Wildlife Corner

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  1. pip

    Black stork sighting

    Thanks for the reply strongylodon, started to think maybe I had imagined it, although the sighting has not yet been confirmed your comments ad weight to the possibility of it having been one.
    Thanks for the reply strongylodon, started to think maybe I had imagined it, although the sighting has not yet been confirmed your comments ad weight to the possibility of it having been one.
    Thanks for the reply strongylodon, started to think maybe I had imagined it, although the sighting has not yet been confirmed your comments ad weight to the possibility of it having been one.
    Thanks for the reply strongylodon, started to think maybe I had imagined it, although the sighting has not yet been confirmed your comments ad weight to the possibility of it having been one.
  2. Paladin

    Tree rat!

    what a cute picture :D
    what a cute picture :D
    what a cute picture :D
    what a cute picture :D
  3. Fran

    Aaaagh Blackbird fledglings

    Managed to persuade two of the fledglings into the front garden where there is lots of cover - just one left, and he at the moment is sitting in branches. Parents are feeding all three. All my...
    Managed to persuade two of the fledglings into the front garden where there is lots of cover - just one left, and he at the moment is sitting in branches. Parents are feeding all three. All my other birds tits etc, fly straight from the nest - but every year the blackbird fledglings come out of...
    Managed to persuade two of the fledglings into the front garden where there is lots of cover - just one left, and he at the moment is sitting in branches. Parents are feeding all three. All my other birds tits etc, fly straight from the nest -...
    Managed to persuade two of the fledglings into the front garden where there is lots of cover - just one left, and he at the moment is sitting in branches. Parents are feeding all three. All my...
  4. Gogs

    Sanctuary revisited

    Hi ,i think it is a "Harris Hawk", but not 100% sure!
    Hi ,i think it is a "Harris Hawk", but not 100% sure!
    Hi ,i think it is a "Harris Hawk", but not 100% sure!
    Hi ,i think it is a "Harris Hawk", but not 100% sure!
  5. pete


    [ 05. May 2007, 07:42 PM: Message edited by: pete ]
    [ 05. May 2007, 07:42 PM: Message edited by: pete ]
    [ 05. May 2007, 07:42 PM: Message edited by: pete ]
    [ 05. May 2007, 07:42 PM: Message edited by: pete ]
  6. pete

    Waiting for rain.

    The frogs in my pond have not done their usual, after spawning this year. That is they have not dispursed into the garden and around like they usually do, they have hung around in the pond. I...
    The frogs in my pond have not done their usual, after spawning this year. That is they have not dispursed into the garden and around like they usually do, they have hung around in the pond. I can only asume they are waiting for rain, its not done that here since late March, the ground is very...
    The frogs in my pond have not done their usual, after spawning this year. That is they have not dispursed into the garden and around like they usually do, they have hung around in the pond. I can only asume they are waiting for rain, its not...
    The frogs in my pond have not done their usual, after spawning this year. That is they have not dispursed into the garden and around like they usually do, they have hung around in the pond. I...
  7. pip


    Thanks Roders and Rosa , as the birds are young they have no fear of humans, therefore they come pretty close and we can get a good look at them
    Thanks Roders and Rosa , as the birds are young they have no fear of humans, therefore they come pretty close and we can get a good look at them
    Thanks Roders and Rosa , as the birds are young they have no fear of humans, therefore they come pretty close and we can get a good look at them
    Thanks Roders and Rosa , as the birds are young they have no fear of humans, therefore they come pretty close and we can get a good look at them
  8. Gogs

    Barn Owl

    I love barn owls. I'll never forget the time I saw one hunting whilst out walking in Lincolnshire. Their feathers are so soft too.
    I love barn owls. I'll never forget the time I saw one hunting whilst out walking in Lincolnshire. Their feathers are so soft too.
    I love barn owls. I'll never forget the time I saw one hunting whilst out walking in Lincolnshire. Their feathers are so soft too.
    I love barn owls. I'll never forget the time I saw one hunting whilst out walking in Lincolnshire. Their feathers are so soft too.
  9. Time


    Hello Time,www.froglife.org/frogwatch.htmYou may find this useful. Did the frog occur naturally in your water area as grown ups tend to return to the area they were spawned in to lay their...
    Hello Time,www.froglife.org/frogwatch.htmYou may find this useful. Did the frog occur naturally in your water area as grown ups tend to return to the area they were spawned in to lay their spawn. In that case you may have a few frogs in a wee while to discourage your cat. Building up the...
    Hello Time,www.froglife.org/frogwatch.htmYou may find this useful. Did the frog occur naturally in your water area as grown ups tend to return to the area they were spawned in to lay their spawn. In that case you may have a few frogs in a...
    Hello Time,www.froglife.org/frogwatch.htmYou may find this useful. Did the frog occur naturally in your water area as grown ups tend to return to the area they were spawned in to lay their...
  10. rosa

    Seagulls At The Coast

    I loved seeing the gulls in Eyemouth and stood at the harbour for a while hoping to see the seals too (no luck). Two juvenile gulls did acrobatics over the harbour for a while to entertain me. A...
    I loved seeing the gulls in Eyemouth and stood at the harbour for a while hoping to see the seals too (no luck). Two juvenile gulls did acrobatics over the harbour for a while to entertain me. A while ago I worked on an Army Barracks near a fishing port and out of all the gulls that visited...
    I loved seeing the gulls in Eyemouth and stood at the harbour for a while hoping to see the seals too (no luck). Two juvenile gulls did acrobatics over the harbour for a while to entertain me. A while ago I worked on an Army Barracks near a...
    I loved seeing the gulls in Eyemouth and stood at the harbour for a while hoping to see the seals too (no luck). Two juvenile gulls did acrobatics over the harbour for a while to entertain me. A...
  11. rosa

    Duck Pictures

    lovely pics pip, its great to see other pics in this thread
    lovely pics pip, its great to see other pics in this thread
    lovely pics pip, its great to see other pics in this thread
    lovely pics pip, its great to see other pics in this thread
  12. pip


    Quite right walnut it is a speckledwood, dont know why I wrote speckled brown,to much sun I think :confused: ;)
    Quite right walnut it is a speckledwood, dont know why I wrote speckled brown,to much sun I think :confused: ;)
    Quite right walnut it is a speckledwood, dont know why I wrote speckled brown,to much sun I think :confused: ;)
    Quite right walnut it is a speckledwood, dont know why I wrote speckled brown,to much sun I think :confused: ;)
  13. gandygardener

    attacting birds

    You're right Hyla - they only pinch the food on the flat surface but nothing is going for the nut feeder anyway.The wind is so strong lately that the food is all over the garden anyway!! Oh, and...
    You're right Hyla - they only pinch the food on the flat surface but nothing is going for the nut feeder anyway.The wind is so strong lately that the food is all over the garden anyway!! Oh, and I'm launching the onslaught on the overgrown bits so I'll probably frighten them all off!!
    You're right Hyla - they only pinch the food on the flat surface but nothing is going for the nut feeder anyway.The wind is so strong lately that the food is all over the garden anyway!! Oh, and I'm launching the onslaught on the overgrown bits...
    You're right Hyla - they only pinch the food on the flat surface but nothing is going for the nut feeder anyway.The wind is so strong lately that the food is all over the garden anyway!! Oh, and...
  14. strongylodon

    Out and about today

    The Smugglers inn at Osmington east side of Weymouth, good for food and good area for walking it off!
    The Smugglers inn at Osmington east side of Weymouth, good for food and good area for walking it off!
    The Smugglers inn at Osmington east side of Weymouth, good for food and good area for walking it off!
    The Smugglers inn at Osmington east side of Weymouth, good for food and good area for walking it off!
  15. Kandy

    Orange Tip Butterfly

    lovely picture kandy, nice colour
    lovely picture kandy, nice colour
    lovely picture kandy, nice colour
    lovely picture kandy, nice colour
  16. Paladin

    Nice day for it!

    Nice to see one walking along the road for once, rather than bursting out of one hedge straight in front of you! They do that all too often, in my experience, particularly when I was driving...
    Nice to see one walking along the road for once, rather than bursting out of one hedge straight in front of you! They do that all too often, in my experience, particularly when I was driving along the roads near Chipping Norton and Kingham!
    Nice to see one walking along the road for once, rather than bursting out of one hedge straight in front of you! They do that all too often, in my experience, particularly when I was driving along the roads near Chipping Norton and Kingham!
    Nice to see one walking along the road for once, rather than bursting out of one hedge straight in front of you! They do that all too often, in my experience, particularly when I was driving...
  17. rosa
  18. Gogs

    Welcome back

    The first swallows sighted here today!!!
    The first swallows sighted here today!!!
    The first swallows sighted here today!!!
    The first swallows sighted here today!!!
  19. Waco

    What do I do?

    Hold on to that lovely image Waco
    Hold on to that lovely image Waco
    Hold on to that lovely image Waco
    Hold on to that lovely image Waco
  20. Paladin

    On the tiles

    Hey, purty as a picture!
    Hey, purty as a picture!
    Hey, purty as a picture!
    Hey, purty as a picture!

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