Wildlife Corner

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  1. rosa

    Young Foal

    Now, rosa, Sweetie, that is a darling and a half ... I want one and I'm not a horse person ... are you going to do a painting?
    Now, rosa, Sweetie, that is a darling and a half ... I want one and I'm not a horse person ... are you going to do a painting?
    Now, rosa, Sweetie, that is a darling and a half ... I want one and I'm not a horse person ... are you going to do a painting?
    Now, rosa, Sweetie, that is a darling and a half ... I want one and I'm not a horse person ... are you going to do a painting?
  2. Sandy Loam

    Sparrowhawks in Hackney?

    We are plagued with them on our estate all the sparrows hide in our firethorn some are not quick enough, they take lots of blackbirds as well.
    We are plagued with them on our estate all the sparrows hide in our firethorn some are not quick enough, they take lots of blackbirds as well.
    We are plagued with them on our estate all the sparrows hide in our firethorn some are not quick enough, they take lots of blackbirds as well.
    We are plagued with them on our estate all the sparrows hide in our firethorn some are not quick enough, they take lots of blackbirds as well.
  3. chengjing

    Red admiral

    cheng thats very kind of you.. :clap:ive had 3 offers of plants tonight.. how great is that..hope to return the favours one day.. thanks again cheng.. and happy gardening, DEE.
    cheng thats very kind of you.. :clap:ive had 3 offers of plants tonight.. how great is that..hope to return the favours one day.. thanks again cheng.. and happy gardening, DEE.
    cheng thats very kind of you.. :clap:ive had 3 offers of plants tonight.. how great is that..hope to return the favours one day.. thanks again cheng.. and happy gardening, DEE.
    cheng thats very kind of you.. :clap:ive had 3 offers of plants tonight.. how great is that..hope to return the favours one day.. thanks again cheng.. and happy gardening, DEE.
  4. Flowerchild

    Hedgehog Babies

    Flowerchild,What wonderful work you do, and what gorgeous little critters. I love to hear of people who give of their own time to help our little friends in need, well done
    Flowerchild,What wonderful work you do, and what gorgeous little critters. I love to hear of people who give of their own time to help our little friends in need, well done
    Flowerchild,What wonderful work you do, and what gorgeous little critters. I love to hear of people who give of their own time to help our little friends in need, well done
    Flowerchild,What wonderful work you do, and what gorgeous little critters. I love to hear of people who give of their own time to help our little friends in need, well done
  5. Kedi-Gato

    The Cat & the Hedgehog

    KG,Gorgeous, i luv hedgehogs, used to see them every now and then but not for the last few years. Beautiful lickle creatures
    KG,Gorgeous, i luv hedgehogs, used to see them every now and then but not for the last few years. Beautiful lickle creatures
    KG,Gorgeous, i luv hedgehogs, used to see them every now and then but not for the last few years. Beautiful lickle creatures
    KG,Gorgeous, i luv hedgehogs, used to see them every now and then but not for the last few years. Beautiful lickle creatures
  6. wiseowl


    aww I love swans - they make great photo studies !
    aww I love swans - they make great photo studies !
    aww I love swans - they make great photo studies !
    aww I love swans - they make great photo studies !
  7. Liz

    Decking- good or bad for wildlife?

    BM those pictures of your decking progress are really great and are ideal for someone to follow with ease... my little deck area is about the same size as your little one near the bench.I really...
    BM those pictures of your decking progress are really great and are ideal for someone to follow with ease... my little deck area is about the same size as your little one near the bench.I really like the idea of having planting pockets in the larger decking and I really don't know which is...
    BM those pictures of your decking progress are really great and are ideal for someone to follow with ease... my little deck area is about the same size as your little one near the bench.I really like the idea of having planting pockets in the...
    BM those pictures of your decking progress are really great and are ideal for someone to follow with ease... my little deck area is about the same size as your little one near the bench.I really...
  8. intermiplants


    thanks for all the info. does anyone know how long it is from hatching to flying the nest yellow tit/great tit as it didnt seem long at all and also as i put out all the obvious seeds and they...
    thanks for all the info. does anyone know how long it is from hatching to flying the nest yellow tit/great tit as it didnt seem long at all and also as i put out all the obvious seeds and they did well as i could sit and watch the mother feeding the young all the time .. but what would be...
    thanks for all the info. does anyone know how long it is from hatching to flying the nest yellow tit/great tit as it didnt seem long at all and also as i put out all the obvious seeds and they did well as i could sit and watch the mother...
    thanks for all the info. does anyone know how long it is from hatching to flying the nest yellow tit/great tit as it didnt seem long at all and also as i put out all the obvious seeds and they...
  9. Celia

    calling all ornithologists

    Thanks Strongey, there were some sanderlings there, hubbie is the bird watcher but he is a little rusty on sea birds so when these started dancing he got a little puzzled.
    Thanks Strongey, there were some sanderlings there, hubbie is the bird watcher but he is a little rusty on sea birds so when these started dancing he got a little puzzled.
    Thanks Strongey, there were some sanderlings there, hubbie is the bird watcher but he is a little rusty on sea birds so when these started dancing he got a little puzzled.
    Thanks Strongey, there were some sanderlings there, hubbie is the bird watcher but he is a little rusty on sea birds so when these started dancing he got a little puzzled.
  10. Palustris

    What a face!

    Same as one of the (now) three on my fuchsias posted here on the 9th.
    Same as one of the (now) three on my fuchsias posted here on the 9th.
    Same as one of the (now) three on my fuchsias posted here on the 9th.
    Same as one of the (now) three on my fuchsias posted here on the 9th.
  11. Kedi-Gato

    Leipzig Zoo

    Sorry, I don't know anyone in Bolivia either. Our next-door neighbours daughter is doing a school exchange in Argentina, same as her brother did 2 years ago. Last about 10 months. The...
    Sorry, I don't know anyone in Bolivia either. Our next-door neighbours daughter is doing a school exchange in Argentina, same as her brother did 2 years ago. Last about 10 months. The neighbours have an American girl at their house at the moment, I haven't met her yet.I love Spanish, have...
    Sorry, I don't know anyone in Bolivia either. Our next-door neighbours daughter is doing a school exchange in Argentina, same as her brother did 2 years ago. Last about 10 months. The neighbours have an American girl at their house at the...
    Sorry, I don't know anyone in Bolivia either. Our next-door neighbours daughter is doing a school exchange in Argentina, same as her brother did 2 years ago. Last about 10 months. The...
  12. Kedi-Gato


    LoL The Muskrat or Musquash (Ondatra zibethicus), is native to N. america is much smaller than the coypu 1-2kg was released in this country in the early 30s caused widespread damage a severe...
    LoL The Muskrat or Musquash (Ondatra zibethicus), is native to N. america is much smaller than the coypu 1-2kg was released in this country in the early 30s caused widespread damage a severe infestation occured in and around shrewsbury eventually eradicated.The Coypu (Myocastor coypus)is a...
    LoL The Muskrat or Musquash (Ondatra zibethicus), is native to N. america is much smaller than the coypu 1-2kg was released in this country in the early 30s caused widespread damage a severe infestation occured in and around shrewsbury eventually...
    LoL The Muskrat or Musquash (Ondatra zibethicus), is native to N. america is much smaller than the coypu 1-2kg was released in this country in the early 30s caused widespread damage a severe...
  13. Gogs

    The Rabbit & The Deer "Friends"

    Thanks for sharing. Gogs they look so content wiith each other a beautiful photo
    Thanks for sharing. Gogs they look so content wiith each other a beautiful photo
    Thanks for sharing. Gogs they look so content wiith each other a beautiful photo
    Thanks for sharing. Gogs they look so content wiith each other a beautiful photo
  14. tiggs&oscar

    Golden Eagle Baited

    Some of you may have heard of the shocking death of a female Golden Eagle in the Scottish Borders due to deliberate poisoning. There is now concern for the young bird and whether the father will...
    Some of you may have heard of the shocking death of a female Golden Eagle in the Scottish Borders due to deliberate poisoning. There is now concern for the young bird and whether the father will be able to raise it on his own. The following is the press release from Lothian and Borders...
    Some of you may have heard of the shocking death of a female Golden Eagle in the Scottish Borders due to deliberate poisoning. There is now concern for the young bird and whether the father will be able to raise it on his own. The following is...
    Some of you may have heard of the shocking death of a female Golden Eagle in the Scottish Borders due to deliberate poisoning. There is now concern for the young bird and whether the father will...
  15. suedobie

    Little Wrens have returned

    Well done T&O wish they could train them like that around here.
    Well done T&O wish they could train them like that around here.
    Well done T&O wish they could train them like that around here.
    Well done T&O wish they could train them like that around here.
  16. wiseowl

    Fox Family

    Hi Cajary I swap some of them for a part of the New somewhere near Lyndhurst Please.
    Hi Cajary I swap some of them for a part of the New somewhere near Lyndhurst Please.
    Hi Cajary I swap some of them for a part of the New somewhere near Lyndhurst Please.
    Hi Cajary I swap some of them for a part of the New somewhere near Lyndhurst Please.
  17. rosa

    Coastal Bird Spotting ID

    kandy, the pier is quite away from the bay and only wished i had taken my fuji, so i had to make do with the zoom full out on my sony. being an hour away from the farne islands i guessed it must...
    kandy, the pier is quite away from the bay and only wished i had taken my fuji, so i had to make do with the zoom full out on my sony. being an hour away from the farne islands i guessed it must be what they are.were the birds were standing the water goes over the top of the pier as it was high...
    kandy, the pier is quite away from the bay and only wished i had taken my fuji, so i had to make do with the zoom full out on my sony. being an hour away from the farne islands i guessed it must be what they are.were the birds were standing the...
    kandy, the pier is quite away from the bay and only wished i had taken my fuji, so i had to make do with the zoom full out on my sony. being an hour away from the farne islands i guessed it must...
  18. Bettyboop1948 Loves Plant's

    Video Of Hummer

    Brilliant BettyB at the beginning of the second clip a hummer briefly moves in from the left and a fish jumps in the lake, nice backdrop with the horses and the jetty, thanks for sharing.
    Brilliant BettyB at the beginning of the second clip a hummer briefly moves in from the left and a fish jumps in the lake, nice backdrop with the horses and the jetty, thanks for sharing.
    Brilliant BettyB at the beginning of the second clip a hummer briefly moves in from the left and a fish jumps in the lake, nice backdrop with the horses and the jetty, thanks for sharing.
    Brilliant BettyB at the beginning of the second clip a hummer briefly moves in from the left and a fish jumps in the lake, nice backdrop with the horses and the jetty, thanks for sharing.
  19. pip

    Snail shell repairing.

    Definitely worth a read Pip. It's charming and very funny whilst also the early story of Gerald Durrell developing his interest in conservation.TO
    Definitely worth a read Pip. It's charming and very funny whilst also the early story of Gerald Durrell developing his interest in conservation.TO
    Definitely worth a read Pip. It's charming and very funny whilst also the early story of Gerald Durrell developing his interest in conservation.TO
    Definitely worth a read Pip. It's charming and very funny whilst also the early story of Gerald Durrell developing his interest in conservation.TO
  20. strongylodon

    'Farne' tastic place

    Thanks strongy and rosa - off to have a look!
    Thanks strongy and rosa - off to have a look!
    Thanks strongy and rosa - off to have a look!
    Thanks strongy and rosa - off to have a look!

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