Wildlife Corner

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  1. David G

    Swans in fields

    If they are mute swans (which they probably are)they are probably browsing as Blackthorn suggests as they are resident and do not migrate. If they were Whooper swans (yellow bills not orange) they...
    If they are mute swans (which they probably are)they are probably browsing as Blackthorn suggests as they are resident and do not migrate. If they were Whooper swans (yellow bills not orange) they would have migrated here for the winter.
    If they are mute swans (which they probably are)they are probably browsing as Blackthorn suggests as they are resident and do not migrate. If they were Whooper swans (yellow bills not orange) they would have migrated here for the winter.
    If they are mute swans (which they probably are)they are probably browsing as Blackthorn suggests as they are resident and do not migrate. If they were Whooper swans (yellow bills not orange) they...
  2. Hornbeam


    Great photos HB - especially against the blue sky
    Great photos HB - especially against the blue sky
    Great photos HB - especially against the blue sky
    Great photos HB - especially against the blue sky
  3. Palustris

    Gold finches

    Hi Palustris I get quite few of them in our silver birch but not when i've got the camera with me
    Hi Palustris I get quite few of them in our silver birch but not when i've got the camera with me
    Hi Palustris I get quite few of them in our silver birch but not when i've got the camera with me
    Hi Palustris I get quite few of them in our silver birch but not when i've got the camera with me
  4. Hornbeam

    Crystal Forest

    Lovely pictures HB - love the lake, and the "ents" were stunning.
    Lovely pictures HB - love the lake, and the "ents" were stunning.
    Lovely pictures HB - love the lake, and the "ents" were stunning.
    Lovely pictures HB - love the lake, and the "ents" were stunning.
  5. Liz


    We used to have one on the stream at the bottom of the garden. i noticed that he or she tended to sit at the top of the bank looking for fish, and one day i spotted a cat stalking it from behind....
    We used to have one on the stream at the bottom of the garden. i noticed that he or she tended to sit at the top of the bank looking for fish, and one day i spotted a cat stalking it from behind. So I got a few stems of broken willow and rammed them into the bank at an angle so it could perch...
    We used to have one on the stream at the bottom of the garden. i noticed that he or she tended to sit at the top of the bank looking for fish, and one day i spotted a cat stalking it from behind. So I got a few stems of broken willow and rammed...
    We used to have one on the stream at the bottom of the garden. i noticed that he or she tended to sit at the top of the bank looking for fish, and one day i spotted a cat stalking it from behind....
  6. Palustris


    Now would I! :D :D
    Now would I! :D :D
    Now would I! :D :D
    Now would I! :D :D
  7. Palustris

    It really is a buzzard

    It must have been a record then,as I have never heard of that many at once.You must have some good feeding down your way :D :D
    It must have been a record then,as I have never heard of that many at once.You must have some good feeding down your way :D :D
    It must have been a record then,as I have never heard of that many at once.You must have some good feeding down your way :D :D
    It must have been a record then,as I have never heard of that many at once.You must have some good feeding down your way :D :D
  8. Palustris

    Most welcome buzzard

    Just realised I used the wrong name - of course, it's the Sea Eagle, I meant - I've been looking up about when it was they tried to reintroduce them, and found this...
    Just realised I used the wrong name - of course, it's the Sea Eagle, I meant - I've been looking up about when it was they tried to reintroduce them, and found this info http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/animals/features/328feature1.shtml
    Just realised I used the wrong name - of course, it's the Sea Eagle, I meant - I've been looking up about when it was they tried to reintroduce them, and found this info http://www.bbc.co.uk/nature/animals/features/328feature1.shtml
    Just realised I used the wrong name - of course, it's the Sea Eagle, I meant - I've been looking up about when it was they tried to reintroduce them, and found this...
  9. Paladin

    Hog box

    I don't feed them,they can help themselves to the critters that hang around the compost heap and among the undergrowth. The last time I put food out it sounded like the a battle field on our...
    I don't feed them,they can help themselves to the critters that hang around the compost heap and among the undergrowth. The last time I put food out it sounded like the a battle field on our patio...Not sure if it was the sound of fighting or passion but the noise was scarey!
    I don't feed them,they can help themselves to the critters that hang around the compost heap and among the undergrowth. The last time I put food out it sounded like the a battle field on our patio...Not sure if it was the sound of fighting or...
    I don't feed them,they can help themselves to the critters that hang around the compost heap and among the undergrowth. The last time I put food out it sounded like the a battle field on our...
  10. TaffyThomas

    Unwanted Buzzards

    We live on the edge of fields with a nearby wood and get visits from merlins, peregrine falcons and sparrowhawks. They mainly catch pigeons.. three years ago I was apinting my garage doors, heard...
    We live on the edge of fields with a nearby wood and get visits from merlins, peregrine falcons and sparrowhawks. They mainly catch pigeons.. three years ago I was apinting my garage doors, heard a large thump and turned round to see a sparrowhawk has banged into the doors - complete with pigeon...
    We live on the edge of fields with a nearby wood and get visits from merlins, peregrine falcons and sparrowhawks. They mainly catch pigeons.. three years ago I was apinting my garage doors, heard a large thump and turned round to see a...
    We live on the edge of fields with a nearby wood and get visits from merlins, peregrine falcons and sparrowhawks. They mainly catch pigeons.. three years ago I was apinting my garage doors, heard...
  11. whis4ey

    Tortoiseshell butterfly

    Stuuning, what plant is it feeding on?
    Stuuning, what plant is it feeding on?
    Stuuning, what plant is it feeding on?
    Stuuning, what plant is it feeding on?
  12. Victoria

    What's Crawling Today

    The smooth snake could not eat anything as large as a kitten, it would more likely be killed by a kitten or cat!
    The smooth snake could not eat anything as large as a kitten, it would more likely be killed by a kitten or cat!
    The smooth snake could not eat anything as large as a kitten, it would more likely be killed by a kitten or cat!
    The smooth snake could not eat anything as large as a kitten, it would more likely be killed by a kitten or cat!
  13. Hornbeam

    Save this forest

    :eek: :eek: :eek: Why don't you ask the mods to feature this thread, HB? I'm sure they would.
    :eek: :eek: :eek: Why don't you ask the mods to feature this thread, HB? I'm sure they would.
    :eek: :eek: :eek: Why don't you ask the mods to feature this thread, HB? I'm sure they would.
    :eek: :eek: :eek: Why don't you ask the mods to feature this thread, HB? I'm sure they would.
  14. whis4ey

    Speckled Wood butterfly

  15. whis4ey

    Painted Lady butterfly

    Another quite common visitor every year from the continent One has to marvel at how these creature can travel so far
    Another quite common visitor every year from the continent One has to marvel at how these creature can travel so far
    Another quite common visitor every year from the continent One has to marvel at how these creature can travel so far
    Another quite common visitor every year from the continent One has to marvel at how these creature can travel so far
  16. whis4ey

    Great White butterfly

    Noted for its love of our cabbages
    Noted for its love of our cabbages
    Noted for its love of our cabbages
    Noted for its love of our cabbages
  17. whis4ey

    Peacock Butterfly

    Probably our most striking butterfly Here it is pretending to be a stealth fighter
    Probably our most striking butterfly Here it is pretending to be a stealth fighter
    Probably our most striking butterfly Here it is pretending to be a stealth fighter
    Probably our most striking butterfly Here it is pretending to be a stealth fighter
  18. whis4ey

    Heron in flight

    what a beautiful pond ermmm looks more like a lake to me, not suprised the herons visit
    what a beautiful pond ermmm looks more like a lake to me, not suprised the herons visit
    what a beautiful pond ermmm looks more like a lake to me, not suprised the herons visit
    what a beautiful pond ermmm looks more like a lake to me, not suprised the herons visit
  19. Palustris


    For those of you down south, there are green woodpeckers around at the Gardens of the Rose, in Chiswell Green. We frequently saw them flying in and out of the big lime trees there. Their flight...
    For those of you down south, there are green woodpeckers around at the Gardens of the Rose, in Chiswell Green. We frequently saw them flying in and out of the big lime trees there. Their flight is so distinctive...... No chance of a photo though, unfortunately :(
    For those of you down south, there are green woodpeckers around at the Gardens of the Rose, in Chiswell Green. We frequently saw them flying in and out of the big lime trees there. Their flight is so distinctive...... No chance of a photo...
    For those of you down south, there are green woodpeckers around at the Gardens of the Rose, in Chiswell Green. We frequently saw them flying in and out of the big lime trees there. Their flight...
  20. Paladin

    Best position

    'Cmon now Dendy.. I hope you're not implying I'm tight fisted.. :D :D Actually,it was a Birthday present from from my Monster-in-Law...wasn't that kind?
    'Cmon now Dendy.. I hope you're not implying I'm tight fisted.. :D :D Actually,it was a Birthday present from from my Monster-in-Law...wasn't that kind?
    'Cmon now Dendy.. I hope you're not implying I'm tight fisted.. :D :D Actually,it was a Birthday present from from my Monster-in-Law...wasn't that kind?
    'Cmon now Dendy.. I hope you're not implying I'm tight fisted.. :D :D Actually,it was a Birthday present from from my Monster-in-Law...wasn't that kind?

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