edinburgh , no really there is. Mad :rolleyespink::rolleyespink::rolleyespink:
    And if you cant make Portugal to see them theres a flock 15 miles south of Edinburgh , no really there is. Mad :rolleyespink::rolleyespink::rolleyespink:
    And if you cant make Portugal to see them theres a flock 15 miles south of Edinburgh , no really there is. Mad :rolleyespink::rolleyespink::rolleyespink:
  6. Fat Controller

    Bird ID please?

    They will also eat frogs, voles, even ducklings. There's often up to 3 in the young woodland where we go for dog walks and there they feed exclusively on voles in competition with the Kestrels,...
    They will also eat frogs, voles, even ducklings. There's often up to 3 in the young woodland where we go for dog walks and there they feed exclusively on voles in competition with the Kestrels, Barn Owls and Foxes.
    They will also eat frogs, voles, even ducklings. There's often up to 3 in the young woodland where we go for dog walks and there they feed exclusively on voles in competition with the Kestrels, Barn Owls and Foxes.
    They will also eat frogs, voles, even ducklings. There's often up to 3 in the young woodland where we go for dog walks and there they feed exclusively on voles in competition with the Kestrels,...
  7. Jiffy

    Crow's pecking at window

    Thank you Lori I'm passing on al comments to the person with some hope they will work :dbgrtmb:
    Thank you Lori I'm passing on al comments to the person with some hope they will work :dbgrtmb:
    Thank you Lori I'm passing on al comments to the person with some hope they will work :dbgrtmb:
    Thank you Lori I'm passing on al comments to the person with some hope they will work :dbgrtmb:
  8. strongylodon
    Like x 4

    Rosy Starlings

    Not as many of these have arrived on our shores as expected but five have been seen in Dorset and here is one. Distant but still a stunning bird.
    Not as many of these have arrived on our shores as expected but five have been seen in Dorset and here is one. Distant but still a stunning bird.
    Not as many of these have arrived on our shores as expected but five have been seen in Dorset and here is one. Distant but still a stunning bird.
    Not as many of these have arrived on our shores as expected but five have been seen in Dorset and here is one. Distant but still a stunning bird.
    Rosy  Starling - Weymouth (2).JPG Rosy  Starling - Weymouth (3).JPG Rosy Starling.JPG rosy 2.JPG
  9. Michael Hewett
    Like x 5

    Thick legged flower beetle

    Oedemera nobilis, thick legged flower beetle, (although only the males have thick legs) I found it in my conservatory yesterday, rather pretty in a metallic green colour. It apparently likes...
    Oedemera nobilis, thick legged flower beetle, (although only the males have thick legs) I found it in my conservatory yesterday, rather pretty in a metallic green colour. It apparently likes flowers such as daisies, Cornflowers etc, and I couldn't find anything bad about it so I let it go in the...
    Oedemera nobilis, thick legged flower beetle, (although only the males have thick legs) I found it in my conservatory yesterday, rather pretty in a metallic green colour. It apparently likes flowers such as daisies, Cornflowers etc, and I...
    Oedemera nobilis, thick legged flower beetle, (although only the males have thick legs) I found it in my conservatory yesterday, rather pretty in a metallic green colour. It apparently likes...
  10. pete

    Understanding cats.

    My girl strutted very proudly across the living room carpet - with a magpie in her mouth....which she'd got in through the cat flap. When I pulled out the chair she'd taken it behind....she...
    My girl strutted very proudly across the living room carpet - with a magpie in her mouth....which she'd got in through the cat flap. When I pulled out the chair she'd taken it behind....she jumped, dropped the magpie - which was then flying round the living room. I can't do birds....they flap...
    My girl strutted very proudly across the living room carpet - with a magpie in her mouth....which she'd got in through the cat flap. When I pulled out the chair she'd taken it behind....she jumped, dropped the magpie - which was then flying round...
    My girl strutted very proudly across the living room carpet - with a magpie in her mouth....which she'd got in through the cat flap. When I pulled out the chair she'd taken it behind....she...
  11. Jordhandeson
    Like x 4

    Saw my first March hare's today

    Thanks Jordhandeson. A camera is never to hand when you need it. :)
    Thanks Jordhandeson. A camera is never to hand when you need it. :)
    Thanks Jordhandeson. A camera is never to hand when you need it. :)
    Thanks Jordhandeson. A camera is never to hand when you need it. :)
  12. TheMadHedger

    Ground feeder to exclude crows, magpies, etc?

    I made a cage (wood frame with Chicken wire)to go over the trays, but the magpie's will still get in if i'm not on garde dutes, magpie will be hard to stop has they can get in through the same gap...
    I made a cage (wood frame with Chicken wire)to go over the trays, but the magpie's will still get in if i'm not on garde dutes, magpie will be hard to stop has they can get in through the same gap has a black bird
    I made a cage (wood frame with Chicken wire)to go over the trays, but the magpie's will still get in if i'm not on garde dutes, magpie will be hard to stop has they can get in through the same gap has a black bird
    I made a cage (wood frame with Chicken wire)to go over the trays, but the magpie's will still get in if i'm not on garde dutes, magpie will be hard to stop has they can get in through the same gap...
    Like x 4


    This is a Grackle, pretty much confined to Canada and the US east of the Rocky Mountains.
    This is a Grackle, pretty much confined to Canada and the US east of the Rocky Mountains.
    This is a Grackle, pretty much confined to Canada and the US east of the Rocky Mountains.
    This is a Grackle, pretty much confined to Canada and the US east of the Rocky Mountains.
    pintail 3.JPG image.jpeg P1370073.JPG 076.JPG 073 Pheasants.JPG P1150556.JPG
  14. Gizmo

    birdbox camera nest box

    hi i bought a bird nest box and would like to know if it would be possible to connect to a pc for recording purpose .. thanks for your advice
    hi i bought a bird nest box and would like to know if it would be possible to connect to a pc for recording purpose .. thanks for your advice
    hi i bought a bird nest box and would like to know if it would be possible to connect to a pc for recording purpose .. thanks for your advice
    hi i bought a bird nest box and would like to know if it would be possible to connect to a pc for recording purpose .. thanks for your advice
  15. Amy Willshire

    Blackbirds and cats

    Also prickly hedging type plants like Berberis and Pyracantha, somewhere the birds can hide and the cats will be deterred from.
    Also prickly hedging type plants like Berberis and Pyracantha, somewhere the birds can hide and the cats will be deterred from.
    Also prickly hedging type plants like Berberis and Pyracantha, somewhere the birds can hide and the cats will be deterred from.
    Also prickly hedging type plants like Berberis and Pyracantha, somewhere the birds can hide and the cats will be deterred from.
  16. DevonPhil

    Bees or Wasps

    I can only give my experience with mason bees.... we have them in various mortar gaps in our house walls. They are fairly docile, as you have researched. We have some in the doorway - we only have...
    I can only give my experience with mason bees.... we have them in various mortar gaps in our house walls. They are fairly docile, as you have researched. We have some in the doorway - we only have one key-opened external door - and have co-existed without any problems. I have also observed them...
    I can only give my experience with mason bees.... we have them in various mortar gaps in our house walls. They are fairly docile, as you have researched. We have some in the doorway - we only have one key-opened external door - and have...
    I can only give my experience with mason bees.... we have them in various mortar gaps in our house walls. They are fairly docile, as you have researched. We have some in the doorway - we only have...
  17. Sheryll

    Mason Bee/solitary bee nesting kit

    This sounds good! The bees I have used to go into holes in the brickwork on the side of my house, so thought the tubes would be similar. I can’t wait to see if I get any cocoons!
    This sounds good! The bees I have used to go into holes in the brickwork on the side of my house, so thought the tubes would be similar. I can’t wait to see if I get any cocoons!
    This sounds good! The bees I have used to go into holes in the brickwork on the side of my house, so thought the tubes would be similar. I can’t wait to see if I get any cocoons!
    This sounds good! The bees I have used to go into holes in the brickwork on the side of my house, so thought the tubes would be similar. I can’t wait to see if I get any cocoons!
  18. strongylodon
    Like x 5

    2020 Butterfly and Moth Images

    Please could somebody lock this old thread from last year and make the new 2021 one a sticky? 2021 Butterfly and Moth Images
    Please could somebody lock this old thread from last year and make the new 2021 one a sticky? 2021 Butterfly and Moth Images
    Please could somebody lock this old thread from last year and make the new 2021 one a sticky? 2021 Butterfly and Moth Images
    Please could somebody lock this old thread from last year and make the new 2021 one a sticky? 2021 Butterfly and Moth Images
  19. Palustris
    Like x 4

    Caught in the act.

    We"ve only got the native red squirrels here, and they're very discreet. You'd never know if it wasn't for the baby oak, chestnut and walnut trees springing up in the borders, and a suspicious 30%...
    We"ve only got the native red squirrels here, and they're very discreet. You'd never know if it wasn't for the baby oak, chestnut and walnut trees springing up in the borders, and a suspicious 30% show rate of crocus and tulips :th scifD36:
    We"ve only got the native red squirrels here, and they're very discreet. You'd never know if it wasn't for the baby oak, chestnut and walnut trees springing up in the borders, and a suspicious 30% show rate of crocus and tulips :th scifD36:
    We"ve only got the native red squirrels here, and they're very discreet. You'd never know if it wasn't for the baby oak, chestnut and walnut trees springing up in the borders, and a suspicious 30%...
  20. Jordhandeson
    Like x 5

    A few other projects about the place

    Some good ideas there Jordhandeson and well made. :thumbsup: I wish I had the ability to make things like that. I have a couple of nest boxes that my brother made for me, but they have smaller holes so only...
    Some good ideas there Jordhandeson and well made. :thumbsup: I wish I had the ability to make things like that. I have a couple of nest boxes that my brother made for me, but they have smaller holes so only the tits can enter. Sparrows are not welcome here, even though they nest under the tiles on my...
    Some good ideas there Jordhandeson and well made. :thumbsup: I wish I had the ability to make things like that. I have a couple of nest boxes that my brother made for me, but they have smaller holes so only the tits can enter. Sparrows are not welcome...
    Some good ideas there Jordhandeson and well made. :thumbsup: I wish I had the ability to make things like that. I have a couple of nest boxes that my brother made for me, but they have smaller holes so only...

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